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Chapter 9: Not A Book

Eli nodded with what E just said.

E can see her look-a-like's determination to find her husband.. or her husband as well. Tram looks hopeful as well from what his mother just said.

The sun that hits Eli's face stings from the heat. She shaded her eyes with her hand and nodded once again, "I'll help you. Don't worry." Her voice was confident. If there's one thing she's good at, it's being connected to people that she later finds useful.

She doesn't know why she wants to help a lady with a single letter name, but when she asked for her help, she felt as if herself is begging her to do it. It makes her feel as if it's a form of self-help and maybe because she hates broken family, and Tram doesn't deserve to suffer from it.

E smiled and wipes Tram's tears, "Thank you, Eli," she said with her cracked voice. "We'll get going then." E turned around and walked away until Eli can no longer see them.

As she walks past their busy street on her way home, she remembered Ben's actions these past days. He's always distant but he seems farther away. The kids that seem to be on their way home passed by her while they were sharing their waves of laughter.

She remembered when she was still around that age. Careless, adventurous, and happy. Even though she was nothing but a shy girl, she had the set of friends that always made her day wholesome. She was never alone, until that day that she chose to sleepover at her Aunt's. She was happy until the morning she woke up and found policemen in her Aunt's house. She was someone until she's in her parent's burial.

She stopped by her Aunt's door while holding the key. Her hand suddenly won't stop shaking until she felt her knees grew weak as her eyes started to flood with tears. She remembered the day when she didn't need to hold a key to the door because her mom will open it for her.

She fell to the floor while covering her face as tears leak from her eyes. If she ever has another shot at life, will she choose the same thing she chose? Will she choose to stay by her Aunt that night? Will she leave her parents? Will she try to ask them to sleep with her in her Aunt's?

Her sobs suddenly began to feel as if it's suffocating her. No matter how deep she breathes, it's as if there's no enough air. She rested her hand on the ground as she tries to keep her breathing steady. People will start passing by the street any minute. She has to collect herself.

She let out a laugh, how can she breakdown outside? Why in a lot of places, why outside the house? She sighed and shook her head. Slowly, she gets up and turned the key.

Taylan suddenly felt a heavy unknown feeling. His chest went cold for a minute and he felt as if he was sad. He stared outside the window and looked at the vast blue sky. Is the Queen really out there? What if she didn't reincarnate? He clenches his fist upon remembering the mockery of her fragrance made by the mere human, Sandra.

Macky appeared with Trace, "Our king," they bowed before they tell him the information he asked about where Sandra got that perfume.

"It seems like only Sandra has that type of perfume, my Lord," Macky said.

He ran a thorough investigation about every perfume that Sandra Roberts ever purchased but none of it has a fragrance similar to the Queen.

"It can be a gift, but we do not yet have a list of Sandra's social connections. Once we have it, we'll immediately investigate," Trace's voice was full of eagerness to find out how a human got hold of that scent.

Taylan nodded and dismissed them. It's been days but only Sandra is the lead for the search for the Queen. They even have to handle the crimes committed by vampires and beasts.

An image of Eli's smile suddenly flashed. It caught him off guard but for that quick moment, he felt at ease, as if he doesn't have any problems. He sighed and stared at the Queen's crown. Its gold and silver color never fades away. The diamonds and pearls are all complete and shiny.

He remembered it on her head, but he cannot remember her face. How does she look like? How beautiful is her smile? How soft are her lips? Taylan closed his eyes to try and remember her.

But nothing changed, it seems like he will continue to long for a person that seems only like a dream now.

Morning came and the only thing in Eli's mind was to get Taylan's photo to show E if he's her husband. As she was arranging the books, her eyes were fixed upstairs, waiting for him to go out of his room. Ben didn't show up for this day and now, Trace is helping her around.

"Who are you waiting for?" Trace asks from the other aisle, his voice echoed softly around the wide library.

"Tay," Eli answers without looking at Trace, "Do you think I can take his photo?" Her voice sounded serious which made Trace burst into laughter.

"You're into Taylan?" He asks in between his laughter.

He knows that Eli's not the type of girl who finds anyone attractive, and he already had a conclusion that his King may even capture her cold boring heart but he never thought that it'll take this long.

Eli's eyes squinted as her gaze landed on Trace who's holding his stomach from laughing too much. "What?"

Trace and Ben are quite alike. They both like to tease her until she can't joke around and ride the laughter.

"Nothing," Trace's already out of air from laughing too much. He wipes the happy tears on his eyes and took a long deep breath. His teasing expression changed, "No," he said in a flat serious tone, "You can't."

How can they let humans disseminate their King's photography? No one has the right to take such glories image.

"What are you talking about?" Taylan suddenly appeared behind Eli, making her dropped the book that was on her hand.

Trace automatically reacted and bowed. Taylan widens his eyes to signal him to stop, luckily, Eli didn't see Trace's action as she was picking up the book.

"Well," Eli groaned from bending to take the book. It's been a while since she last exercised that her bones are starting to feel rusty. "I was asking Trace if I can take your picture and..." Eli looked at Trace and rolled her eyes, "He said that I can't."

Trace can't help but snort with her tone. It's as if she's sure that the King will let her have his photo. She sounded like a kid telling his father that someone hit her and expecting that he will avenge her.

"But that is true, I won't let you have my photo," Taylan's words made Eli's expression turn bitter, "You may sell it to women." He chuckled as he watches Eli's expression shift fast which he finds amusing.

"What?" Eli's voice was loud that Trace suddenly felt afraid for her life. She shouldn't raise her voice at the King or else she'll end up as a cup of blood. "Why would I sell your photo? You really think you're that popular?" Eli pointed at Taylan as she feels devastated for E.

He's her first lead. Though it looks like he's not married since he looks like he's only a few years older than her, she can't risk to let such a valuable person go. She wants to ask him directly, but if he ran away from his wife, she's expecting a denial from him.

"Why?" Taylan leans closer to Eli. She's really short for her age, but somehow, it is attracting to put an effort to see her face clearly. Trace saw his master's action which put him into a confused state that he decided to leave them alone. "Do you plan on keeping my photo for your lonely night?" A smirk was seen on Taylan's face.

Eli's blushing face turned blank. She hates when someone is too confident for their well-being. She sighed and pushed Taylan away from her face or else it'll be the death of her. She still doesn't know how to act when her heart and mind run crazy.

"No, I just wanted to show a friend that I do have a very beautiful being in the city library. I'll use it to advertise our dear old library. Wouldn't be that good?"

"Then, are you using me for the sake of this library?"


Taylan chuckled and shook his head lightly, "I'm not a book though, I won't open my pages, but I can open my legs..." Taylan leans to Eli's ears and whispered, "if you want me to."

His breath tickled Eli's ears but his words are even deadlier that she can feel her heartbeats becoming one due to its speed. She even feels like she's suffering from heatstroke, her face is blazing hot while her breath grew short.

Taylan can hear Eli's loud heartbeat that it woke him up from his actions. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you take my photo." He said and left. He clenched his jaw, he can't help but feel as if he's cheating the Queen. He felt his bones shiver by the words he said, open his legs? He's not a woman for pete's sake!

He has to be careful around Eli next time. Whatever potion her Aunt made is deadlier than Fokino. It's better that she smells bad for the vampires and beast than to make him commit adultery.

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