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Between Two Worlds (A Boku No Hero FanFic) Between Two Worlds (A Boku No Hero FanFic) original

Between Two Worlds (A Boku No Hero FanFic)

Author: JustALazyWriter

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Izuku sighed as he took of his shoes and lowered them besides him and got on top of the railing looking down with a blank expression.

"It will only take a few seconds for it to stop and all will be over," Izuku told himself as he looked down at the ground that was very far from where he stood, closing his eyes and leaned forward letting gravity pull him down.

"It will only take a second for it to all go away, for the pain, the humiliation all to stop," Izuku thought as he felt gravity pulling him down but, he was halted abruptly not by splatting on the pavement but by someone grabbing him by his uniform, opening his eyes Izuku met green eyes just like his.

"Yo kid did you slip?" the man asked Izuku managed to get the feature of the man who seemed to save him. His hair was a messy chocolate brown, green eyes and white skin his attire was of a black shirt and a long sleeve green jacket, his pants were a deep blue and sneakers were black and white.

"Hey kid, are you ok?" the man asked again making Izuku nodded dumbly making him sigh in relief. "That's good, I thought I had to run you to a hospital," the man said as he lowered Izuku to the ground.

Izuku looked at the older man. "Why did you saved me?" he asked getting a confused look from the man.

"Well, you were falling," the man said getting a blank look from the boy.

"You could have moved out of the way or watched?" Izuku suggested as the man lowered to his level looking him on his eyes.

"That would be heartless and fucked up of me to do," the man said with a small smile but Izuku frown at him.

"Why would you care if a random kid would try to kill himself?" Izuku asked.

"Well, because killing yourself will only prove those who made you do this they're right," the man said getting watery eyes from Izuku.

"Even if they're right, even what they say and do is justified?" Izuku asked with a stuttered making the man raise an eyebrow.

"What are there reasons to justify their action or what they say that's right?" the man asked.

Izuku started to cry. "Because I'm quirkless," he said only to get flicked on the forehead. "Why did you do that!" Izuku shouted holding his forehead.

"I do that to people who give me stupid answers," the man said standing up. "Being quirkless doesn't mean someone can treat you like trash," the man said.

"But they are rig…" Izuku started but stopped when the man did it again. "Stopping doing that!" Izuku shouted.

"Then stop giving me stupid answers," the man said looking at the kid and sighed. "Look kid being quirkless doesn't mean you're lower than trash if someone say's that punch them in the face," the man said.

"But what if someone quirkless wants to be a hero?" Izuku asked making the man look at him and smile.

"Then be a quirkless hero, to save someone's life because, you want too and not because of obligation then you are a real hero," the man said making Izuku look at him in surprise.

"But how, if the heroes who are stronger or smarter than me if they die on the job what chance do, I have?" Izuku asked those were the exact words his idol Allmight said to him minutes ago making, him look at the ground.

"Then it means that it takes more than just a quirk to be a hero," the man said making Izuku smile slightly but it faded as the words Allmight used ran through his mind.

"But even when the number one hero says its impossible what chances do, I have?" Izuku asked.

"Kid, there was a time where the idea of people having powers was impossible but look at it now something considered impossible today can and probably will be possible tomorrow," The man said making, Izuku now smile a little.

"Thank you, mister…" Izuku started but stopped realising he hadn't asked the man's name.

"Minogashita, Ben Minogashita and you kid?" Ben asked with a smile.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya," Izuku said getting a nod from the man who extended his fist waiting for a fist bump.

"Then Izuku Midoriya. I know that you will be something great," he said as Izuku bumped his fist with a smile and nodded.

"Thank you and I will," Izuku said as he started to walk away.

A week later

Ben was in a McDonald enjoying his happy meal while he surfed the net on his phone that was until, he heard someone calling him making the man to look up from his phone to see Izuku who was running towards him with a big smile.

"Mister Ben!" Izuku shouted excitedly getting a wave from Ben.

"Yo kid, you seem thrilled what's up?" he asked as the boy sat down.

"After I left, I saw a sludge villain was holding my friend hostage, and the heroes were doing nothing so, I ran to save him and managed but the villain looked at me and was ready to hit me and managed dodge his attack then Allmight showed up and knocked out the villain and after everything was dealt with, I was walking home and Allmight showed up and told me that, he will give me his quirk," Izuku said in one go and now was taking gulps of air to regain, his breath while Ben looked at him with a smirk.

"Well, that sure was a crazy week," Ben said as the boy finally got his breath back.

"Yes, it was and it all thanks to you mister Ben," Izuku said with a smile getting a raised eyebrow from Ben.

"Well, thanks but I didn't do much," Ben said getting a shook of the head from Izuku.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have died and beside that you are the first person who truthfully believed, I could be a hero and for that I thank you Mister Ben," Izuku said getting a nod from the man.

"First you can call me Ben and second how come I'm the first to believe that, you could be a hero didn't your parents or your friends believed in you?" Ben asked seeing that it caused the boy to frown.

