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Chapter 19: Revenge of Mobs

Chapter 18 — Revenge of Mobs

Recently, I've been working on the various tasks Meng Tian handed me. Most of them weren't challenging and rather easy to accomplish.

"If it was my past self, he would've already complained a long time ago."

I started reminiscing about my past self that was still ignorant about reality.

"Ignorance is really bliss…"

I was always wearing a smile full of happiness back then. Now I just resemble a monotonous and emotionless machine.

"Maybe that's why I always hear from my Senior Brother that I'm not much different from a machine."

To his eyes, I'm always working monotonously for three hours a day after leaving the academy. He hasn't seen me showing any emotion, after all.

"Try to at least smile."

Meng Hao once got sick about that fact.


And it was difficult…

It seems like my facial muscles were numb to the point of not being able to smile naturally. If I forcefully tried smiling, it looked very frightening and awkward.

As such, Meng Tian stopped pestering me after constantly getting scared silly.

Meng Tian usually provided me with works appropriate for my current skill level. It varied from the workload of 3rd to 4th rank blacksmiths.

After accumulating experiences from those works, I was now able to understand countless metals on a deeper level, making me able to work on them with ease.

I wasn't the only apprentice blacksmith that works at Meng Tian's Workshop. After all, It was a busy place that constantly received orders.

The other blacksmith apprentice was the person I previously referred as Senior Brother.

Senior Brother Long resembles the bright flames used when forging. He was very passionate and chatty.

That's why I inwardly disliked him for his annoying personality.

If I were to talk about his good points, it would be him having a muscular body. He was also not jealous over the fact I receive more workload despite being younger.

The disparity between our skills just further motivated him to keep improving.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It was currently working hours, so I started pounding my hammer with the goal of completing my daily quota as usual.

"Junior Brother! Junior Brother! I have big news for you!"

Senior Brother Long suddenly stormed inside my workstation.

"What news?"

Bang! Bang!

"I heard from the Master that we'll soon welcome a new apprentice brother!"

Bang! Bang!

"Hmm, I personally don't care much about it."

Bang! Bang!

Since the start, I haven't stopped hammering the metal.

Senior Brother Long didn't mind it too much since he was used to my cold behavior.

He soon left to do his own business.

"A new one…"

As I recalled what he said, I couldn't help but remember the day I started to learn forging under Hu Yu.








At first, Meng Tian was increasingly frightened by Nai An's growth as a blacksmith. Soon enough, he was so astonished that it no longer bothered him. It felt like a normal occurrence now. Maybe this was the sign of his mental tolerance improving.

Meng Tian felt he used up all his luck to meet and teach a monstrous talent like Nai An.

Then recently, Meng Tian was approached by his brother who wanted his son to work as an apprentice blacksmith under him to earn money.

Meng Tian was able to meet his nephew occasionally before. His nephew was a bright and pure boy that awakened the so-called trash spirit.

He was reluctant to accept, but then remembered what happened with Nai An.


His nephew was actually another hidden gem?

The next day, Meng Tian received his nephew who was called Tang Wulin from his sister-in-law.

First, Meng Tian asked Tang Wulin some basic questions about blacksmithing. He was then quite disappointed to hear that Tang Wulin didn't know anything about it.

A complete beginner.

However, It was still fine.

Meng Tian then urged Tang Wulin to do a simple forging test. The same test that Nai An refused to do because it wasn't worth his level.

He handed a pair of metal hammers that weighed six kilograms each, and told Tang Wulin to swing them thousands of times.

Tang Wulin wielded the hammers as if they were lightweight, signifying he possessed incredible physical strength.

This caused Meng Tian to develop anticipation that Tang Wulin may have some talents.

He decided to watch closely.

After some time, Tang Wulin managed to strike with the hammers thousands of times with incredible strength and perseverance.

A genius!

Meng Tian didn't look that surprised outside. Inwardly, however, he felt close to ascending heaven.

For some reason, his luck was on the roll!

"Should I try gambling…?"







The next morning, Tang Wulin came to the workshop after recovering from his exhaustion and swollen hands. He was known to have a trash spirit, but at least he possessed a powerful recovery speed.

