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Chapter 268: Chapter 268: The War At The Bridge IX

[Bridge, Demon Continent]

Walking as he go, Fengris on his 100% power release, in a form of a huge Fenrir with a height of equivalent to two storied buildings was overwhelming everybody as he growled at them

Due to it's presence the whole side of this battlefield became quite chaotic that even the most brave and veteran warrior's felt fear from such monster

As for Emperor Ergo he held out his sword pointing at Fengris as he gritted his teeth and made himself still from shaking, while the other three Royal Knight's felt suffocated for the very first time in their whole life

"What a monster" commented Roberto

"Hah! Looks like we got the short end of the stick" added Hannah

Of course after hearing that Seijurn walked ahead of them as he bravely suggested

"I'll take the lead"

But just as he was about to step up Emperor Ergo blocked him as he said

"No need! Bruno! Do it!"

Of course just as the Emperor's command, Bruno who was together with the mage group immediately started to cast and even more devastating attack towards Fengris himself

But for Fengris who has his whole potential maximized like that, such attacks wouldn't damage him for the second time

Arching his back he roared so loud that it shook the earth and made everyone near it stumble from the shockwaves

But since his sound attack was such an unexpected attack, many soldiers wasn't able to defend themselves and the Emperor together with the Royal Knights were no exception, as they all clutched their ears from ringing in pain

There are some even that had their eardrums explode thus their ears started to bleed out

Screams echoed on their side, thus giving Fengris a chance to start his attack

Seijurn as the person who quickly notices this despite the pain started to shout out

"Damn it!!!"

But no matter what he did it was already too late as Fengris started his massacre as he moved in a lightning speed throughout be their ranks as he killed officials and soldiers from left to right

Ripping, shredding, slashing, stabbing, and even biting their head off was possible as the whole alliance are in distraught cause of the sound attack

With that another different sources batch of screams scattered throughout the battlefield as Fengris moved from place to plac as he hack and slash any soldiers he sees before moving in to some clustered soldiers location

But of course his main goal was the people at the back of the army as he slowly made his move whole dodging some spells

Some even tried to retaliate but only to get their heads bitten off like a chew toy, while some got stomped and slash instead

The army with the crusaders did everything they can to push him back, but such creature with Intelligence was hard for them to fight against

After pouncing one of the attacking soldiers infront of him Bruno together with the mage suddenly fired off some different elemental volley of spells towards him at close range this successfully hitting Fengris, thus causing an explosion

"Hahahaha! Burn you fucking monster! Die! I'll burn you all to death! I'll kill you and your friends until I'm satisfied from you killing my father! Hahahaha" laughed Bruno as he faced the huge explosion infront of him

But as he laughed a low growl suddenly vibrated throughout the air that it suddenly made him flinch as he glared at the explosion he created

Inside of the explosion he could see Fengris walking to him in steps as he growled and bites off an arm from a soldier that he didn't know

As he bites it's arm off, Fengris then threw the arm as he bared his fangs at him while doing a low growl


"No! Impossible! How can you still be alive?"

But as Bruno complained Fengris once against moved in a lightspeed as multiple mages suddenly bursted in a poll of blood behind him that stains even his clothes

Shaking in fear Bruno looked behind him before gazing above more, only to met eye to eye with Fengris


Gritting his teeth rage once more filled his heart

"You monster!!!"

As he shouted this Fengris immediately pounced on him and bites him off as his screams became piercing enough to instill more fear into their ranks

With a final twist Fengris finally killed Bruno the only son of the deceased Duke Agra


As for the nature elemental bridge, both side of elves and Demon's moved away from the the three people that were releasing some kind of pressure to suppress the other

But for Raguel and Belial, the biggest threat hear was the one flying above them Argos while looking down below him

"A little Demon and a little lost Celestial soul, how Intersting mix of acquaintances" smiled Argos

But contrary to him both Belial and Raguel became even more wary of him cause of his smile as they both know that such a guy was way beyond them in terms of power

As for Argos he seemed surprised at how fast Raguel recovered from their previous battle and even became much more stronger now compared to the time they fought

"A person who grows stronger by the days passed... How Interesting trait, if given at least a hundred or so years to survive, then perhaps you may be able to atleast reach almost the peak of power... But sad to say I can't let that happen

As he said that as if on cue he could feel that both Fengris and Aileene have released more than 50% of their power already

With a smile Argos then decided to go at least halfway through by undergoing fifty percent too

In an instant black aura completely covered his whole body as his aura suddenly became quite thick that it even made hard for everyone to breath

Such a power of course were way above the power of what the current hero can possess

When it dessipitated  scales can be seen apparent on Fengris skin which is mixed with the skin of a human, not only that but his pupils in his eyes became a slit lizard like eyes, razor sharp teeth, black dragonic wings, arms formed into a dragon parts, and a huge dragon tail on his back

Such appearance could even make someone mistake him for a dragon newt or a half-blooded dragon race

With this even Raguel and Belial stopped smiling wryly as cold sweats dripped down their faces


That's the only word they could think off just by looking at Argos appearance

Sensing such danger in the battlefield, golden light aura suddenly bursted out like a tsunami as Raguel equipped his hero's armor and charge forth towards Argos

"You! You'll pay for what you did to me!!!"

