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Chapter 6: Chapter 5 - Orion

Omisha's eyes opened. Sitting up, she noted she was in a graveyard, except this graveyard seemed to float through space. "What's going on…?" She asked herself.

Suddenly a conscious seemed to meet hers. She winced in surprise and sharply turned around, hurriedly looking around, "Who's there?!"

"I should be asking you that." A deep voice rang throughout her mind.

She winced, "W-what…?"

"Curious, how could you have gotten here?" He asked.

"I… I don't know…??"

The deep voice hummed thoughtfully in response, "Well, since you're here now, might as well tell me your name now, hm?"

"Why should I?" Omisha continued to look around, trying to find the source of the voice.

The deep voice laughed in amusement, "No need to be cautious, little one."

Omisha relaxed slightly, still keeping up her guard. She fiddled with her fingers as she tried to calm her nerves."So, who are you?"

"I asked you first, didn't I?"

She sighed, "Right...I'm Omisha Vermillious."

A small rumble noise was made that sounded similar to a chuckle, "And I'm Orion Zoe."

"...Where am I?" Omisha finally asked as she looked around.

"Is it not obvious?"


"You're in my sub-dimension."

"...I am?"

He sighed, "Yes, you are."

"Oh… Is this whole place a graveyard?"

"Hm, I suppose so. I don't venture past this point so I wouldn't know."

Omisha looked around incredulously, "This is your sub-dimension but you don't even know what's in it?"

"I come here to relax, not to venture around young Omisha," Orion replied with a sigh.

Omisha sighed, exasperated, before glancing around. A certain tombstone then caught her eyes.

It was larger and decorated even more than all the other stones in the yard. Flowers littered the ground and a picture frame leaning against the stone.

She walked up cautiously to the stone and crouched down. Using her hand, she wiped off the dust on the picture frame to find a woman.

The woman had honey brown hair and tan skin. Her beauty shone through the pane of glass separating her and Omisha.

Omisha noted that the woman looked strangely familiar, yet couldn't put a finger on it.

"You like that tombstone?" The deep voice rang up again.

"I uh...I'm not sure…" A loud rumble rang throughout her mind. She looked up as if the man she was talking to stood above her with a skeptical gaze, "Are you laughing at me?"

"Haha… I apologize but I can't help it."

"And why is that?"

"...I am not sure either."

"...I see."

Silence settled between them and Omisha took a closer look at the tombstone and read the name. Lyra. There was no last name, just 'Lyra'.

"...Who's Lyra?" She hesitantly asked.

Orion didn't answer for a long time.

Omisha looked up in puzzlement, what was taking him for such a long time to answer?

Finally, he spoke up, "You do not need to know."


A silence settled between them as Omisha looked over the details of the tombstone. The gray stone had many chips and scratches on it as if something had tried to destroy it. Any paint that had covered the stone had now faded and it was covered with grit and dust. Nevertheless, the beautifully engraved details and patterns that covered the stone still shone through.

The shadows then moved. Omisha turned sharply as the shadows started to take on a physical form. "What the…"

The shadows twisted and moved in a way that made it seem like they were dancing.

"An omen, huh." Orion's deep voice suddenly spoke.


"Yep. Haven't seen one in a while..."

"...What is it about?"

"...I can't say the big details, but know that it concerns you."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"...You do not need to know."

"But…! If this involves me then I have the right to know!"

"There are rules. little girl. Rules that I have to abide by."

Omisha curled her hand into a fist, "...fine." she spat out, frustration obvious on her face. Suddenly, a light flashed by her eyes, "Woah!" Looking around, she saw nothing.

"It seems our time is up, Omisha," Orion spoke


"What? Did you think you came here through a portal or something?"


He chuckled, "You're dreaming, little girl."

"Oh...I didn't realize…" Omisha murmured as she looked at her surroundings.

The world around her was starting to distort. The engraved words on the stone she stood by was now unreadable as it distorted with the stone and area by it. She held out her hand as if trying to touch it but felt nothing.

"Well, I hope we meet again," Orion spoke as everything started to fade into the blackness.

Omisha's eyes fluttered open. Sitting up, she looked around, noting that she was back in her room. With a groan, she flopped back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "...That was weird…" she muttered to herself.

