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Chapter 3: Chapter Two: Clash Of The Divine Artifacts - Transient From An Unknown Town (1)

At the end of the twentieth century, Gates connected to other worlds opened in Tokyo. From them, strange creatures poured into our world. Werewolves, angels, demons, replicants, and all manner of creatures emerged on that day. . .

Creatures that resemble humans. . . yet were not quite human themselves, gathered here, in Tokyo. Fear of the creatures ran rampant. They were completely unknown beings with completely foreign ways.

They possessed incredible destructive power and magic beyond humanity's wildest dreams. Humanity couldn't be blamed for fearing that which was beyond their capacity to understand. Both creatures and humans took advantage of one another, but they knew they could never come to an understanding.

However, even in times like these, there were those who wished for peaceful co-existence. Several years have passed since that fateful day. The fact that Tokyo borders countless other worlds has become a part of everyday life for its inhabitants.

Tokyo was designated as a Joint Management Region by the Japanese government and the UN, facilitating the creation of new laws and establishments. Many of the creatures that come to Tokyo from other worlds receive legal status as foreign exchange students.

They transmigrate through the walls between worlds in a flash of light . . . Thus, the people of Tokyo call those sentient beings transferred to this world. . . Transients.

"And that's about the sum of it." Mr. Mononobe said this while closing his teacher book and look at the classroom.

"It's been a long time since the word Transient was designated to refer to people from other worlds. Every Transient is under the legal control of a school somewhere. They live their lives as students or teachers. Transients also look vastly different from the primary intelligent species of this world, humans. Barring extenuating circumstances, hiding such differences is illegal by city ordinance. In other words, you can tell right away if someone is a Transient. They can have wings, horns, tails, or some other external feature that makes it clear. The Transient population is growing every year, but good citizens like yourselves already know that, don't you? Transients are only allowed to live within the city. Leaving city grounds is severely restricted. Nowadays, you don't come across people from outside Tokyo often, so transfer students have become a rarity. However, today, we just so happen to have one of those rare transfers joining our school. Right, Masato?" Mr. Mononobe said this while smiling at me making me blush a little under his stare.

"Do you have horns, too?" I asked Mr. Mononobe this with my hand raised in the air.

"Hey now, do I look like anything but a human to you?" Mr. Mononobe laugh as he said this with a smile. "Ah, it seems I must wrap things up here. Shiro, if you please" Mr. Mononobe look at the clock in the back of the classroom as he said this.

"Yes, Mr. Mononobe. All right everyone, stand up. Eyes forward." Shiro stands as he said this with a serious expression. "Bow!" Shiro then bow his head as he said this making everyone else copy his movement.

"Now then, let's get right into homeroom. I have an announcement from the teachers' meeting. By the request of the police and other authorities, Shinjuku Academy will be closed for a while, starting tomorrow." Mr. Mononobe said this and everyone in the classroom erupts into cheers.

"Pipe down, kids. It's only for two or three days. Think of it as a surprise holiday. And consider this fair warning. You'll be getting homework for all the classes you miss." Mr. Mononobe said this with a smile causing all the students in the class to yell out in disapproval at this.

"Hahaha. You kids are so fickle. Life isn't all fun and games, you know." Mr. Mononobe said this with a smile and shake his head.

"But I need you to know that we're not closing the school for no reason." Mr. Mononobe expressions get serious as he said this and the class grows quiet.

"Last night, there was an incident near the school. There was evidence of an attack and a body. . .or at least part of one. . .was found. The victim was not a student of this school, but the police are here as part of their investigation. So, that's the current situation. Don't go staying out late just because school is closed." Mr. Mononobe said this to the class and everyone just nervously look at each other.

I look around the classroom to see how everyone is reacting to this news when I notice that Shiro head was lowered and he looked rather pale. I wanted to ask him if he was okay but Mr. Mononobe continued speaking making me look straight at him again. Still looking at Shiro from the corner of my eye.

"Hm. . . Was there anything I forgot to mention?" Mr. Mononobe rub at his stubble while he tried to remember what else he needed to say.

"Ah, yes. Mr. Jinn and Mr. Triton have a message for you. They suggested you go to the dorm supervisor's office if you have any problems. However. . ." Mr. Mononobe gave a wry smile as he stop speaking for a second.

