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76% Dawn of the First Emperor / Chapter 18: The Second Arrives, Plan Initiated

Chapter 18: The Second Arrives, Plan Initiated

Melissa sense a rumbly feeling. Now half-awake by the shaky motion that she was experiencing. Getting up with her hair all messy, Melissa wipe her right eye to prevent her from falling asleep again.

Licking her lips to moisten the dryness; she looks around from left to right. Then a man came in as the rocky motions stops to a halt. The man looked old yet doesn't have any wrinkles on his forehead. Could be someone in their late 40s or early 50s?

"Alright, this is where we'll stop here miss Hawkinge. I'll wait when your ready." The strange man said.

Melissa squinted her eyes, probing through her surroundings again with only one eye. Then a jolt of realization brought her senses back. She quickly scramble to everywhere; letting the blankets that she wore fall off to the bench she nestled in. Picks up a small mirror and looks at herself in the reflection. Melissa's face had blue eyes with a long black hair.

Cheeks dirtied with mud, her body shape curvy yet slender. She wore blouse on the inside and sleeveless brown gown. Slapping her face to know it isn't a dream. When the red hue was seen, Melissa drop to the wagons floor. Falling unconscious.

Waking up 5 minutes later. Regaining somewhat of her sanity. A voice was heard when she was getting up. Which caught her off guard and fall to the floor again as a result of accidentally slipping the blanket on her feet.

Causing her to tumble as she drop face first. A flash of memories had started occurring in her mind as she recollects the events that Melissa has experience so far. Although most of them doesn't belong to her, in fact they all appear so different from each other that she can't distinct them from hers. Until a someone voice itself on Melissa's head.

"Ah you are awake, Melissa Stone or more accurately, Miss Halsey Hawkinge." The voice echoed as it reverberates through her mind like the inside of an empty hollow.

"W-who are you?" She spoke in fright and confusion. Arms trembling continuously like a small twig.

The voice never answered back. It instead flooded her brain picts of knowledge that she have never seen before. Her eyes shimmer a glow of white light. Forcing her to lean by the ends of the bench as the wagon stood motionless as her.

The brilliance fades away and Melissa rooted the fingers on her black hair. Petrified by the fact that the truth have transpired to her. Everything all made sense to her once she knew what was going on. And she was scared.

Then the man that she met pops his head from the curtains. His voice was scruffy but there was concern in them.

"Miss Hawkinge is something the matter? Hurry up, I have other customers to hitch a ride." He said and retreats back.

She sat there for a bit and slaps her cheeks to stop the sleepiness and horror that happened. Gets up picks up her cloak and jumps out of the wagon. She bid the strange man farewell and he in return tucks his hat as a 'Your welcome'.

Cruising around the dirty streets of what appears to be a city that she recalls by its name. Naseth was what she could remember. Everything felt so surreal, it didn't made her all the more disturb. The voice that spoke out of nowhere suddenly gave her knowledge that she never heard. But there was only one thing that was clear. She isn't on earth anymore.

She wonders if John is still alive or not. Since he too was brought here against his will like Melissa. Then she stare blankly at herself by a puddles reflection on the ground.

Realizing the fact that she no longer is the nerdy archaeologist before but now is a lone merchant called Halsey Hawkinge. Reluctantly acknowledging herself as Halsey, she now has a new resolve. Find John and see if the both of them can return to earth together.

'Yes,' she thought. Now is the best time to locate that stupid veteran but where? Then she hears murmurings near the Stoa (A market place). She realize that in order to learn what was going on; Melissa or Halsey must gather information.

"Hey have you heard that the port city of Isstvan was besieged by a large horde of Orks? Well, they said that the Archduke have invented some sort of weapon that can shatter a pillar, like this on the stoa!" The man said as he sip a wine from the wooden cup.

"Your crazy, nothing can be that lethal to destroy a pillar. You must have buzzy ears." His companion refuted.

"Indeed it is true! The Polemarchs diplomat has said it so!" He retorted back.

