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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

I sat there in silence, contemplating what Dwarf just told me. He just stood there staring at me running a hand through his beard, " you do know that I already know your answer don't you?"

Letting out a long sigh and leaning back in my chair, I stared at him and finally spoke. "So what you are telling me is that there's a lord camped outside the walls buying children Tubs age, from these slums and they are never seen again?"

"That's correct" he spoke carefully trying to hide his disdain, but he didn't hid it to well. With that I stood up a smile on my face, " and all I have to do is bury a blade in the cocksuckers stomach?"

"that's right" he said mimicking my smile.

"Don't worry about him, tonight's his last"

With that I started to leave before I could leave Dwarf spoke up.

"Good luck friend"

With out looking back I said, " remember our promise, if anything happens to me, Tubs becomes your brother he always was and will always will be, remember that, friend"

This time it was Dwarfs time to laugh, "the mighty phantom wouldn't die to a petty lord, it would take a god to strike you down."

"Or a devil" I said as I opened the door. In the hallway I pulled the hood on my robe up and walked toward the front entrance. I was no longer Baryel older brother and mentor to Tubs. I was now the Phantom, a killer feared everywhere with the ability to control the shadows. A smile on my face I walked into the main part of the pub, as I walked in all eyes were on me, the air that was one of fun and carefree now became oppressive and harsh. This caused my smile to grow larger.

"Please don't stop having fun, just because I am here" I said laughing, this didn't ease the mood at all, sighing I made my way to the door. I made it halfway to the door when a tower of a man stood up and block my way. He was shirtless and wore loose pants held up by rope. Scars littered his whole body. The only empty place was his eyes, which were a bright red full of arrogance and contempt. I had to look up to see his eyes which in itself is extremely rare.

"My name is Xur, the legendary traveling assassin." The last word hung in the air and stayed there until I laughed

"Unsheathe your blade and come at me Xur, I know that's what you want. I'm a busy man I have no free time for politics." This seemed to take him aback, He stepped back and drew a short dagger that was hidden in his waistband, and lunges at me with the ferocity of a newborn. The blade was aimed at at my throat, a killing blowing. He wants to end this fast I thought, and with that I batted away his sword with the back of my fist and knees him in his groin causing him to drop his blade. To my surprise he didn't fall to the ground, and to his dismay my smile grew larger. I grabbed his throat and pulled his head towards mine. And whispered into his ear' " twenty-four times I whispered, twenty-four Times is the number of times I could've killed you, but didn't. This is the twenty-fifth time and I don't feel like letting this one slip by." With these words, Xurs bowels failed and he shat himself. I laughed

"Pathetic" I whispered,I drew my dagger and shoved it slowly into his throat. I pulled the dagger out as slow as I put it in, hopping to slow the blood that will start leaking out as soon as the blade was out completely. When the blade was out I dropped the limp body and crouched down and cleaned the blade on his pants. When I stood up I saw Dwarf standing behind his counter staring at me with a smirk on my face. "Sorry, my friend but he started it". Dwarf let out a chuckled and raised his hand in dismissal. I raised my hand in mockery and walked out onto the streets smile fading. Time to get to work I guess, I told myself and made my way to the woods where the supposed Lord was staying.

I found the lords camp with ease, it makes it easy when the majority of the guards are to drunk to piss correctly and the others look like they just stopped sucking on their mothers' tit yesterday. So I sat in a tree watching them, waiting for the comfort of night. When dark goddess graced the earth with her precious gift of darkness I hopped from out of my tree, and made my way into camp, using the shadows to hide me. I made my way to the center of the camp where a fire flicked with its last breath. Now if I was a Lord where would I be I thought out loud.

"I wouldn't worry about that", a man said behind me, or was it a woman. I wasn't sure. I turned around, more intrigued than surprised.

"You can see me?" I asked

"As clear as the day itself" the voice retorted on a mocking manner. And as if on cue the night turned to day, and that's when I noticed that I was surrounded and the guards who I thought were drunk and inexperienced turned out to be false. I laughed and laughed, in all my years I have never been this fucked in my life and I couldn't believe it, but I kept my cool, after my laughed died out I saw who I was talking to, it was a woman, but that's not what caught my attention. It was the beauty of the woman, the long black hair pulled back into a ponytail the piercing blue eyes and smile playing on her full lips.

"Quite a spell you performed there, had me fooled completely" I said a smile appearing on my face from sheer embarrassment. She went to speak but I cut her off. "But it doesn't matter does it? Your done my Lord. Today is your last day of buy the children of the slums now kindly present me your neck so I can end this quickly. This time it was her time to laugh," I'm sorry Phantom but there is no lord, you walked into trap laid by me and it is you who will die." Her smile faded completely, and she raised her hand and turned to walk out of the ring of soldiers. When she was completely out of the circle the soldiers charged in. I barely pulled my dagger out when the first soldier was on me I rolled to the side and one motion I lunged at the soldier driving my dagger into the gap where the greaves and chest plate dropping him, I then dropped onto ground narrowly avoiding a jab from a soldier behind me, a split second later a second guard jabbed his sword into the ground where I was laying. Luckily I was able to skip through the shadows and get behind him to slit his throat, so that's what I did. With that display the other soldiers halted their advance and stared at me. I glanced to where the woman walked and saw her smile was in full bloom and I felt a pang in my shoulder. At first I thought what I felt was love but that wasn't the case this time when I looked down I saw an arrow shaft imbedded in my shoulder. I than let a scream a mixture of pain and anger at me being so foolish to let that happen. I kept scream but it changed to one of complete and utter rage. The soldiers tried to back away but found that they couldn't, panicking they tried to run but they still couldn't move. The shadows, my shadows, had them in their grasp. The soldiers started screaming begging to be let free, but I didn't listen, I just laughed as the shadows climbed up the soldiers. The shadows kept creeping up until they reached the necks of the soldiers. Completely able to move the soldiers continued to cry and beg until I snapped my fingers and in unison the shadows snapped each and everyone of their necks. With that done I ripped the arrow out of my shoulder and commanded the shadows to plug the wound to halt the bleeding. After that I looked to where the woman stood, the smile still on her face but behind her eyes held the look of a cornered animal. I was disappointed,

"You are interesting, so I think I'm going to let you live, but if you ever try to ambush me like this again, you will die in a more horrible way than how your soldiers did." That's when I smelt the familiar scent of piss, I smirked and said that wasn't very lady like ma'am. And with that I jumped into a shadow and fled to the city. Dwarf and I need to talk, plus I need to get this wound patched up quickly.

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