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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: On a boat to Sindria! Part 3~

Warning: Contains Abuse and BS Writing

You were still asleep by the time Alibaba came down with the food.

"It must be tiring for you Rohan. To have to be confined to just this one room" Alibaba said quietly as he set the food down on the round table. He was debating whether or not he should wake you up before the food got cold and to also inform you in some way that a bad storm was approaching. While Alibaba thought about this Sinbad suddenly enters and walks straight towards you.

Sinbad made an attempt to wake you up, first by shaking you, not roughly but enough that it could wake up the heaviest of sleepers. This had no effect on you at all so he tried holding your nose. Usually one would definitely wake up from this method but still it had no effect on you.

"He just will not wake up will he?" Sinbad said. Then he looked at Alibaba hoping he had an idea. Alibaba then looks at that chicken leg sitting on the plate and picks it up.

Sinbad had the, that possibly couldn't work, look on his face for a moment but then he remembered how you acted when you first met. The moment Alibaba put that chicken leg up to your nose your eyes flung open in an instant. You right up snatched the chicken from Alibaba's hand and devoured it. The tiredness went away right after the food settled down in that abyss you call a stomach. Alibaba could not believe that actually worked. This must be a magi thing right?

"Good you're awake" Sinbad said then his eyes narrowed some. He had a feeling that you had something to do with the storm that was approaching. It was a bit obvious, not many had great power and he knew Judal couldn't pull a stunt like this from far away. So it had to be someone who was on the ship with them. Before you could lick the gravy off your fingers Sinbad picks you up and takes you to the upper deck where it was starting to get very dark. Thick ominous clouds had moved in already and the waves weren't as calm as they were before. Sinbad stands you up on your feet and makes you look beyond the horizon.

You had a frown on your face when Sinbad had picked you up and when he put you down you looked out to the sea. "What the fuck?" You muttered. How could someone pick you up so easily? Then you realized something and your eyes widened. "Holy butter fingers!?" You blurted out loud in your language. Sinbad took that as you were shocked by the storm that was beginning. Seconds later after you said that rain began to downpour and suddenly strong winds start blowing out of nowhere. The waves began slamming at the side of the boat causing it to rock back and forth roughly. Sinbad grabbed a hold of something so he wouldn't go overboard.

You on the other hand were just standing there trying to keep your balance while getting soaked. You watched as the storm continued on then there was a big bang! The top of the ship

was just struck by lightning. This petrified you and now you couldn't move your legs and began to shake in place. Could this be fear or was it excitement?

No this was definitely fear. This storm, you weren't expecting it to happen. There was no way you could be this powerful you had thought but it looks like you were wrong. Now you have to sit back and enjoy this crazy ride like everyone else. Wait did you think because you are a magi you could just wish this storm away? Nope you went and fucked up now everyone has to deal with your consequence. You used magic that you had not even practiced once and the outcome is exactly what happened when you summoned that golem for the first time, unstable.

"Rohan! Rohan!!" Sinbad shouted over the raging seas and roaring winds. You finally heard your name being called out and looked in the direction of the sound. You couldn't see very well now that the rain was coming down in full force. You tried to muster up some courage to make a move. You eventually do take your first step but it was so hard to keep your balance with the wet deck and the ship rocking back and forth. You end up slipping and sliding towards the railing as the ship took a sharp dive to the left. Sinbad saw you sliding and caught you just in the nick of time before you could go overboard. The only reason Sinbad carried you up to the deck was because he assumed you could stop what you had started.

Boy were you going to get it after this series of unfortunate events. Sinbad managed to get you back inside where the others were. Jafar was worried sick something bad might have happened when he heard from Alibaba of Sinbad taking you to the top deck. Jafar was going to go flying to the rescue but Sinbad had already come back inside.

"We will have to ride out this storm and hope that the ship doesn't sink in the process" Sinbad said. He seemed awfully calm when he said that as if he knew everything will turn out to be okay in the end.

"Sin, what were you even doing out there in the first place?! There is no way to steer through this storm!" Jafar demanded answers. Sinbad turned his gaze to Rohan for a moment then back to Jafar.

"Well I thought this fellow here would be able to stop the storm or at least add another protection spell on the ship" Sinbad said with a sigh. "It turns out he really doesn't know how to use his powers to its full extent. I was just testing him" Sinbad added.

Jafar was at a loss for words when he heard Sinbad's explanation. Then again it was in Sinbad's nature to pull a stunt like this. Jafar looks at you with the same frown he gave you the last time. You weren't looking at any of them because you were still shaken up by what had happened. It turns out the lightning was what ended up scaring you the most. The sound was so loud and familiar. Your head began hurting as you tried to remember where you heard it. Then you saw it, a fragment of your memory. The moment lightning had struck the house was the only thing that came back to you and nothing more. You then looked up and around you. Sinbad

and Jafar had left. Alibaba, Aladdin, and Morgiana had been in their rooms as the storm progressed.

