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Chapter 16: ALLIES 1

I left the house with my mind solely focused on finding that demon, knowing fully well that I may not be able to survive its attack. I was a little bit prepared this time since my last encounter with demons in battle.

I made a make shift flame thrower with an insecticide spray and lighter, I stashed wooden stakes I carved during the night, I brought Connors metal baseball bat of course I didn't let him know or he wouldn't even let me get even five meters near it.

"What am I doing?" I thought to myself

"Is this how am supposed to live for the rest of my life" I said thinking about my what to do now.

I lost track of time while searching for the demon but I didn't even find any trace of me and as usual I forgot to ask Mr. Boyle what time these demons are usually found roaming, making spend the whole morning while gaining nothing after all my efforts.

"Do I go home now or should I keep searching around the block since it was within this area I found it last time" I asked myself.

While making what was supposed to be my last round around the block, when the temperature took a sudden nose dive immediately causing me to suddenly gasp when it was supposed to be quite sunny today.

I looked up into the sky to see tiny snowflakes drifting in the air towards my face, I thought I was just dreaming or something till the snow flake fell on my face sending a numbing cold sensation all over my face. I hurriedly checked around me hoping to spot the Soul Devourer but I couldn't, recalling what Mr. Boyle told me about the soul devourer.

"Listen carefully Ayo, the soul devourer is a different type of being entirely, sure they are others that bear similarities to it but it is by far the most dangerous demon to humans." Said Mr. Boyle.

"How so?" I asked

"First the arrival or appearance of a Soul devourer is accompanied by bone piercing cold so cold a sleeping man may find himself at the crossroad without knowing when it appeared, similar occurrences have been recorded in papers and journals but there was no clear reason as to why or how it happens."

"It is an instantaneous phenomenon that just occurs with no rhyme nor reason causing a shift in the space or area it appears luckily you can see it though" said Mr. Boyle who suddenly smiled at me.

"The soul devourer apart from it being a being that brings about a brain numbing cold with its appearance has the ability to suck out a human's soul but it changes its outward appearance of the one thing its prey loves the most causing the prey to submit and have no will in fighting against it."

"It's cry dreadful with the effect of causing its prey to fall into a nightmare trapping its soul, but despite all these it's still killable even though it appears unlikely".

"So how do I kill it" I asked

"first off though its appearance associates it with the emergence of a bone chilling cold although the cold seems real it only affects the soul and its surrounding, it may not freeze a pond of water and all that but its announcer of arrival is also its plotter of demise".

"Using the cold it emits on arrival to freeze up its surrounding and when water is mixed into the fray it freezes the soul devourer so you could say water is its nemesis but so is fire". "Quite a lot of water is needed to freeze it remember".

"with the sudden freeze you could say it is just a step closer to killing it though the main reason for freezing it is to slow it down long enough to prepare to kill it". "while the demon is frozen you should try to set its frozen body on fire although you just froze it up you still need to set it ablaze to burn away the protective layer covering it even though it seems its body won't, it will burn despite the ice".

Remembering what I learnt from Mr. Boyle I sprang into action searching for the Soul Devourer knowing that any delay may lead to some innocent person possibly losing their life.

It started to get colder and colder making it difficult for me to move even though the cold mostly attacked the soul it still made me slow since I relied on my soul and thoughts to move. When I was about to give up my search I noticed that it got colder the more I kept walking in a certain direction so I decided to get to the center of the cold storm.

"I have to keep moving" I said to myself to keep myself from falling under the influence of the cold with my teeth chattering.

Just when I was about to give up I caught sight of the demon flying around but when I took the next few steps to get closer to it, it felt as if the bitter cold was reduced. I hurriedly took cover behind the dumpster a couple of feet in front of me to dodge the Soul devourer while searching for an opportunity to make my move.

"It seems as if it finding an opportunity would be hard" I thought to myself. My eyes roamed around my surroundings searching for any source of water to get my plan underway, finally spotting a fire hydrant at the other end of the road.

"Looks like I'll have to lure it to the other end before I'll be able to stand a fighting chance against it" I said under my breath.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves I rushed out from behind the dumpster towards the hydrant but the soul devourer was faster than I originally thought when I was observing it, as it charged at me with a frightening speed I ran with rekindled vigor towards the hydrant.

I barely arrived in front of the hydrant before diving forwards the moment I felt something was wrong, barely surviving the sudden assault of cold wind that swept towards my previous position.

"Whew" panting I sprang up to my feet before spinning myself to face the enemy.

Turning I found not one but two soul devourers with what I presumed to be ugly expressions if only it had a face.

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