This brought a smile to Melissa's face. Who else would use Jakes explosive knowledge. She could be wrong but would be certain that this so called duke would know a thing or two about John's whereabouts. It has to be true because he was an SAS veteran. Fingers crossed if Halsey could find John or someone who could be him.

"Right, new destination. To Isstvan we go!" Exclaimed the new Melissa.


2 weeks later.

"Hurrgh, Ow!" Richard cried out as he drops the barbell.

Exacerbated by an unknown feeling. Sweating from the workout he has been exercising for the last month. Looking back at himself; Richard noticed that he is quite built. Maybe it was the weekly training routine. Getting the tools now in a conveniently empty room was difficult for the blacksmith to forge.

This was his first time using such tools in this world which was Korsan. Although, he has used Dumbbells, Barbells and other sort of workout apparatus but this one was a little heavy. He couldn't even do 1 rep, how pathetic. Wiping off the excess of sweat on his face so he could feel fresh. Wearing only a white homemade sleeveless shirt that the maids sew for him. Then sniffs his armpits.

'Auugh! Gross, I reek of musk!' Richard battered himself with his thoughts. Discerning to whether or take a bath or do it later since he has documents to finish.

Then Agnes came to the room uninvitingly. This however caught Richard off guard and steps back a few paces. Once they've met eye to eye, he can't help but feel what's up Agnes.

Isabella was easy see through since she is closer to Richard compared to the reserved and noble, Agnes. However, from the looks of her eyes; they seem to be troubled. Curling her lips she blankly stares at me for an awkward 2 minutes.

"Agnes... What seems to be the problem?" I broke the silence by asking a simple inquiry.

"Your, fiancee will arrive soon from the Remolan Republica, by next month." Mumbled Agnes.

"Oh... Cathegus Leontina will be here? Then when will she come."

"Judging from the time they departed, I believe it is next week. The date would be Saliati to my estimate."

"Right..." He nodded then gave Agnes a kiss in the cheek. Richard was surprisingly in a good mood. Then went outside of his homemade gym and would take a bath. Before he could leave, Richard turns around to Agnes.

"How are you and Jeunesse handling?"

"We made a mutual agreement. Jeunesse will stay for 1 month and monitor on how you'll avoid the councils eyes." She stuttered

"Do not worry. I have a plan. I always have a plan and it involves the nobility." He sneered eerily.

Nevertheless, he was still not used to the Draconic calendar than the gregorian calendar. And they're season are also weird. It goes a little something like this.

Weekends are: (Day 1) Sotri (Day 2) Madriu (Day 3) Twedriu (Day 4) Wydriu (Day 5) Thasdriu (Day 6) Faudriu and (Day 7) Saliati.

Months are: (1)Senvar, (2) Axar (3)Morlius, (4) Nebius (5)Lamjir, (6) Zephyr (7)Questus, (8) Ahus (9)Helios, (10) Draghios (11)Ymreth, (12) Nazaleth (13)Xugro (14) Treno.

Season are - Summer: Senvar, Axar, Morlius & Nebius. Fall/Autumn: Lamjir, Zephyr, Questus & Ahus. Winter: Helios, Daghios, Ymreth & Nazaleth. Spring: Xugro and Treno.

Days per year are: 420, so each month has 30 days each [Divide that to 14 and you'll know why -_- : Author]

Damn who knew this world feel so similar and yet astoundingly different than earth. Richard had a hard time adjusting but when he has people like Daniel and his sisters to help him.

It was more than enough for Richard to make him have some familiarity, despite obtaining the same memories from the original Richard Cromwell. Judging from the history of the calendar, I've just realize that it was an updated version of the previous Draconic calendar. [I'm not showing it - Author]

Richard then went to the bathroom by the time he left the room. Using only the bucket in the well marbled bathroom inside his master bedroom was convenient but the way his servants bring him freshly boiled water was breathtaking.

Washing the silver hair that was soaked with sudor is cleansed by still hot water. It burned his skin a little but, he endured it. Then Richard heard a loud bang on the door which caught him off guard.

"Whose there?!" He yelled. Poking his head out in the bathroom door.

