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Chapter 1: The Knights of North Watch Keep

In the Fourth Era of Man, the Northern Lands of Tiber were split into six individual kingdoms of varying size and strength. It was said that at one time, generations long ago the race of men had been united as one against common enemies.

Yet, if such an Empire were to truly have existed there was not a single trace of it left. for as long as anyone in the Kingdom of Cervine could remember there had only been the six kingdoms. Located in the very north of the Tiber Kingdoms, Cervine was a land of harsh winters and strong warriors.

Kyle Jenkins was one of these warriors, or rather he was in training to be one. As the second son of a minor lord he had been destined for martial training. On his fifteenth birthday he had packed up his meager possessions and left his father's land in search for a master to train him.

It had not taken long for the young noble's son to reach the location of his new home, North Watch Keep. The fortress was located on the Northern border of the Kingdom with the Frozen Wastelands.

While there were no enemies to be had in the wastes, Cervine had for decades sent aspiring warriors north to brave the cold weather and train their skills.

Upon reaching the fortress, Kyle had presented himself to the master-at-arms to formally request training.

"Master Trainer, I have come to learn the ways of war and winter. I ask you indulge the wishes of a poor foundling who has yet to walk the warrior's path." The ancient words of request slid off his tongue as smooth as butter onto bread.

"Who will vouch for this foundling?" the master replied in counter sign. "After all, it is not in the nature of a wolf to take prey as its cub."

These words were the cue for Kyle to hand over a stack of scrolls that he had brought with him from home. Attached to each piece of paper was a wax seal bearing the sigil of a Wolf Knight. In order to be accepted into the Academy at North Watch Keep an aspiring apprentice had to bring letters of reference from at least three of Cervine's knights.

These letters had taken him over eight months to acquire. Given the prominence of the Academy in the kingdom, the knights that formed its alumni were not willing to so easily hand over their seal of recommendation.

In order to gain the necessary three tokens of acceptance, Kyle had been forced to prove his worth to each and every one of the knights. While it was whispered that certain members of the alumni might be persuaded to hand over their seal with a less taxing method, the aspiring knight found that he had no interest in gaining the acceptance of glorified sell-swords.

Thus, having endeavored to earn the recommendations through legitimate hard work, Kyle had also decided that he would try for what many among the noble circles as the 'Coup d'etat of Letters' Specifically, this meant that he would attempt to gain the trust of the three strongest Wolf Knights.

The Coup d'etat of Letters had only been accomplished twice in the history of the Academy and was regarded to be an impossible feat by most inspiring apprentices. Adding to the difficulty of the task was a rule that stated that a 'foundling' could only be rejected twice before they were barred from entering the Academy in their lifetime.

By attempting the Coup d'etat of Letters it was very likely that at least one of the three would find you lacking in qualifications. In addition, if the foundling who attempted to start this legendary trial decided to forfeit and request the signature of another knight, they would soon find themselves facing a duel as a result of insulting the alumni they had slandered.

Given the unlikely chance that a young squire did not stand much of a chance in a one on one duel with a legendary warrior, the foundling in question would soon find themselves barred from applying if not maimed for life. This is of course assuming the child made it out of the duel alive. The Wolf Knights of Cervine had a motto to uphold after all; 'death before dishonor.'

With this in mind, the Master-at-Arms could not believe his eyes when he inspected the letters that this new foundling had entrusted to him. Not only did his recommendations include Sir Walt of the East, Sir Horace of Middle Cordova, and Sir Justin the Hammer. The Coup d'etat were also joined by the fourth, fifth, and sixth strongest warriors of the order.

Surely this could not be right? It was unheard of for the entire Golden Council to give approval for the training of a foundling. Could it be that this inspiring apprentice had been bold enough to forge his letters of introduction?

Sensing that the Master-at-Arm's silence was not due to awe, Kyle broke protocol and remarked under his breath, "I have scars to prove their legitimacy".

"Did I hear the mewing of a weak animal near onto death?" the Master said, warning him to stay silent if he wished to continue his bid.

Clamping his mouth shut, Kyle could only stand and watch as each of his letters were closely inspected for signs of forgery. It was clear that he would not be going anyway, any time soon.

In actuality, while the feat seemed impossible, Kyle had arrived at this outcome through legitimate means. In the begining of his trial, he had only planned on getting the top three knights. However, after acquiring the last of the necessary recommendations there had been a couple of hiccups on his way to North Watch Keep.

The first issue had been when his room had been ransacked while he as down in the tavern room eating dinner. This action had cost Kyle his bag which contained not only all of his traveling funds but his letters as well.

Without that bag he didn't dare show his face at the Academy. Immediately after realizing this he had rushed out of the inn. It was vital that he catch up to the thieves before they got away. If it got out that his letters had been stolen every member of the knighthood would be after him to cleanse the order of its dishonor. Should any member of the order find him first he would most likely no survive the encounter.

While his achievement had brought the potential of great prestige to both himself and his family the theft of the letters had placed an even greater shame upon his shoulders. Upon granting each letter, a knight also gave the foundling charge over the protection of the same.

In war, allowing for sensitive documents to get into enemy hands was a death sentence to any army. Those who failed in their mission to protect such information deserved nothing but a deserter's execution. After meeting their maker, the burden of the action's shame would rest solely on the family of the deceased.

It seemed that the goddess of luck had truly been on Kyle's side during the frantic search in the aftermath of the theft. While it may have appeared to be a sudden switch from misfortune to fortune, the aspiring knight had come across a potential ally in the form of a mysterious, hooded figure observing the cave which served as the base of the local gang of thieves who had stolen his pack.

Approaching with great caution to avoid alerting the hooded figure, Kyle had prepared to jump out and subdue who he figured to be a look out. However, just as he was about to attack, the figure looked up and met his gaze.

"I would not do that if I were you" the wiry man remarked with a warning tone in his voice. "Unless you wish to die a most gruesome death I would suggest you sheath that blade and come down here."

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