Flapping his angel wings Raguel zoomed straight towards Argos as he gathered a huge amount of Mana on his sword

"Take this! Aura wave!!!"

With a slash at close proximity towards Argos, Raguel released his stored up Mana on his sword as he sent it all towards Argos caused a right golden explosion in the air

But he didn't stop their as he instantly gathered more Mana unto his sword and send it flying towards Argos giving it no time to think about it

"Aura wave!!!"

With the second wave another golden explosion rung out from those smoke as it finally pushed Raguel back due to it's force released

But when the smoke got dispersed, his eyes suddenly shook in shock as Argos was still standing with no injuries at all while only having a barrier around it

"Dominators barrier!"

As the shield that took on Raguel's attack and one of his hardest defensive Spell, Argos successfully shook Raguel's will

Raising his wings Argos finally cracked his bones as he glared at Raguel

"My turn!"

With a flap Argos dashed straight pass Raguel, thus confusing the Celestial being, but as he got confused, he suddenly heard another explosion behind him only to see Argos stomping Ng down Belial to the ground

Feeling insulted from being ignored Raguel then charged down towards him

But for Belial who was secretly preparing to attack, he felt shock for a moment as Argos suddenly bypassed Raguel and aimed for him

Struggling to talk he asked Argos

"How... Did..."

"You think I wouldn't notice? How much did you underestimated me? Do you wanted me to punish your too little Demon?" Asked Argos

"Damn it!"

But before he could do anything Argos suddenly flew again as he attacked Raguel this time which caught the latter of guard

With a boom Argos then dragged Raguel to the face as he pushed him towards the stone bridge

With a shake the stone bridge suddenly cracked even more from the impact thus further destroying it

Blood started to spill behind Raguel's head cause of it, but Argos wasn't finished yet as he slowly but efficiently arched his arm back and punched Raguel to the face causing the bridge to explode and shoots off towards the deep depths of the gorge

But as Raguel fell into the gorge in a breakneck speed he suddenly felt Mana converging behind him as Belial started casting spells

"Death rain!!!"

Like a barrage of lasers Belial rained down streak of black Mana attacks towards Belial further damaging everything around it

Faced with this Raguel smirked at such attempt as he flew straight towards him as the spells attacked, Argos kept flying through them as he raised up his hand and once more activated his barrier

"Dominators barrier!!!"


With a click of his tongue Belial stretched out his claws as he swept behind him, just in time as Argos blocked his claws with his own claws

"Not bad!"

With that Belial started attacking Argos in the air as he hacks and slash towards him, but no matter how much he attacks he just couldn't even Pierce through Argos scale no matter what

Sensing this Argos suddenly punched Belial to the face causing the Archdemon to fall into the ground

"Dragonic Phantom Aura!"

With a sudden spell a huge dragon made out of Argos mana suddenly showed up behind him and as it looked down on Belial

With a roar this phantom suddenly plunged down towards Belial at no moments cause, intending to crash against him

Realizing such intentions raised his defenses to the maximum as he defended from such attack

With a loud explosion pieces of plant parts exploded thus blowing Belial off his feet with his clothes burned up starting from his sleeves

Gritting his teeth Belial once more tried to get up only to be pushed back down by Argos as he held his head with such force that cracked even the bridge created from nature

But as Argos was about to send him flying to it's death a sudden shift in Mana suddenly appeared far from him as a huge sword suddenly manifested in the air

"Swords Judgement!!!"

As Raguel slashed this huge sword down both Argos and Belial flew off in opposite direction as they dodged such huge attack

Of course a

The elves that are sensitive to such Mana suddenly got off the bridge only leaving the enemy on board of it

When the sword crashed down it easily sliced the bridge which started it's fall I to the gorge with many enemy still on board of it

After that Raguel then once again charged ahead towards Argos as both him and Belial started working together to bring down an even greater threat

Seeing such a scene cause Argos to smile as he suddenly charged forth and fought against this two in the air

At first it seemed as if both the Celestial being and the Archdemon was suppressing Argos, but as time goes on their attacks became less efficient as Argos slowly dominated both of them

With a kick towards Belial thus sending him away, Argos then took ahold of Raguel's sword of light and broke it into pieces as he sent black lightning to blast Raguel to his chest this sending him crashing down the cliffs

As for Belial who immediately engaged against him, Argos simply took his wings and pulled him in towards him, before choking his neck and delivered a blast through his guts thus sending him once more into the gorge

Through this battle as he dominated two high beings, he slowly but surely showed the world just how terrifying his existence can be

He also showed the world the reason why gods and ancient Demon's feared creatures that has the titles of Calamity Class Beings

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