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Destiny of Moon Destiny of Moon original

Destiny of Moon

Author: Fu_Otaku

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: CHAPTER ONE: Nobles Den and Mistaken Identity

The soft melody of the party filtered through the halls as Moon is ushered towards the room by the attendant. Upon entering the room, she's greeted by the appraising stares of everyone present. It's a feeling she's gotten used to since she could remember but that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable; she sighs inwardly walking past the leering guests on both sides towards the middle-aged couple sat on the throne-like chairs. 

"Greetings to you Master and Madam Ling." Covering her heart with her right palm she bows deeply waiting for their response. The silence of the room shatters as whispers and chuckles breakthrough. She could tell the couple hadn't returned her greeting on purpose but swallowing her pride she remained bowed, the stinging pain of the cuts on her back creating beads of sweat along her forehead. 

'Stay strong. Don't falter.' Clenching her teeth, she combats the pain squeezing her eyes shut to hide the glare she wanted to throw their way. 

'I suppose humiliating me like this is the reason they allowed this meeting... like you didn't already know this. You know that bastard sent you here to take the blame' she says mockingly to herself. After having to hold her position for what seemed like an eternity the old man's throaty voice reaches her and she looks up, her glare gone and replaced with hints of amusement. 

'These old people really are as funny and petty as their children', she sighs inwardly again as the old man finally greets her.

"Have you come to seek forgiveness for your sister's rudeness towards my daughter?"

"I have come seeking forgiveness, Uncle L..."

"Please don't refer to me so familiarly, in case others misunderstand." Clenching her teeth in anger as the group of girls start giggling again. She meets his gaze and for a brief moment, he actually looks uncomfortable.

"As you wish. Master Lee. I have indeed come seeking forgiveness on behalf of Young Mistress Fang."

"And what is it she seeks forgiveness for exactly?"

"From my understanding, Young Mistress Fang seems to have a crush on the young man named Wei of which Master Ling's daughter also fancies. They seemingly got into an argument that day and..."

"Are you saying my daughter soiled her own name and reputation publicly by voluntarily partaking in such a degrading and humourless act, as that of fighting for the affection of a man?" His stern tone rang through the room and everyone fell silent. Inhaling deeply, she meets his glare standing her ground.

"I am. Both your daughter and Young Mistress Fang started this idiotic fight and I suggest..."

"You wish to say that my daughter should be forced to reconcile... no, bow to your low born sister?" Looking from the man to the woman at his side who had just spoken, she smiles warmly.

"I do not understand."

"Understand what? The position of your family's background and your sister's deeds?"

"No. I do not understand why you keep referring to Young Mistress Fang as my sister." The room erupts into a fit of whispers again at her statement but she ignores them, her eyes still fixed on the couple before her, brows knitted in confusion.

"You... you, Fang Moon you are a son of the Fang family are you not? You would really go so far as to feign blood relations?! Are you here to seek forgiveness or to provoke me and my family's anger further?" Looking away from them finally she looks at the guests and family members sitting at their respective tables throughout the room. Each of them staring daggers into her. Great. Just great.

"I apologise if I have offended you but you seem to have mistaken me for someone I am not Master and Missus Ling. I only aim to clear up said misunderstanding. I am a member of the Fang family, but the current Master Fang is not my father. I am but a distant cousin. I'm also not a..."

"Cousin?" He asks, cutting her off.

"Yes, Mister Ling. My mother died during childbirth and my father followed her when I was a child and Master Fang was made to take me in my Elder Grandmother recently due to circumstances."

"Then what of that concubine..."

"Concubine Qin was but a surrogate mother of sorts but she treated me well so I will always call her mother. After her death two months ago, I was told to move to the main house after the funeral and bereavement period but that's the only relation I have with that household."

"Then why were you sent instead of one of those little girls' actual brothers?" Master Ling asks clearly infuriated. 

"They were both indisposed. One is out of town and the other is currently studying for the Military entry exams at the end of the month."

"That sly old fox Fang!" Master Ling hisses, hitting the arm of his chair.

"I am sorry if the Master has offended you, sir. Moon knew not of any schemes. Moon only did what was ordered and came to apologise, Master Ling." She said bowing her head sincerely. 

