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68% Dawn of the First Emperor / Chapter 16: The Twin Witches

Chapter 16: The Twin Witches

We went to the kitchen and I ask Jeunesse the uninvited guest what she wants for a midnight snack. She humbly requested for dried fish and a cup of marinated wine. I instead gave her a medium rare steak with apple juice. [Cause John misses being a child so much. Boohoo - Author]

So I told Jeunesse that she will have a steak sandwich and some apple juice which made her quite confused and raised an eyebrow at me. To her that it was not poisoned that I was applying, I immediately take in big bites from the ingredients I prepared. This coupled with me drinking a lot of apple juice slightly calm the noble assassin and it made her a bit curious to the strange things that he has displayed.

"I have never even tried these, not while I was still in my family estate." Jeunesse said as she fiddles the wine glass filled with apple juice. She took a sip and lick her lips — this was somewhat arousing.

"I thought you were from the Bareleaux Royaume?" Richard said while he chops the cooked beef he made. Cooking was his specialty since most of his life was living alone and he didn't like the dull taste of process foods from convenience markets. Cooking makes him feel fancy but now that he is living in a medieval mansion that looks like it came out from a fantasy novel, it makes it all the more pleasant.

"I was but I no longer have any affiliation towards them anymore more." Jeunesse said as she spins the wine glass like some mob boss he knew before.

I prepared the meal that she order (which I ordered for her actually) and sat down across the table in front of her. Crossing my arms as the noble assassin whole-heartedly gobbles the steak sandwich I made her. My eyes were locked on her delicate face that she presented. It look pale yet a bit tanned. Was she around the sun for a long period of time or was she trying out a sun bathing? Oh what am I thinking, she's someone who can disappear out of thin air.

"So about my sisters..." Richard purposely left his sentence unfinished.

"They're witches..." Jeunesse said as she stuff the steak sandwich on her mouth. This however shocked me to my buttocks as I process those words but Jeunesse however had sneer on her face. "Oh and I'm also a witch, just to let you know." She said which brought a bit more knowledge to my guest intentions.

"Why though? Why haven't they spoken about it until now?" Richard solemnly said as he rubs his fingers on the slick jawline.

Pondering as to the reason why they didn't talk about them being witches. In fact, judging from the memories he can recall to the previous Richard. There isn't a single thing that is reminiscent to what Jeunesse mentioned. While contemplating on whether or not, I should ask the girls to confirm this accusation that she claims to be.

By the time Jeunesse finally finished her meal as she licks her fingers from the juices of the leftover steak — I was still lost in thought. She broke the awkward silence by disappearing. Again. Then, I saw the abnormal horizontal green light that left crystals as it dissipated through the air like shards of broken glass. I noticed it right when those sparkles started to shine.

I look around to my surroundings both to my left and right. Out of nowhere she then reappeared in front of me — sitting by the table as she lounge with her legs crossed. I simply look up at her felicific smile as I probe her at her beautiful face. Richard made a slight smirk while Jeunesse waits for me to speak.

Seeing her appearance somehow flash memories from the previous Richard. Off course thats why, I'm living in the time where people with superstition suspect that people who are born with powers are considered the most strange people. Not because their powers vary from fire magic to shadow magic which only require a novice mage extensive training.

When the witches were recognized by their abilities to the council of Nethorus from the different mage classes all over the human societies that sanctioned the persecution of the witches. Then that would mean an end to my reign as duke and my quest to find answers will be done. Not mention finding my way back home to earth.

I don't know what their motive is but it could either be political gain or some dirty secret they have been holding for a long time. I need more information to better understand why but for now I have to settle the matter with my own witch problem.

"Heh, Ok. I think we had enough chatting. The sun will rise and its time for us to go to sleep." Richard said while he yawns from his exhausted body.

"Then does that mean you've already decided?" Jeunesse said as she made jump of joy when she heard Richards tired face.

"But, I refuse, for one of the favourite things to do is to tell someone who thinks is strong, no." Richard firmly said. This bewildered Jeunesse as she makes a contorted look at me. Scoffing in disappointment. Seeing the grimaced Jeunesse — Richard then takes away the facade be serious.

"No, I have not yet. Since I'll might need to talk to my sisters first so I can be sure that they'll accept my... our... proposition..." He said steadily for each syllable. Jeunesse sighed.

"A wise choice, Cromwell. Not many people like the nobility would make consent after their life is being threatened." Jeunesse said seductively as she places her fingers on my chin.

"Since when did my life was in any danger miss Garnier?" Richard said sarcastically.

"Careful what you say, Richard..."Jeunesse said, using my name as a way to draw me further to her manipulation.

"*Yawning* It's getting late. I think we should get to bed." Richard casually yawns so he could pretend to keep his emotions in tact.

