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Chapter 3: Some days of surviving

Today is just another day in which I have to survive with the world the way it is now.

I happened upon a rather nice place to sleep.

It is up off the ground and there is only one way to get in.

I would say that's a big win.

Although it was a battle to get here, one in which I almost lost my life.

I want to explain.

I gotta go back to that night after I began my travels.

Throughout the night I walked.

I went away from burning the house and away from my own home.

I was finding my way as I was sneaking around doing recon.

I found out there were loads of goblins everywhere in my little town as I wasn't the best sneak.

I just decided to leave the residential area as it was a lot of tragic stuff...

Although it kept the little goblin bastards interested.

I made my way into this city's shopping district I had been here a lot my school is a way or so up the road...

My sister Died here but I stayed far away from the downtown focusing on the outskirts.

Where I was more near the main road out of our little town.

I checked the area before looking around I had seen no one so I figured I could get around without issue.

That is until I came out of an alley I did not double-check or peak around the corner.

Which to be honest was my fault I swiftly launched myself out into the open then felt major regrets.

I came around the corner to find five goblins two were grey, one was green, and two were red!

They all noticed me and I noticed them but worst of all they had a young woman on the ground she was barely able to move.

I have stuck then our eyes locked...

She was almost dead from the beat down and random stab wounds she received.

When her eyes lit up with the last ounce of life she screamed a deathly scream.

They all with bulged eyes turned to me and chased... out of pure fear I ran.

At my top speed, I felt like a cheetah but they were fast I mean I was at top speed yet, they seemed to just find this thrilling.

I grabbed three knives one was in a paper makeshift sheath.

It is on my waistband for quick retrieval. 0qq

It was long thin and well balanced.

So I threw It!

Surprised I am to say it met its mark i mean i just hurled it and Bingo!

The soft face of one goblin was hit.

'yes I got a hit' flashed in my mind as he went down but I was still closely followed by them.

To be honest I wasted too much time tossing it allowing the goblins to hit me a few times I now had slash wounds on my sides and back.

I Figured out something I probably shouldn't have about these goblins.

That is they enjoy toying with people before taking the women or killing the men.

I ran for my life as the little bastards nicked me time and time again with their blades sometimes their nails!

I had deep and shallow wounds covering my arms, legs, and back.

They enjoyed it all too much as I ran.

Hitting corners was my loss aside from turning I had to slow down, that's when they decided to knock the air out of me.

They would toy with me at these moments only lightly nicking me so I would run harder!

I found I could run so much faster with adrenaline and fear forcing me forward finding a new height in my body.

I was caught once for real as the goblin red in color tackled me.

I lost my kitchen knives I had the two other kitchen knives aimed at his chest as he fell on me, I did it with a spin move that I knew was a bad idea!

Two began punching at me and clawing at me!

I kicked off of the third one as it went to grab my legs knocking it and one of the two over since I kicked it to the side!

It wasn't expected but it was working in my favor.

The last goblin who was beating my side He got a rock to the face since I found a piece that was about a baseball-sized godsend!

Jumping up and trying to continue my run after having a beat down was when I looked up to think yep I'm dead.

I saw a ladder that was just set against a building it wasn't connected to the window it was just sitting against the building

Quickly climbing it I made my way into the small window whole.

The little goblin bastards learn quickly though two followed me up it so I sliced at them after twenty minutes of what felt like a pirate fight I won.

I landed big hits on their faces or chest making them fall they stopped movement so I felt I gained ground.

With small cuts covering all of my body, I mean looking at my arms or legs, or back, they were covered!

I groaned but realized a bunch of problems forcing myself to not pass out or give up!

I drug the goblins away from my hidey-hole!

I only had one knife left the dagger the ones from the first goblin that is so, I went down and gathered the three other blades.

They were crude but seemed much sturdier than the metal kitchen knives.

Thanking myself for having been rather calm.

They all had sheaths this time, so I took them from the goblins.

I took four leathery sheaths and the three other knives making a pleasing groan I continued.

I then realized that the place the ladder led to was an attic of a store.

That was the only access to this ladder.

It was a metal slide down style ladder with hooks and a nice wide rail.

Which realizing it was a great hideout I had to be smart about it.

There was a spot in the store that using this ladder I can get into there also.

I had access to it also making it a two-for-one deal.

Blocking off the front of the store with carts and trash this was to stop others from stealing my new bounty.

It had a gate, yes, but it wasn't all the way closed I pushed it as closed as it could be blocking the rest of the window I roped it together with a few metal racks.

I sat down and had an MRE meal it was a sweet pasta with a coffee, a cracker, and jams as I was above a store I had a bunch of extra stuff.

Don't get me wrong the store had things in it but the worst was not everything survived some things broke down.

