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Chapter 123: The hard journey back home (4)

Rosch extended one bone blade from his right arm. He pointed it forward, as he became faster and faster. His only aim the back of the throat of Cecilia.

"The skull of Cecilia is probably to thick, even though she is a youngling. But.... Her spine... I will pierce through it with all my might, as those are the weakest bones of most beings.", Rosch thought a bit crazed.

He didn't know why but he really wanted to win this fight. He remembered the feeling he had with Bardoth. The feeling of helplessness, losing and being shamed on. It hurt his pride more than he thought. Even though his family is the most important thing in his life, as a male it leaves a bad aftertaste. Even though he doesn't want to admit it.

Cecilia's mouth opened wider and wider, while Rosch became faster and faster.

Everything seemed to be at a do or die situation, as Rosch suddenly moved his blade to the side a little bit.

Nobody saw a difference, just Bardoth. He was about to stop the fight but now he smiled again.

In the next moment a loud crash was heard and a scream followed right after.

Everyone looked shocked, except Bardoth. He looked amused and entertained.

But the scene they all witnessed looked horrifying.

Cecilia's mouth was still wide open, as she screamed in agony. Roschar's body was inside her mouth, but just his upper body. She was much smaller and Rosch couldn't fit into her mouth completely, on the other side with Bardoth, Rosch could even move around inside his mouth as if it was a small cave. That was why his legs were dangling out of Cecilia's mouth right now.

But the horrendous looking think wasn't how Rosch was stuck inside the mouth of Cecilia. It was what was sticking out on the. Other side of Cecilia's mouth. Roschar's bone blade was sticking out of the back of the neck of Cecilia. He pierced through her flesh and scales with ease. She screamed and choked a bit because of Rosch. She wanted to spit him out as it hurt like hell, but after the shock anger rose and she suddenly bit down with all her might.

The brutal crunching sound of Roschar's body shocked everyone.

"ROSSSSCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.", Every female of Rosch screamed.

They instantly went forward to attack. All of them had tears in their eyes, but they didn't succumb to fear. Even they grew after the encounter with Bardoth. Most of them couldn't even breath when he appeared first. Cecilia on the other hand looks like a baby Dragon in comparison to him. Draconia, who had felt a bit of fear before completely lost it, too. She just accepted being in the harem of Rosch and now her entire world crumbled. She lost her first time to him. Wanted to have children with him. On the way she thought often about it. Was often absent minded, but still annoyed Rosch with questions and accusations to cover up her insecurities, because in reality she already accepted him. Just that something like this was always in the back of her mind. That the Dragons won't accept a non-Dragon just like Cecilia did right now. That thought was what made her scared at first and now it truly happened. Much faster than she anticipated.

Cecilia looked around seeing all those attacks aimed at her head. It happened so fast that she didn't anticipated any of that. Normally she wouldn't mind it. But this time she had a huge wound on the back of her head and her mouth was still wide open. It looked as if she would get much more damage than she thought before this fight started. Even more so against those so called vermin.

Cecilia wanted to dodge, but dark hands appeared from the ground grabbing the Dragon. It was such strong magic that even Bardoth was surprised.

"Y... Y... YOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU KILLED MASTER!!!!!", Frederika screamed with all her might. She had a crazed look in her eyes. Tears went flooding down her face, as the first being to treat her this kindly in ages was killed right in front of her. Till now all her powers were restricted because of the slave bond, but after Rosch told her, inside the cave where they loved each other, that she is free to do what ever she wants, she had no restrictions at all anymore. You could say she was only a slave on paper now, as she didn't need to act like one anymore. And now was the first time she acted without hesitation and was more than ready to show them what hell could look like.

"Wow, so she wasn't a normal human. A witch also. And her magic is probably around the same level as Cecilia, since the witch is able to hold her down like that.", Bardoth thought, while enjoying the spectacle.

Cecilia was held down by many black hands, but she was still able to trash around. Seeing that they were on equal grounds here. But the next thing she saw made even her shiver.

Cecilia looked up and a huge black sphere formed. At first the black sphere expanded as magic amassed in the center of it. After it reached it's limit, it suddenly got smaller and smaller. It sucked air inside, almost like a vacuum, making a vortex, getting more compressed by the second. Under the sphere was Basarilia. She was floating in the air holding her right hand up, as the sphere slowly compressed.