"My parents well my father left me and my mother when, I was younger and he doesn't talk to me but, I don't care anyway while my mother she believed in me out of pity and to talk about my friend the only person who is my friend is my bully," Izuku said sadly.

"Sorry to hear that but look at the good side now that you're going to have a quirk, your mother will now believe you for real," Ben said with a smile but it went away as he could see the boy had tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, it would be good if she was still alive," Izuku said cleaning his tears.

"I'm sorry to mention it," Ben apologised getting a nod from Izuku.

"You didn't know so don't worry about it," Izuku said making Ben frown.

"And with who do you live with and how do you support yourself?" Ben questioned.

"I live by myself and my father gives me money each month even if he doesn't want to speak to me," Izuku said.

"Once again, I'm sorry that, I mention how about I buy you a happy meal?" Ben asked getting a nod from Izuku.

"Sure, thank you Ben," Izuku said as the man got up. "And can, I ask you something?" he asked getting a nod from Ben.

"Yeah go ahead," Ben answered.

"What's your job are you a hero or something?" Izuku asked something that he wanted to know him since the man saved his life.

"Not really, I'm what people would usually call a villain wait here, I'm going to make the order," Ben said leaving the boy who looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth.

"His face makes me remember the Pikachu meme," Ben thought as he walked to the front counter.

Izuku's brain was in overdrive. "How can he be a villain? he saved me and even give me motivation to live and hope how can he be a bad person…" Izuku thought but those were stopped when Ben arrived with his meal.

"Eat up Izuku," Ben said as he continues to eat his meal.

"How the hell are you a villain!" Izuku shouted but soon realised and slapped his mouth shut with his hand and was with a horrified look but Ben was calm almost like nothing happened.

"Don't worry kid, this area between you and me is complete silent so you can say anything," Ben said making the boy lower his hand.

"How can that be?" Izuku asked as Ben pulled out a disk like device out of his pocket.

"This small device here helps me. it blocks the sound from a small area," Ben said putting it back on his pocket Izuku stayed silent for a bit then remembered what, he wanted to ask.

"But how can you be a villain you saved me and gave me hope to be a hero?" Izuku asked stopping Ben from biting his burger.

"Izuku just because I saved you, does not mean I'm a hero," Ben said getting a confused look from Izuku.

"What do you mean, heroes save people," Izuku said getting a snort from Ben.

"Izuku let me tell you this world isn't black and white and also are the people there is no one that is born evil or good. We are changed by the place and people around us," Ben said.

"Why do you believe it?" Izuku questioned.

"Well easy my parents were heroes, and they showed me that the title of hero and villain doesn't mean nothing. They tortured me physically, mentally and emotionally for the fact they thought, I was quirkless and no fucking hero came to save me no matter how many times, I cried or begged," Ben said in such a calm tone that made Izuku feel uneasy.

"What happen to them?" Izuku asked as Ben looked at him and smirked in a way that scared him.


Flash back

15 years ago

US, California

Minogashita's residence

Ben's room

Ben was on the corner of his room glaring at the ground, he hoped to get out of the house but no, it had to fucken rain. "Looks like even mother nature hates me," he thought as he heard the sound of the door opening looking up to see, his mother walking towards him making Ben stiffen as she stopped in front of him.

"Ben," she called him with an almost caring tone making Ben confused.

"Yes mother," Ben answered as his mother lowered down to his level and hugged him.

"Ben I'm sorry that we made you train so hard and for hurting you so badly, I promise you that this will stop," she said making Ben to lessen, his stiffness a little as he felt the warmth from the hug remembering before, his training started when his parents were good people.

"Mom," Ben said returning the hug closing his eyes but abruptly opening them as, he felt something stabbing his back, he wanted to scream but his mother pushed his head to her shoulder muffling his screams of pain.

"I'm sorry that, I'm doing this Ben but I can't have a quirkless son," she said holding, Ben's head in place stopping him from screaming while, he tried to get out of the embrace as he felt the knife going deeper in him making, his movement weaker and less frequent because of the blood loss and the restriction of oxygen making, his mother lessen the tightness of the hug.

"Why, why do you hate me?" Ben said in an almost a whisper as, his vision started to go blurry not seeing the look of disgust on his mother's face.

"You want to know why because nor me or your father wants a quirkless child who can't be of any use," she said as she felt Ben's body started to go limp.

"That's their reason, that's their reason for hating me, for torturing me all this time just because I'm quirkless," Ben thought in anger as he could see the darkness starting to envelope his world. "No, I won't accept this, I don't want to die because of their bullshit reason," Ben thought in anger as, his vision started to go back to normal and reacting on his anger, he open his mouth and bit on his mother's neck hard making, her scream in pain and push him back causing Ben to rip out a part of her neck making her fall backwards putting her hand on, her neck using her quirk to reverse the damage. "You fucking monster!" she yelled at, Ben who was on his knee breathing hard as blood fell from his mouth while he slowly removed the knife in his back making blood drip to the floor.

"It's all, your fault," Ben said getting up slowly and started walking towards, his mother who was still trying to heal herself.

"Don't come any closer!" she yelled through the pain as the wound was slowly closing but her body was getting weaker because of the blood lost.