"And you, why aren't you also preparing to take those exams? Do you not plan to take the test also?" The disapproving stare of the man-made her brow frown in disbelief. No way. Right? There's no way.

"I don't..."

"Why not? You know that saying this before the son of the General could..." The General's son is here?! Great, she sighs again shifting uncontrollably.'Just how many officials and nobles did that bastard send me to embarrass myself in front of?!'

"Apologies for cutting you off, Master Ling but you seem to be under another misunderstanding. I am not a..." the room falls quiet again and she sighs pinching the bridge of her nose at the stupidity of the people surrounding her, "I, Fang Moon, I am but a humble orphaned child. I'm not a noble nor do I possess any worth to my name, so it's obvious I won't be allowed by the Fang family to take the military exams. Anyways, I'd like us to resolve the situation that brought me here quickly as it seems I have interrupted your party. Master Fang wishes for me to relay his message of the girls settling this matter amongst themselves and he invites you and your wife to dinner in order to mend this rift." Silence falls over the room as the Lings look from her to each other in confusion; disbelief evident all over their faces. Looking around the room she could tell they weren't the only ones confused. She could tell they weren't buying her excuse and that's exactly what it was. Groaning to herself, she knew correcting them would only lead to more misunderstanding and leaving this house alive was her only priority. If they thought her to be a man then so be it. 

'I'm a bloody girl for fuck sake! How'd it even come to this?! But come on! Really?! I've been living in this city for almost a month and they still think I'm a guy?!' Looking down at her clothes, her brows frown in annoyance. The black robes she now wore were similar to all the others that she owned but did she really look that much like a guy simply because she chose to wear pants paired robes instead of skirted ones? She'd definitely seen other girls wearing similarly designed robes so it wasn't that uncommon. 

'... Is it the colour? Do I wear too much black? Are my boobs too small?' She's about to address the Lings again as they still hadn't responded to her request when a sudden fit of laughter sounded through the room. Looking for the source, she was greeted by the shaking shoulders of the man sitting near the Ling daughters' table. His shoulders were shaking violently as he covered his face with his palms in a failed attempt to hide his tears.

"D-Did I say something funny...?" Looking confusingly from him to the Lings who were still silently staring at her. Feeling something amiss she moves to return her gaze to the man only to be greeted by a fruit fork aimed at her head. Moving on instinct she sidesteps, and the fork impales the wooden panel at the other end of the room.

"What the hell... ?!"

"Young Master Wei, what are..." Master Ling's shocked voice is cut off as the young man raises his arm, silencing him. Too shocked to register his name, she continues to stare daggers at him, her entire body on alert for his next attack.

"You're quick. I can tell you hunt. Where did you grow up, Young Master Fang?" He asks, rising from his seat and walking towards her slowly. The way he addressed her sent shivers down her spine and she gulped nervously, feeling like prey caught in the trap of its predator. 

"Mount Blackwood. What's it to you?" She asks, staring at him cautiously, her grip on the fan hanging from her waistband tightening.

"Mhmm. Is it beautiful up there?" He asks, his eyes trained on hers as a devilish smirk forming across his lips.

"It is. Once again, what's it to you?" She arches her brow in annoyance which seems only to make him grin widely. Removing his sheathed sword from his belt, he steps forward again swinging for her arm. Stepping to her left into the empty space at the middle of the room she brings up her fan blocking his strike inches from her arm, the sound of metal and wood crashing sounding through the silent room.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Ignoring her question, he swings again aiming for her left leg. Balancing on her right, she lifts her leg out of the way, jumping away but he strikes for her head without delay. Bending backwards she falls to her knees rolling away as his sheathed sword falls through the air stopping inches away from the wooden floor.

"Really? You swing for my neck but stop so you don't dent the floorboards?" She says calmly yet her voice is laced with malice, her eyes narrowing on him. What is this son of a bitch doing?!

"Stop blocking."

"You're trying to kill me." A smirk forms at the corner of his mouth and she glares at him. 

'Wait… Is he trying to get me to attack him?!'