Cecilia wanted to run away, but she couldn't. The black hands of Frederika were to strong to rip them apart in a short amount of time.

She could only look at the black sphere and the red Basarilia beneath it. Basarilia looked like death itself. Sucking in all the air around her, while compressing the sphere further and further. She was crying blood, as her loved one died. This last week's were the happiest in her life. He even gave her a child inside her womb, which shouldn't be possible.

"Shit. I have to stop her!!", Bardoth suddenly thought, wanting to save his sisters life, but something suddenly changed.

Basarilia, who was just crying blood without any expression on her face whatsoever, saw Roschar's legs hanging out of Cecilia's mouth. She suddenly showed sorrow on her face and

couldn't attack the body of Rosch, as he would be pulverized with Cecilia together. She suddenly changed her attack as the sphere stopped sucking in air, instead javelin like sticks shot out of the black sphere towards Cecilia.

The black javelin were weaker, but it still hit Cecilia on her entire body, showing the sheer quantity of Black javelins getting shot towards the Dragon. Deep marks on almost every scale on Cecilia's body were left, shocking her to the core.

Non of the black spheres were hitting the head though, as Basarilia truly didn't want to hurt the body of Rosch.

"Shit..... This fucking hurts. A human and that red being alone are taken me almost out? can that be!!!", Cecilia thought shocked.

"What a strong demon!! Where did Rosch get such amazing and capable females. No wonder Draconia joined his harem. He is capable to get females that are stronger than he himself. I thought Draconia would have it easy in the harem, but she will have very strong competition in it. Kakakaka.", Bardoth thought, while laughing a bit. He sat back down happily, as he didn't have to end the show.

Cecilia was completely at the receiving end, as she could only endure. But the black javelin were a bit to strong as they started to hack down on the black hands of Frederika, too. Because of this Cecilia finally broke free. She dashed away trying to get some distance, but she couldn't as the next huge attack await. From the side two huge fire bolts were shot. Yvonne put almost all of her magic into it and fired them at Cecilia.

Cecilia was only concentrating on the two magical powerhouses in front of her that she completely forgot all the other females of Rosch. The two gigantic fire bolts hit Cecilia on the left side, erupting into a huge fireball, burning her entire left side. Her scales were charred black, as fire was her bane. It was the opposite element of hers and gave to much damage to her. Yvonna was the one who attacked, as she dropped to her knees. She used almost all her magical power in this attack, her eyes unfocused and full of tears.

The time Cecilia had to refocus was to long, as the next attacks already awaited.

First a huge kick to the throat, pushing the head of Cecilia high up. She was about to spit out Rosch, but she knew she couldn't, because it would mean death. If the Demoness would make another sphere and attack her head on it would be over. Cecilia could count 1 and 1 together, as her head was the only thing still undamaged.

Cecilia looked down with her eyes trying to see who had enough power to hit the head of a Dragon with its bare foot. The being who could do it wasn't a surprise to her, after seeing Draconia. She not only kicked Cecilia's neck upwards. She readied her Ji. Rotating her entire body to the side making her swing as wide as possible to try and cut the head of Cecilia clean of. At the same time Thulpina appeared above Cecilia aiming at the hole in the back of her neck. She too wants to separate the head from the body of Cecilia.

From the front came Suz, as she was on eye level with Cecilia. Her face was deadpan. It almost looked as if she was unconscious only reacting without thinking.

She aimed her daggers at the eyeballs of Cecilia and went for it with all her might.

Cecilia could only react, not able to take any counter measures, as she closed her eyes instantly. The daggers hit the eyelids of Cecilia, but Suz couldn't penetrate those eyelids. The scales were still to strong even on such a thin skin part of the body. Still it was much more elastic and gave in. It was still very painful for Cecilia, as the pressure on the eyeballs almost popped them. Cecilia was about to scream out, as she again remembered she would die as soon as she let go of Rosch.