Ben didn't respond only continue walking towards, his mother who was trying to convince him to stop but the anger and rage prevented it, he lift his arm holding the knife and went for the kill aiming at his mother's throat. He let it dropped stabbing the woman right in the middle of her neck killing her on the moment making, her body to thrash but after a short time it stopped moving completely making, Ben chuckle than laugh.

"Because, I'm quirkless you tried to kill me right!" Ben yelled as he heard foots steps coming closer opening the door to see his father who looked at him in horror.

"What did you do, you monster!" he yelled in anger looking at the body of his dead wife making Ben grab the knife and continue to chuckle.

"You're the one who caused it!" Ben yelled making his father grit, his teeth as he ran grabbing him by the neck. He tried to use his quirk but for his surprise it wasn't working making Ben smile as he swung, his arm cutting his father on the face making him drop Ben as he grits, his teeth in pain holding his now bleeding face.

Ben begin to chuckle as, he saw his father who was biting his tongue not to scream using this chance, Ben stabbed him on his back causing him to scream but Ben didn't stop as he continued to stab the man until, he became unmoving like his mother making Ben burst out in laughter as tears begin to fall from his eyes. "I'm a monster, it's all thanks to you two!" he screamed as he dropped the knife and started to make. His way out of the house sluggishly to the rain not caring for what might happen.

End of Flashback

And that's what happen to those two," Ben finished his story with a sigh.

Izuku stayed quiet for a little. "But why did you told me to be a hero?" he questioned.

"Because, I don't discriminate Izuku, I know my parents were complete and absolute dicks but I don't have in mind that every hero is a monster that's why I respect you and some heroes," Ben said getting widen eyes from Izuku.

"You respect me but how the moment you met me. I was jumping off a building!" Izuku yelled out in disbelieve.

"Yes, I know that but just after a small talk you were able to change your life while for me it took some time before that happen to me," Ben said.

"Ben if I can ask what is your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"Well, I technically have 2 quirks but let's just say two," Ben said, and he saw in the boy's eyes to shine in excitement. "Well looks like, he also likes quirks." he thought.

"What are they and how do they work?" Izuku asked while he took a notebook and pen and looked ready right every word he would say.

"Well my primary quirk is The creator it allows me to create any power but only if I know the ins and outs of the power, I'm trying to create well second is Adaption that's kind of mixed quirk since it can nullify the effects of certain emitters quirk on me and also modifies my body to a certain level," Ben answer as he could see the boy was mumbling something, he also did often.

"Kid," Ben called as Izuku looked up with a sheepish look.

"Sorry but how did, you discover that quirk the creator I mean?" Izuku asked getting a shrugged.

"I was reading books about biology and after I finished the book, I started to wonder how would it work and during I was in the hospital, I was supposed to spend an entire month but I only spend two weeks and that's that," Ben said getting up and stretched. "Well kid it was nice talking to you but I have to go," he said as Izuku stood up too.

"Can, I have your number to talk to you later?" Izuku asked and Ben nodded giving the kid his number.

"Later kid hope you enjoy your training," Ben said leaving the kid alone.

"But how can he be a villain?" Izuku questioned himself as he watched Ben leave.

Later at Dagoba Municipal Beach Park

Izuku was holding two microwaves as he walked towards the truck to let it go while Allmight watched him from a far.

"He seems distracted," Allmight thought to himself and jumped out of the pile of trash and walked towards the boy.

"Midoriya my boy is there something wrong?" Allmight asked with the same smile as always.

Izuku dropped the microwaves and sighed looking up at the hero. "I'm sorry Allmight it's just something that I found that's bothering me," he said.

"And what would that be Midoriya?" he asked.

Before answering Izuku chose wisely his words. "Allmight have you heard of a hero family that were found dead in their home in the US?" he asked. "In California 15 years ago," he added to be specific but still being vague as possible and he saw Allmight frown.

"Yes, the Minogashita. They were good heroes and people it was really unfortunate what happen to them," Allmight said while Izuku widen his eyes.

"But Ben told me they were bad people maybe, he lied to me or they only acted like that in public," Izuku thought doing his best not to show that, he doubted the information.

"You knew them?" Izuku asked getting a nod from Allmight.

"Yes, I knew them Damien and Emilia, we worked together during some time when I was in the US," Allmight said sadden remembering the time, he spent with the couple making the frown on Izuku's face to go unnoticed.

"They had a son that also was presumed dead but, his body was never found?" Izuku asked.

"You mean Ben unfortunately, we couldn't find the body or any leads and so he was presumed dead," Allmight said tighten a little his fist.

"Allmight in the page they said that, Ben had a weird behavior was that true?" He asked getting a nod from the hero.

"Yes, he was kind of weird when he was younger, he was quite playful and talkative but when he got older, he became less outgoing and became more reclusive," Allmight said.

"Allmight did, he ever told you something weird or off putting?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, he once told me that, his parents usually hurt him and when I confronted them about it, they explained to me that, They would train him a little hard for him to learn self defense since in school he was bullied for not having a quirk," Allmight said making Izuku feel uncertain in which information he should believe.