And coincidentally, Tang Wulin was surprised to see Nai An who was currently forging inside his workshop with unwavering focus.

He didn't expect to see him here…

Coming from Nai An's workshop, Tang Wulin could hear the rhythmic sound of someone deeply breathing that made him think of a powerful wild beast. Alongside it were the violent thundering sounds of hammering that echoed inside the hallway with clear clasps.

Tang Wulin unknowingly fell into a stupor as he watched him with utmost focus. His mind was getting swallowed by the sheer intensity of Nai An's beastly aura.

This scene felt like he was watching someone having a brutal battle to death.

Tang Wulin felt his heart throbbing faster and faster from what he was seeing. He seemed to feel a door to a new world opening before his eyes.

The world of blacksmithing.

A key to changing his fate.

A golden flame lit up from the deepest crevice of his heart.

"Someday, I will surpass you!"

With a tightly clenched fist, Tang Wulin resolved to work hard and surpass Nai An.








As I finished forging, I noticed someone watching me from outside.


A familiar face.

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

I greeted him with a few words.

"Yeah, I also never expected to meet you here! What a coincidence!"

Nodding, I questioned: "Are you the new apprentice blacksmith?"

"I just joined yesterday. It's nice to work with you."

"I see."

I thought for a second before pointing my hand somewhere.

"Look for Meng Tian to teach you the basic ropes. He should be at his workstation."

"Okay, thank you!" Tang Wulin smiled gratefully before leaving to look for Meng Tian.

"I'm done for today's daily quota. I guess I should take my leave now…"

Before clocking out, I cleaned up the messes inside my workstation. Unlike other blacksmiths, I like my personal space to be neat and clean.







"What do you think about Nai An?"

Meng Tian never expected Tang Wulin would know about Nai An.

"Nai An is very amazing. In fact, I somewhat admire him because he is very talented compared to me."

"Right? His talent is enough to even make me envious. After all, he's already a 4th rank blacksmith at such a young age."

Tang Wulin was shocked to hear these praises from an esteemed blacksmith like Meng Tian.

Could he really surpass such a talented monster?

Meng Tian then patted Tang Wulin's shoulder.

"I know you have potential. You're a hidden gem that isn't less than Nai An. In fact, you're the complete opposite of Nai An. If he's darkness, then you're light. If you two compete with each other, it will help both of you reach the ultimate peak of blacksmithing."

"Do I really have such potential?"

Tang Wulin never heard those praises from other people. All he ever received were words that mocked his talent.

"Nothing is impossible as long as you work hard while firmly believing in yourself.

"I knew nothing would be easy in life. I've encountered all kinds of pain after awakening my Martial Spirit."

Tang Wulin's eyes grew very determined.

"But I won't give up! For my family, I'll even work to death!"

"That's the spirit."

Meng Tian's lip curled upward.

"Let's now begin your hellish forging training."










After clocking out, I left the workshop and noticed the sky was already dark.

I casually strolled the street with only lamps serving as light sources.


My senses were able to feel a certain amount of suspicious people following me from behind.

"Why are they following me so sneakily…?"

I now understand why it was important to have a strong mind in this world. A powerful mind also leads to a quality improvement of the senses, thereby making them more sharper and sensitive to a lot of details. Although I have the power of the mind, it was exhausting to continuously use unlike my natural senses.

With the addition of Steel Breathing, it was not an understatement to say my senses were as powerful as beasts.

Furthermore, if I use my senses as a whole, it leads to a transformation of my intangible sixth sense.

I was able to feel it.

No, my entire being was able to sense it distinctively.

A familiar sensation.

A repulsive sensation was coming from their beings.

The sensation of death.

A cruel smile couldn't help but escape from my face.

"Such an irony…"

To think I would only smile properly on days like this…

"Well, that's not important…"

Right. The most important thing was to renounce the terror of the night—A night where evils repent with their blood.

Vlad the Bloodsucker.










It was a bad Idea to involve innocent civilians since I don't want them to develop a serious traumatic experience.

That's why I decided to lure them into a secluded area where no people usually enter.

On the way there, I pondered on the many ways to deal with them.

