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Chapter 483: My SI Stash #83 - Gamer of Light by Dreadrot (Multicross)

-First chapter in and we get a Cautious Hero reference, gotta love it~

Synopsis: A warrior of the light in a world overrun with the creatures of dark, I got this easy. Gamer/Semi-SI/OC

Rated: M

Words: 13K

Posted on: (Dreadrot)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

I wake up surrounded by darkness in all directions. Confused and scared about my current situation, I feel my heart start to race as I begin to a deep breath to calm myself. Well, it kinda feels like I did. There does not seem to be any air around me, but I am able to breathe without any difficulty. Checking my surroundings again to ensure that I'm still in this strange abyss."Well this isn't good."

Welcome to the game!

"Nevermind this is perfectly acceptable." I respond to the screen floating in front of me.

I see you already have an understanding of what is currently happening.

"Yeah, you're one of those multiverse hopping, power gathering, waifu collecting game system thingies right?"

Yes, but I dislike being referred to as a 'thingy'. I am the game.

"Sorry, but I also don't want to just call you the game. Do you mind if I give you an actual name? How about… Index?"

Index yes, that is acceptable. Even with your understanding of the current situation, it is surprising how quickly you are accepting it.

"Well I spend the majority of my time watching anime or reading fanfics similar to this scenario and now I am given the chance to live that life. Why wouldn't I jump at a chance to? So now onto what, character creation?"

Your appearance, name, starter world and background have all been preselected.

"What! Why... and by who?"

All this pregame stuff takes too much time, so now new gamers are provided with a preset that a senior gamer has made, but the plus side is that you still get to choose your class.

"I don't see how it's fair that I get to name you but not myself but whatever, show me the classes."

All current available classes are separated into these for categories.


I'm sure the warrior and rogue classes are cool and all, but I didn't die and become a gamer to not use magic of some kind. Wait, did I die, I remember my past life, but I don't remember dying?

You didn't die, you were just picked at random and brought here. Typically, memories of a previous gamers life are redacted to make the transition easier, but given your complete acceptance of your current situation, that won't be necessary for you.

Well you're not wrong. I want to use magic but pure damage casters are generally too squishy for my tastes but maybe a caster with heals. I have always loved playing healers, so let's see what support classes I can pick from.


Based on my experiences with MMOs, both Druid and Paladin can be tanky, but they can also use magic. but for the druid I might have to take animal forms to use some of my magic and depending on what world I go to that could be very noticeable so I'll give it a pass for now and that leaves me with.

Class selected


Gain 1 STR, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 1 WIS, 1 CHA and 5 selectable stat points per Lvl

That's a nice stats spread. If I chose a warrior or priest, I would have gained more STR and VIT, or INT and WIS respectively, but with a paladin, I gain a bit of almost everything every level and five more to put them where I want.

Skill Gained

[Gamers Mind] (Passive)

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Immunity to mental status effects.

Skill Gained

[Gamers Body] (Passive)

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

Skill Gained

[Observe] (Active)

A skill to find the target's information.

There goes the staple gamer skills.

Skill Gained

[Crusader's strike](Active)

Strike with a light-infused weapon that deals double damage to creatures of the dark.

15MP per use

Skill Gained

[Holy Shock](Active)

Hit with a burst of light damaging an enemy does double damage to creatures of the dark.

30MP per use

Well those two spells look familiar. What world am I going to? Is it warcraft?

No, there are a number of skills and items that have been implemented from many worlds into your system. You will find out your starting world soon. First, check your stats by saying or thinking stats.

"Ok but before that [properties]"

Achievement unlocked

[Overly Cautious]

Skill Gained

[EXP Boost](Passive)

Increase the amount of EXP gained from all sources by 25%.

How did you know there were achievements? I didn't even know there were achievements.

I didn't, it was more of a joke, but I got something from it so I'm onto [stats].


Level – 1

Class – Paladin Lvl 1/100 [0%]

Race – Faunus(Shark)

HP – 100 [10 per minute]

MP – 100 [10 per minute]

AP – 200 [10 per minute]

STR – 10

VIT – 10

DEX – 10

INT – 10

WIS – 10

CHA – 10

LCK – 10







Rain is not a bad name and a Shark Faunus makes it clear where I'm going. Remnant is a good starter world, the power ceiling is pretty low if you don't count the brother gods. Salem is the biggest threat, but she's mostly just a human with a strong healing factor or close enough to it, whose only real offensive power is her army of grimm I think.

It's a really good power when Grimm have control over majority of the planet

True, but she doesn't leave the Grimmlands until later I think, so I hopefully won't have to deal with her directly for a while. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I haven't even gotten out of this abyss yet, so now what?

The final thing you have to do is roll for perks

For each random perk you will gain a flaw you may do this twice.

Seems fair I guess let's do this first one then.

