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Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Oh I Have Superpowers….Wait I Have Superpowers!

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD but I think it's awesome enough to make a fan fiction about it so here we are, and my dream is for one day Ichiei to use my OC's in his story. One day.

7 Months Later

'I hate it when I'm right...' I found myself sighing once more

Growing up was a pain, in both the physical sense and the psychological way. Growing pains were a sensation I had no fond memory of back in my past life and I finally get why, its hurts like a right bitch every damn day! No one wonder babies constantly cry for no reason, we're crying in pain people! Then there is the whole I'm a baby so I shouldn't understand anything that is going on around me but I do and it's become a topic of the town and how aware I 'am of everything going on.

'Humph, even in the early day's gossip groups exist.' I thought mindfully

I honestly didn't know what time period I was in but it wasn't the modern day I was sure of that. One thing that supported this was that everyone used an old form of pounds to sell and buy things; another would be how the town guards (under the leadership of the mayor) carried muskets and sabers. So I was somewhere in early Europe which would explain why everyone spoke English and the majorly white population. It was a pretty small town and it would take you at most an hour or 2 to explore the markets, shops, and public areas to see everything. I also found out that my mother, Maddie, was a seamstress who had costumers all over town and my father, Mason, was a simple crop farmer.

"Boo!" Maddie chose this moment to pop out the corner she was hiding making me jump slightly. I slowly turned to the odd woman who I now considered my mother and just stared. We spent a good minute or two in silence before a grin slowly appeared on her face.

"No reaction even today huh?" Maddie asked

"Humph, close but no cigar." I said in a dismissive tone. Well I tried to but all that came out of my underdeveloped mouth was baby babble.

"Hahaha." Maddie laughed all the same as if she understood my intentions before scooping me up and putting me in a basket on her back. She gathered all the things she needed for the day (money, a smaller hand basket, a sun hat, etc.) before turning to me and asking "ready?"

"Yessir." Baby babble was her answer.

Smiling once more she opened the door and we were greeted with the sun low in the sky blanketing the Earth in an orange haze. Crop farmers were hard at work in the fields with animal farmers moving their cattle and livestock, wives and kids walking along the path to the communal water well and to see what the local market had to offer. Maddie greeted the other wives who she knew personally and offered help whenever they seemed to be struggling with their morning chores. My mother was a kind one, always eager to help those who seem in need; if I wasn't here her child would have grown up to be good man surely.

'Easy there it's too early for depressing thoughts.' I tried to banish the cynical thoughts plaguing my mind.

"Hi Amie, how are you? Your morning going alright?" Maddie walked up to a brown haired woman with a little girl.

"Oh hi Maddie, hmmm!" The woman called Amie pulled the bucket of water she was struggling with right out the well and took a breather. "Yeah can't say it's been too bad, I just wish Harold didn't forget to get the water again."

"Oh sorry about that Mason needed his help moving the excess of crops that sprouted this season, it's been quite a fruitful harvest." Maddie apologized for her husband.

"Its fine I was just feeling lazy don't mention it." Amie waved away her concerns.

Amie chose this moment to look at me and I stared right back into the woman's eyes. For a time I tried to act my supposed age, I tried not making expressions for everything, and react how a baby would to people and things in general. 'Yeah nope sorry this isn't working out.' Not even 3 months into my new life I was ready to give up and try my chances in the next one. 'I'd probably end up in another baby's body.' I just couldn't play with wooden toys for longer than 10 minutes before putting them down and contemplating life. Then there were the play dates with the neighbor's babies and that just went swimmingly. I would just stare at them for the better part of an hour since I couldn't talk, they wouldn't understand me even if I could, or just mess with them by either poking them making them giggle or wrestling with them but even that was limited thanks to my undeveloped motor functions and stubby limps. The diaper changes were also something I slowly got used to like breast feeding (I made it my mission however to come off uncomfortable about it even though it wasn't half bad). Overall, it was mind numbly boring being a baby and I was really starting to envy those reincarnates that got put into a body that a least pasted puberty, I really did. The silver lining was that I had a lot of time to think as a baby and I was coming to terms with the fact that I may never get my life I had as Dakin Morgan back, so I've been taking to the name Pierce more often than not, it was slow but it was progress. Anyway, after acting however I liked rumors started flying around the community on the incredibly outlandish and eccentric baby that can look into your soul with just a glance. While my mom and dad didn't really care about what others thought of me (mom just said they were jealous that she had such a genius child!) superstition like that spread fast and quickly a large portion of the town became uncomfortable in my presence, oh well they're loss!