"I will say you should not go to the dorm supervisors's office. It will only complicate things. That's all for today" Mr. Mononobe smile as he dismissed the class.

I got up from my seat stretching from sitting down for so long. I leave out the classroom with Shiro, Kengo, and Ryota. I was still sneaking look at Shiro who look like he was about to fall down from how nervous he was.

"He sounded pretty firm about that last part. . ." I took my eyes off Shiro as I said this and look at Ryota who gave me a nervous laugh.

"Hey Masato! Isn't it great!? School's off from tomorrow! You're so lucky! You've only been here a day and school gets cancelled" Kengo grinned happily as he said this putting his big muscle arm around my shoulder.

I ignore how warm Kengo arm feel around my shoulder and look at Shiro who looks really pale and lost in his thoughts. I was about to call out to him when a voice called out to Kengo. I look at the new person and I am shocked to see a cute fluffy dog Transient. He had two scars on his face and was wearing a school uniform while holding a sword on his back.

"Master Kengo! It is time for our training! Let us spar one hundred times again today!" The dog transient said with a shine in his eyes.

"Sorry man! I'm on my way now!" Kengo patted my shoulder roughly before he went to the dog transient side. But I was too distracted by how fluffy the dog transient look. I wanna rub my cheek against his.

"Here doggie! Shake!" I hold out my hand to the transient and I could feel my face growing warm at the thought of holding their hand.

"Woof!" The dog transient excitedly said this as he put his hand in mine but he cleared his throat when he realizes what he just did. "I mean, that is correct!" He shake my hand firmly as he said this.

"My name is Moritaka Inuzuka, proud warrior of the Canine Eight and member of the kendo team! It is a pleasure to meet you, transfer student Masato." Moritaka gave me a big smile as he let go of my hand causing me to sigh slightly in my heart at the loss of warmth.

"Hey, your uniform is different from the other students. . . Actually everyone seems to be in different uniforms. . ." I put my hand to my chin as think deeply on this new information.

"Huh? My uniform is different? I suppose I do stand out. . ." Moritaka look down at his uniform when I mention it.

"Our school doesn't really have a dress code. There are even people who wear their uniform 24/7. There are all different kinds of uniforms available, but some students like Moritaka just bring their own." Ryota explain this to me causing me to nod my head in understanding. I guess this mean technically I don't have to wear this uniform. . .

"This uniform once belonged to my beloved master. . . For this reason, it is very precious to me. It is a joy to take part in my studies while wearing it." Moritaka happily said this causing me to feel my heart tighten in envy.

"But let us set aside this talk for another time!" Moritaka told me with a smile, causing me to ignore that weird feeling in my heart for now.

"You guys never get tired of this, huh? You only get serious when it comes to training" Ryota said this while looking at Kengo and Moritaka getting fired up about their training.

"You don't get to slack off from training. It means something cause you keep it up every day." Kengo crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at Ryota with serious look. You can almost see fire behind him.

"Correct. The way of the warrior was not paved in a day!" Moritaka nodded his head in agreement to Kengo words with stars in his eyes as he said this.

"See you later, Masato. You know I'm always up for a duel!" Kengo smirk at me as he said this then walk away. "Farewell. We shall meet again in class tomorrow." Moritaka bow his head towards me as he said this then went to catch up to Kengo.

"They are rather close aren't they Ryota." I said this while looking at Kengo and Moritaka walk away. "Oh, those two? They're always training together. They probably get along so well because they're both in sports clubs." Ryota said this to me causing me to nod my head in understanding.

"I wonder what kind of training they do that covers both MMA and kendo. . ." Ryota quietly mumble this to himself with a concerned look on his face. "But anyway I was super surprised when I heard you transferred here!" Ryota look at me happily as he said this.

"Not only that, but we're in the same class! This has got to be more than a coincidence!" Ryota clap his hand on my shoulder as his said this. But I notice that Shiro still wasn't looking so good causing me to frown slightly.

"They do say fact is stranger than fiction. Welcome to our class, Masato!" Ryota said this happily causing me to look away from Shiro again but still look at him from the corner of my eye. "Thanks! But isn't this all a little sudden?" I said this while thinking about how quickly I was put in class the very next day.