I feeling my digs, got comfortable, so I took waters, some small ropes, fishing wire, and whatever else I could find or use.

I had a few ideas to keep my spot safe.

I wasn't staying in here the store that is.

It's too visible with the window and such.

I locked the doors inside the store made sure the windows were covered and were still in an uncomfortable position down here...

First thing after that, I made up my mind!

I made up a pulley for the ladder so, I can raise and lower it that took a few hours...

What? I am not a genius.

After that was done I went back to the place they had chased me from, only to find the girl had passed away.

it's preservation... self-preservation.

I put myself first which I feel terrible for but had I waited or tried to save her then we would both be dead.

I had no choice leaving her body there as I was cut all over my body.

The adrenalin was the only thing keeping me up.

No offense to her but she will likely be eaten by something much worse since there seem to be terrible things that roam only after blood is shed.

I walked around the buildings and found stuff laying everywhere but the best was the wagon.

This seems like it was her bounty!

There was enough here to tide me over in all kinds of things!

Like a lot of canned processed dog and cat foods but food still, there were small survival things like flints, ropes, and a shovel.

The cans of the food were weak but the food was still good the Flint's slightly brittle but strong enough for an emergency fire.

I quickly snatched up a few things off the ground like boxes of bandages, books, and medicine!

I have complaints about this situation but all of the things had their uses... Right?

Finally, though there were no complaints about the wagon, I no longer had to just carry things I could put the backpack and the suitcase on this as I travel.

This was an old-style wagon the one with the removable sides, the things were very good and held up great.

I took some of the stuff back to my new hideout above the store and after a while got me and the wagon to the top of the ladder

which was well hidden since no one was there nor found it.

I left the kitchen knives and all but one of the pans much of the other stuff was none essential like clothes and pictures...

I found things that could still be used as some stuff either just broke down upon touch or rotted into the unknown origin.

It turns out it varies depending upon the item which even two of the same item had differences between each other.

Moving on I have four daggers and a big Wok pan this was all I needed to make me happy.

Although I had so much more with me since I like to be prepared.

I was going over inventory when I heard people screaming.

That origin was from a group outside trying to flee.

A group of people being chased by a group of pig-like looking men that were as tall as the shortest man running from them.

They had weapons along those lines of primitive beings like a man-made weapon-like type of thing.

Rusted axes and rusted swords made me shiver they were rusted from blood with a weird gleam and an ominous feel.

Rather sad to say but they stood no chance the second tallest man who had a gun turned he fired it three times at the pigman.

The thing is it just kept walking catching the bullets and that man first they ripped him to pieces.

I don't mean that to sound grim I mean that quite literally.

The man's legs and arms were torn from him and then the limbs were torn into chunks the Pigmen ate pieces of him.

They lost interest in that man's taste and went on to chase the others.

I went to shout before he shot but my voice never came out just watching as they were slaughtered one by one.

with nowhere to run or hide they died.

I am not going to lie... I thought that if that was me would they help?

To the thickness of my thoughts, It stirred hard in my gut.

Ever so tightly I clenching my fists, I had agreed with my evil conscience.

No Guilt!

They Wouldn't Bother why should I !!

After all, I figured why do I need to put myself out for now I am safe.

So to sleep, I go in my new sleeping bag instead of the torn-up one I had.

It was in the wagon although it seems well used at this point i had no other choice.

I closed my ears yet, I was still forced to listen to the terror outside.

The screaming and the cries for help.

The Pigmen left them alive with pieces missing...

which lead me to wake-up sometime during the night I snuck down and had to do something horrific...

I had to kill the ones they left alive.

A few beasts passed by one looked like a lion with wings.

Another was smaller than the lion but had scales and no eyes although it stood on two legs and seemed to look right at me.

Although I was extremely lucky that it ignored me!

The last beast was felt not seen in my heart I felt an extra heavy atmosphere.

I went back into my hidey-hole, into a corner, and didn't dare breathe as it passed during those moments I felt death had seen me.

It hadn't even looked my way but I felt the death stare.

With that fear, I curled up inside my sleeping bag

I did not know how long I slept I didn't bother to keep track, I felt better but still was sore my cuts had closed but was not quite healed.

I have found that my flesh wounds heal rather quickly.

deeper cuts may take three to four days but superficial ones heal fast.

I just ate and slept not trying to go back out there after that scene last night I had a good fear of both day and night.

The third day I think it is at least.

The reason I woke up this early was my bell making noise I tied it to my rope in case someone tried to get in.

If I'm being honest it was tied in a slip knot so the bell-rope will pull and move but my ladder rope won't.

Since I am up I didn't need the real rope down there but I surely wasn't gonna leave it unguarded while I sleep!

