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Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Rest and Relief the Wrong Way

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD but I wonder how Ichiei reacts when someone calls him the God of Breasts, it must be nice. Oh yeah the OCs are mine.

There are levels to everything.

That is a universal truth. No matter what world you go to there will always be a system of ranking. It could be of anything really. How much money you have, how beautiful or handsome you are, and many if not all times there will be a system to rank power. Take DxD for example; there are Low to High-class', Ultimate-Class, Satan-Class, God-Class, hell even Dragons fall under this class system.

And of course there are levels within levels. For example; take a High-class Devil like Riser and pit him against a High-Class Devil like Sairaorg, Riser will lose without a doubt. They're both the same ranking but Sairaorg has greater training, more battle experience, and an overall better mentality. Take an Ultimate-Class Devil like Bedeze Abaddon and have him fight Diehauser Belial, Diehauser will win because he trained harder to get to the same ranking and didn't take any strength boosters like the King's Piece. I don't even need explain the difference between Super Devils like Rizevim and Sirzechs, do I? No? Good.

So here's the thing, Froid was an Ultimate-Class vampire without a doubt. He had the vampiric energy reserves, the title, and he knew how to use his power. But at the end of the day he wasn't a fighter. He was a scientist (like Azazel but nowhere near the amount of battle experience) and the best I could compare him to would be a summoner. His main form of fighting is to overwhelm his opponents with his summoned pets and the other thing he had were curse spells but we all had the protection provided by Apollon through Adrian. Killing him was impressive and no one can say it was easy, but with all the advantages we had against Froid it wasn't worth singing about. Froid's importance to Zeth was more because he had the intelligence and contacts, not because of his strength. It'll hurt Zeth to lose him but we can't just sit around and pat ourselves on the back over it. I thought all this as I laid on the grass face first, groaning as I had bruises in places I didn't even know I could get bruises. Why was I thinking about DxD's overly complicated strength ranking while face first on the ground?

"Ready to go again?" I raised my head and watched as Athena walked up to me, a sword made perfectly out of dense Chi in her hands. She was smiling up a storm.

Cause I was currently getting my ass beat by the Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom. I plopped my head right back in the grass.

Yeah, let's back track a little.

3 Days Earlier, Constantinople

With Froid dead and the Sultan's Palace grateful for what we've done, Adrian gave us time for some R&R. The majority of the vampires that were in the city entered the fight at Hagia Sophia and the stragglers were hunted down by Pasha (with Melissa and me helping). With no more danger around we explored the city and got to spend time in places that we weren't allowing in before curtsey of Safiye. Maven went into the Sultan's library, Vargas and Adrian rode on the boats to neighboring islands, and Melissa and I visited every restaurant in the great city.

'I'm really glad I already have a superhuman appetite or I would have never been able to keep up.' I wondered if all Yokai's have such appetites but no way am I asking her that, I might as well call her fat. 'I doubt she'll care but I'm not risking it!' Samantha and Aindrea oddly enough went together to the plays that were showing in the city. 'Never pegged him for a play guy but whatever.' By the end of the week, we all did what we wanted to do in Constantinople and made the trip back to London. Maven teleported us next to the same old store we entered Olympus through and went inside to see Thallo again. She had book in hand and was sitting in the same seat.

"We're clo-" Thallo stopped once seeing us before getting up and walking through the back door. We followed her.

"Did you stay here all this time?" I asked curious


"Do you not get bored?"

"I have my book so I don't get bored." Adrian and Maven walked through the gate she opened.

"But do you get breaks to walk around and do stuff?" Aindrea and Samantha walked through next.

"I don't have a lot of hobbies." Vargas then Melissa entered.

"What about your friends? When do you hang out with them?" I asked, standing ready to enter. Thallo shook her head.

"I don't have a lot of friends."

'…She doesn't even sound sad.' It was kind of creepy how monotone she sounded when saying that. 'Then again, this coming from the guy who doesn't care how his home town thinks of him.' The light got brighter as I felt a pull.

"Well, it was nice to see you Thallo. I hope we can hang out some time. Oh yeah, my names Pierce." Then I was sucked into the portal.

Thallo once again found herself staring at the spot Pierce was at before closing the gate. She went back to her seat before picking up her book and turning to a blank page. She asked faintly.

"What does it mean to "hang out"?" Text started appearing on the blank page that eventually formed the definition of hang out.

'Huh...' Thallo tilted her head. '…what a truly strange man.' Then she turned back to the page she was reading before.

