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Chapter 66: Chapter 64

The small fry paladin with the weapons quickly joined the confused female paladin at the bottom of the crater and immediately began being annoying.

"State your name and tell me what happened to the cathedral."

"I'm Aura, the cathedral was in my way so I broke it."

"So you're responsible for the destruction of the oldest temple of Hestia in the realm? Then, criminal, you are under arrest in the name of the goddess of the hearth."

"No thanks, I'm busy and the sky is clear, so I can't be under arrest."

It was at this point that the small fry paladin began to look as confused as his compatriot.

It seemed his head was not particularly good at completing its most important function, logical reasoning, and had not yet determined that anyone who can easily destroy a structure as large as the cathedral would be too powerful for him to arrest.

Or perhaps he thought Aura had used some sort of special method to silently erase one of the city's greatest landmarks.

And on Aura's side, he was rather surprised.

He was completely unaware that Hestia even had a temple, much less a massive monument of a cathedral.

After all, she was a goddess who was all about home and hearth.

In other words, a totally antisocial shut in.

Where did a goddess like that get enough followers to even build something that grand?

And while Aura was spacing out, the paladin had drawn his sword and was about to attack.


Of course, that wouldn't fly.

As soon as the man's sword started to fall, all the power behind it dissipated and the poor man simply collapsed in a heap on the ground.

This was an advanced instant death spell, which was one of Aura's personal favorites.

Why bother with fighting when the enemy could already be dead?

The female paladin took this opportunity to pull the ripcord and zip out of this situation with some phenomenal running skills, even jumping a solid twenty feet up to get out of the crater.

And the drill took this opportunity to push the eject button and eject the wall's structural functionality out the window with some phenomenal rotational force, even creating a small explosion of force before ceasing to spin.

Aura took this opportunity to walk through the newly created holey wall, which lay beneath the hallowed soil of what used to be a grand cathedral.

The reason he hadn't just pocketed the whole chamber and taken it apart later, was that, like dungeons, kingdom cores were technically considered a part of a larger creature.

The chamber itself, however was not, but Aura hadn't the slightest clue how fragile the core itself was.

He hadn't subjected it to any particular stress while he was digging, but if he simply stored the whole chamber and the core fell to the ground and broke, he would have failed to pull off his grand scheme.

Which would suck, to say the least.

However, contrary to expectations, the chamber's interior was nothing fancy.

In fact, it would probably be best to consider it pretty much bare.

The only thing of interest was a pedestal upon which a large blue crystalline sphere lay.

Aura was having no fuss over traps of any kind, so he did a few detection spells, only to find that this place was trapped up the wazoo.

There were so many traps and magic circles in this room that it could probably wipe out the whole capital city.

And Aura thought HE had a tendency towards massive overkill.

In fact, he was already standing on the workings of more than a hundred traps.

Of course, none of the dangers within the room would activate unless someone removed the core, but this was a headache Aura hadn't anticipated.

Even if he, as a level 3,000 player with plenty of endurance buffs and his crazy amplified status wouldn't survive the multitudinous array of lethal traps stored within this room.

The only realistic option was to disarm all the traps.

One by fucking one.

'This is going to be a long day....'

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