At almost the same time as the attacks of Draconia and Thulpina hit another two attacks came, but those weren't attacks of rage. They were coordinated and with purpose. Ziriana and Xynthia were aiming for the mouth where Rosch was inside. Ziriana used her bone blades and pierced into the upper jawbone, trying to push the mouth open, while Xynthia did the same with the lower one. Both hit with all their strength to make a small opening. But it wasn't enough, till finally Draconia and Thulpina connected. They four combined attacks were so powerful that Cecilia's teeth were finally far enough away from Rosch to not damage his body anymore. Blood sprayed from the neck of Cecilia, as she had to not only let go of Rosch, but to try and get her neck away before her head would be gone flying into the air.

Ziriana and Xynthia held each a leg of Rosch as the jumped backwards pulling him out of Cecilia mouth, while Cecilia went a bit backwards to break the attack of Draconia and Thulpina.

Ziriana instantly hugged him, pressing him against her chest. She dashed away with Xynthia and Rosch in her arms towards Yvonna.

Thulpina's and Draconia's attack with the halberd and Ji didn't stop connecting ripping deeper into her flesh, as Cecilia still tried to retract her neck. Cracking, breaking and metal on metal colliding deafened almost everyone in the lair. Blood was spraying even more.

Cecilia looked even more pained as she couldn't see, hear or say anything at the moment right now. She could only trash around desperately to push her attackers as far away as possible. The ringing in her ears stopped slowly and the vision in her teary eyes came back painfully. She didn't know how she trashed them off of her, but it was unsightly as her entire body was dirtied. If Yvonna's attack wouldn't have hit nothing would have dirtied the body of Cecilia, as ice was on the ground, but the huge fire explosion melted most on the ground away.

Her eyesight was back completely first, but the one that made her anxious was her hearing, because as soon as the hearing came completely back she heard that black speher sucking in air again. She looked up and saw the Demoness again, over her head the Black sphere of death. Black hands came from the ground again ready to hold her down for the second round. It was truly over for her, but unbelievable pressure put everyone on hold.

It was to strong this time that even Draconia, Basarilia and Cecilia were unable to breath.

"B... Br.... Brother. W.... Wh... Why me.... Too?", Cecilia asked confused. She knew her brother would save her, but to think he would treat her like those others, shocked her to the core.

As Cecilia tried to ask, Basarilia crashed downwards. She too couldn't control her magic against the power of a true adult Dragon. She landed on her knees, which showed that Bardoth still let them of easy, as she was able to land without much damage. Only some scrapes on her knees.

The others all went down on their knees too. Bardoth walked slowly over in his humanoid form. He went all the way to Rosch, who was held tightly between Yvonna, Ziriana and Xynthia. Even though they were scared, couldn't breath and almost completely unable to move their first reaction was to shield Rosch with their bodies.

Their eyes were swimming, tears went down their faces, still their only thought was to protect the body of Rosch, even though they didn't even knew if he was still alive.

Bardoth was now a meter away from the group of four, who were lying all over each other.

"You got good females Roschar kakakaka. Don't think you it is dumb to play dead in front of me. Kakakaka", Bardoth said, while his pressure suddenly vanished.

The females could all breath again, as they looked at Rosch, who had a wry smile on his face.

"You..... You.....youuuuuu idiot. We thought you died!!!!!",Yvonna screamed a bit, but her voice cracked. She started to hit Rosch, who screamed even louder suddenly.

"Gyyyyyaaaaahhhhhhh.... Yvonna sorry. It's true I played dead, but I am still almost completely bitten through. ", Rosch said, while deep holes from the teeth of Cecilia were on his body. Most on his back.

Yvonna instantly looked shocked and was silenced. She started to treat him with what little magic she had left.

" Rosch I am surprised. Not only did you change direction of your attack to not kill Cecilia in one go, you even thought about the possibility of me still getting crazy because you hurt my little sister. You rather almost got yourself killed than my wrath killing you and all your females for hurting my sister, as she herself would have finished you of. Smart, quick-witted and able to implement your thoughts almost instantly. You know that beings with Alpha auras are often losing to their desires. Pride, greed, lust and much more. They can't lose, want to conquer, have more females or riches. It makes someone more focused and stronger, but almost crazed which often will be their downfall.