Top of Olympus

I walked over the bridge to the God's dwelling with Adrian, Aindrea, and Vargas. Since we still had time to relax until Adrian found our next target, the girls decided to stay down on the surface of Olympus to explore the Greek Heaven. I would have joined them but I really wanted to take a shower (the bathhouses in Constantinople were nice but they can't beat modern plumbing in my opinion) and sleep on the beds (the Greek Gods sleep on the same beds, enough said). After walking into the main building and saying hello to the Carpo, we parted ways. I headed to my room for a hot shower and a good rest. That was the plan anyway but the moment I was a couple feet from my room I felt a tap on my shoulder. I think I reacted like I should have.

"Jesus mother Christ!" I jumped and backed away as I turned around. I was met with the shocked face of Athena and I breathed a sigh of relief. "For the love of God! Its one thing for me not to feel you're aura but do you have to appear behind me without a sound or smell!? I mean come on, that had to be on purpose! Who else does that if not for that reason?!" It may have been an overreaction but when you're used to having a certain level of awareness, you get a little freaked out when something completely by passes it. I heaved as I supported myself on the wall, exhausted from my rant. I heard a suppressed snort and looked up to Athena covering her mouth with her hand.

"Umm, I-I'm sorry?" Athena didn't look sorry if the way her shoulders trembled a little from holding back the chuckle. "I-I just wanted to come say congratulations on taking out you're first general."

"Oh…well thanks." I rubbed my neck and wiped the cold sweat away. "I didn't really do much besides take out his familiars."

"That's not true." Athena shook her head at my comment. "From what Adrian told me, the general would have gotten away if you didn't find him and stop him."

"I guess." I still didn't feel all that crucial. "Froid was pretty much beaten at that point and the stuff I had to do just to stop his familiars made me look more stupid than anything."

"Really? How so?"

"Well, there was this huge python that shot purple smoke that I killed." Athena nodded

"Yes Adrian told me about the Basilisk you fought." I blinked

"Wait a Basilisk? But how come it didn't kill me with its gaze?"

"Basilisk can kill ordinary mortals with a look but not anyone with magical protection and definitely not someone like you with your sheer Chi reserves."

'Huh…ridiculous amount of Chi for the win.' I mentally did a fist pump. "Anyway, I jumped into its stomach and cut it from the inside." It was Athena's turn to blink.


"Yes willingly. You're the second person to ask me that and I know it was a stupid idea but it was all I got!" I tried to defending myself but that just amused the Goddess of War more than anything.

"You had no other option?"

"Not in that moment, no." I shook my head and sighed. "Most of my attacks couldn't get through its thick scales and the one that did only did so much damage. Times like that make me wish I had a teacher that can teach me Chi techniques and stuff." Melissa's Chi Arts (even the basic ones) heavily revolve around her heritage as a Shadow Leopard so it wouldn't help me all that much.

"I'll teach you." I snorted

"Yeah, that would be grea-" My neck snapped to Athena and she was looking at me with honest eyes. "R-really?" She nodded.

"I was taught how to use Chi when I went on a pilgrimage with Ares and Aphrodite. I can teach you a thing or two." I knew that already but I didn't dare ask for her help since you know, she's the Goddess of War and Wisdom.

"D-don't you have responsibilities to take care of?" She quirked a brow at my question.

"Pierce, what do you think us God's do in our free time?"

"Uhhhhh, listen to your subject's prayers and look pretty?" Athena laughed at that before nodding.

"Yes, that's pretty much it."


"Yep." Athena shrugged. "We listen, give blessings, and then go on doing what we want for the rest of the day. A God's life is as glamorous as you can imagine just not in the way you'd think."

"…Seriously?" That seemed way too easy. Granted they are literal Gods and Goddesses but come on, is that really it? "What kind of blessings do you give?"

"It depends. I could help a worshiper who's a farmer by increasing his crop yield. I could heal a child that's sick if their faithful enough. I could even help a warrior who has talent and help them reach their goals easier by giving growth blessings. Divine power is even more versatile then a Devil's powers and you could do many miraculous things with it."

'Wow, that's really handy.' With power like that it seems fair that they get so much free time after helping worshipers. 'Then again, it's not like I can or want to change anything about that.' Athena abruptly turned around and started to walk away. I watched her leave before she stopped and turned back to look at me.

"What are you still standing there for?"


"I said I'll train you. Let's go." I didn't move as I looked to Athena then my room then back to her. I really wanted to lie in that bed. I didn't get a choice in the matter as she appeared next to me and took my hand, pulling me to the side garden. I would have enjoyed the Goddess's surprisingly soft hand more if I didn't already have a girlfriend. Or for the fact I was getting farther away from that heavenly bed.