"I should use this chance to test out the power of Spirit Heart and Soul Blood."

I wouldn't use hidden weapons or my biological weapon.

After reaching an abandoned factory, I finally stopped acting like I hadn't noticed them yet.

"You guys keep following me around. What business do you want with me?"

I calmly turned around before noticing many silhouettes emerging from the darkness. The darkness couldn't impede my sight, which were similar to cats that have night vision.

"A spirit tool…"

They were robust men equipped with large blades that flickered with sharp lights. I knew those blades were the product of the recently advancing soul guided technology.

A man took a step forward while wearing a cruel expression. His face riddled with scars was hiding a seething wrath.

"Do you remember the man you beat up so badly? He was my younger brother."

I realized why they were following me so persistently.

"So you came for revenge?"

"That's right. My brother is now crippled and wasting his life in the hospital because of you!" He roared at me ferociously.

"Really? I guess I hit him too lightly back then."

Upon hearing my expressionless remark, I saw the veins of the man popping out hideously from underneath his skin.

"That dog bastard! Kill him! I don't care if he's a Spirit Master!"


The man ordered his subordinates with clenched teeth.

"We'll cripple you for our youngest brother!"

The subordinate raised their blades with the intention of slashing me into pieces.

I merely glanced at them with my dead eyes that were void of anything.

"I guess it's time to test it out."

A light flashed from the silver ring on my finger as my Spirit Heart was activated to provide me with Soul Blood.

"Comeforth, Rosemary."

As the subordinates approached me, a humongous shadow suddenly overcasted them.

All of them halted as they saw what I was holding with my arms.

A blackgray greatsword that was even larger and wider than me.

—It was too large, too thick, too rough, and too heavy to be called a sword, it was more like a massive mass of iron.

"I'll allow you to learn the true meaning of regret."

As I took a deep breath, I leaped forward as my eyes maddened with wrath.






A gasp escaped from the man who was nearest to me. Before he could even react, I suddenly appeared before him with my greatsword slashing downwards.

He tried to avoid the sword's path with good footwork.

"You're good at dodging. I guess being a gangster makes you good at that."


Despite its seemingly heavy weight, the large greatsword quickly followed after the man who tried to block it with his blade as a last effort.


His arms abruptly sank after receiving the sword that weighed over 900 kilograms. Moreover, it was followed by a powerful shockwave that caused his arms and the ground to crack apart.



With a gruesome sound, his body was split into halves with his blood and flesh splattering on the ground.

The sword then reacted from the blood that drenched its blade. Crimson lines lit up before it silently sucked the spilled blood.


I let out a visible mist from my mouth as I stabbed the greatsword on the floor.

I stared at the others who slowly backed away upon meeting my gaze full of bloodlust.

A smile formed on my face as I slowly walked towards them with dense red mist accumulating around me. The aura of life-death could be felt within it, creating the mystical Rage Force.

Rage Count: 2/10.

The leader grew even more furious upon seeing his subordinates backing away like cowards.

"Retards! Who said you guys can back down!"

"Hurry up and kill him!"

The leader's venomous gaze frightened them. As they have followed him for more than many years, the leader had thoroughly engraved them with fear.


The remaining subordinates charged at me with a loud shout to dispel their fearness. And this time, they started to cooperate skillfully and with deep experiences.


As I uttered calmly, I hardened both of my fists while dense red mist enveloped them.


A man slashed his blade in my direction. I could see blue light covering the blade which made it sharper and stronger.



I simply caught the blade with my hardened left hand. With the other hand, I pummeled his face harshly to the point of cracking and deforming it.


One down. And dead.

Rage Count: 3/10



Another one.

And another.

Rage Count: 5/10

I leaped toward them with a bloodthirsty smile that only had the sole intention of crushing their skulls.

Rage Count: 7/10


A sword was swung downwards at me from behind, but I already noticed him with my sharp senses, quickly turning my waist around to pound his chest with my fist.


A man spat out a large amount of blood and flesh as his chest caved in deeply.

Rage Count 8/10.

"Consider it as an honor to experience the true power of my Blood Sacrificed Weapon."