"We?" Jeunesse said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, you heard me right, 'WE'. What? You thought I'd let you go and tell the rest of whomever you work with? No, Since our agreement has been postponed, why not sleep in one of the reserved rooms that lay empty. Don't worry they're not as dusty as you may think." Richard commented on how excellent his mansion.

Off course she hesitated at first but when I reassured her that everything will be sorted once we've made a reconciliation between the two parties. The reason why Richard puts it on hold is that I want to prolong it as much as possible. Hence why he offers Jeunesse to stay in his abode for the time being. Although the majority of the negotiating will be handled by Agnes since she's an expert in diplomacy.

Which is why they were not present during the Ork invasion to the city. The two of them were actually making peace with the Etronarchian kingdom that borders Isstvan and their south-western stronghold called Rexcetor Castle.

We walk the hallways that lay a smooth red cotton carpet which stretches all the way to the room next to me. I then introduce Jeunesse to my so called "actual bodygaurds" which they did tried to point their extremely heavy and long halberts at her. Alas I gave them orders to not harm her as I explain Karsodian, Wamuudesri and Rediscian to treat her as a guest. This off course baffled the Pillar Guardians and one of them protested.

"It is absurd to let someone sneak into the presence of our master for we have known she was here!" Wamuudesri said — his brothers face palm to this out of shame.

Rediscian explained that they were aware of Jeunesse being here, they just didn't know how to react when they saw me and her chatting all chummy. This made Richard to question why they got this job as his personal bodyguards if they can't operate like normal security guards. He dismissed this for he was too tired to make an inquiry.

Opening the door to let Jeunesse enter her temporary room until we sort things up. This is all that Richard can do for the time being. Before Jeunesse could enter — she then stops and whispers something to my ear. They weren't a threat nor were they a simple goodnight but rather a warning...

Jeunesse then makes her way inside by the empty space. I closed the doors and hold the handles tight. The grip of my palms to the handles touch feels warm. When my hand lets go, I told Wamuudesri to guard her or more specifically.

Be her watcher in case she shows any suspicious activity and if she does. Well I simply gestured a slit to my throat. Indicating that she must be terminated by all means. Wamuudesri, was reluctant but in the end he was content on obeying his masters every word.

Satisfied that my personal bodyguards obliged. I never would expected them to obliged since their only interest is either lubricants of excessive body oil or my safety.

Then I walk to my room where Rediscian and Karsodian followed me. Once I've reached to my chambers — I ordered Karsodian to patrol the mansion. See if there are any breaches while Rediscian guards me outside.

Again. They complied to my bidding. This made me realize the position I am in. Richard Cromwell, the lord of Isstvan, Archduke of the city, The prince of 26,000 people under my control. Richard then tucks himself to bed and thought about the future.

"If I can't go home then I'll make this backwatered world my own..." He muttered to himself as he closed his eyes to finally rest from all the stress. Falling fast asleep quite quickly.

The next morning

From the rays of sunlight that shine through the clear glass of the window. There lies a large bed that could fit 3 people. Richard was lying on it and was having a delirious expression as the sunlight beams through his face. Revealing a distress look that he was making. It appears he was having a terrible dream, perhaps a very daunting nightmare.

It nevertheless made the archduke to look like someone horrified to what he has seen. Rediscian was around the room, guarding Richard's side as he stonewardly stands like a statue — staying vigilant. He looks over to him and wonders what he was dreaming — which raises the guard some suspicion. He was fully aware of the unexpected guest from last night but was surprise to hear that even his brothers (the rest of the pillar guardians which they call themselves) were given strict orders not to harm her.

Indeed it was weird for their lord to let a witch that was previously a noblewomen from the Bareleaux Royaume. One of the far away kingdoms that border across the Remolan Republica who are currently having a peace treaty with the Motten Konigreich due to border friction. He was still unaware of the Etronarchian Kingdom whereabouts since their activity has been more passive than usual.

Nevertheless, Rediscian doesn't trust this witch as they are untrain sorcerers that have uncanny abilities. I hope my lord is doing the right thing, otherwise the only living Cromwell left breathing would be gone from this world and would create more dishonor to their once proud Pillar Guardians name. I hope our Shield Captain arrives so we won't lose another Cromwell.

Within the mind of Richard. He was having a dream from when he was still in the SAS or The British Armed Forces. A briefing was made for them. Joined with us are the American Navy Seals as a part of the joint operative. It said that they were to be sent to Afghanistan in order to quell a terrorist insurgence. They didn't have a name nor did they had one since the info we had was all they could gather.