"….Still with the piercing glare every time we meet huh? Is it my face?" Amie was part of the minority that wasn't scared of me. 'Scared cause a child looks at you funny? This town is full of idiots.'

"I don't glare, I keep respectful eye contact." Baby babble ensued

That got a small chuckle from the two mothers and a curious look from the little girl peeking from behind Amie's back.

"And who's this little cutie?" Maddie asked crouching to eye level with the little girl who ducked back behind cover.

The little girl blushed and squirmed before peeking out again and blurting out a faint "Rachel." Maddie and even I gave a small smile to girl's actions, though on my face it looked unnatural.

"This is my niece I've been keeping an eye on her until her father gets back from the army."

"The army?" Maddie frowned at that tidbit of information. "Who are they fighting now?"

"My brother didn't give much information but it's apparently to quell unrest in the Earl of Desmonds domain." Amie told what she knew. "Though he seemed more annoyed than worried, he kept going on and on about how they didn't learn the first time."

While Maddie seemed curious over Amie's words she quickly said farewell and made her way to the open market where many foreign merchants came through because the town was next to the main road that cuts through the majority of England's territories. Maddie brought me everyday to the market since I turned 2 months old and in the 5 months that I've been through here I have seen pretty much everything they had to offer. Thankfully at some point my mother picked up on how uncomfortable breast feeding made me and chose to buy cow milk to feed me…..after throwing a tantrum on how her son doesn't love her breast milk anymore. Buying a gallon of cow milk like she does every week Maddie also bought different pieces of cloth for her work, fresh vegetables, fruits, and a saw for Mason (he's picked up carpentry as a hobby). Maddie soon spotted an odd sight, a man in robes and heavy cloth, with jug's that held powder one colored red, another orange, and the last an odd brown.

"What are these?" Maddie asked the strange man

"Spices." was all the man said.

Quirking a brow she stared at the man than back down at the jugs before deciding to move on…..that was the plan at least until she felt a bonk from the back of her head and turned to look at me. Knowing I couldn't talk or signal with my hands because they were currently constrained in the carrying basket, I did the next best thing. I looked at Maddie, then at the jugs, then back to Maddie. 5 times.

'Jesus woman! It's not rocket science!' I screamed internally as I got ready to motion a 6th time but it was unnecessary.

'Does he want me to look at these…powders?' Maddie, used to her son's weirdness, chose to play along and got closer to the jugs.

My gaze was focused on the jugs of powders and when I got a whiff I knew what I was looking at. 'Paprika, Turmeric, and….is that Oregano?' The reason I was so interested in these spices was because I've only ever seen my mom use salt and basil in anything she and his dad ate. It wasn't something incredible or anything like that but it was rare and to the incredibly bored 22-year old soul trapped within the 7 month olds body anything new was interesting.

"How much are these?" Maddie asked after seeing her son's reaction

"…4 pounds for all." The man offered

Maddie frowned at that while I nodded along, while the jugs weren't huge they could definitely last a good couple of months. Maddie hesitated before sticking her finger in the sample plate of the spices and couldn't help but perk up at the tingling on her tongue.

'Odd, but not bad.' Thinking it over for a little Maddie eventually paid the man, picked up the jugs, and made for home.

When we got back it was mid-day and we saw Mason taking a rest on the porch smiling as he saw his wife with his son walk up.

