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The Sun-Moon Spear God The Sun-Moon Spear God original

The Sun-Moon Spear God

Author: Yin_Yang_Master

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: End of a Life

The Dragon Spear Sect was one of the three biggest martial art sects on earth along with the Kun Peng sword sect and the Yin-Yang Saber sect. As the names of the sects indicated they each focused on a different weapon and considered theirs to be better than the other two.

In the one of the courtyards of the Dragon Spear Sect, a youth named Chen Xin could be seen practising the spear diligently with each stance of the Dragon spear art being perfectly executed. Once he finished the final stance another young man came to the youth practicing the spear and handed him a towel for drying his body which had become sweaty from his practice.

"Senior brother, your spear arts are much better than even the core disciples I have seen, then why are you not becoming a core disciple yourself, you might even become the heir to the sect leader once he sees how talented you are!"

"Junior brother, i have yet to reach the limits of my training and I do not wish to become a core disciple as even if I get more resources, the core disciples also have to have the support of at least one elder and since I am an orphan adopted by the sect, I will not get their support, making my life in the core sector needlessly difficult."

"Oh...Yes you are wise senior brother, I did not think of that. What are you going to do now?"

"I am going to take a mission so I can get some more live combat practice to sharpen my skills"

"I see, Senior brother, You know my grandfather is the sect leader don't you?"

"Yes I do, what of it?"

"He wanted me to give this time to you and this mission for the slaying of the attacks in the village in the southern border of the sect. He already knows about you even though I didn't tell him about you as I promised you. He confronted me yesterday about it and asked me to do this. He said once you reach the village you should open the letter which is with the mission details."

"How does he even know about me, I am not an important person that the sect leader would need to know about?"

"He didn't tell me, he just said that you have to leave for the mission just as son as I deliver the letter to you"

"Fine, if this is the will of the sect leader, then I will go. Take care of yourself while I am gone Junior brother."

"Yes. I will!"

The young man left the sect soon and started the journey to the village. Not knowing that he would not be seeing his sect again and what he held in his hands was the greatest treasure the sect had obtained.

Chen. In reached the village on the next day and opened the letter....

" Chen Xin, as you might have heard from my grandson, I have known about your talent from a long time, not that your talent in the arts of the spear was a surprise to me but I still did not expect the extent of it....."

"Why is the sect leader talking as if he knew I would be talented in the spear, I am an orphan that was taken in by the sect, right?"

Chen xin was confused but still kept reading since he wished to find out how the sect leader knew him.

" You might be confused as you think that you were an orphan with no family but that would be incorrect, you are the son of my nephew and his wife who were also known as the two geniuses of the sect before they died due to severe injuries in the sect when you were a year old.

The reason they were injured is what you hold in your hands, it is a mysterious tome which is rumoured to contain a god level cultivation art, No one has been able to open the tome except you when you were a baby and thus it is rightfully yours to take.

When you will be reading this letter the sect would have been most probably destroyed, thus the reason I sent you away, you are the sole hope of the sect and I wish for you to run away and get stronger to take revenge for the sect."

Once he completed reading the letter Chen Xin could feel rage rising like a tsunami in his heart at the fact that his sect had been destroyed.And at the fact that the sect leader had kept his parentage from him but it cooled down just as fast since he knew the sect leader had done it for him.

Thus he went in hiding and cultivated for a few years in the spear art described in the tome. It was called the Sun-Moon Spear Art. Once he reached the initial stage in the set he decided to take revenge for the sect.

Chen Xin slaughtered a large amount of disciples and elders of the other two sects which made the two sects pursue him with their main force. After battling continuously for hours only the strongest of the elders and the sect leaders were left. Chen Xin was on his knees and was tired after battling the entire army and was on his last legs. The two sect leaders gave the order to kill Chen Xin as they were angry about the losses they had taken as well as greed about the treasure of the Dragon Spear Sect.

Chen Xin did not wish die without taking revenge and thus he decided to self destruct his cultivation thus killing himself along with the people left.

He mentally apologised to the spirits of the members of his sect as he couldn't take revenge completely for his sect.

Just as Chen Xin self destructed, the tome he kept with him shined brightly and shot into the sky taking something with it.

Thus ended the life of Chen Xin of the Dragon Spear Sect who took revenge for the destruction of his sect.

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