'So close but so far…' I internally lamented as I was dragged away.

Back to the Present

I hit the ground once more and the Chi Sword I made exploded into millions of light pieces. Athena's Chi Sword that I clashed against was perfectly intact.

'This is not what I had in mind when a Goddess said she'll train me.' I paused at that thought. '…That didn't sound right.'

"Again." The drill sergeant like voice of Athena rang out.

"Urghhh…" I groaned as I got up and made another Chi Sword. It was created much faster and denser than before. Athena waited with her own up. I rushed at her and we crossed swords. I was only able to parry 8 of her swings before my sword broke and I was hit to the ground. Her Chi Sword only had a small crack that disappeared immediately. It didn't even dim a little.

'Well this is going great.' I got up once more (against my better judgment) and created 2 Chi Swords. Athena followed suit. "Let's kick this up a notch." She smiled than rushed forward.

We clashed blades dozens of times. Athena would go for my legs and head. I would go for her arms and stomach (guess who got more hits in.) We continued sword fighting for awhile before my Chi Sword's durability finally gave out and I was hit on both legs. I dropped to my knees in exhaustion. Athena didn't even look winded.

'She's not the Goddess of War for nothing.' I sat down on the grass and breathed in large gulps of glorious air. For the past 3 days, Athena was training me in a number of Chi Arts that she learned from somewhere in Asia. 'Oh yeah fun fact, the being that taught Athena to use Chi was Sun Wukong. Yes, the Monkey King himself helped the Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom to master Chi. Apparently, Athena hid Sun Wukong when he pranked the Lord of Hell Enma by painting the outfits of all his judges' bright green and putting a supernatural laxative into Enma's favorite wine. Even for a God like the Lord of Hell, the laxative made him spend an entire week in the toilet. Boy was he pissed.' Athena laughed retelling the story and I would have too if she wasn't kic- training me while doing so. She walked over to me and looked down as I took a breather.

"You're improving fast." Athena smiled proudly and the way the sun hit the side of her breathtaking face made me stare.

"Beautiful…" I blinked and rubbed my forehead. "Sorry…that must be the concussion talking."

Athena tilted her head. "You need a concussion to think I'm beautiful?"

"Wha-no! I-I mean…" I tried to save the situation but Athena just laughed at my nervousness.

"I'm kidding Pierce. I'm just bantering with you." I sighed in relief and Athena seemed amused by that. "You're a very odd man."

"…I've been getting that a lot lately. Why do you think that?"

"You're just full of contradictions." Athena shrugged. "Sometimes you're mature, other times you can be quite childish, and many more times you just say things that make no sense but you have confidence when saying them."

"…You got all that just by training with me for 3 days?" She nodded. "…Well holy shit." I was impressed.

"Like that." Athena pointed at me. "Most people would be uncomfortable with how well I analyze them but you sound more impressed then anything. You know that's weird right?"

"Eh, I like to think I'm unique." I stood up and patted myself down. "Again?" I activated Chi Skin. Athena quirked a brow before putting her hands up and rushing at me.

What was Chi Skin? It's basically what it sounds like, a skin thin layer of Chi that gives about half the physical boost Touki does with even more concentration needed to keep it up. Yeah, on paper it sucks but it's more of a training tool in the beginning since in battle it's very difficult to divide your attention to keep up Chi Skin and fight. But that's why Athena taught me it; Chi Skin is a perfect exercise when it comes to training Chi control. Also, the rate that I recover my Chi is faster than the rate I lose it using Chi Skin. If I practice enough times, it's possible for Chi Skin to be up 24/7 even when I sleep. Who's going to say no to that?

The second thing we were training was Chi Constructs. I would make weapons out of Chi like swords, spears, maces, etc. and I would clash against Athena's Chi Constructs. The past 3 days was mainly focused on this as every time they broke the next one would be just a bit stronger. Athena said the best motivator was pain as you experience it once, you won't want to experience it again (and I think the hits to my head were catching up with me because that actually made sense).

The last Chi Art she showed me was Chi Burst. It was a simple technique where you channel an indeterminate amount of Chi to the bottom of your feet and shoot it out, giving you a short burst of speed. In long distance running, reinforcing your legs with Chi is the better option but in a fight in close corridors, Chi Burst will allow you to zip around the battlefield real fast. She stopped with these 3 because learning too many at once was counterproductive. We finished training for the day as I laid on the grass, my Chi healing my bruised body. Athena sat next to me and read a book.