"And what do you suspect happened to him?" Izuku asked.

"I and the others who were involved in the investigation suspect, he died trying to leave the house since some of his blood was found on the front door but the murderer or someone took him, I don't know the reason why but if I ever find who did that, I will sure as hell drive him through the ground," Allmight said tighten his fist in anger but soon unclench it. "Midoriya, I must ask where did you get that information since it's kind of hard to find it since it happened a good time ago?" Allmight asked and Izuku almost stammered out the answer but, he composed himself.

"Yesterday, I was researching about heroes from other countries and they showed up with a file talking about the case," Izuku lied and hoped Allmight would believe him and the nod was confirmation he did making, Izuku internally sigh in relief.

"You sure do a lot of research. Do you have anything else in mind?" Allmight asked making Izuku nod hesitantly.

"Allmight is there such thing as an evil hero?" Izuku asked getting a frown from the hero.

"Midoriya why did you ask that question?" Allmight asked getting up towering over the boy who instantly regret asking the question.

"During my search, I found a page of a manifesto someone wrote that question the reality of the world not being black and white and evil heroes exist and also do good villains," Izuku stammered making Allmight sigh.

"Midoriya in this world there is only two side either you're good or evil there is no silver line, understood" Allmight said getting a nod from Izuku.

"Yes, I'll head back to training," Izuku said getting a nod from Allmight as the man walked back to the pile of trash, he once sat leaving Izuku to continue with, his training.


Close to Izuku's apartment building

Izuku was on his way home. The conversation with Allmight and Ben still going on his mind. "Who should, I believe," he questioned himself but his though were stopped when, he heard someone, someone he knows leaning on the corner of the wall, Izuku took a peek to see his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugou or Kachan as he called him with some of his goons.

"Katsuki why are we going to Deku's house?" one of his goons asked making him smirk.

"Deku has been smiling this whole week and I would like to know why," Katsuki answered as he made little explosion on his hand.

"Shit," Izuku thought as he tried to leave before they noticed he was there but, he hit a trash can making it fall over. "I'm dead," he thought running as fast as he could not caring if they knew or not he was there, he just ran hoping he managed to lose them but it went away when, he heard a yell.

"Get back here Deku!" Katsuki yelled as he ran after him.

"Damn it," Izuku said to himself as he was starting to get tired causing his speed to lessen but he abruptly stopped bumping into someone making him fall to the ground looking up to see it was Ben.

"Hey Izuku," Ben said making the boy to look at him like, he was his last hope. "Why were you running?" he asked and got an answer by the sound of a boy yelling.

"Finally stopped, Deku!" Katsuki yelled as he stopped glaring at Izuku who started to crawl backwards in fear.

"So, this is his 'friend'," Ben thought sighing, he walked in front of Izuku. "You really have an anger issue," he said getting growl from Katsuki.

"Get out of my way shithead!" Katsuki barked with a glare aimed at Ben who only smirked at him.

Ben looked at the kid. "You have a quirk, right?" he asked.

"Yeah so what" Katsuki barked back.

"Let me guess you're a kid who everyone would be amazed at and say you have an amazing quirk, telling you that you're going to be a great hero?" Ben question getting an even harder glare from the boy but then smirk.

"So, you see my greatness too," he said getting a laugh from Ben.

"No, I see that you're a pathetic person who sorely depends on, his quirk," Ben said as he could see the boy widen his eyes and gritted his teeth and raised his hand aiming it at him.

"Let's see about t…" he started but was stopped as Ben appeared right in front of him making the boy fall to his knee gasping for air.

"How did he do that," both Katsuki and Izuku thought in one in surprise and the other in pain clutching his stomach avoiding the urge to vomit.

"Now tell me kid if I was a villain what are the chance of you surviving this situation?" Ben asked lowering to the boy's level and gave the kid a dark smile sending chills in Katsuki's spine making him grit his teeth in anger.

"Now kid listen here, I don't care if you have a quirk or not but if you try to hurt Izuku again, I will break you like a pencil," Ben said in a cold tone making the boy look at the ground but, his head was forcefully made to look Ben in the face making Katsuki to meet red eyes that looked to be staring right at his soul. "Are we clear?" Ben asked getting a nod from the boy. "Then get out of my site," Ben said letting go of the boy's head as he got up still holding his stomach and ran away but not before looking behind him to meet a smirking red eyes Ben making him run even faster.

Ben got up smirking. "It's always fun to put fear into people," he said turning around to be hugged by Izuku.

"Thank you, Ben thank you," he said while he cried a little on his shirt making Ben sighed returning the hug.

"It's ok kid," Ben said staying like that for a bit. "So, kid how about I walk with you to make sure nothing bad happens?" he asked getting a nod from Izuku.

With Katsuki

"Who the fuck was he?" Katsuki questioned himself as he was now leaning on a wall the pain on his stomach getting to him, making him grit his teeth even more as he could see his goons running up to him.

"Katsuki what happened? Where's Midoriya?" one of them asked making Katsuki somehow angrier.