"Your grace! I have big news for you!" Daniel gleefully said "A Volantavis has arrived and they are trading goods from the Alerrian Savannah's" He added.

"A what?" Richard dumbfoundingly replied. Tilting his head in confusion.


Outside in the plaza streets of Isstvan lay a sea of people bustled with eagerness. The crowd flooded the whole plaza and are staring at the sky with awe. The nobility also participated in this event. While Richard was standing in the middle of a stage to separate the ruling class with the peasantry. He too stared at the sky as his mouth gaped in wonder. Beside him was his entourage, the 3 pillar-guardians.

Alongside were his (adopted) sisters that were shaking jubilantly as Isabella holds my left hand and Agnes on the right. Behind me were the rest of his servants like the Head Knight Charles Holland, Garrison Commander Gregor Dorn and finally the rest of nobility. As he blankly focus his attention at the huge object that was descending from above. It created a triangular shape that almost covered the entire square. There was only one thing that came out Richards mouth and that is...

"It's a floating ship... A bloody ship that flies..." He muttered in English. So the people around won't know what he was speaking. It was approximately 17 meters in length and 8 meters in width to Richards estimate.

In this world of Korsan, seeing a Navi (Which is its nickname) was a spectacle like a procession. Since finding one of these are quite rare in the continent but on occasions like this was profoundly marvelous. It's purple underside of glowing fluorescent stones shone the crowd below. There was no swinging rotor blade to make it fly nor was there combustible engine that fires some sort of rockets like those in sci-fi films.

No, It solely rely on shipping sails to move and large Rudders that it could manoeuvre. The ship finally touched down on the landing pad that was prepared for this situation. As soon as it docked, the people cheered. Then 4 rope ladders were thrown on the starboard and a long wooden crane was hoisting cargo off the deck's inner belly. Travelling downward as it safely lands the goods on the ground.

"Isn't this amazing Richy!" Isabella exultantly gushed.

Richard nodded and faintly drops to the ground. This revelation made Richard to be conflicted with the many thoughts that can be described as, 'I have so many questions!' Which is quite accurate since to him, the sight of a giant floating rock was unprecedented. Before falling unconscious, he took a glimpse at the wavy flag and its name written on its starboard. Amatoala.

Over on the other side of the platform that the nobles were positioned. Marquess Webnor Clayhill was carrying his son above his shoulders as he cheerfully stretches his arms at the Navi. Webnor is enjoying the time he has with his son.

He didn't have much to play with him since, Webnor was busy foiling a plan to gain the title of dukedom. Although, he does admire Oliver since they both were long time compatriots. But his death a year ago had been a flabbergast that the nobility and he, himself was not ready for. An investigation was taken place to find the culprit that murdered the previous Archduke.

His family was one of the suspects and as a result had his daughter, Daisy Clayhill to be put to trial. She was accused of witch-craft, hence the council of Nethorus sent their lackeys to arrest her. There was a witch hunt after the apprehension of my daughter. It came to the conclusion that there was a total of 13 witches living in Isstvan secretly. Many of whom turned out to be one of the noble ruling cast.

Webnor glares at the fainted Richard and blames him for calling out the council. Even though it was their Shield-Captain that ordered the investigation. If Agnes Cromwell was given the necessary time to forego the investigation, perhaps then his daughter would have been saved but she too supportive of Richards innocence. So she has been his enemy.

"Father, look at the big box! Whats in it?" Kendrick Clayhill chippers as he points his fingers towards the massive crate.

"Hmm... Must be goods from Alerria. Perhaps they are plenty of belts for me to punish you, if you ever misbehave again."

"Father, please don't scare me!"

"*Chuckling* Alright, alright you can stop pulling my hair, Kendrick." He stops pulling the strands of hair from Webnor. "Ok, how about this. If you study to be a good lord then maybe I'll buy you one of their finest toys." He added.

"Yes, Father..."

"Hey, why the long face. I thought you would jump and break my back?"

"I wish that Daisy was here... Then mother wouldn't have to skip the Volantavis arrival." Kendrick moped and tuck himself to his father.