Perk Gained

[Healing hands]

Increase your spells' healing power up to 100% based on how low your target is.

Flaw Gained

[Dry skin]

As an aquatic faunus, you must submerge yourself in water every 24 hours or your Maximum HP will decrease by 10% every day until you do so.

This is good, as my healing can nearly double the lower someone's HP is. Though submerging myself in water everyday might be difficult for me depending on where I am. I would need to stay away from any deserts like areas.

Perk gained

[One Light in the Dark]

When fighting at least one enemy who has the dark attribute, one random stat is increased by 50% for the duration of the battle.

Flaw gained

[Selfless Healer]

You cannot heal yourself if an ally nearby has a lower HP% than you.

What does it mean by having a dark attribute?

Anything that has dark or shadow related in origin or powers.

That includes the Grimm, right? This perk is incredible for where I'm going, but that flaw seems irritating. I need to keep an eye on the HP of others' I'm around, otherwise my ability to sustain myself will be lost. Are there any ways to get rid of the flaws?

As you play the game you'll discover multiple ways to remove, replace and earn new perks and flaws.

Well, at least I'm not stuck with them forever, but gaining more flaws is something I would preferably avoid.

Now that all of the setup is completed, world transfer initialization will commence in.




A bright light engulfs my vision, forcing me to shut my eyes. The distant sounds of random birds are the first things I notice when my senses start to return to me. I blink away the spots in my eyes and take in my surroundings. Around me are many trees, bushes, and a rather large lake. It appears that I'm in a forest. I stagger over to the lake, not being accustomed to my new body. Moving closer and gazing at my reflection. White shoulder-length hair that fades to mint green at the tips, tan skin, and forest green eyes stare back at me in shock.

"I'm a child! Why am I a freaking child"

You have been de-aged to more closely match the ages of the protagonist of this world.

"Weren't RWBY all like seventeen?" well ruby was like a year or two younger but close enough. "I look around ten."

Correct you are well at least your body is that of a ten year old the same as a majority of team RWBY at the present time.

"They are all around this age right now? So I'm like what seven years before cannon. Why?"

Seven years two months and four days to be exact. And why is because in your world settings it was set to start you several years before cannon.

"Ah yes, the settings I had no say in. Delightful!"" I look back down at my reflection. I don't really mind my new appearance. I've always been fond of characters with tan skin at white hair even though mine is slightly greenish. I smiled and was greeted by a mouthful of jagged, shark-like teeth. "Well I discovered my faunus trait."I open my mouth and poke the end of a tooth. "Can I even chew normally with these? I don't even have any molars, they are all just sharp." Well i'll figure it out whenever I get some food, actually do I even need to eat?

Yes you do require both food and sleep

Ah, this isn't one of those gamer systems where I can just grind all day and night without nonstop, too bad. Speaking of grinding, where is my ID create?

You will not be obtaining that skill, it was disabled due to the amount of time you have before cannon begins. The senior gamers believed it would take away from your 'enjoyment' of this world if you had seven years to grind dungeons.

If they cared about my enjoyment they would be aware that I would be perfectly fine with being overpowered as soon as possible but I guess I don't really have a choice in the matter do I. "So do I what, just kill grimm and do quests? Speaking of quests, shouldn't I have gotten one by now?"

Killing anything can grant you EXP animals, people not just grimm and here you go.

[Quest: Lost and alone]

Objective - Find your way out of this forest and to civilization.

Reward - 1000 EXP

Okay I don't like how Index casually implies that I should murder someone for EXP, but I know that I'll have to fight and probably kill another person at some point; at least I'll get something from it. "Where am I anyway?"

Your location is a random forest in anima.

That's... Somewhat helpful at least I know what continent I'm on. Seeing that I'm not going to get a more detailed answer I start walking in a random direction.

After walking for nearly an hour in near silence I hear some rustling in the distance. Not wanting to approach whatever is making this noise unprepared "Index there are grimm in this forest right?"

We are on Remnant, there are Grimm in every forest.

I look down at myself to see a faded orange shirt, some worn black jeans and surprisingly new tennis shoes.

"Index, do I get a weapon or something?"

Check your inventory.

Oh right, inventory forgot I Have one of those… "How do I check my inventory?"

Think about bringing up an inventory menu you should be able to see all your items in your mind.

I could see two items in my head.

[Basic short sword]

A one handed sword perfect for any beginner gamer.

[Basic shield]

A simple round shield perfect for any beginner gamer.

Thinking of the two pieces of equipment they appeared before me, the sword in my right hand and the shield strapped to the arm of the other. Looking over them both they are made of some type of iron I think, I don't know much about metals to be honest. The sword is around one and a half feet long with a silver scabbard and a simple oval crossguard with a dark wrapping around the grip.

The round shield is nearly two feet in diameter with a cross pattern covering the outer side.