I lifted the greatsword that I previously stabbed deep into the ground.

"Blood Resonance."

I felt my blood vessels resonating with the greatsword that now has reddish lines running through its dark gray surface like reddish circuits.

It was my enhanced circulatory system extending to it, making it extremely harder and heavier.

At the same—

"Hoh, I didn't know Rosemary can also share my Purple Blood."

As I resonated with it, I could understand the sword on a deeper level.

I grinned madly before dashing towards the remaining guys while slashing the greatsword as violently and savagely as I could.

I have no proper form or beauty behind the way I wield my sword. It was only merciless and an extremely violent sight to it as various shockwaves appeared along with blood and fleshes.

Yet despite wielding a greatsword for the first time, it moved as if it was one with my body.

I could feel the greatsword resonating with my blood vessels—merging with my body and moving like an extension of my arms.

One with the sword.

The first realm of enlightenment.

And I achieved it forcefully by using the power of Blood Sacrificed Weapon.

One after another.

One, two, three, four….

I instantly pulverized their bones while their flesh and organs melted by poison that fills the greatsword.

The red mist around my arms has reached a thick and dense level, reaching Its utmost limit.

No matter how much I attacked or killed, the red mist stopped increasing.

Rage Count: 10/10.

Each and every strike I did was now heavy and lethal.

"So this is the power of Battle Fury…"

I could feel the red mist squirming around uncontrollably as the rage reached the peak, wanting to explode like a raging dormant volcano.

So, I recalled the greatsword into my spatial ring.

The Life-Death Wheel then started to spin madly within my Spirit Heart, causing the red mist to gather on my fist to form a corporeal reddish fist made out of mist.

The Life-Death Wheel rotation speed reached the limit as to quickly condense and amplify everything into my fist.

Rage Count: 5/10

The rage count got consumed.

"Demonic Art: Fist Of Rage."

Undying Rage.

The rage that kept growing endlessly inside my heart.

It was released.

My entire fist blazed with swirling red light that took the form of a raging sun.

"A monster…!"

The remaining guys alive were now slowly overwhelmed with terror. Not from their leader, but from my rage that they were currently facing.

Even the leader was trembling visibly with an extremely pale expression like a frightened cat.

It was a given.

They were facing my undying rage that came to reality.

Now looking at all of them huddled together, I calmly let out a punch forward without even taking a step.

Like a raging river turning into an surging tidal waves—


I growled deeply as a brilliant light swept across like a supercharged star crashing against them, causing a large explosion to occur.



The entire abandoned factory was swallowed by a scalding shockwave that swept everything inside it.

Everything was a mess.

And I alone stood inside the now empty abandoned factory.

All of my enemies were dead.

That fact was further proven when I felt a cold sensation awakening within me. It appeared from my lower belly and formed a whirlpool that instantly devoured the life forces scattered everywhere.


An unexpected thing happened. Unlike in the past, the devoured life forces were solely pouring into my bone marrow.

I felt my vertebraes burning intensely from pain as my bone marrow got violently refined by life forces.

Gradually, my blood started to course vigorously and hotter throughout my blood vessels. It started to become increasingly denser and full of energy than before.

After my bone marrow was completely refined by a huge amount of life force, it experienced a radical transformation. It produced a much higher quality of blood that was comparable to the blood of spirit beasts, further increasing my strength, stamina, and regeneration ability.

Moreover, I could feel that my blood was extremely pure without any signs of impurities. The bone marrow now refused to produce blood that had impurities. This transformation also affected my Purple Blood and Soul Blood.

"So after my muscles, the bones are the next?"

After the transformation of my muscles, I guess it was time for my bones to get forged into higher quality.

I thought of the cold force with a solemn expression.

Every life I take, I also plunder their lifeforce.

I have no way to control it.

However, I didn't hate or even like the power of cold force.

It was just a tool to raise my talent and potential.

Something I desperately needed to exact my revenge.

I was about to leave the abandoned factory, but I then felt a presence I couldn't sense before.

The only reason I could sense the presence was because they were emitting the sensation of fear.

"Who's there! Show yourself!" I commanded icily.


A girl squealed in panic.

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