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Chapter 2: I want a new book

It is early in the morning, there are no clouds in the sky and the sun is shining through the room's window. With the sunlight reaching my eyes, I slowly woke up from a good night of sleep. My bedroom is big and, although simple, had good quality furniture and was really comfy.

Still on the bed, I sat on it with my eyes closed. I then took a deep breath and slowly opened them. Right after, I got out of the bed and went to the window to open it.

(I never get tired of hearing the birds singing every morning.)

On one side of the room, right next to the window, there is a big mirror. Before going to the closet, I looked at it. As I wished when I was born, my eyes are vivid red, giving the impression they were shining. My eyes really caught a lot of attention. But that wasn't the only thing. With my father's white hair, I am extremelly handsome with an almost perfectly proportioned face. It is not my intention to boast or anything like that, but the truth is the truth.

After that, I went straight to the closet and put on a casual set of clothes. Then, smelling something good, I went to the dining room. Arriving there, my parents were eating breakfast.

[Morning, mom. Morning, dad.]

[Hey, son. Did you sleep well?]

[Good morning, my son.]

[Yes, I did, father.]

After a brief exchange of words, I sat at the table and started eating.

[Can I go to the capital today? I want to buy some new books.]

[Sure, I'll ask Layla to accompany you, ok?] said my mom with a smile on her face.


After breakfast, I went back to my room to pick up my sword. I do have spacial magic, but I took it out last night to clean it.

Beeing informed by Ruby, Layla arranged the carriage. We lived not too far away from the capital. It was close to a small village on our domain.

My familly had a lot of influnence and power, since father is a duke and mother is a duchess. But even though they could easily have a nice house on the capital, they decided it would be better for me to grow up on a more quiet place.

[Hi, master. Are you ready to go?] said Layla. She was short, with short blond hair and pretty blue eyes.

[Good morning, Layla. I am. Can we go now?]

[Of course.] she replied with a smile.

From the mansion to the city, it was a one and a half hour drive. Althoug a little tedious, I didn't really mind since I could just sleep or use the time to think about many things. Also, I enjoy lying down on top of the carriage to feel the breeze and enjoy the view.

Our house is situated on plains, hence our territory manly focused on agriculture and cattle. On the way to the city, that there are a few changes, like the change of the plains to a forest. Because I didn't leave my territory and even my mansion that many times, I was happy to see diferent things.

It may be strange for someone to not leave for such a long time, but with my swordsmanship, magic and general knowledge lessons there wasn't much time left. And with the time I had left, I would go looking for monsters to defeat.

Along the way, I heard a loud explosion noise that seemed to be a few hundred meters away. Hearing it, I immediately jumped out of the carriage and started runing at a very fast pace towards the noise.


(How did they find out the path we chose? It must have been one of the soldiers, if I'm not mistaken one of them didn't come because he said he felt very sick. I'm gonna beat that bastard up and put him in jail if we get out of this.) Leo wondered as he stared at the enemies in front of him.

Their situation is critical, although Leo is a well-known and strong knight, with just him and two other soldiers alive there wasn't much he could do against 20 enemies. The enemies consisted of around 10 bandits holding swords, 9 bandit mages and the leader who seemed to use daggers.

Standing in front of a luxurious carriage with 2 soldiers, he looked at the enemies and said:

[Who sent you here? Tell me now and I can reduce your penalty.]

[Hahaha, this guy still thinks he is getting out of here alive. So dumb, I didn't know it was so easy to become a knight. Maybe I should give it a shot too. Hahaha]

Upon hearing what the leader said, the hole group of bandits started laughing.

[Tsk. Scum like you would never become one] said Leo with a look of disdain.

[Oh? You dare insult me even on the situation you are now? Ok, then. Guys, beat him up until he can't move.]

With the command, the 10 men using swords rushed in his direction. Leo had already prepared to die, he knew that there was nothing he could do. His only regret was him not beeing able to protect the young lady he served and his comrades.

Looking at the enemies with a determined look, he readied his sword and waited for them to get in range but...

In just a moment, he was barely able to see a white ball made of flames hitting the ground in front of the bandits, wich were thrown away very injured or dead.

From the white flames, a man who seemed to be around 16, could be seen. This person looked at him and asked:

[Are you injured?]

[...] his mind went blank for a moment, but he soon cameback to himself. [N-no, thank you, we are fine.] he managed to answer.

[Great.] he simply sad. Right after, now holding his sword, he rushed towards the enemies left with a fierce look.

The leader was standing still, watching, not because he thought his subordinates could handle it, but because he was suprised to see such a young boy instantly defeat 10 men. He just stood there, watching. Cain maneged to get close to the mages while dodging their spells. Although there were a lot, they didn't have much power, making it easy to dodge. Now in front of them, Cain swiftly slashed his sword at his enemies. Some got their heads cutted out of their bodies, other just got cutted on the neck, dying right after, and some got their hearts pierced.

Seeing that, the bandits leader shivered in fear. He backed of a few steps but triped on his own foot.

Cain walked close to him whitout saying anything. He raised his hand, and with a cold stare, he made the ground below and the leader freeze.

Looking araound and seeing there was no one left, he walked towards the guards.

[I'll leave the leader and the ones who managed to survive to you. Please, be careful so this won't happen again.] after saying this words he turned around and started walking back to his carriage, wich had just arrived.

[Wait!] a soft voice was heard. [Can you at least tell us your name?]

Turning back around, Cain saw a beatiful girl, probably around his age, with red eyes and red hair.

[Sure, my name is Cain Von Holfort. Nice to meet you.] he sad with a gentle and beatiful smile.

Looking at him smile, the girl was stunned.

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