The ship was still rocking back and forth but not as violently as it was before. The storm was starting to calm down. Sinbad had returned to his room with Jafar to put on dry clothes.

"Jafar I need to tell you something." Sinbad said as he began taking off his robe and setting it aside.

Jafar glances over and looks Sinbad straight in his eyes. "What is it?" Jafar said. He wasn't in the best mood right now especially after what happened.

"I need you to keep a close eye on Rohan until we get to Sindria. This is not a regular storm and I have a feeling he was the one who caused it. If he acts out of line discipline him if you have to but please try not to kill him" Sinbad said. Sinbad felt like he had been too soft on you but now that was going to change.

Jafar cheers up after hearing Sinbad's request. Finally he could have his way with you. "Does that mean I can punish him for the incidents he caused in Balbadd and the one now?" Jafar asked just to make sure. Sinbad nodded his head. "He needs to learn how to behave so yes. Go ahead" Sinbad said. Then he went to go check up on Alibaba, Morgiana, and Aladdin.

You were still in the hallway and unaware what was going to happen to you now. You had a bad feeling in your gut and thought of escaping once the storm had stopped. You looked up and saw Sinbad walking to the other rooms. Not once did he look back. 'He knows! He fucking knows it was you. You're dead meat,' was what your conscious was telling you. You then stood up quickly and turned to the stairs to the upper deck and began climbing up. Before you could reach the door Jafar grabs you by the ankle and then slams you onto the floor. You ended up hitting your head on the wooden floor.

You let out a pained gasp and curled up as you held your head. That hurt, that really really hurt! You thought that was going to be it but then Jafar picks you up and throws you across the hall. There was a crate there and it broke right open when you slammed right into it. You groaned and tried to stand but your legs had gone weak.

"Usually I go easy on kids but you had the nerve to mess with our King." Jafar said as he began slowly walking up to you. "You put him in danger and for that you must pay." Jafar continued on then he grabbed you by the collar and punched you hard in the stomach. He literally gave you no time to recover and the fact you were still kind of weak from the magic you used earlier did not help. He didn't stop there; he ended up breaking one of your arms. You cried out in pain which could definitely be heard by the others. Sinbad paid it no mind but Aladdin and Alibaba came out immediately. What they saw filled them with anger.

"Jafar what are you doing!?" Alibaba said as he came running and pushed him away from you. You were covered in blood and barely conscious.

"What am I doing? I'm teaching him a lesson!" Jafar argued back. "This kid was the one who caused the storm in the first place!" he added.

No matter how Jafar explained himself, Aladdin and Alibaba saw this as wrong. Aladdin quickly gets down on his knees beside you and starts to heal you while Alibaba tries to talk some sense in Jafar.

"How do you know this wasn't by accident?" Alibaba questioned. "And even if he did cause this storm where is the proof? Can you guarantee it was really him who did it?" Alibaba said. Alibaba knew you caused a great deal of trouble but there was no need to be tortured for it. There should be a more suitable punishment for you. Also it's not like you killed anyone.

Jafar frowns "How could this be by accident? All the other stunts he did certainly weren't accidents" Jafar said back. Moments later Morgiana and Masrur entered the scene. They could smell the blood and heard the sound but Sinbad was having a conversation with them so they didn't pay it any mind when he said Jafar had everything under control.

Masrur didn't even have to ask what was happening. Jafar had gone irrational with his punishments again. It's not like this was the first time this had happened. Sinbad then makes an entrance. He placed a hand on his head and shook his head in disappointment. "Jafar that is enough." Sinbad said.

Jafar froze and then immediately apologized after hearing Sinbad's voice. Sinbad knew this would be a bad idea but still went with it. After this Sinbad would punish you accordingly for the damages you had done to the ship and for stealing the apples from the crate when they reached Sindria.

Aladdin finally completed healing you and passed out right on top of you after he used up most of his magio. You had lost consciousness as well. The pain had knocked you right out. It took you a couple of days to wake up from that. When you did wake up you were in bed and your arm was bandaged up. The storm had come to an end a day ago and the ship was damaged. They had to plug up the holes that would have caused the ship to sink. Also, because of the storm they were thrown off course and it would take another two weeks to reach Sindria. At this rate will we ever get to Sindria?

Once you awoke, you could only think about what Jafar had done to you. That guy was hella scary when he was upset. Could it have been the drawing you had done? You don't recall physically pissing him off other than when you drew that picture.

"I can't stay here any longer. That guy's going to kill me if I stay…There has to be a way to get away from these guys. I must survive on my own." you said to yourself. You then heard soft breathing coming from beside you. You looked down and saw that kid sleeping right next to you.

What was Aladdin doing there? You didn't really think much about it since you were more focused on getting off this boat and away from that crazy psycho. Now the question was how would you escape? You were surrounded by the massive sea. First, you had to make it to the deck and then go from there.