Nevertheless, we had strict orders to capture man name Ubayy Atallah alive but the thing is that this certain group could be one of the taliban sympathizers. Which makes all the more reason why this mission is so important. Our mission is to bring him alive, have our interrogators squeeze in as much info as we can and be done with it. Those were the orders we were given.


Within the mind of Richard.

Time: 0500 hours. Date: [Redacted]

"Clear!" said the SAS troop as he bashed through one of the doors in the sandy arabic house. Another team comprising of other SAS troopers then went upstairs. John is one of them as he stealthily walks up with the rest of his team. They then found another door that seem to be locked so we had one of our guys go to the other side and open it while the guy in front of me with a UCIW on his hands.

"Frag out!" The man in front of him puts in a live frag grenade and closed the door immediately as he backs away.

Then a loud noise was heard from inside the room and my guy immediately through the door and shot a man who had AKA-47 assault rifle on his hands. The poor bastard fell to the cold floor and we can hear a women in the room wails while holding what looks like a newborn child. Once the man with the AKA was neutralized — we then storm the rooms one by one, scanning through everywhere for anything that would have someone hiding that can pounce at us.

"Next, room!" said my team leader.

"Roger that, sir." John said as he calls to his comrades to go the next door but when he was about to check the next door.

Another terrorist came out coming from another door that we haven't check — the bastard just pop out of the blue. I immediately shot him as soon as he started running towards me and my team. After I shot him though, another man came out with hands up in the air. I told him to hit the ground before I could shoot him.

When were near him though; he suddenly exploded. It must have been a suicide bomber but nevertheless, I fall to my back as the impact from the explosion caused to hit the ground. There was shrapnel on my lower abdomen and I bleeding so much, it felt like there was a cold sensation out in the sunny day. A hard ringing sound was resonating in my ears.

Luckily my buddy got me in time and brought me downstairs. John didn't know how he was still alive after that explosion but felt an excruciating pain. The only possible reason as to why he was still breathing must mean he was far enough away from the blast.

"Medic! We need a medic here!" The guy who carried me outside then puts me down gently on the ground as my consciousness starts disappearing.

Was I about to die? I don't want to die yet, I still have people waiting for me back home. Then I saw my mother carrying a basket full of laundry as she waves at me with a gentle smile on her face.

"Mama..." I reached out to my hand as my vision begins to blur. There were many people that appear to be scrambling around in a frenzied motion but not my mother. Her face was calm as the lake and shines beautifully like the pale moon. "MAMA!" I yelp and starting weeping for my life.

I tried to approach her but all I felt was the palm of my sweaty hands. I look around the room and took in a deep breath. I was still at the mansion and I am still Richard Cromwell. I then looked at the sweaty hands in front of me and place them on my face as a way of comfort. One of my guards noticed my sudden action to pounce up of my and then looks at me.

"My lord, are you alright? This is the 3rd time you've done that since last night. Is there something that is bothering thy grace?" Rediscian said with concern.

He was about to tell Rediscian that he doesn't need to worry until, Agnes barged open the door with a loud bang. I was immediately on my guard and the alertness now has my blood pumping with adrenaline. Hopping off my bed and took cover as Agnes comes closer to me, her sullen face increases to be more unsettling than her stomps.

So I asked "Is there another ork invasion?!! A coup uprising from the peasantry??! A daemonic incursion?! Magnus the Red did something right???" I cried out to whatever was the worst possible outcome and readied myself, both mentally and physically. But all I got was a punched to the face.

"Oww! What was that for-" He was shortly cut off until Agnes hugged him tightly. She was apparently weeping as she clings to me for comfort.

"I'm sorry that we kept it a secret for so long... Father told us not to reveal it to anyone under no circumstances... Even Isabella was content on not telling it to you. I'm sorry Richard." She sobbed for the first since he was sent to this world.

I return and cuddled with her — just to comfort his crying sister. She then withdraws after she sniffed the clothes I wore last night. Covering her nose like a clipper. Seeing her shift to a grumpy and sulky sister to a person who now wants to puke. I then realized that when I smelled the black coat that I was wearing, it stinks of musk and sweat.

"Sorry, Agnes... It seems I reek of dead bark." Richard solemnly said while Agnes giggled as a way to mock my remark.

"You really haven't been acting yourself lately..." Agnes muttered, tilting her head as she fixed my bed hairs.

"Oh... Hmm..." Richard hummed. He forgot that he stop acting like Richard as his facade.

"Anyway what are you doing coming into my door with fist raised at me. You know the hens haven't cockadooed yet." I said with the same tone — reiterating the same style as the original.

"Oh... do you remember that women who grabbed you by the ruffles? Well..." Agnes appears to be mildly infuriated when I brought the subject. "She came to our room and told us everything that you two were debating." She smiled sarcastically at me.