"Orion, huh? There was something about him that I couldn't put my finger on…"

She then noticed Thana when the cat made a noise. "Why are you awake?" she asked.

"Ah, sorry did I wake you?"

"...answer my question,"

"Ah- sorry…well I had a strange dream…" Omisha explained the dream as Thana positioned herself in a seating position.

As Omisha finished explaining, Thana spoke, "It seems your consciousness was unconsciously transported to that sub-dimension. It's not very common even with some of the more powerful supernaturals."

"So why did it happen to me…?" Omisha muttered.

Thana makes a motion similar to a shrug before laying back down.

Turning over, Omisha glanced out the window to see it was still dark. "I guess I should just go back to sleep…"

Laying back down, her thoughts strayed back to this mysterious voice. If they met again, perhaps Omisha could figure out what that 'something' is.

Omisha sat up, blinking awake. Yawning, her thoughts returned to last night's…vision or whatever it should be called.

'His name was Orion Zoe...I wonder if his name can be found in the library's books…' she pondered.

Then there was a knock at the door, "Omisha? Breakfast is starting soon!" she heard Tyler yell from the other side.

"Ah, ok!" she called out, quickly getting up.

Omisha quickly walked out, wearing some casual clothes, to find Phoenix and Katherine waiting. "Hey," she waved at them.

"Yo!" Phoenix spoke as she and Katherine waved back.

Omisha glanced around, "Where are the guys?"

"Ah, they went ahead. Except for Ash," Katherine pointed to his room, "he's still sleeping."

Omisha giggled, "Of course…"

Phoenix skipped to the door, "Ignore him! Let's get some breakfast!" she yelled excitedly and opened the door.

Omisha and Katherine exchanged smiles before following after Phoenix.

"So Omisha are you planning anything for today?" Katherine asked her as they walked.

"Hm, well I was thinking of going to the library for something."

"Oh-ho? And what could that be?" Phoenix leaned in watching her with a curious gaze.

Omisha laughed nervously, "Well, I just wanted to do some research," she answered.

"Yeah- but on what?"


"Come on you two, we're here." Katherine interrupted and opened the doors to the dining room.

"Ah, coming!" Phoenix called out, dragging Omisha with her.

Omisha simply sighed, letting Phoenix drag her.

They all grabbed their trays and picked their breakfasts before heading for the table they normally sat at. Katherine and Omisha found themselves in a conversation before suddenly hearing Phoenix yelp.

Phoenix nearly let go of her tray but quickly caught it, "How did you get here?!" she pointed at Ash sitting beside James.

"A few minutes ago…?"

"But we left before you did!"

Ash's eyebrow perked up, "And I woke up when you guys were leaving?"

Phoenix stammered and Katherine put a hand on her shoulder, "Calm down Phoenix," she smiled, exasperated.


Omisha laughed, sitting down, "It's not a competition Phoenix."

Phoenix stared incredulously before sighing, sitting down next to Omisha, sulking.

Tyler then popped up, holding a tray filled with food, "Yo!" he waved and sat by Katherine. Everyone greeted him with smiles and waves.

"So...It's Saturday so why don't we do something!" he then suggested.

Phoenix perked up, raising her hand, "Sure!"

Omisha smiled, "Sorry, Tyler, I'm heading to the library later."

"Huh?! Don't be a bummer, Omisha!" he whined.

"Why don't you stop being a whiner?" James suggested before glancing at Omisha, "Do you mind if I join you?"

Omisha shook her head with a smile, "No, it's fine."

Tyler groaned, "You're both so boring..." he muttered. Glancing at Ash and Katherine, he asked "You gonna join us?"

Ash shook his head, "No thanks."

Tyler pouted at him before looking at Katherine with expecting eyes.

Katherine sighed but gave a small smile, "Sure."

Tyler's arm shot up in the air as he grinned, "Yeah!"

Everyone laughed before joining in a conversation.

Omisha stood next to James as they walked to the library. He glanced at her, "So why did you want to come to the library?" he asked.

"Ah, uh well, I wanted to look for something and do some research. What about you?"

James sighed, "Well I need some more books for an assignment from one of my classes."

Omisha laughed, "Good luck then."

"Heh, thanks."

