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Chapter 3: How It Begins Part 3 (Edited)

There are many thoughts people have about what comes after death. I chose not to think too deeply about it and let things happen naturally.

And naturally…here I am, a few hours after my death being strangled (I.E., Hugged) by a tiny loli primordial goddess who also happens to be my grandmother.

"MOM! He's turning purple! Let the poor kid go!"

"NO! Not until I'm satisfied! Just don't let him die!"

"MA look, he's tapping out!"

"Nonsense, those are love taps. Right, little magus?" Nyx gave me that look that promises pain if I disagree, but I was already in incredible amounts of pain, so I did my best to appease her and get as much air into my lungs as possible.

"….to….mee..t….yo..u…" There, I gasped out a good answer, right? Wait! Why is the pressure increasing!

"AW! You see Thanatos he's happy to meet me! YAY!" oh great now the world is spinning. Thankfully It seems she was satisfied and dropped me like a sack of potatoes.

"Oof…" Breathe dammit, you're a master martial artist. You know how to do this! Inhale, exhale, inhale, think of happy place, exhale.

Ok, I think I'm okay, I took a quick look, and everything seemed normal. Dad and grandma seemed to be talking about something, and oh look grandpa got kicked into the fireplace. Well, I'll just sit back down. Oh! More nectar, yay!

"Mom can you sit down and relax, we need to deal with my son's situation." Dad seemed to be looking resigned to the situation

"Yeah yeah, let me just wake up this old man. OI!" And grandma threw something at grandpa who is somehow still sleeping inside the green flames. OH! He moved!

Grandpa Hypno seemed to look like a well-aged man in his late forties, muscular body, angular face, and a head of blonde hair with amethyst eyes.

"Huh, where am I!? I could swear I heard something buzzing around." Grandpa's first words also seemed to be his last because it suddenly got really dark, and grandma appeared in front of the fire.

"What was that?" oh shit, this just got intense. Thankfully these snacks keep refilling, I feel strangely hungry.

Grandpa finally seemed to realize his situation and started sweating. "Oh dear, well um you see, wait, why am I in a fireplace?"

The darkness faded back to normal, and grandma seemed to sigh and calmed down. She grabbed gramps by his head and threw him into a chair that appeared next to Dad's. And another chair appeared next to mine. Why does that fill me with dread?

I realized why a second later, when I was being squeezed in another death hug, but thankfully I could still breathe this time.

Grandpa took stock of the situation, and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Thanatos, you have a son! Congrats! Wait, I have a new grandson! This calls for a celebration!"

"Dad, calm down. We have to deal with his situation first." (Thanatos)

"Nonsense son, he still has a few hours he will be fine." (Hypno)

"Um.. not to be rude, but what exactly is my situation?"

"You didn't explain it to him!?!?" (Nyx)

"I was getting to it ma, you showed up to suddenly."

Dad turned to me and spoke reassuringly, "You see son, your human half has just died, and since your only half-divine, you're a bit unstable.

You need to be reborn again, only this time in a world I can influence, and you can begin strengthening yourself so your divine half can start strengthening you without killing you."

I nodded at that, it sounded reasonable.

"Ok, so what do I need to do?"

"Well, since mom and dad are here, we can think about how to format your abilities and which world to send you off to, any requests son?"

I thought about it for a second before responding. "Well, I really liked that ability you showed me from 'solo leveling,' I mean having an army of shadow soldiers that constantly get stronger! How cool is that?!"

"That's my grandbaby! You must take after me!" Grandma seemed really happy with my choice, and she continued. "I've read that novel, I'll make sure your shadow summons look like they do in the manga. What world do you want to start in?"

"Thanks grandma, and can it be any world?"

"Yup! The multiverse contains pretty much every world that has gained enough energy from the thoughts of others. If you write a book and enough people think about that world, it becomes its own dimension." (Nyx)

"Ha, with every dimension born, Morpheus and I get stronger and stronger. It's pretty fun to explore them too." (Hypno)

"I can't argue with that, son I would recommend starting with the harry potter world. The magic system might not be that powerful, but it's an incredible starting world for gathering useful ways to use magic and setting a firm foundation for you.

Thanks to the original storyline, I made a deal with the Peverell family. If their mainline died out, I could choose a new heir for them.

They thought they could command me with three little items I made when I was drunk, HA! It would only grant a bit of immortality, and they could get my attention if I felt like responding to them."

"Oohh, so the hallows weren't all-powerful?"

"Well, in that world, they are, but to us, they are just little toys." (Thanatos)

"Ok, cool, I would love to explore that world!"