"Agnes... *Yawn* Does Richard knows?" Isabella was the broken down double door while Rediscian escorted her in.

"About you two being witches? Yes, I knew. Oh and Good morning Isabella, you too Agnes~"Richard said with a slight smirk on her face

Throughout the entire morning — we've done nothing but chatter around like idiots until Jeunesse came into the room unexpectedly. She manifested through horizontal green crystals again. Appearing behind me and Agnes as she sat with her legs crossed on top of my bedding.

Then winked at me. I didn't know what that meant but it sure as hell got Agnes irritated again. Choking my throat as a way to pump all her anger at me — even though I did nothing wrong. She laughs sadistically while Isabella tries to convince Agnes to stop the abuse.

She eventually calmed down and they finally began making negotiations. This went on for 30 mins and I got hungry so I sneakily went out. I ordered Rediscian to watch while I go to the kitchen snake style.


I then went to the kitchen and told the cook that I'll be having scrambled eggs. The chef was befuddled by the statement. So I explained further in detail and still doesn't know what scramble eggs are.

All he knew from his cooking experience was from his father and he didn't make such exaggerated dish nor was he familiar with the name. Although this didn't deterred me from getting my smooth and rubbery scrambled eggs. Hence I began to cook my own food which perplexed the chef even more. Guiscardo Sorrentino was his name and he was reminiscent to an italian New Yorker. Even his hand gesture also signifies its iconography.

"Ey, boss, your grace, Signore Cromwell. What ta ya doin sir?" Said Guiscardo, swinging his arms.

"I'm showing you what scrambled eggs are, Mr. Sorrentino." Richard said with dignity.

We then bickered for 10 minutes about the scrambled eggs. He said you should beat it first in a bowl, then you put it in the pan. But I'd rather whisk it directly in the pan so I could break down down while it culminates that savoury texture.

We yelled, cursed and even joked around at each other while still cooking in the middle of the kitchen. When we were done though and my scrambled eggs were now texture to my taste. I then told Guiscardo to prepare the girls with the same meal, including Jeunesse.

I then went to my office (fully energized) where I'll be finishing the remaining documents. Richard left the kitchenette.

Agnes and Jeunesse were ranting about whether they should stay at their own risk or go with Jeunesse for the sake of the twins safety. Witches from the continent of Etuliea are regarded as the imperfect beings that inhabit the human race.

It's either the influence of the Darge religion or the massive hysteria of the populace since they are so used to trained magicians that can help them for their day to day life. But the most popular one is that once our powers are revealed then that would mean a witch is possessed by demons.

Strolling through the corridors as they make their way to the dining room. Isabella noticed the strange mush of yellow. She analysed the yellow mush and poked it with a fork. The chef Guiscardo told her that it was called scrambled eggs and then went back to the kitchen. I didn't know what a scrambled egg was but she wasn't picky.

Isabella then ate it and was instantly in love it. It wasn't the tastiest but it has that aromatice feeling whenever you chew the bits and it's a bit spicy too. When Agnes and Jeunesse came into the room, Isabella immediately showed them the scrambled eggs. They had eyebrows raised but relented, so they halted their heated argument and decided to have breakfast first


Back in Richards office. The stacks of papers piled like your typical office worker. He was now busy with what he loves doing. Despite the massive workload, Richard has a restless, uneasy feeling that things won't go well if Jeunesse is gone. If Agnes can convince her to stay here for a bit longer then he'll might use her ability to spy on my enemies within the city.

Recently, the nobility have been showing some cracks and I don't want that to hinder me for my future plans. My best luck is maybe strike a deal with her and we would have a mutual exchange but the only problem is what should he give her in return.

"My lord, your servant Daniel Hemming has reported that you should oversee the assignment Linaris has been given. He says the Artisan would like the duke to watch the progress to the... mall... thing..." Rediscian was having a hard time reciting it in English.

"Tell him that I'll be there by tomorrow." Richard said, waving his hands while reading on a piece of parchment that he was looking. My visit to the mall will have to put on hold and... wait... The construction won't start until next week.

Linaris wouldn't have gathered the necessary resources in just a short amount of time, not even counting the labour work that he requires to pay so many skilled artisans like him to execute such a project.

Something is off and I don't like it. Perhaps it could be one of the nobles or an outside threat but if they are plotting to assassinate or harm any of my future projects then I won't sit idly by to let that happen.

"Not on my watch." He angrily mutters to himself. It doesn't matter if they are Noble descend or not, I'm not letting it happen.

Trajann_Augustus Trajann_Augustus

This chapter has the most dialogue I've written so far. Maybe I should be a script writor but who knows where I'll go -_-

Thank you for reading!

Also #MagnusDidEverythingWrong

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