"He got away," Katsuki barked like, hell he was going to admit he ran away like a bitch.

"Ah, fine let's get him tomorrow," one of them said making Katsuki shiver as Ben's word went through his head.

Katsuki grunted as he passed them. "I have better things to do," He said getting confused looks from his goons.

Back with the two

"Ben, I have to ask what we're you doing out?" Izuku asked as the two passed by the people that were in the shop district, Ben asked to make a detour to a store.

"I could ask you the same thing?" Ben asked back.

"I'm coming from training with Allmight," Izuku answered.

"Well for two reason, I need to buy the new chapter of Dragon Ball Super and the second I am looking for someone," he said.

"You like to DBS?" Izuku asked getting a nod from Ben.

"Yes, and also I want to recreate the Ki ability they use," Ben said getting a confused look from Izuku.

"But how?" he asked.

"Did you forget how my quirk the Creator works, I can create a quirk but, I have to understand how Ki works," Ben said.

"And how long have you been researching about it?" Izuku asked.

"About three years now," Ben answered getting a nod from Izuku.

"And what's your favorite manga character," Izuku asked as Ben stopped making Izuku look at him.

"Well my favorite character is the stray god Yato-no-kami," Ben said as they walked in the shop.

"Get anything you want and meet me at the counter," Ben said as he walked towards the manga section of the store leaving the boy alone.

Izuku walked towards a magazine and book stand and started to look for anything he would like.

"How can Ben seriously be a villain?" Izuku questioned himself since from what he witnessed the man acted more like a hero or even as an older brother than a villain, he sighed putting those thought on the back of his mind for now, he searched through the stand until he found something that picked his interest it was a book. "Quirk analysis," he read out loud grabbing it and opening it going passed the pages that talked about quirks functionality and autonomy changed by them.

"Wow this is really good wonder if they have more of this," Izuku thought as he walked up to the cashier it was a man who seemed to be in, his early twenties he had white skin, short silver hair and eyes that were behind square glasses and his attire was of orange shirt and blue pants.

"Sorry to bother you sir but is there any more books of this type?" he asked.

"Let me see in the system," the cashier said as he typed in his computer. "Well you're in luck we have the complete collection do you want it?" He asked getting a nod from Izuku.

"Yes please."

"Be right back," the cashier said as he went through a door behind him leaving Izuku alone at the counter.

Izuku looked around the shop to see the various things that were available for sell but his attention was shifted to the door of the shop as someone entered, he was male and was clothed in orange baggy pants and a blue hoodie, he walked towards the counter looking forward not giving Izuku a glance.

Izuku felt uncomfortable standing next to the man whose hands were in his hoodie's pocket. "Where the hell is the cashier," Izuku thought as he waited still for his books that was until he felt eyes on him.

"Hey kid," the man called in a raspy voice.

Izuku looked at the man now able to see his face he had pale skin, red eyes and blue hair. "Yes."

"Do you know where the cashier is?" he asked.

"Yes, he went to the back to grab something," Izuku answered getting a nod from the man.

They stayed like that for some time that was until the man broke the silence once again.

"Aren't, you a bit young to be here?" the man questioned getting a confused from Izuku.

"What do you mean?" he asked as the man looked down at him making Izuku feel unsecure as the dark presence grew.

"Who se…" the man started but, he was stopped by Ben dropped a tower of manga on the counter.

"Sorry that I took too long, I found this new cool manga the seven deadly sins and they have about 310 volumes and the new chapters of DBS." Ben said with a smile looking at Izuku then at the hooded man. "Hey, Tomura what are you doing here?" Ben asked getting a grunt from the man.

"None of your business Minogashita," Tomura said getting a grin from Ben.

"Ah, are you still mad at me handyman?" Ben asked in a mocking tone making the other man to grumble.

"Don't start something you can't finish," Tomura said now looking straight at Ben who just smirked at him.

"Same thing to you handyman," Ben said in the same tone of voice making Tomura glare at him.

Izuku watched the interaction between the two and he could feel the tension in the air as the man Tomura took his hands out of his pocket and looked ready to fight while Ben only stared at him with a smirk provoking the man to fight but it didn't happen as the Cashier arrived and put his books on the counter.

"Here are your books," he said as he looked at Tomura. "Tomura your order is ready," he said giving the man a flash drive. "That would be 10 coins," he said getting a raised eyebrow from Izuku as the man took out 1 silver coin and put it on the counter and left.

"Well, his in his usual mood," Ben said getting a sigh from the cashier.

"Ben how many times do, I have to tell you don't fight here when you're bored," the man said getting a hurt look from Ben.

"Yusei, I'm offended how can you say. I cause people to fight just for the fun of it," Ben said getting a grumble from Yusei about annoying friends.

"Anyway, who's the kid don't tell me, you're recruiting without telling me?" Yusei asked looking at Izuku with analyzing eyes making the young boy feel uncomfortable.

"Nah, he's just a kid I saved a week ago his name is Izuku Midoriya," Ben said.

"Oh, and why is he following you?" Yusei asked now looking at Ben leaving Izuku to calm himself.

