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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Consequences, Balbadd At War, Escape From Captivity

After the chaos you created in Balbadd did you think you were going to get away with it? Of course not! You thought you were well hidden in that forest but you had been followed and when you fell asleep you were once again tied up but this time it was by the King Ahbmad's guards. They made sure that it would be very difficult for you to break free. They put shackles around your wrist and ankles so you could not move about freely and even made sure to throw you in a cage just to be on the safe side. The guards were on there way to haul your ass right back to the palace under the King's order.

"Kid you and that Fog Troupe gang have caused a lot of trouble for us," one of the guards said as he helped the other guards load the cage you were in onto the wagon.

"Taking the King hostage and then to pose as the King is really asking for a death sentence." another guard said with a crooked smile. " the death sentence is an easy way out I want this kid to suffer, we must torture him first," said one of the older guards who then spat at you which made you feel pretty grossed out. They could not wait to see you covered in blood and broken to pieces like a toy doll that had been ripped apart by a child. Those bloodthirsty bastards.

You get the gist of what they might be saying by context clues and their facial expression. You really did not want to go back in that direction and began squirming around in the cage. No luck of course because attempting to break through metal chains without any ounce of magic or superhuman strength just is not going to happen. Trying to escape only left your wrists and ankles in pain and the guards beating you up.

"It is no use I can't break free," you thought to yourself. You prayed something might happen like someone coming to your rescue but sadly this was not Mario and you were not princess peach.

Eventually, the wagon pulled up to the palace. It was night and the crowd that was in front of the palace had left. The giant gates slowly opened and then the wagon entered with the gates closing behind them. King Ahbmad was waiting there to announce your punishment. The King peered into the cage with a menacing look.

"I should have you killed for what you have done!" the King shouted like an arrogant rich boy. "But...I have something better in mind. You will be the first to be sold off as a slave and trust me being a slave is much worse than dying." he said with a smirk. You just laid there still too weak to move. If you had enough strength you would have probably done something to piss the chubby King off even more then he'd really kill you.

"Guards lock this brat up in the cellar and make sure he stays there until the day comes when my plan is set in motion!" The guards went ahead and carried you to the cellar. Then they took you to an empty cell and locked you inside. They did not even bother to take off the chains so you just laid on the cold ground unable to move. Your mind began going crazy after they left. You could not believe such a thing was happening to you but then again "YOU" did deserve it. You tried thinking of ways to get out which put you in a state of panic.

What if I will never get out? When will I get to eat another good meal? What about the bathroom I see none in here!? How long will I have to be chained up? These were all questions you were thinking about. Hours went by as you kept floating around in your thoughts. Then you were interrupted when you heard your cell door open. It was the King's brother Sahbmad. He had brought a few slices of bread and honey with him.

"Hey are you awake?" he asked. You began squirming and attempted to sit up. It looked like he was trying to help you.

"Wait wait let me untie your arms first," Sahbmad said as he reached for the key for the shackles on your wrists. He had the expression of nervousness. He knew if he got caught his brother would be furious and probably lock him up as well. Your hands were finally free! The first thing you did was grab the slices of bread and honey and ate it quickly. By the time you finished, Sahbmad had already locked the cell door once again.

"Oii! You're not going to free me?" you shouted. He looked at you and made the shh sound repeatedly before running out the cellar afraid he might get caught because of the loud speaking. "Tsk what a coward" you mumbled to yourself, not like he could understand what you were saying anyway. You began walking around in circles really frustrated.

"Why did he bother showing his face if he was not going to free me" you mumbled annoyed but your conscience was like "be glad he brought you some food!" You let out a sigh then pressed your back against the concrete wall and slid down until you were sitting on the ground. Eating did recover some of your strength but it also made you even more tired, so tired that you ended up sleeping for three days straight.

During that time Ugo had called forth Aladdin, Judal, and you but had failed to bring Judal to his dimension. He looked a bit different from when you saw him the last time as if he called you forth to say goodbye.

"Ugo-kun what is he doing here…?", said Aladdin.

"Aladdin this boy is also a Magi just like you but he is different and is really great at causing trouble," he said then looked directly at you with a frown. Your face went pale...guilty all over.

"Hey now... I was not trying to cause any trouble! It just all happened so fast I had no control of the situation I was in.I guess you would call it fate…..and I did say sorry too that midget over there..I had no clue you two were pals," you said while looking at your feet.

Ugo let out a sigh "Very well then as punishment you are going to stay in this world forever." he said. It was not like he found a way for you to get back to your planet and his magoi had been exhausted ever since the battle with Judal..

You looked at him funny wondering what he meant by that. It seems like being in this world for too long has played a part with distorting your memory as well as when Ugo erased part of your memory. At this point, you were glad to be summoned out of that cage.

"As for you Aladdin I am passing a gift onto you since this will be the last time we meet," Ugo said in Aladdin's language. Aladdin had a very sad expression on his face but then Ugo showed him what Alibaba was going through and felt bad. They exchanged their goodbyes and it was time for you two to return to your bodies. You too would not be seeing Ugo again for a very long time.

You finally awaken but unfortunately, you were still locked up in the cellar. You let out a puff of air in anger wondering why Ugo did not teleport you out. A few moments later it felt like an earthquake was occurring. The ground was shaking, vibrating and caused the floor to crack underneath you. Then you heard the sound of clashing of swords and very angry people chanting on the outside. You came to the realization that the shackles around your ankles have been taken off now. It must have been the guy who fed you-you thought to yourself.

Suddenly, there was another bang and the floor collapsed right underneath your feet. You fell right through and landed on your butt.

"Ouch!" you howled and stood up rubbing your aching hiney. It was dark and you could hardly see what was in front of you. You did not start to move until your eyes adjusted and you were able to see. It looks like you landed right into an emergency escape passage. The question was which direction would lead you outside. While you were making the decision the ground started to shake again. The battle that was happening above ground was getting more intense. Debree began to fall again which ended up blocking the left direction.

"I guess I'll be taking the right side then," you say to yourself and began to walk down the right path. After hours of walking, you could see a dim light at the end of the tunnel. You sped up your pace and eventually were at the door that would set you free. You could smell the salt water. When you opened the door and walked through it, you could see that you were by the docks. There was a large ship and without looking back you got onto the ship and hoped this would carry you far away from this horrid city.

The huge battle that had occurred and finally ended and moments later the ship began to sail. You stayed hidden and you had escaped.

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