"Stop blocking." Faster than she thought humanly possible, he moves towards her, sword aimed once more for her neck. Tightening her grip on the fan in her right hand she glides it along the sheathed sword. Redirecting its aim before ducking and grabbing onto his collar with her left arm. Stepping towards him, she locks her leg around his before centring her weight and flipping him. Counteracting her flip he rolls them across the floor, both her fan and his sword sliding across the floor. She moves to kick him off her but he rolls them again and she falls on top of him still holding onto his collar. Panting as she glared at him, she tightened her grip, the gasps of the people sat around them inaudible to her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Dancing. You dance rather beautifully, for a Fang."

"W-wha..." She could feel the rage boiling through the tips of her ears as she stared at him in shock.

'Is this man insane?!'

"Are you going to sit on me all afternoon, Young Master Moon?" At his question, she suddenly remembers where she was. Looking around the room, the shocked yet cold and disapproving stares of everyone in the room greets her. Looking back to the man beneath her, she realises that her grip on his collar had displaced his outer robes and the sheer robes he wore beneath did little to hide his chest. Scares lining his torso and with each breath, his heartbeat echoed through his chest and into the palm she'd held him in place with. Her eyes found his, only to be caught off guard by his calm gaze. Ice blue eyes stared back at her, the light from the room reflecting off his iris imitated diamonds and she felt her breath catch in her throat. Who is this man? Why did he just attack... no, he looked like he was playing with her. 

'I suppose it's some sort of guy thing.' "Young Master Moon." The smooth voice that left his lips as they parted jerked her from her thoughts and she hurried off him, ignoring the heat radiating off her cheeks as she held out her hand to help him up. Smiling he takes it, his warm hands engulfing hers as he pushes himself off the floor barely using her grip as an anchor. Now stood, she finally realised he towered over her with his broad shoulders completely blocking the Lings from her view. Ignoring his intense stare, her eyes fixate on the scars that lined his tanned chest, her palm subconsciously itching to reach out and touch them. 

"I'd like to dance with you again, Moon-Er." He says softly while bending over slightly to reach her eye level, a warm smile playing along his lips, his soft voice like musical notes enveloping her. 

"H-huh...?" She stutters, coming out her daze only to flush again as she realises how close he was. 

'What's with this guy?!' She exclaims inwardly, leaning away from him. 

"My names Wei. Wei Zitao." Wei...?

"You're the idiot those girls were fighting over?" She retorts stepping away from him, her brows frowned.

"Enough! How dare you?!" The sudden shout from old man Ling made her flinch causing her to look from the man before her to the old man that was now practically red with anger.

"Not only do you dare to enter my home as nothing but a sacrificial pig but you dare to mar and insult my guest?!" Staring at the man in disbelief she's about to protest when Young Master Wei steps in front of her blocking the old man from her view.

"I'm sure everyone here saw me attack first, Master Ling." His voice sounded calm but she could note the latent warning in his tone and although she was unable to see his eyes, she imagined them inflamed by the way the old man visibly shrinks into his seat.

"That's not the..." Ignoring the old man he turns to face her, moving to pick up the fan she'd dropped and placing it in her hands, his large hands framing my own. 

"Moon-Er, take the Military exams." The room erupts into a frenzy and she stares at him blankly, his words still swimming around in her head. What is this crackhead talking about?

'Me?' Military Exams? Huh?!

"I-I... I'm sorry, I think I mis..."

"You did not. Orphans are not prohibited from the examinations. It's simply that along with female applicants few to none have taken it in the past decade or so. So, you will take the exams. Thank you for the feast Master Ling, but I'll be taking my leave now." Without waiting for her response, he moves to pick up his sword and returning it to his belt while moving towards the exit before pausing at her side, his voice lowered so only she could hear him, 

"... ah, you should probably renew your bandages. You're bleeding again."

'How'd he know?!' She questions herself as he leaves the room and the moment the door closes she could feel their eyes on her.

'Did that jackass just turn me into prey for these jackals?! Wait until I get my hands on you, you…' Unable to finish the sentence she screams inwardly, clenching her fist as she glared at the door he'd just left through. 

'I'm going to kill him.'

Fu_Otaku Fu_Otaku

Hi everyone, it's Fu-Chan *bows deeply*

I started this short story for a contest so I wrote it all in a couple days. I then decided I wanted to continue developing it.

I've been editing and writing new chapters, so please bare with me as I edit all present chapters and ready future chapters for upload.

Please enjoy and leave comments with anything you think I should add or change as well as share your love.

Thank you for your future support and I hope we get along well in the future!

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