But you were able to control your rage at the last moment. Is that what you told me a bit earlier? The feeling to protect your loved ones is more important than any other feeling? ", Bardoth asked with very much interest. Even though Rosch choose to lose, he still lost against Cecilia. He looked bloodied and almost lost his life. But somehow Bardoth looked at him and thought that what Rosch did earned his respect, which is against all his beliefs. He believed nothing was more important than his pride even if it meant dying. Dying rather than losing, but now he was truly impressed by such a small being that he wanted to truly know more about Rosch.

"Again this talk about Alpha aura. Basarilia, Draconia, even some of my enemies mentioned it. And now Bardoth. I truly need to ask what that is." Rosch thought, but he shook his head sideways to not think about it now.

"I told you. For me, nothing is more important than my family. Even if it means to throw my pride, believes and status on the ground. It feels so bad losing, begging for your life or being helpless but the moment you see their smiles, when you are at home makes it so much more irrelevant that your ego got scratched. Nothing is more important than the ones I love.", Rosch said with so much conviction, that even Bardoth was surprised.

Roschar's females came over one after the other and touched him. First gently than painfully as they got extremely angry with him. He knew he had to endure it.

What surprised him was that Frederika did the same. To think she would hurt him was a huge step forward for her.

"Maybe her growth isn't so bad. I truly thought she would still act like a slave. Good for her. She has to be selfish.", Rosch thought while smiling at Frederika. She saw his gaze and instantly went red. She couldn't look him in the eyes, after remembering what she screamed and how emotional she got.

Everything seemed to get normal as Bardoth talked with the females. He was truly impressed by them, as any of them was powerful enough to hurt Cecilia in some kind of way and didn't even falter even when they were scared. He truly thought that Rosch got a good bunch on his harem.

The only one looking annoyed and angry was Cecilia, as it seemed they have forgotten about her.

She dashed over to them, while shouting.

"Brother how can you be like that. They attacked me, your sister, and they are vermin. You should have stopped them, you should have obliterated them.", Cecilia shouted in disbelief. He should be on her side.

"Shut it, Cecilia. Do you know why I didn't stop the fight? Because you became to full of yourself. What would have happened if you have met Rosch alone? Or with his females and Draconia wouldn't be with them? You would have died by those so called vermin. You, a proud Dragon, would have been rotting in some place without anyone knowing you died. No, not even rotting, as one attack of the Demoness alone would have pulverized you. ", Hearing the loud and stern voice of Bardoth shocked everyone in the place.

The most shocked was Cecilia as she stopped running towards Bardoth.

She got teary eyed and turned around.

" I.... I.... I hate you. ", She screamed and than flew of.

Everything was silent for a whole minute, as Bardoth sighed out loudly.

"I hope she learned something. I mean after you told me the story about that black robed guy and Cecilia suddenly appeared, a shiver went down my spine. Making my scales stand upwards. Most younglings are to full of themselves. They will be easy prey against strong humanoids like you guys. Huuuuuuhhhhhh. She gives me an headache. I have to teach my children, too. To never underestimate an opponent. Anyway. Sorry for using you like that. Kakakaka.",Bardoth said with a laugh at the end.

The females of Rosch were shocked as today was to much stress for them. They thought they would die twice today and thought that they lost Rosch. It was to much, but Rosch started to chuckle a bit to, but got bombarded by his females for his attitude, as if everything was okay.

"But how did you survive? Her bite should be strong enough to halve you.", Bardoth asked, as that was the only thing he couldn't see in that chaos.

Rosch looked at him and showed him his left arm. He extended his bone blades but all of them were broken.

"I lost two when attacking Cecilia's side the other two I used to block the lower jaw of Cecilia. That was all their was to it. It still almost halved me. I got lucky.", Rosch said with a wry smile.

Bardoth looked amazed. He truly wanted something like that. A fight to the limit again. He looked a bit depressed after thinking about his boredom again.

" So that was the loud cracking sound. I really thought it was your spine and other bones.", Yvonna said while closing the last hole on Roschar's body. The other females to nodded. It was a horrifying sound. They don't even want to remember it.

After that they talked about many things till Bardoth told them they could rest the night here. And they did. All of them were tired. More mentally than physically.

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