"I'm walking him home since his bully tried to beat him up a while a go," Ben answered looking at the counter to see five books.

"Who do the books belongs to?" he asked and Yusei pointed at Izuku.

"The kid asked for the entire collection of Quirks analysis and here are the five volumes and why the stack of manga," Yusei asked.

"I liked the first chapter and so I decided to buy everything even the light novels," Ben said getting a sigh from Yusei.

"You'll never going to change" he said with a smirk getting the same from Ben. "Also, your things arrived today," he said making Ben smile so much it might have split his face.

"Give me, give me" Ben said as Yusei took out a metallic box. "Sweet did you get all the things, I asked," Ben asked getting a nod Yusei.

"Yes, I had to call some old friends just to make it and now here comes my favorite part," Yusei said with a dark smile. "You owe me 500 coins for the box, books, manga and light novels," he said making Ben to widen his eyes.

"What the hell we are supposed to be friends!" Ben shouted while Yusei just smiled a dark smile.

"We are but business is business don't take it personally Ben," Yusei said with a smile.

Ben frown as he took out a red coin and toss it to the counter. "It was a pleasure doing business with you please come again," Yusei said making Ben really wanting to punch him.

"Greedy bastard, Izuku we're leaving," Ben said as he holds the box and the piles of manga but it looked to be too much to hold still.

"Are you going to need the cart?" Yusei asked getting a grumble from Ben.

"I hate you," Ben said tossing a silver coin at the man who smirked.

"Kid go back there and grab a cart marked green idiot," Yusei said pointing at the back of the store getting a nod from Izuku leaving the two alone.

Yusei looked at Ben. "Why did you choose him?" he asked smirk gone replaced with a serious face getting the same from Ben.

"Because he reminds me of myself and I don't want anyone like him to be dragged down by the simplified views of this world," he said.

"And how are you sure this one is good, how are you sure, his not going to tell someone about us?" Yusei asked even if Ben is his best friend trusting a kid, who he never met before knowing about them made him feel a little uneasy.

Ben smirked at him. "Don't worry Yusei, I have a feeling that's telling me to trust the kid," he said as Izuku returned with the cart.

"Well once again thank you for coming and please come again," Yusei said as Ben and Izuku piled the manga in the cart that easily fit all the mangas and books.

"Yeah see ya later snowflake," Ben said leaving as he was followed by Izuku.

Yusei watched the two leave. "I hope you're right," he thought as the two disappeared from his view.

With the two

"Ben can, I ask you something?" Izuku asked making Ben look at him.

"Sure," he answered.

"The store we just leave was it a black-market store?" Izuku asked.

"What gave it away?" Ben asked.

"First was the man who entered and was beside me on the counter, he asked if I wasn't too young, second the trade that happened, he gave a coin when, Mister Yusei said 10 coin making me believe its untracked currency and the last thing is the box you got," Izuku said making Ben nodded.

"Damn kid you sure are smart, kind of but the place doesn't deal with human trafficking other than that is free game," Ben said as they started to get close Izuku's house.

"And Mister Yusei is he a villain too?" he asked and Ben nodded.

"Anti-villain to be exact, he is a hacker one of the best in the world, he can make you disappear in a day if he wants too," Ben said as he stopped followed by Izuku.

"Ben what's wrong?" Izuku asked, but the man didn't answer, he just walk into an ally way, Izuku followed him and he could hear the sound of struggling getting closer he saw that Ben stopped leaning on his side he saw that a hero was grabbing a woman by the neck.

"Now tell me where is that bitch you call of a boss!" The hero recognized as Tepeste yelled but the woman stayed silent even when the hero throws her to a wall making her grunt in pain, he walked towards the woman and started to beat her breaking her nose and some teeth but she still didn't say nothing.

"So, you're not going to talk fine then, I know a good way to make you talk," the hero said with a sick smile as he grabbed the woman and started to grope her.

Izuku was beyond disgusted with what he was seeing. "How can a hero act like this," he thought in disbelieve were this the way heroes acted when they knew they couldn't be caught "No this must only be this guy," he tried to reassure himself but stopped when, Ben spoke.

"Like, I told you Izuku the title of a hero doesn't mean you're automatically good nor does being a villain means you're automatically evil," Ben said with disgust walking forward stopping the would-be unpleased treatment of the woman.

"Yo dumb ass you should stop that," Ben said making the hero look at him surprised that was until they noticed that Ben looked like any normal civilian and sighed in relief.

"Damn thought it was a cop a moment ago, go away kid I'm doing important stuff," the hero said making Ben raise his eyebrow.

"Oh so trying to beat a defenseless woman is important stuff?" Ben questioned making the hero to glare at him.

"I don't have to explain myself to you, kid just get out of here," he said making Ben put his hand under in his chin.

"Wait you're the American hero Tepeste, right?" Ben asked making the hero drop the woman and stand to his full height.

"What does that matter to you?" he asked clearly annoyed making Ben smile.

"Because, I just wanted to make sure I killed the right guy," Ben said walking towards the hero who looked at him in anger.