"Little magus, I would also recommend that after that world you should visit that 'Danmachi' world. It would do wonders to strengthen your basic stats. By the time you finish, you should be able to blend your two halves and have a perfect fusion." (Hypno)

"Gramps, that sounds awesome! And with harry potter magic life will be so much easier. Honestly, out of all worlds, they are the ones who made life so comfortable with their use of magic. Expanding space, wards, house elves, those guys might be ass-backward, but they knew how to enjoy life."

We all shared a good laugh at that when Grandpa spoke up again. "Now magus, I don't want you to forget your space affinity that you get from me. I'll help you set it up like an inventory from a game.

I'll create a pocket dimension for you where time stands still. If you want to store living things, then you will have to get a higher understanding of space, but for now, this should be helpful."

"Thanks grandpa!"

It was only then I realized my grandmother was slowly squeezing me. "Hold on a second, forget about that useless old man" (Nyx)

"Oi!" (Hypno)

"HuuuHhh." seeing the look grandma was sending him, he quickly shut up.

"Your main divinity takes after me, so I have to spoil you the most! Let's see…. Since its the harry potter world, I'll give you a special Animagus form and I'll help you out with some lovers!"

Love huh? I never really dated in my life, many one-night stands while I was traveling, but I never found anyone special.

"I'll give you a special ability so that when you decide you want to be with someone, just think about it, and your shadow will swallow them and reform them.

They will be given immortality and set to the same age as you are as long as they are older than you. It will strengthen them and grant them a huge boost to their elemental affinity, but since their soul will be connected to you, whatever affinity they have will be touched by your shadows.

For example, if someone has a Fire affinity, then it will become a shadow fire affinity. And while they can be killed in battle as long you stay alive, then their soul will stay anchored to you, and they can reform through your shadows, they will be similar to your soldiers, but they will stay as a whole separate person.

And finally, whatever qualities you gain can be passed on to them as well. How's that! Come on, praise me!"

Seeing her standing on her chair in all her loli godliness, I couldn't help but think she was adorable and, at the same time, knew I was going to experience pain if I didn't thank her enough. "Wow grandma! You're the best!"

Then I gave her a hug, and suddenly I was no longer on the ground, and I was being swung around like a wet noodle as she got excited again. Oh, it looks like pain came no matter my choice, a good life lesson.

"YAY! See that old man! He likes me more!"

"Mom he's losing consciousness. Please put him down!"

"Huh?" she looked down at my almost cartoon-like purple face. "Oh, sorry hehe. I got excited again!"

She let me down, and I sank back into my chair while giving my dad a very thankful look. I could swear that death never looked so great as he did at that moment. Was I imagining the golden glow? Yeah, I think my brain has started rebooting. My dad decided to retake the reins.

"Son, I'll set up the setting of the world for you. You will land on the Peverell island, and you will be de-aged to around 5 years old to start strengthening your new human half.

You should take this chance to learn as much as possible and use your ability to get as many good shadow summons as possible. I'll set up a small status screen like a HUD for you to know how many summons you can have at the moment, as well as a magic and stamina bar.

I won't give you a health bar because you're not a gamer. You will be flesh and blood, you get injured you deal with it. The shadows will run off a similar system to 'solo leveling's.' A weak summons will start at level 1, and when they get to level 5, they can evolve to a higher being.

This will continue for a while until they reach the 'General' state as their highest evolution. One other addition I'll add is a small 'missions' tab.

These will be the missions that we, as your family, will set for you to complete in whatever world you end up in. And special alerts from one of us will pop up on it. Do you understand so far?"

Honestly, the more he spoke, the more excited I got. "Hell yeah! So, what missions will I have for this world?"

"Let's see, I want you to gather the hallows and destroy them. Toys they may be, I don't want to be bothered by those weird wizards.

Another one is I want you to destroy all of Voldemort's Horcrux's, you don't have to actually fight him since that's Harry's job, but if you destroy his soul shards then within minutes of forming a new body he will die since his wraith is less than 1% of his actual soul. Mom, dad, any other ideas?"

"Oh, oh, I know, you're not allowed to leave that world without at least three eternal lovers! Grandma wants some great-grandbabies!"

Grandpa and dad seemed to give me some pitying looks, but I was cool with it, it seemed like fun. Grandpa coughed to get my attention.

"*cough* Let's say you have to gather at least 10 different magical species as shadows and at least 20 wizards. They may be weak in the beginning, but as they get stronger, they will be pretty devastating.

On top of that, in the Danmachi world, since all the monsters don't have real souls and the humans with falna will be protected by the divinity of their patron, you won't be able to gather any good shadows in that world. So, you have to make the most out of this world while you can."

I could agree with that. So far, they are all reasonable missions meant to make me stronger or better my life. Then it went back to my dad.