Now readying myself for battle I walk forward closer to the sounds I look into the clearing head to see my first opponent. Wandering about on two hind limbs with a mostly bulky body, but a rather stumpy head. A white and red mask covering the upper portion of its face with matching spikes protruding along its back all the way to the tip of its tail. An intimidating figure it would paint if not for it only being about three feet in height..


Race: Grimm

Level 1

HP – 200/200

VIT – 20

STR – 20

DEX – 15

INT – 5

WIS – 5

LUK – 5

Wow that is a small creep, but it has twice my health. Do grimms have better stats per level than humans, or rather faunus in my case?

Each different type of grimm can have different stat modifiers; creeps are the weakest.

I don't want to risk fighting it in melee while I'm still only level one and with the amount of mana I have three [Holy Shock]'s and a [crusader strike] will kill it. I feel that I can cast [Holy shock] from some distance. I prepare the spell and fire it into the clearing, hitting the creep.

[One Light in the Dark]

+50% INT

Quickly casting the spell two more times the grimms HP hits zero and starts to disintegrate.

+100 EXP (+25)

+10 Lien

Level up!

HP, AP and MP restored.

I forgot about that perk already, well it made it faster to kill that creep and did it just drop money? Lien is the name of the money in RWBY right?

Yes all creatures have a chance to drop Lien.

Well that's convenient. I'm surprised the 'senior gamers' didn't want me to also have a nine to five givin all the other things they set up for me to deal with.

Pulling up my stat screen now that I have leveled


Level – 2

Class – Paladin Lvl 2/100 [24%]

Race – Faunus(Shark)

HP – 120 [12 per minute]

MP – 120 [12 Per minute]

AP – 240 [12 per minute]

STR – 12

VIT – 12

DEX – 10

INT – 12

WIS – 12

CHA – 12

LCK – 10

"First kill, first level up, not a bad start to my adventure." sticking to my strengths for now I'm going to just put my bonus points into my main paladin stats.

I turn around at another rustling noise coming from behind me to catch another creep closing the distance between us.

[One Light in the Dark]

+50% VIT

I'm only able to fire off two [Holy Shocks] before it enters melee range. Raising my shield in front of me the grimm opens its maw and clamps down on it. This creep is bigger than the last matching my height at around four or so feet at a guess.


Race: Grimm

Level 3

HP – 156/300

VIT – 30

STR – 25

DEX – 20

INT – 5

WIS – 5

LUK – 5

I hack at the grimm with two [crusader strikes]. It loses its grip on my shield and stumbles to the side. A final [holy shock] finishes it off before it can regain its footing.

+150 EXP (+38)

Level up!

HP, AP and MP restored

Skill Gained

[Avenger's shield](Active)

Hurl your shield at an enemy, bouncing it off of them, with a 50% chance to stun for 2 seconds. The shield will then return near you.

80AP per use

"Oh snap, gonna throw around my shield like freaking Captain America." It can also stun, but it consumes some of my aura, so I have to be careful how often I use it until I can up the amount I have.


Level – 3

Class – Paladin Lvl 3/100 [21%]

Race – Faunus(Shark)

HP – 140 [14 per minute]

MP – 140 [14 per minute]

AP – 280 [14 per minute]

STR – 14

VIT – 14

DEX – 10

INT – 14

WIS – 14

CHA – 14

LCK – 10

Two kill two levels, let's keep the tempo going.

I spent several hours exploring, fighting grimm and leveling a few more times. Getting my first item drop and learning my first healing skill. I came across a trail that led me out of the forest and onto the road I am currently traveling.

[Holy Light](Active)

Heal yourself or another with light.

50MP per use

[Greedy Grimm Scarf]

A monochrome scarf that increases the chance for lien to drop from grimm.


Level – 8

Class – Paladin Lvl 8/100 [12%]

Race – Faunus(Shark)

HP – 240 [24 per minute]

MP – 240 [24 per minute]

AP – 480 [24 per minute]

STR – 24

VIT – 24

DEX – 10

INT – 24

WIS – 24

CHA – 24

LCK – 10

I have not needed to heal myself yet. I've taken some damage while fighting more than one grimm at a time, but I just leveled up and my health and aura would return to full. However, the item is great. I have collected almost two hundred lien, which I think is decent since I'm not quite sure what the value of a lein is.

1 Lien is about the same value as 1 USD.

Ah, well I have almost two hundred bucks then. My musing comes to a halt where in the distance I can see a village.

"Finally, I can get some food supplies and a rest," I speed up my walking as I approach the village. When the sounds of the village nearing start to increase as I approach I pull my scarf over the bottom half of my face attempting to conceal my mouth. Remembering that many places don't treat faunus well. I can conceal my teeth and if they're not welcoming I can just grab what supplies I need and leave without anyone knowing.

Standing at the entryway of the village and looking at the sign above me. "Kuroyuri Village, lets hope I can get what I need without any trouble."

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