They entered the library and the two split ways. Omisha looked around, unsure of where to go. She walked past bookshelves, reading the spine of the books. None of the books she looked at were related and she was close to giving up. She then spotted a familiar tablet.

She remembered what Tyler told her the first time she came here, 'It's a tablet where you find the book that's in this library and it'll be flown to you!'. She walked up to the table it sat on and picked it up. It lit up and Omisha typed in "Orion Zoe" into the search bar. 'Let's see if this works…' Omisha thought to herself.

A few seconds later, pixies started to fly over, holding books. They appeared to be all old with pages ripped and covers tattered. Omisha sighed, sitting down and started looking through the books.

After a while, Omisha found nearly nothing. Sighing, she closed the book she was reading and glanced at the next book in the pile. A dictionary.

"Why the hell is there a dictionary in this pile…?" Omisha muttered. Taking a second look, she noticed that it was a name definition dictionary of some sort.

"..." she sighed before grabbing the book and opening it. Flipping to the "O" section, she looked through before finding Orion. It originated from the constellation, Orion, and it also meant boundary or limit. Omisha sighed, before flipping to the "Z" section. Finding "Zoe", the definition read "Life".

Omisha shut the book, "this does not help." she muttered to herself before placing it on the second pile. Taking out her phone, the numbers on the screen read 12:00. "It's only been a few hours… I guess I can read some more."

She paused before thinking, "Zoe means life and Orion means boundary or limit… and the opposite of life is death…" Omisha glanced at her phone before pulling up the internet. She typed into the bar, "Supernaturals related to death and life". The results quickly pulled up and she glanced at the list, "Demons, Gods...and the grim reaper." Omisha read it out loud.

Her mind went back to the sub-dimension. It was a graveyard area. "Could that mean he's…"

Omisha was unable to finish that thought when she heard a familiar voice.

"This is a lot of books."

Glancing up, she spotted Ash leaning against a bookshelf, "Oh, Ash. What are you doing here?"

"I got bored so I came to see if you and James were still here."

"Well I don't know about James but as you can see, I am still here." Omisha retorted, placing down her phone and grabbed the tablet.

Ash glanced at the books that had piled up, "What are you looking for?"

Omisha typed in "Grim reaper" into the bar before replying, "Just some stuff."

Ash gave her a poker face, "That doesn't answer my question."

"Yes it does." Omisha put down the tablet, waiting for the pixies to come with the books.

Ash sighed and soon the pixies came. They dropped off a few books in a neat pile and took back the books that Omisha had finished reading. Ash then took the top book, glancing at the title.

"Why are you looking at that?" she asked.

"Why can't I?" he retorted.


Ash glanced at her, "You're researching the grim reaper?"


He placed the book in front of him, "Well this isn't the best place to look for that."

Omisha glared at him, "And how would you know?"

Ash leaned back into his chair, "Simple, there's basically no information on the Grim Reapers. It's weird honestly."

Omisha tilted her head, "Why's that?"

"Because they're mysterious. All the ancient records, stories, and stuff don't have any information on them and even if they do, it's faded to the point where it can't be read or the part itself is completely gone.

"That's weird…"

He then stood up and stretched, "Come with me."

"Huh? Why?"

"Just come on."

Omisha pouted as Ash started to walk. Sighing, she gathered her stuff before following him.

Ash led her back to their apartment and to his room. Glancing around, Omisha noted that it was filled with a lot of books and bookshelves. Posters and polaroids hung from the walls where there weren't books or bookshelves.

Ash stood in front of one of the big bookshelves before taking out a book. It was slim and appeared to be a couple hundred of years old. He walked back to Omisha and plopped it in her hands.

"What's this?" Omisha asked.

Ash placed his hands in his pockets, "It's a transcription of an ancient book on Grim Reapers. My brother found it and handed it to me a few years back."

"Wait, you have a brother?"


Omisha glanced down at the book and started to flip through the pages, "Thanks then…"

"No problem. Now get out."

Omisha glared at him, "Rude."

He smirked, "Yeah, yeah. Just leave, I want to sleep."

She sighed exasperated, "Alright, see ya." and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

Walking into her room, Omisha sat down at her desk and started to read through the book. Thana appeared and laid down in front of the window, basking in the sunlight. Omisha smiled before returning to the book.

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