"Hey." Maddie said softly

"Hi." Mason returned with a goofy grin

They gave each other a slow but passionate kiss and didn't separate for a while. I couldn't help but admire their relationship, they knew each other better then they probably knew themselves and they always seem so happy together. I rarely see them fight and if they do it's either cause of mom's over protectiveness of me or dad's mischievous side comes out to play. Or both.

"Hey sport." Speaking of mischief

Dad picked me up from mom's back basket as he held me up.

"Still with the tough guy act?" Dad questioned

I just stared at my father and having an idea of where this was going just gave a cheeky smirk.

"Oh?" Dad's eyes gained a fire to them

Mom took this time to walk back outside after putting all her stuff inside the house. "Honey what are you doing-oh god!"

He chucked me high in the air, not high enough to be dangerous but enough for it to take a second for me to start falling back down, right into his arms. Giggles escaped me almost instantly and my dad was about to join in the laughter….instead he was smacked upside the head by Maddie.

"Are you crazy!? What if you dropped him!?" She was pissed

"I wasn't going to." Mason defended

"Yeah, he wasn't going to." I backed him up with some babble

"Quiet!" Maddie was having none of it

It quickly became a 15 minute lesson on how incredibly dangerous (not really) and stupid (read fun) that was and at the end of it Dad retreated back to the fields since his break was over and my mom placing me in the living with a bunch of toys so she can get to sewing in her room. After awhile they learned that they can keep me alone in a room by myself and it'd be fine, I'd cry if I really needed them.

'Alright what do I have to work with here?' I looked at the toys in front of me and after 10 minutes I eventually chose to go with plan B.

'Look out into empty space and daydream it is.' With the amount of times I went with plan B, I should really just start calling it plan A.

As I stewed there thinking about the last seven months, I only had one thing to say. 'I can't even be upset anymore.' Born in a peaceful, relatively nice town. Having enough food and warmth to get by comfortably. A mother and father who love me unconditionally no matter how quirky and odd I 'am. If the reincarnation route was a lottery I can honestly say I hit the jackpot, no matter what anyone says. Sure I miss my friends and family I "left" behind but this life is more than making up for any depression I had. I was happy.

It was then an odd sensation washed over me and I knew I was in for another round of something I liked to call Zen mode. You know when you're in class and your teacher is so painfully boring that your brain has no choice but to unconsciously zone out and you blank out for the rest of it? That's basically what Zen mode was and lately, like a 2 weeks ago, I learned to actively control when I want to go into this mode,the result of 7 months of doing absolutely nothing but sitting in place and trying to zone out. I let my mind clear itself as I sat there unmoving, like a statue, and this was usually the point time goes by without me noticing because I'm not thinking of anything like a semi-sleep, not awake but not sleeping.

'Wait.' I noticed something. '….What is that?'

I looked for where the strange feeling was coming from and after 5 seconds I found it. It was a small, white, and clear ball. It didn't physically exist, not in the room I was in at least; no it was….inside of me? Next thing I knew, I was sucked into my subconscious and I ended up in a pitch black space. With a clear white ball floating in front of me. The ball was actually as large as me now that I got a good look at it and it felt so incredibly familiar like I knew it was here the whole time, except I had no idea where this was. My eyes roamed the black space until they finally landed back on the ball; I also noticed that I was standing (is it because I'm in my mind?). I slowly raised my right baby arm, lightly reaching towards the ball and when I met air even though I was clearly touching the ball I proceeded to plunge my whole arm inside, all the way to my shoulder blade. I waited a second…..I waited some more…..nothing happened.

