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Chapter 1: Where In The World Am I?

Sitting at my computer I'm just reading the latest chapter from this new isekai Web Novel series, WN for short. It's about some kid who gets transported with his class, but the goddess doesn't like him and his abilities, so she tries to have him killed off. If that was me; I'd totally do it differently, the protagonist, has no clue the way to do things. And how do I know you may ask? Well the answer is simple, my parents come from a different world.

My parents were commoners in the parallel world known as Caltresnia, they don't know how they were transported here almost thirty years ago however. So moving along, my name is Jayson because my fathers name is Jay, and I'm his son.. look my parents weren't exactly the brightest commoners, or maybe it's how names were done? I don't know, they never gave me a concrete answer on why I'm named the way I am.

They landed in the middle of nowhere in the United States, and settled down here, I'm not sure how with being illegal aliens here… I know the pun you're thinking of ha ha.. moving along, when I was about five my parents told me the truth, and started telling me stories about their home world, and I've been entranced with stories pertaining to "transported to another world" ever since.

It's been twenty years since I started hearing those stories, and reading any story I could find on the net. My parents didn't mind so much as life here was pretty cushy for whatever reason, it's not like I was forced to work or anything.

Anyway with my knowledge from reading books, and my parents story I honestly believe I could survive an isekai experience without much hardship compared to all these protagonists. While staring at my screen my phone goes off, it's a text from my mother.

[Jayson could you go to the store for me, with being sick I want to stay in bed and rest. So could you get me something for this flu?]

Oh mom.. of course I'll tell her I'll go, she lets me do whatever I want in her house so I may as well reply. I need cigarettes anyway.

[Of course mom, you don't care if I get myself smokes do you?]

[Go for it, just don't take too long please.]

Shortly after sending a reply telling her I'll be back in about ten minutes I put on my shoes, grab the car keys and head out the door. It takes about five minutes to get to the closest store anyway so I'll be back in no time at all.

Once I enter the store I go to the aisle where the flu medicine is and head towards the counter. At the counter I tell the old lady at the register I'd also like a pack of menthol cigarettes, any brand will do. She hands me a pack of smokes after I show her my I.D. ya know, I'm 25, I shouldn't be carded at this point anymore, well whatever I guess. After leaving the store I put the smokes and my wallet in my front and back pockets respectively I head back to the car.

Just as I unlock the car door with my key; i feel oddly cold, which is odd because it's summer, it's like 70 degrees out right now. Paying it no mind I go to get in the car when I hear a dull sound and feel immense pain from my head. I don't recall anything after that.

Waking up sometime later I find myself in the woods, just how in the hell did I get here? Where is the car? Where's my phone and smokes? Was I kidnapped??


After sighing deeply I collect myself and pat myself down. Starting from my feet working my way up I notice my pockets still have my wallet, phone and my smokes. Not really surprised the smokes are there, but with being kidnapped, I'm surprised the wallet is still here. Upon touching the back of my head I feel something warm on my hand. I pull my hand in front of my face.

"What the hell?! Why is there blood?! R-r-right… I was hit, but where am I?!"

Quickly rubbing my hand covered in blood on my jeans I check my surroundings. Well there's no river, and I'm in the woods somewhere, but where is the question.. we don't have any wooded areas near our town… I should find town.

I thought to myself as I shook my head. Time to go. I look up in the sky and see constellations I don't recognize in the night sky, and begin walking what I hope is north.

Just where in the world am I?!

After walking for a while I take out my smokes and the lighter from my pocket. As I light my cigarette, I see someone maybe fifty yards or so ahead of me. Maybe they can help me!

"Hey wait, can you help me?! Where am I? What is going on here?"

I yelled at the top of my lungs, but the response wasn't one which I expected…


What did the person just say?! I don't understand it.. Maybe I sh--

Mid-thought my train of thought was cut off by something piercing my shoulder.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhh" I screamed.

An arrow, I was seriously shot with an arrow?! what the hell is going on?? I gotta run away. As I turn to start running with the arrow still in my shoulder I suddenly fall to the ground.

Just what is going on?! who uses a bow and arrow?! did I get transported to another world? Why didn't I make mom and dad teach me their native language? Wait am I even in the same world they're from?!

Looking where the pain is coming from, I got shot in the the calf with another arrow, and my assailant is already upon me. Even though it's dark out, you can see relatively well considering there's two moons in the sky… wait there's two moons?!

As my assailant draws closer to me I try to scramble to my feet to try and ward him off I notice a dog head, complete with whiskers, his bow over his shoulder, and crude leather armor covering majority of his fur.

He's a beastman, like from novels and manga?! I really did get transported to another world?!

Bearing his teeth, sword drawn in his hand, the beastman approaches.


"I-I d-don't understand you" I cry out in fear as he raises his sword overhead.

Shit, am I really going to die here?! this isn't how my isekai adventure should've gone!

Looking at the beastman with tears in my eyes, he smacks the pommel of his sword against the back of my head and the last thoughts in my mind being ,wondering about the beastman's agility as my consciousness faded off for the second time in a single day.

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