Webnor stayed silent for the majority of the day. Kendrick was still joyous as ever. The boy was still 6 years to understand the truth. Once, he obtains the secret contents of the so called library that the Cromwells have been holding for years then maybe Webnor can find his daughter.

Then he saw a man with a cloaked hood. Spinning his head left and right to see if there is anyone that suspects him. Finally stares at Clayhill with a nod.

It was time. So he orders his steward to send his son to the docks. In case things didn't go as Webnor initially planned.

"Why am I going to the docks, Father? Are we going fishing!" Kendrick elatedly jumps up and down.

"Y-yes but you'll have to go ahead of him. I still have plenty of... Work that needs tidying."

"Then don't make me wait! I promise to fetch a big fish!"

"Of course, unless that was me?"

"Don't be stupid, Father!" Kendrick smiles at him then lefts.

30 minutes later.

"Richard! *SLAP SLAP SLAP* Wake up! Your embarrassing us!" Agnes violently hits him in a fit.

"Agnes~! Stop harassing Richy!" Isabella keeps pulling Agnes.

Whilst unloading of the cargo of the Amatoala. There were many people screaming and it caught the attention of the Head Knight, including Gregor. Charles ordered a banner knight and his men to inspect what the cause of the commotion. However it was too late. Dozens of slaves were released by the shackles of their masters. And so begins the revolt.

Charles immediately unsheathes his Longsword and steps down at the stage. Gregor followed suite. The pillar-guardians immediately draw their guardian halberds — blades that are similar to a knife's edge. Richard wakes up as he flinch to know what was happening.

Fires burning houses and the many slaves that were treated poorly has exact their anger on the people. The many unfortunate lives that were within the slaves reach were killed in the process.

Richard assigned Wamuudesri and Rediscian to send Isabella and Agnes back to the mansion. They adhere to my commands. Agnes protested but she was later carried by Wamuudesri by shoulder while Rediscian watched over Isabella who complied.

A footman went to Gregor and reports to him that there has been a breach at the Northern Gate. The current gate keeper, Sandalius Marcellinus request for reinforcement to quell the slaves that are besieging it from within. Gregor heeds, then left with the remaining men that he has available.

"Holland, I am needed at the hot-gates. Handle the situation from here on!" Gregor yells at the Head Knight.

"No need to worry, Dorn. I am not the head of all knights for nothing!" Charles smirks at him back right after he chops of an Alerrian slave.

The two commanders parted ways to do their respective duties. All while the rest of the nobles scramble with their knights to retreat from the safety of their manors but not the duke.

He instead took command of the situation and has issued orders to the knights and footmen that arrived. A total of 39 regular foot soldiers and 20 knights were around at his disposal, including Charles and his cavalier force.

"You there, Banner knight! Take 10 of the footmen and start putting out the fires! Charles, evacuate the civilians within the vicinity! Double-time ladies!" Richard screamed like a mad-dog. Raising his voice at the top of his lungs.

Shortly after, everyone has followed the dukes degree. Normally the knights were responsible for subduing occasions such as this. But a slave revolt was not what, he anticipated. The standard of living in this city has been neglected for far too long. Now he'll have to set things right. First he must find the cause to let a revolt like this to happen.


Marquis Clayhill has mix feeling of frustration and satisfaction. Webnor knew the duke would take full charge if, he were present in a place like this. Now all thats left is to lure him to his estate, now that there is only one Pillar-guardian around him.

"All according to plan..." Webnor sneers in the background.

As the fires of the disdained, the scorn and finally the serfs of what were once slave are spreading chaos to the Isstavnians. Only the people in power shall extinguish its fiery wrath. So long as anarchy reigns. They will not cease to extinguish it.

Trajann_Augustus Trajann_Augustus

Holy crap my writing has degraded! I thought of trying a different style of writing but I needs more practice! And man John/Richard is quite the ladies man. At first it was only Melissa and Jeunesse but I had to put Agnes and Isabella in the mix so I could spice things up. And making the calendar was a pain in the arse but was it worth it? I'll let you guys decide.

Also special thanks to Divine_Warrior for supporting my series. Thanks buddy!

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