"Who the hell do you think, you are!" he shouted grabbing Ben by the scruff of his shirt.

Ben looked at the man with same smile. "Well the name is Ben Minogashita but I think you know me better as Omuni," he said causing the hero to widen his eyes but then glare at him.

"You bastard do you think, I'll believe you're Omuni!" he shouted at Ben's face while, he shook him only to get the same smile as before.

"Ah why don't you always believe me when, I say the truth," Ben said grabbing the hand of the hero and removed it from his shirt. "Do you want to beg for your life now or what?" he asked making the hero to grunt as he tried to free his hand but with no effect.

"Let go of me brat!" he yelled as wind formed around his arm and punched Ben in hopes of sending him flying but instead when, his fist impacted Ben's face the wind disappeared making the hero to widen his eyes.

"Sorry but that's not going to work," Ben said as he started to apply pressure on Tepeste's hand causing the man to try to hit Ben again this time on the stomach but like before it seemed to have no effect on the man.

"What the hell are you!" he shouted making Ben smile turn into a frown.

"I already told you," Ben answered as he punched the hero's stomach hard making the man to fall to his knees gasping for air and clutching his stomach resisting the urge to throw up. "Now do you believe me?" Ben asked the down hero who was trying his best to regain his breath.

"Please let me leave," the hero managed to gasp out making Ben chuckle a little.

"Ah this is my favorite part when you start begging for your life," Ben said punching the hero in the face sending him into the ground. "The moment where your fear and despair starts to grow and settle inside your heart," Ben said kicking the hero in the face making teeth and blood fly out.

"Help!" Tepeste cried out through the pain in hopes for someone anyone to help him but those plans were stopped when Ben placed his foot on the man's throat stopping his cries.

"Don't bother this area here is completely silent it doesn't matter how much, you scream or cry no one is coming to save you," Ben said with a chuckle as the man tried desperately to remove, Ben's foot from his neck.

"Please I have a wife and daughter," Tepeste whizzed out as he tried everything, he could but it wasn't working not even his quirk was working on the man who was smiling down at him with a devilish smile. "Please, I beg you let me live" he cried out.

Izuku watched on the side lines unsure what he should do, his moral compass was telling him to stop this but a little voice was telling him to stay put. "You have no right to ask for that, tell me how many women have asked that, and you didn't care so now why should I?" Izuku heard stopping his inner debate with himself to see it was Ben who spoke.

"Please, I beg you!" the man shouted now crying making Ben chuckle as a dark aura started to emit out of his body making the hero to franticly try to escape.

Ben started to press harder on the man's throat making to grab Ben's leg and tried to push it away even scratching it but it wasn't working, his movement began to loss frequency and strength as, his head was starting to get light but soon Ben removed his foot from the hero throat.

Izuku watched as Ben raised his foot and smirk making Izuku widen, his eyes realising what Ben would do. "Ben s…" he try to say but it was too late as Ben slammed his foot crashing the hero's head like a watermelon.

"Why Did he do that," Izuku thought as a sickening felling rushed up into, his mouth making him vomit on the ground.

Ben cleaned his foot on the hero's suit and looked at the woman walking towards her she started to back away.

"You don't need to be scare, you work for Bishamon right?" Ben asked getting a shock look from the woman who shook, her head.

"No, I don't work for her," she said clearly scared of him making Ben sigh.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you," Ben said walking towards her and tried to touch her shoulder but she moved away. "If you want to make your way back, you're going to need to be heal," Ben said making the woman to look at him sceptically.

"How do, I know it's not a trap?" she asked.

"Because if it was, I would have killed you by now and took the information," Ben said making the woman to widen, her eyes and sigh.

"Fine go ahead," she said as Ben touched her shoulder causing for her all of her wounds to close.

"Cool now better get back to your boss and tell her that, you owe me one," Ben said with a smile as he straightens himself up.

"Wait how do you know my boss?" the woman asked as Ben started to walk away.

"She's an old friend," Ben said leaving the ally way with Izuku who was taking deep breaths.

The walk to Izuku's house was quiet as neither of them said a single word that was until Ben spoke up.

"I know you want to ask me something," Ben said as they kept walking.

Izuku during the whole walk was looking at the ground not being able to look Ben in the eyes "Why did you killed him?" he asked getting a sigh from Ben.

"He was trash that's why," Ben said making Izuku stop.

"That's your reasoning?" he asked and Ben nodded. "How can that be your reason to kill someone, he had a family don't you feel any kind of remorse," Izuku said making Ben look at the sky.

"Izuku, you know who that hero was right?" Ben asked.

"Yes, Tepeste the number 23 hero." Izuku said.

"Do you know, his nationality?" Ben asked.

"Why is he asking me this." Izuku thought. "Yes, he was American what does it has to do with the reason for you to kill him?" Izuku asked.

"Because Izuku, he was accused and confirmed with 4 cases of rape, Sexual misconduct and 4 cases of murder that's why." Ben said and that information made Izuku almost throw up again what kind of person would do that a hero no less. "He came here to Japan to run away from the accusations abandoning his so-called wife and daughter," he continued now lowering his head and look at Izuku. "Now tell me does that kind of trash deserves to live?" Ben asked.