"And finally son, I'm going to adjust the timeline a bit. You will be 3 years older then harry, and I'll make it so that in Harry's third year, the tri-wizard tournament will begin with no age limit.

Your final mission is to win the tournament! Your timeline will be that at the end of that year, you will have to move on from that world. With your intellect, I'm sure you will easily master occlumency and be able to have more than enough time to master things."

"Are you sure that will be enough time dad?" There are a lot of books in that world after all. Grandma spoke up then.

"Oh please, you're my grandson, you're not one of those ass-backward wizards who haven't even realized their magic is limited by their weak bodies.

Honestly, if just one of those little shits would work out normally, he would easily overpower Dumbledore with enough magical knowledge.

Once you master occlumency and unlock eidetic memory, you will breeze through it all. I would suggest making a spell to scan books. It will save you a lot of time."

"Ok cool, five missions. I can handle that."

My dad nodded his head with pride and gave me an option I never expected.

"Good, I'm happy you're taking this in stride. Now, as you know, gods can take on any form they choose, eventually you will be able to as well, but everyone has a basic form they feel more comfortable in.

You can choose what image you want to have for now, but you won't be able to change it until you at least complete the Danmachi world."

"I get a character customization option! HELL YEAH!" Seriously, this is incredible. But how should I choose?

"Son, you still have a few hours, so let's celebrate our family reunion, and you can let me know before we send you off."

And like that, we spent the next few hours having a great time. Grandma has officially been given the title of 'ultimate loli' in my mind seeing her toss around gramps and dad like they were toys.

Grandpa, when he's not falling asleep mid-sentence, has some really cool stories to tell. Turn's out him, and Morpheus, are partners in their work and are best friends. They are two of the top dogs in the entire multiverse with all the power they get from beings sleeping and dreaming.

And the feeling of having a dad to talk and argue with is honestly something I never realized I always wanted. It was one hell of a time, but eventually, we ran out of time.

"Haha..ah ok son, so here's a character sheet. Choose whatever you want." As he stopped talking, a screen appeared in front of me. It was similar to the beginning Skyrim character layout.

I thought about it for a while, and eventually, I decided.

"I've always like ban's character from seven deadly sins! I feel like I could be best friends with that guy. I would choose to look like him, but since I would be close to 7 feet tall, I would like to add a bit more weight.

So instead of being around 160 pounds (70 kg), I would rather be around 190 pounds (86kg). And I would prefer if my hair would be silky smooth and not stand up like I'm Goku going Super Saiyan.

That should be good, yeah silvery-white hair, red eyes, with my shadows this will make me look pretty badass." (Author note: Check the cover image, but with my changes)

"OOHH good choice little magus, you will be young at the start, but you're going to be stealing every woman's heart! I can't wait to meet who you pick." Grandma seemed excited at my choice while gramps wisely stayed silent, but he gave me a thumbs up.

"Ok good, this is simple. You do actually have a good affinity with this character, and if you gain a phoenix shadow summon, then you would have a very high regeneration. Not enough to match this guy immediately, but it would get stronger over time. Ok Son, are you ready?"

"I think so, at least I don't have to pack haha…. Dad, gramps, grandma, thank you for this. I had a great first life, but I still never really knew what it feels like to have a family. It's only been a few hours but thank you for showing me such love and care."

I couldn't help but start tearing up, I never knew how warm a family could feel. I felt grandma giving me another bone-breaking hug, but I hung on anyway. Dad and grandpa joined the hug as well. We enjoyed the silence for a minute before breaking it up. Dad put a hand on my shoulder when he spoke.

"Go forth son, never forget how proud I am of the man you came to be. Go show the world what it means to be the SON OF DEATH!" as he spoke, the room shook, and I felt awe in his words, but then grandma smacked the back of his head, and the awe vanished.

Nothing like a loli to kill the mood.

"Don't shout! Were right next to you! Remember magus who you really take after. I am Nyx, and the night will always guide you. The shadows are your domain, I will always hear you if you speak to me."

She gave me another hug but a much more relaxed one. And grandpa spoke as well.

"I think your grandmother has said enough magus, but go on, if you ever need me, just think of me before sleeping, and I'll be there."

"We love you son, now let your journey begin!" as dad spoke those words, I could feel my surroundings changing.

My last sight of that room was my father smiling at me and my grandmother, the ultimate loli, choking out from grandfather for reasons I don't want to know in the background.

As the darkness covered my sight, I could only feel excitement and determination to grow strong enough to bring my mother back. I figured it would be a bit too cliché to yell out 'LINK STARTU,' so I stayed silent only to hear the words.


Thanks dad…still cliché, but thanks.

Curiosity44 Curiosity44

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