This was the hideout of mine with my loot!

MY hideouts cruel trap was if they get the ladder down it will fall but it has two daggers in the bottom then on the last rung I tied a fishing line.

It was attached to a pan that will swing down and slam a face nicely!

A simple trip Wire will be best so I went with that provided the fact that they didn't check the ladder for other traps.

I would be well protected.

After the knives hit the ground they will have hopefully thought that was all the traps.

Anyways what woke me up was those bells although the prey I wanted was less than what I got.

Turns out that what I found was a bird sitting on the line but what was weird was well it had grown.

It was just barely noticeable but the pigeon was certainly bigger.

With a sneaky try, I went to catch it but it heard me and flew off.

'wait do birds hear?'

While hanging my head wondering whether I had or hadn't been heard by the bird.

It came to me like a slap over these past few days but I am to weak.

I need to get stronger so I did some push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks.

I won't bother to bore you with that though just know.

I will make a daily routine I will do as many as possible when I get tired I will stop and rest then I go about my day from thereon.

I then devised a plan for a hunt or more like I decided.

I can't just hide forever.

I checked my wounds made some checklists to make sure I made a plentiful run even though I don't need it.

Goblins were appearing with groups more and more often.

Some were very spread out others grouped up and destroyed whatever they wanted.

I was trying my hardest to avoid everything...

Which was not too hard.

Since I wound up looking for them before running into a group of three green.

My hideout is two streets back and when I saw the goblins they were three streets in front of me, my ideal location was closer but it seems they aren't even considering the street I'm on.

I followed them from a few streets away but they already separated into a building.

Turns out the color meant something as the darker one screeched to the lighter ones.

I had no clue why?

So I began with a simple plan.

I didn't think too hard on this...

My plan was in my head I just needed a goblin.

So I went on not thinking and jumped into action.

I sped up as I silently checked my surroundings, I saw nothing around me.

continued past the few buildings most of which were broken and inaccessible.

Following just the one who went in alone through the door that was stuck open and partially smashed.

The other two went in one of the big glass sides that were shattered to pieces.

The building had collapsed closer to the center making a rubble partition.

They were away from this one though we are not too far from my hidey-hole Since I needed to lug this bastard back!

In my opinion, The goblin now ahead of me inside the store looked weak and plain.

It was darker in color more of a forest green it also had black tattoos.

It made no effort to look around for things it just stood in the open.

In my mind, I saw an easy target I mean he is just one ugly green bastard.

They split up yet were not far away while I had four daggers I thought I was well equipped.

I wasn't exactly unprotected so once again I put my sneak tactics into play.

I made some fashioned padding from books in the store and duck tape although the tape holds It was still weak.

So my armor is mainly on my arms and chest I also had a thick leather collar on my neck to cover any vitals.

Going through the store I noticed some items were stronger than others some just turned to dust.

The most important thing is that not everything was useless.

I have no clue the reason but I can guess whatever I want.

Either way, making a quick decision I followed the darker green goblin.

Even further into the building it seemed rather used to the situation as it kicked some things that were still intact.

I then went into attacking him sadly it turns out my sneak tactics are only level one like with the bird he heard me easily.

It screeched making me for no reason at all screech back.

doing that helped none but it sure did make me feel good.

lunging at him the goblin dodged me slicing in my unguarded side with nails.


Looks like I need some armor there too.

It scoffed at me as if it were looking down on my it didn't even draw its knife and just used its sharp nails.

I recoiled and lunged again this time I went at an angle catching him with the second dagger in its shoulder.

I used a move i had seen in movies attacking with both hands at once he blocked the first bit missing the second I nailed him.

He dropped his hand to his belt and I jumped onto him shoving my arm with the book into his mouth.

Taking him to the ground with a thud.

Which to my surprise his teeth were sharp and it bit right through into my soft arm by this time he had a bit too much book in his mouth so it was shallow.

Even though it was shallow I felt it while I was scrambling with what to do.

I decided on sacrificing for the win with my arm in his mouth, I gripped both of the blades I had in one hand.

The goblin was scratching me furiously as it was free to do what it wanted to my sides.

Since it was stuck too I took the initiative to continue stabbing after a good minute of stabbing.

I realized this goblin was tougher by a landslide.

It was unfazed by the wounds to it but even then it finally made a squeal then went limp.

At this point, the other goblins had heard our shuffling and screeches.

I could hear the other goblins rustling through the building in search of their friend and it didn't help me any.

Although I am sure I did it when I was bitten...

Yes, I drew them in..

I screamed albeit stifled but still loud enough for them to pinpoint us.

yes, I squealed like a little girl pulling my arm out of its mouth no offense to any little girls...

It went limp, I grabbed its arm and leg tossing it over my shoulders as I began to run.

