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4.91% World Wolf

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

After that night, his mother had taken to showing him stories. No real narration from her, showing just how the events unfolded each night. He could just faintly tell that each memory was as true to life as she thought. It was amazing at how much information she had. Each story having their own learning experiences from the others. Some stories repeated constantly, while there were a few that were new.

Most of the time, they were hunts, teaching him how to stalk, how to run with a pack, how to discern the weakest of a herd, best ways to separate them, and other things that require a group. There is some instances that he isn't able to put into his mind, never being exposed to it, where the wolves had fallen asleep with full belly's one night, and the next morning waking to a wolf who had grown by a foreleg.

Most of the time, these changes were brought with increased strength and agility. They wouldn't have even known if there was something different in their minds compared to when they had been born. The pay-wolves had a very quickly developed thought pattern, that seemed to mesh well from each other. He had learned that it was the Alpha's that made it possible.

Each pack had two Alpha's, a male and female, where most of the time, thoughts went through a relay system, letting the second largest wolves he had knowledge of keep the thoughts from bothering others. There are slips like the frenzied parents, where tied into a web of thoughts, they were the shortest strings before it could be cut.

The fact that the Alpha's, and somehow every time his mother thought of them was emphasized, were smaller then his father wasn't lost on him. His dad looked to be a good size taller, his own growth starting to show amazing gains.

It started with teething, he knew that he wasn't going to be feeding from his mother like a pilot fish on a shark all his life, but his teeth had started to come in quickly at his second week. The sharp nubs that were designed to tear apart prey, had almost given him a holey tongue. He had shared that punny thought with his mother, who never having known them, smacked the back of his of his head with her paw as an appropriate measure.

Of course, trying to whine with puppy dog eyes, failed spectacularly, the sense of amusement from his mother actually made him think she would be rolling in laughter. She did however rest her head on his, pretty much burying him in the fur that protected her neck from other predators attempts at attack.

It wasn't long before she decided to take him around the small slice of territory that was theirs. Lessons forged through the painful memories of predecessors, and instinct's that were burned into his mind, hidden away and just a thought away from making a mistake if he took care to notice.

His mother lead him around in ever expanding circles from their home, still able to enjoy the serenity of the world as it thrives around them. Large trees with needle-like leaves tower over the pair, the soft little crunches barely noticeable under the canopy, streaks of sun shining through highlight the mishmash of colors, reds and greens, blues and purples, all hanging from different branches of one tree, while others have a bit more standard colors.

The colorful trees, however, seem to have an alluring scent, it bringing the little cub under the canopy to stare upwards at the hidden, what appears to be a chestnut. He would have stared at them until one fell, if his mother hadn't broken him from that state. Her tail whomping into his, forcing him to move, and change to stare at the offending appendage. The smell of rot starting to slowly come into his nose after a few moments.

It wasn't his first time seeing a body, having experienced the memories of his mother's, but it was the first time he had actually been there. Under the tree with roots snaked around their limbs, the bodies of dead herbivores resided. None of them had died violently from his guess, most having ingested a poison fruit from the tree overhead, and fell to fertilize the next batch of growth.

This wasn't the only instance of deadly flora that the pair met, most of the time they required ingestion, like strangely colored fruits that made him think they would be sweet treats, to nuts that looked like they could break his teeth on even thinking of eating them. Of course, there were berries to that had their own peculiar scents. Some of the most disgusting smelling fruits had turned out to be the safest, the plants trying to keep off animals until their heavy branches let them fall. It was amazing how much food they provided to their own sources.

His mother taking the time to make sure he knew where to go to hunt, where not to also, not trusting the meat that had fallen prey to those that would kill them. the young cub pushing the knowledge into his brain as something to remember wherever he goes. Not knowing how good that advice would be for years to come. He had watched a few small animals running through the forest around them during a break. Some of the animals almost blending into the foliage that surrounded them, while others, they looked to be trying to stand out.

Green coated squirrels to blue furred rabbits, almost all animals having a mutable color to their coats as he watched some almost change in front of his eyes. His mother, however, showed the truth of some, they had developed a psychic ability that lets their fur hide, or make them look sick to others. Only once or twice did he see a dear, none covered with the large horns that would show mating season was close.

It was a good day for him, having finally escaped the confines of his dirt home, his mother finally making the promise to take him on a hunt. Letting him know it would be the last time he had his own personal little feeding area. The sun setting casting out an aurora over head with a riot of colors signaling their time to head home. His mother making him lead the way back, even as he made a few stumbles, or mistakes in leading, they settled into the night, staring out the cave as the moon rises. It is amazing sight, a large scar was cut into the side, like a felines vertical pupil, making it look like something was staring down from the heavens.

That unsettling thought however, made it all the harder to sleep that night. A dream of being chased by felines the size of mountains would do that.

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