"This school's a bit unique, but you'll get used to it. Oh, and the school cafeteria is really good! And if there's anything on your mind, just talk to Mr. Mononobe. He's our homeroom teacher, but he's also the school counselor." Ryota told me this while ignoring how weird his school work. I mean I figure there have to be a lot of paperwork to transfer into a school.

"How about Mr. Jinn and Mr. Triton? Should I go to them if I have any problems too?" I asked Ryota this causing him to look away from me with sweat coming down his face. "I wouldn't go to them if you can avoid it. . . They kinda go overboard and make a bad situation worse. It tends to get real chaotic." Ryota scratch the back of his head as he mentioned this to me causing me to wonder how bad could they be.

"Anyway, about that announcement, during homeroom. . . That incident nearby. . . Scary stuff, huh?" As Ryota mention this I could see Shiro flinch next to me and get paler. "To think that all that blood and even part of a human body were found near the school. . ." Ryota shiver as he mention this.

I could see Shiro sweating pretty badly and I was worried he was going to collapse right in the hallway. "What's up, Shiro? You've been pretty quiet." Ryota called out to Shiro when he noticed he wasn't saying anything.

"No. . . It can't be. . . It. . . wasn't me. . ." Shiro was quietly mumbling to himself staggering slightly on his feet. "Shiro? Hey, Shiro!" Ryota call out to Shiro when he realize he wasn't listening to him.

"It wasn't me! I had nothing to do with it!" Shiro yelled this out of nowhere causing me and Ryota to step back in surprise at his outburst. "Wha?! What's with the shouting?!" Ryota asked Shiro in surprised.

"Huh? O-Oh. . . Sorry. What. . . were we talking about?" Shiro finally looked at us as he question us. "What's gotten into you? You look super pale." Ryota look at Shiro in concern who look really pale and unsteady on his feet.

"Hey, take a few deep breaths Shiro. You look really out of it. Should I take you to the nurse?" I moved closer to Shiro as I said this with a concern in my voice. Shiro look at me for a while in silence before looking away.

"It's nothing, really. Sorry I made you worry." Shiro said this still not making eye contact. I was going to question him again when his phone started to ring. "Huh? Hey, your phone is ringing" Ryota mention this to Shiro who jump slightly in surprise at this.

"Are you alright?! You're getting even paler!" Ryota asked Shiro who looked like he just saw a ghost or something like that. "It's nothing. . . I just remembered I have something to do." Shiro quickly said this as he started to walk away quickly from us.

"H-Hey, wait! I thought we were gonna get some food together. . ." Ryota was ignored as Shiro quickly disappeared from our sight. It was quiet for a while between us as we process what just happened.

"He's gone. . ." Ryota voice broke the silence between us as he turned to look at me. "What's gotten into him? He's been like that since this morning." Ryota look concerned as he said this to me.

"Maybe there's something bothering him. He takes everything so seriously. It's like he never stops worrying." Ryota look in the direction that Shiro went in with concerned then look towards me again.

"Sorry, Masato. Let's eat together some other time. Right now, I. . ." I cut off Ryota before he could finish talking. "We better hurry or we'll lose sight of him." I started to walk as I said this causing Ryota to follow after me.

"Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?" Ryota told me with a smile on his face causing me to look away with a slight blush on my face. "Now let's follow Shiro!" Ryota started to run as he said this causing me to run after him.

After running for a while we were outside surrounded by a bunch of people. Ryota was out of breath as he stopped running. "Huff! Huff!" Ryota had his hands on his knees and I look at him in concern. "Hold on. . . I can't run anymore. . .!" Ryota weakly said this and I grabbed him by his shoulder when it looked like he was about to collapse.

"We completely lost him. He's pretty fast. . ." Ryota looked around us as he said this with sweat dripping off his face. "Hmm. . . Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone without any leads. . ." Ryota stood up straight as he said this and wipe the sweat off his face with a determined look in his eyes.

"We should try splitting up and spread our search out. I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways going through Shinjuku Station." Ryota pointed in the direction to my right as he told me this.

"Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train. If either of us find him, let's contact each other through the App. See you later!" Ryota said this to me before speeding out in the direction he pointed in.

When I was sure he was far enough I pulled out my phone and called Salomon. In a bright light he appeared in front of me. "Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar, Lil' Salomon, is at your service!" Salomon gave me a little bow as he presented himself to me.

"Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!" Before I could ask Salomon for help he cut me off. "Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!" Salomon told me this causing me to look at him with interest.

"Could it be Shiro?" I asked him this seriously but he shook his head at me. "Nope. It's someone you've ever met, Master. The App has a special step for its user to be registered as a Summoner. I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!" Salomon told me this nervously.

"Is that a problem?" I tilt my head in confusion at why he is so concerned about this Summoner. "It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner closing in!" Salomon told me this with a concerned look on his face but I got even more confused.

"How do they even know where I am anyway?" I asked Salomon this causing him to look at me in surprise like I said something weird.

"Did I not tell you? When you have the App running, all users can tell your location and affiliation! People you've never directly fought before won't see too much info, but. . . Your location is totally available to everyone at all times! As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any other Summoners yet. . . Which means. . ." As Salomon is talking a bunch of male students surround me.

"You should be wary of people approaching, at the very least. I suppose it's too late for that now, though." Salomon told me while sticking his tongue out and knocking on his head in a cute way but all I could do was glare at him angrily.

"Don't think you can act cute and just get away with everything!" I told Salomon this with the glare still on my face. "Haha. . . I was tired out from yesterday, so I only just woke up!" Salomon said this still acting all cute with me causing me to get even more annoyed with him.

"Hey, you there. You're an App player right, aren't you?" The male student with blonde hair question me while staring me down. "Haven't seen you around here. Anyone recognize him?" The male blonde student asked his friend next to him.

"Never seen him before. Hey, check it out. Looks like this kid is flying solo." The male green haired student said this while getting closer to me. "Guess that means. . . We've got ourselves a brand-spankin' newbie!" The male green haired student elbow his friend next to him as he said this.

"Looks like Lady Luck is on our side! You'll be the perfect stepping stone for climbing up the rankings! The male blonde students said this excitedly to his group. "Hey, you sure about this? This isn't the one Oniwaka told us to target." The male purple haired student said to his friend with a nervous look in his eyes.

"Who cares?! All we've done is look and look! Let's have some fun for a change!" The male blonde student then took out his phone and we were surrounded by a bright light. "Battle Zone established! I challenge you to an App battle!" The male blonde student point a sword that appeared in his hand toward me as he said this.

"It's rookie farmin' time! I'm gonna get me some PvP points!" The male green haired student also had a sword pointed at me as he said this and slowly start moving towards me.

"Shit! I am surrounded! And there is an invisible wall around me too!" I look at the group of male students who were getting closer to me. "Whoa! That's a cliche if I ever saw one. Then again, it's your first PVP battle, so these scrubs are perfect! C'mon let's beat them down! Hurry up and summon your Sacred Artifact and familiar!" Salomon push at my shoulder excitedly as he said this.

"They may be third-rate hoodlums, but they're still Summoners." Salomon said this to me and then snap his fingers together and everything stopped moving. "Huh? Did time stop again?" I question Salomon as I look around me in confusion.

"I messed with the perception of time so I can throw in a little tutorial! Listen up. Just like yesterday, that guy has established a Battle Zone. The powers of the App are effective only within the range of this Battle Zone. As such, you Summoners will battle inside this area! Regardless of how destructive you get in here, everything outside of the Battle Zone will remain unaffected. So don't be afraid to give 'em hell!" Salomon rise his fist up as he said this with a serious look in his eye.

"Also, only App users can see inside a Battle Zone. Regular people who don't have the App will have no idea what's going on." Salomon told me this but then stop and think for a while. "There are some exceptions, but let's not worry about that for now. . ." Salomon clap his hands together as he change the subject.

"Okay, Master! Are you ready?!" Salomon look at me excitedly but I just shake my head at him. "I can't do this right now. Let's just run away." I told Salomon this causing him to freeze in shock.

"What? Run away? Listen, Master, this is very important: If you ever run away or, in other words, leave the Battle Zone without fighting. . . You'll immediately lose your status as an App user and cease to be a Summoner! If that happens, you'll lose your only way back home. You'll be stuck here forever. To put is simply, you must accept every fight! That's it for the tutorial! Thank you for your patience! Now get out there and, please, don't lose. Good luck!" Salomon told me this happily before resuming time.

I was getting a headache but I have no choice but to fight. I summon my Artifact and got into a fighting position as I look at the male students closing in. I have to finish this quickly and find Shiro.

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