"I don't know but killing is wrong no matter the reason!" Izuku shouted at him making Ben's eyes turn bright red making him to back away.

"You really think that, Izuku that piece of shit deserves to live tell me Izuku why is that because he was a hero?" Ben asked while Izuku stayed quiet. "Let me ask, you Izuku what if someone, you knew was one of the victims would you be calm knowing that a hero was the one to hurt that person?" Ben asked once again making Izuku to tremble as Ben's red eyes centralized on him making Izuku feel the same kind of fear Tepeste probably felt as Ben stopped in front of him. "Izuku tell me why did all of that happen without him going to jail," Ben asked as the boy shook in place. "Well answer me Izuku," Ben said in a louder voice as the boy looked at the ground.

"But how do I know what you're telling me isn't a lie," Izuku said raising his head even in fear to meet the blood-red eyes of Ben.

"Because of this." Ben said taking out of his pocket a phone and gave it to Izuku who scrolled through it and almost throw up. "He was right." Izuku thought scrolling through the various testimonies, confirmations and news articles. "Now tell me Izuku why didn't you believe me," Ben asked as Izuku lowered his head in shame.

"Because he was a hero," Izuku said a little ashamed.

"But if a villain was accused, even if it wasn't confirmed what would've happened?" Ben asked making the boy feel worse.

"He would've been arrested and put in jail," Izuku said.

"And why is that, Izuku?" Ben asked.

"That's because his a hero and not a villain," Izuku said with some tears falling from his eyes.

"Tell me Izuku and why is that is it because of the belief you should automatically trust a hero and hate a villain?" he asked, and boy nodded.

"Yes, and I'm sorry." Izuku said with tears falling but it stopped when, he felt a hand on his head making looking up to see Ben smiling at him.

"At least you're realistic," Ben said making Izuku to look at Ben with a fresh set of tears. "Anyway, let's go, you have to sleep to get up for training," Ben said as he return to push the cart making Izuku look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked running up to Ben who smirked at him.

"Training, All might's training won't be enough to get, you ready to use a quirk like that," Ben said making Izuku to widen his eyes.

"Wait, you know how OFA works?" Izuku asked getting a shook of the head.

"Kind of, I just have a basic knowledge of it." Ben said stopping in front of the house. "Well here we are." he said as Ben took out Izuku's book and gave them to the kid.

"Thank you again, Ben" Izuku said getting a nod from Ben.

"Don't worry kid by the way training start after your training with All might," Ben said.

"And where are we going to train?" Izuku asked as Ben give the kid a card.

"Meet me at my house the address is on the card," Ben said.

Izuku looked at the man and smiled "Thank you Ben, see you tomorrow then." Izuku said as he started to enter his home.

"You're welcome and good night kid." Ben said now returning to push the cart going home.


The woman who was saved by Ben was now walking in a dark hall that echoed the sound of her foot steps that was until she arrived on the door and knocked twice and then once making the door to open to see a man, he had white skin, green eyes and short orange hair and his attire was of formal dark grey blouse with a white under shirt and grey pants and black shoes and glasses.

"Yes." he said in a formal tone.

"Kazuma, I need to talk to Lady Bishamon." she said making the man to raise, his eyebrow.

"What would that be for?" Kazuma asked.

"After, I got the information, I was jumped by the hero Tepeste who wanted to get information on Lady, but I didn't say nothing and when he tried to…" she paused a little. "Unpleasant methods for me to talk. Omuni showed up from nowhere and killed him and told me that, he knows the boss and told me to tell her that you owe me one for saving me." the female agent said making Kazuma nod.

"Did he do anything else?" Kazuma asked getting a shook of the head from the woman.

"No, he just left." she answered making the man nod.

"Good give me the information, Lady Bishamon is unable to talk at the moment," Kazuma said getting a nod from the woman who gave him a flash drive.

"Ok then," she said turning around and left as Kazuma closed the door and walked back into the room to see a huge window looking at the night sky.

"Kazuma who was that?" asked the voice of a woman who was sat in front of the window.

"It was one of the agents, she was jumped by a hero, but she managed to escape luckily unharmed." Kazuma said as the woman stood up to reveal she had white skin, long blond hair and brown eyes and her attire was of a white blouse and blue pants and black shoes.

"Is that all?" she asked getting a shook of the head from the man.

"No, she also told me that she made contact with Omuni," the man said making the woman eyes turn into a glare.

"What did he told her?" she asked as she tighten her grip on the chair.

"He told her that, you owe me one for saving her." Kazuma said as the chair broke from the force the woman used as she growled.

"That monster has the gull, Kazuma find where he is and when you find him tell me, got it!" she yelled getting a nod from the man.

"Yes, Lady Bishamon," he said as he walked out of the room leaving the woman alone as she glared at the window.

"Minogashita, I'll find you and make you pay for what you did," she thought in anger tighten her hand causing some blood to fall on the ground.

JustALazyWriter JustALazyWriter

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