"Well that was anti climat-"I didn't get to finish as the white ball turned into a stream and started flowing into my arm and I came back to the present. I immediately looked down at my right arm and froze. My right arm….it was glowing. As I took a closer look I realized that a thick white see though aura was covering my entire right arm in a protective matter. I tried squeezing my hand and there was no resistance and I tried moving my arm and there was no hindrance there either…This was weird. This was very weird. As my mind tried to make sense of why my arm suddenly became a white glow stick after having some weird day dream, a logical answer never arrived. After staring at my arm for an unknown amount of time, my left hand finally started reaching for my right arm, to see if that white light was actually there. It never got the chance as the aura disappeared, leaving me wondering what happened before heavy fatigue hit me and I passed out.

'What the fu-' was my last coherent thought.

An Unknown Amount of Time Later

I woke up groggy and after the initial haze past I found myself in my room, the sun set and moonlight seeped through the window.

"Look whose up." Maddie's voice spoke up from the chair next to my bed, she was reading a book.

I turned my now clear gaze towards my mother before "feeling" a problem. I was hungry. No, I was starving.

As if knowing what I was thinking my mom put down her book and picked me up, bringing me over to the feeding chair.

"It's a bit late but you never did get your day milk so…" Maddie picked up a bottle and brought it to my lips

As if I just came from crossing the desert and hadn't seen water for days, I chugged the milk and emptied it in 5 minutes flat. Maddie, while surprised at my vigor, picked up another bottle as I was still hungry. That bottle didn't last very long either. It was only after emptying my third bottle that I stopped, feeling satisfied. Maddie lifted me up to her eye level and spoke.

"Well someone was hungry." My mom was unfazed by my unusual hunger. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you." Which just came out as a loud burp that shot right into her face.

"Hahaha." That gave Maddie a good laugh and she kissed me on the nose before placing me back in bed tucking me in.

"Sweet dreams." Maddie made for the door right after to go to bed. She and Dad stopped trying to lull me to sleep as I never went to bed with them in the room.

I stared at the door for a minute before sitting up and remembering what happened earlier.

'Did that really happen? Or was it some weird hallucination?' I didn't know if what happened was real or not but I did know how to find out. Looking down at my hand's, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that place again, a pitch black space with a white floating ball. When I opened them I was back there with the white ball floating harmlessly in front of me.

'Wait….did it get bigger?' It did, it was minor increase but it was there.

Remembering how this went last time I hesitated before steeling my resolve. I slowly brought both hands to the ball and touched it, keeping my hands on the surface not going any deeper. Like last time the white ball turned into a stream but unlike the first time I had some semblance of control, it slowly trickled into my hands. I opened my eyes and stared down at my hands. They were glowing in a clear white aura. Taking a deep breath I calm downed my heart and observed the light. It was warm and pleasant, like being wrapped in mittens. I also noticed how my stamina was slowly decreasing as time passed and I didn't have much time as the aura was slowly becoming thinner so I looked around my bed trying to find anything to test this on. My gaze landed on a metal ball the size of a grown man's fist, it was something my mom bought for me to play with as it had many intricate symbols on it and it was made of iron and tin. I picked it up and put it between my two tiny baby hands and squeezed. It immediately deformed and seeing how it didn't hurt I got to squeezing it again and again, until the metal ball that was at least 4 inches became nothing more than a half an inch scrap of metal.

The white aura faded completely once I finished my action and fatigue hit me once again, just not enough to make me pass out like last time. I fell back into my bed, breathe labored and stared at the scrap metal, something no normal "grown" adult could have been able to do with their bare hands since it was made of iron and tin but I did. I, a 7 month old baby, crushed a metal ball into scarp with my bare hands. A single thought entered my mind that I thought I would never have the privilege of thinking.

'I have superpowers….' I laid there in a daze before a smile slowly appeared that threatened to split my face in two. 'Holy Shit…..I have superpowers!'

"Hehe.." I chuckled. "hehehehe.." I laughed some more. "Hahahahahahahahha!" Until I was laughing my heart out into the night.

Ask Pierce and he'll tell you it was a laugh of triumph and manly celebration. Ask his parents and they'll tell you the house was filled with the bell like laughter of an incredibly happy child.

Omit_Everything Omit_Everything

And done.

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