You began slowly creeping your way out of bed and trying your hardest not to wake the sleeping boy. Thank goodness he was a heavy sleeper or you would have been caught already. Once out of the bed you looked at your arm. It was pretty sore but it was not broken anymore.

"I could have sworn that the bastard broke my arm," you said quietly to yourself then you began tip-toeing to the door. You didn't open the door right away because someone could be on the other side of it. Instead you listened for any sounds coming from the hallway. You didn't hear any voices or footsteps after a minute of waiting and decided that the coast was clear. You reached for the handle and then slowly opened the door. You poked your head out and did not see anyone but when you took a step out of the room and started heading towards the deck, Jafar appeared from behind.

At that moment, you ran for your life and didn't look back. You were not about to be caught by him again! Jafar did not chase after you right away. He went to check up on Aladdin to see if he was alright. Aladdin had refused to leave your side after what Jafar had done to you. He was very protective of you but you wouldn't have known that. You saw them as people who wanted to hurt you.

Eventually, you finally make it to the deck of the ship. The ship was still surrounded by water and there has yet been any sighting of land. The rays of the sun were beaming down and there was not a single cloud in the sky. The storm had finally subsided. Masrur, Morgiana and Sinbad were on the deck. They were tending to the damages the ship had taken from the storm. As for Sinbad, he was steering the ship and making sure the ship stayed on course.

You had only a few seconds to make up your mind. You could either stay on this ship to be tortured or you could find a way off this ship. Once Jafar came to the deck you just stopped thinking about it and ran to the side of the boat before making an attempt to jump overboard. "I would rather swim with the fishes than to stay on this ship," you thought to yourself. Sinbad glanced over when he saw movement from the corner of his eye and saw you standing on the edge ready to jump off the ship. He was about to call out but it looked like Jafar was already on it.

As you were about to jump over, red wires began wrapping around both of your ankles. You then looked over your shoulder and saw Jafar holding the wires. Your eyes widened as the fear started taking over. You knew if this dude caught you that you would be dead meat. You noticed that even though your ankles were bound you could still lean forward and fall down the side which is what you did. It came with a few bruises after you end up slamming against the side of the boat which made a thud sound.

Masrur finally goes to aid Jafar and grabs one of your feet as you dangle at the side of the boat like a pinata. It was no use trying to communicate with them because they did not know your language so you wiggled around and tried to make it as difficult as possible for Masrur and Jafar to pull you back up.

"This kid is so going to get it. All he had to do and stay put and not cause mischief," Jafar scoffed as he tugged on the wire. You had to do something! At this point they would definitely catch and possibly beat you up like last time. Eventually, you remembered that you were able to transform and right now was a good time to do so. Masrur noticed a smirk appear on your face and had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. Suddenly, there was a poof of mist! You had turned into a fish! The red wires went loose and caused Jafar to stumble backwards onto his bottom. Masrur tripped backwards a little but he never fell to the ground.

Down, down, down you went until you plopped right into the water. It was freedom at last or so you thought. Duh, duh- duh ,duh- duh,duh~ Now a shark was chasing after you. Oh what luck, you escaped only to be trapped in another unfortunate situation. Now is the time you thought it would have been better to just stay put on the ship rather than ending up as fish food. You swam for your life to avoid getting eaten by the shark. It was very persistent in catching you. Like even when you tried blending in with a school of fish the shark only went after you. Why did it seem like everything and everyone was out to get you? Perhaps it was because you always end up in the wrong place at the wrong time or because the shark thought you would be easy prey to get, who knows?

After endless swimming and dodging you end up bumping into an even bigger animal, a whale. "Come on you gotta be kidding me?!" You thought. On the bright side, the whale scared the shark away but you ended up getting caught in the whale's mouth.

"FUUUUUUUCK! Why is this happening to me?!!!," you thought as you flailed inside the whale's mouth. You were still in the fish transformation but as your magoi ran out you turned back into your original form. Even then the whale did not bother to spit you out. It's as if it were on a mission, a mission to deliver you somewhere. During your stay in the whale you could not get an ounce of sleep and there was no food. The only source of liquid that wasn't too salty was the whale's saliva XD. You stayed inside the whale for about four days before it finally spit you out. Those four days felt like forever but now that hell hole of a journey was finally over.

Eventually you washed up onto a sandy beach starving and exhausted. There were some coconut trees and a few fruit trees a few feet away. Getting to the source of food was your only priority right now so you did not pay much attention to your surroundings. You were so out of it you did not notice that the sand was hot and that you had washed up on an island. You began crawling over to the nearest fruit tree which was a banana tree and started plucking the ripe ones off. At first you ate slowly because you were kind of nauseous but once the nausea wore off you ate as many bananas that you could. After you felt no more hunger pains you found a shaded area to get some rest.

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