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Chapter 3: History and Truths

   There the door stood in front of Jim and Susan, this big golden massive door. Around the edges were angelic runes that seemed to emit a soft white glow. This was a starkly different door then the one they had seen in the cave in Greece.  "Do you think we should open it?" Susan asked. "I mean you said you couldn't close the gate alone and on the other side of this one is literal gods right?"

    Jim answered Susan with a stern look on his face, "No, the gods are not to be set upon the world.  They are self centered and care only for what gives them pleasure. Setting them free would be a huge mistake."

    Susan was not about to give up, however; "Well that may be true but the portal to the underworld is open and I think literal gods would be useful!" Susan exclaimed. "If we don't open the door and let the gods out how do you think we can close the underworld gate?" Asked Susan hoping Jim had some other plan.

     Jim goes back to the table of books and begins going through them. Turning page after page book after book it seems like Jim will be there a while so Susan decides to get up and explore their surroundings a little better. "I'm going to look around Jim." Susan struggled to get out of the shopping cart but she had been sitting there so long her legs went to sleep. "Ouch!" Susan yelped.

   "You ok Susan? Is it your foot?" Asked Jim in a sort of panic.

    Susan who is now violently hitting herself in the legs to try and wake them up responds. "No Jim my cotton wad of a foot is fine, my legs are just asleep from sitting in this cart."

    "Oh carry on then." Jim said as he continued to search through the ancient tomes in search of an answer.

    Susans legs were finally awake enough to stand and she emerges from the shopping cart. Her gait is actually quite funny now that her left foot is bare are her right foot has about 2 inches of bandages wrapped around it. As she waddles around the room she notices that it has doors, small normal doors as well.  She wonders if it would be ok to open one, they are small so they couldn't be a portal right? She thought to herself. "Maybe I should ask Jim." She said under her breath as she looked over at him. "Nah he is way too busy, I don't want to bother him" She thought to herself as she reached her hand out to open the door. A thousand things went through her mind, was she doing the right thing, she wondered. As the door opened the light came on automatically, not an electric light either it was a torch. "How?" She asked herself. I mean a torch just bursting into flame by itself is pretty amazing. "On right magic. I keep forgetting magic is real." With the door fully open she could now see inside. "A BATHROOM?" She yelled.

    Jim is startled by the sudden noise and looks up at Susan. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you about this place. That room your at right now is the bathroom, it's a magic bathroom but don't worry it works just the same as a regular bathroom. The door next to it will lead to a corridor where the bed chambers are. There are multiple bed chambers so you don't have to worry we will not have to share a room. Next to that door you will find the path that leads to the mess hall slash kitchen, we need to put the groceries we got from the store in there. Could you do that?"

    Susan who is now in shock about the scale of this place snaps out of it to respond. "Ya ok, I need to stretch my legs anyway." She waddles over to her former carriage and pushes it to the mess hall. The torches of the mess hall light automatically as she enters, causing a small bit of shock. "I really cannot get used to that." As she looks around the mess hall she takes it all in. An ancient looking wooden table stands in the middle of the room surrounded by 12 very sturdy looking chairs.  On the far side of the room was the kitchen, it appeared to have the shelving she needed to store the food as well as everything you need to cook. "This place is amazing. Everything is just so grand and golden." As she looked around she really felt like this could be the realm of the gods.

     "Oh God, they're dead." She says to herself.  Her mind wandered while she was thinking about how pretty everything was, to how much she knew her kids would enjoy it.  That's when she remembered and it hit her, they're dead. She just fell on the ground where she stood and tears began to well up in her eyes. Never again would she hold her babies, nor would she ever seen them smile, she would never hear them yell momma, so many things she would never have again.  She just continues to weep for a time as the loss she experienced finally hit her.