I was not quite as fast as I was hoping.

While running in pain I was whining out.

The other two saw me carrying this little bastard and they followed me as I was a bit slower with this green bastard on my shoulders.

The two light green goblins quickly followed and caught up to me and a little too easily I might add.

Using their friend as a shield the goblins stabbed their blades out but I blocked causing their blades to stuck into this fiend.

Lifting him the blades came out of their hands using this opportunity.

I then threw forwards him into his friend and jumped onto all three of them with both arms aimed I stabbed eyes with my knives like darts at bullseyes.

I was not accurate though so it was a miss mosh of landings.

I missed one and nailed one.

Either way, the goblins stopped moving thinking that I had won i jumped off of them.

I had hoped that was all after they stopped moving so, I enacted my final plan.

They both died like their friend which I was happy about, ecstatic even.

I dragged one of the other then took two of them off to the side of the building and took one up my ladder.

I took the least damaged one of the lighter green goblins.

The least damaged one was needed as my greatest idea was dissection I needed to see what was what!

Weaknesses are key to victory!

After I got it into my hideout I set it down and thought nothing of it.

The little bastard was still alive It waited until I turned away and it jumped at me.

It bit me on my arm but since I had already taken off the books it was almost straight through my arm!

I was able to see bone I screaming a primal scream.

It clamping hard then added a few flails, I punched his throat and its wounds eventually It let go and jumped onto it.

Luckily I had spare clothes lying about near us using that I tied the little bastard up.

I used ropes for reinforcement

I had troubles as its claws were sharp but none the less I did it i got it tied up!

It squirmed for an hour before realizing it wasn't getting away It only had one eye.

The other was gouged out by me while the other side only had a wound next to its eye which was staring at me intensively.

he had a few prior wounds on his side making it easier for me.

I only saw this now that it was eyeing me and I was eyeing it.

Very cautiously it stared at me before finally looking away.

He had some serious gashes from my dagger and his arms and throat were seriously bruised along with prior wounds.

Assuming he survived this amount of damage what about his friend's well...

It turns out they are pretty sturdy when I went to check the other two.

One of them was gone while the dark goblin remained lifeless.

which made me cringe, go pale, and scream in my mind this was terrible wait did the other five die also!?

I began to panic as I backtracked after looking I realized I now had enemies out there with paths of revenge.

Leaving the goblin tied up I stuck a gag in his sharp ass mouth and I left to do some recon.

After an hour Of the backtrack blues, I found that only two of the five had died so in total I've only killed three and maimed five and captured one...

Not so great for me.

Either way, I noticed this only now!

I dejectedly walked back to my hideout head held low yet, still having my wits about me.

When I got inside my hideout I was greeted by this little green bastard I left tied up here had tried to get free.

It had crawled over to my wagon and managed to get into my bag he was doing what he liked with my loot.

Although its arms were behind its back so, it couldn't see what it was doing but it was all over my stuff.

I wanted to kill it now yet, it was useful and it was also close to a knife but it didn't know that.

I could have kicked it or stabbed or maimed it but I guess had some compassion for my new science experiment.

I decided to calm my anger... there is torture and there is science.

I was not going to let this be simple torture.

I would be humane For it even if it was an enemy.

Don't get me wrong I won't treat everyone like this I just had to get used to it first.

I am not completely heartless yet!

I quietly picked him up and put him in the corner I left off a cold smile as I spoke to him making it shiver.

That's right he will be my template of weak points.

It looked at me solemnly it didn't wiggle or move for some time after that though.

I was in my mind spinning off of these thoughts when my stomach growled for food.

I decided to feed it... I put some cleaner I got from downstairs in the store into its food removed the gag and fed it.

it seemed to not care as it ate it, it glared at me don't think me stupid I didn't remove the gag with my hands I grabbed tongs.

Same with feeding it I used a long spoon taking no chances at getting bit again...

After it ate I went to replace the gag it surprisingly opened its mouth without hesitation.

I put the cloth in with the tongs and duck taped it closed

I did the same to its hands and I even hung my stuff on a nail where even if he crawled around it would do no good.

I put tape around each of its nails.

it could not scratch me, nor bite me now.

I put room precautions these are my points of safety so obviously, I made sure I was secure even with an enemy so close.

I pat my arm and winced in pain.

I blocked the exit and laid my trap then I laid down taking care of my wounds.

This was easier in movies compared to what I thought or compared to doing it.

Survival was harder than needed...

I used three tubes of Neosporin and seven bandages and I took some pain killers I wasn't too coherent after that though.

I am glad that not everything was useless.

Although after taking those pills I felt funny.

I tried my best but kept seeing black and soon after I passed out with only one real thought...

' I wonder if I'll be alright? '

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