     Meanwhile Jim was working hard going through the tomes to try and find a solution for their problem, that did not involve opening the door to the gods.  After reading several tomes he finally comes across one titled "Magical realms and how to close them" "Convenient!" He thought as he opened the book and started to read. "When dealing with portals to other realms it is very important to remember, if they have already been sealed do not under any circumstances open the door.  If the door is opened on a sealed realm all the magic that has built up will crash out onto the world, like removing a dam from a river." Jim thought to himself "Well that's not good that pretty much sums up what happened with the underworld." He continues to read, "After the initial tidal wave of magical energies it should stabilize allowing the realms to be one once again." Jim thought about that last part for a second. "Wait a minute did it just read once again?" Jim goes through the tomes again and rememberers one titled "Magical realms a history."

      He finds the book and begins to read, "There a history before the history that we know, a history that is but a memory within our souls. One where magic and gods roamed the world.  It seems that in that time magic was everywhere you felt it with every breathe, experienced it with every touch. Mythical beasts such as dragons, ogres, trolls, demons, and gods were as abundant as humans are today.  From what we have gathered there was a war between mankind and the creatures of magic, in the end mankind one but at a high cost. When the magical realms were sealed their magic affinities were sealed as well. In the God realm, Holy and light magic were sealed. In the Fairy Realm, Wind and Water magic were sealed. In the dwarven realm, Fire and Earth magic were sealed. In the underworld, Soul and Dark magic was sealed."  Jim continued to read and he found another interesting passage, "It appears that the magic we have today is just what leaks out of the seals, most of it travels in a set path and we call those paths ley lines. The magic seems to want to reconnect with each other so the ley lines all connect at the gateways." Further down he read, "Most people today cannot even feel magic due to the small amount leaking through the seals."

      Faint sobbing can be heard coming from the kitchen. "I guess she's finally letting it out" thought Jim. "Let it out Susan, let it all out.  I couldn't even imagine what you are feeling." Jim says softly to himself as he looks toward the kitchen. Jim goes back to his earlier book, the one about sealing realms, hoping that it actually contains a way to reseal a realm. He read "Should the temple guards fail and a door open, the other guardians will have two choices before them. Choice one let the portal remain open. If this occurs it will weaken the seals on the other doors, allowing more magic to seep through and elmitiating the tidal wave effect from opening the door, after about 3 months. If this is the choice made the world of prehistory will return and magic along with all the mythical beasts will be set upon the world.  Choice two, band together with the other guardians and reseal the door. Each of the guards have a copy of this book in the back of the book is a spell, but only a piece of the spell. The spell will require the books of all the guardians to cast. When this spell is cast it will cause all the magic to forcibly return to the portal and reseal it. However it will also pull the rest of the latent magic in the world back into their seals removing magic from the earth for thousands of years."

      Susan finally emerges from the mess hall, you can tell that she has been crying, her eyes are puffy and red and the nose is swollen as well. "Jim" she said soberly. "I don't want to do this, I don't want to keep going. I need to be with them again Jim." Her expression changes to a serious expression. "I'm leaving the temple Jim I want them to take me, to take me to be with my family again." Susan just looks at Jim, wanting to cry more but she was out of tears.

    "Susan, no" said Jim softly. "I could never imagine how you feel, to lose you husband and your children, I could just never know how that feels. I know however that they would not want you to end your life.  They would want you to live on Susan, to find happiness again one day, they…" Jim was cut off by Susan.

    "No Jim! I Left them! I didn't even try to save them! I just ran away! I should have died with them! I needed to die with them! I want to see them again!" Susan said while yelling hysterically.

    "Susan we need to stay alive, please don't give up before we even begin." Jim responded.

   "Give up?! It's not giving up if I don't even deserve to be alive in the first place! Please just let me leave, let me see my family again!" Susan just keeps yelling, she is the vision of a woman who has lost everything and doesn't care anymore.

   Jim just grabs her by the arms and pulls her in for a tight embrace. "It's ok Susan, I promise you I will find a way to bring your family back.  I will bring them back! I don't know how yet, but magic is real Susan there has to be a way to bring back the lost. So please give me a chance, to save you, and your family.  I know it was the magic that brought you to me last night. I told you it's alive and has a will of its own, well it can influence other people and guide their decisions. I honestly believe that the magic lead you to me, so that I could save you. Please let me. Please."

     Susan finally produces tears again as she is held tightly in Jim's arms. "Ok Jim, please save my family."

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