'I wonder where I should go with Melissa tomorrow.' The group has made regular visits all over the world of Olympus and I found out that the Greek Heaven was as large as Earth. There were many colonies of people that lived in this world (every building and structure fit the Greek setting to a t) and we even had Apollon give us tours of places he likes to visit from time to time. 'I also wonder how Zeth keeps track of where every God is in Olympus.' The Monster God supposedly had an eye on all the Greek Gods and as long as they don't leave the world of Olympus he won't release the Titans. 'I thought they couldn't leave the mountain but I guess he meant the dimension as a whole.'

"Hey Athena."


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She didn't look up as she flipped a page.

"Why haven't I heard anyone talk about Hades?" Athena's body went rigid and she looked up from her book. Her eyes were narrowed.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. I mean I've met Zeus, Ares, Poseidon (cool guy), Hera, Apollon, Aphrodite, but no one has ever mentioned Hades. Is Zeth also watching him?" Athena stayed silent for a second before answering.

"My uncle wants nothing to do with this war and Zeth knows that so he's left Hades alone for the most part. It also helps that Hades is as strong as Zeus." Athena gave a wry smile towards her uncle's attitude before returning to her book. I frowned at that tidbit.

'Hold the phone, as strong as Zeus?' I gained a thoughtful expression. 'What does that mean? Does Hades become one of the Top 10 Strongest Beings in the World by the start of canon? Or will he reach it in another couple of years? Urghhhhh I hate making sense of time lines. There no definite answer besides waiting it out…' It could also mean that other beings that are weaker or dead in canon aren't yet. 'Like Balor, or Fenrir (full strength), Rizevim is definitely out there, and then there's Typhon…Typhon…' My eyes widened so much it actually hurt and I jumped up, scaring Athena a little. 'Motherfucker I forgot about Typhon! How the fuck did I forget about that battle crazy monster king!' I started visibly sweating. 'Nope, no way, not happening! The job to kill Zeth is hard enough, how the hell are we going to take down that immensely powerful mother-'

"Pierce?" I snapped to Athena who was looking at me in worry. "Are…are you okay?" I blinked and took a breather to calm myself. Once calm, I stared Athena in the eyes.

"Athena, where's Typhon?" She gained a look of realization before smirking.

"Is that what you were freaking out about?" I nodded. "Well don't worry; he's not on Zeth's side."

"Really? Why not?" Zeth was the God of Monsters; it would make sense for Typhon to join him in making Olympus a monster kingdom.

"Cause Typhon said, and I'm quoting him here, "I already fought the Olympians. It was fun but I want to go out and find even stronger opponents. Besides running a monster kingdom sounds like too much work." Then he went somewhere East to train with a black dragon, whatever that means." I let that information soak in.

'…So Balor is dead? Since Crom is free and training…' That was the first thing that came to my mind. "So I don't have to worry about facing Typhon?" I sighed in relief once Athena nodded.

"Well I think that's enough for today." She stood up and stretched her arms (I tried my best not to stare). "Tomorrow is a day off so you don't need to come here."


Athena smiled and started walking away, leaving the book she was reading on the ground. I picked it up and called out for her.

"Hey Athena, you forgot your-" I looked down at the book and froze as the cover was a man and a woman in a very suggestive pose. "Is this?" Then the book was gone. I blinked and closed my hand. Yep, it was gone. I looked up at Athena who was smiling at me.

"What is it Pierce?" She tilted her head innocently. I stared at her then back down at me hand.

"You're book was jus-"

"What book?" Athena interrupted me.

"T-the book that was just in m-"

"I don't see a book." The Goddess of War was playing dumb till the end. I narrowed my eyes.

"Athena was that a-"

"Well, it's getting late. I'll see you later Pierce." Then she walked away, reached the door, and turned the corner. All in 2 seconds. I stayed in the same position for a good minute when the reality of what I just found out hit me in the face. The Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom, One of the Virgin Goddesses , and the Daughter of Zeus…likes to read smut?

'Heh…DxD…right.' I nodded to no one and made my way back to my room for some shut eye. 'I guess I shouldn't be so surprised, I mean there is that old godly pervert.'

Same Time, Asgard

"My Lord…are you alright?" Mimir asked when he saw his king sitting in his throne completely silent. He was looking out the window into the fields of Asgard. 'He looks like he's thinking of something important.' The old man with the monocle didn't answer until much later.

"Mimir…our time is almost upon us…"

"…What?" The severed head was even more confused. 'Is he talking about Ragnarok?'

"Our time Mimir! I could feel it and its growing stronger everyday! It may take years, and there will be opposition but the time will come where the world will behold greatness!" The elder God King rose to his feet, a face of determination only seen in his younger years appeared. Mimir would have honestly been emotional and moved by his king's drive…that is, if Odin didn't have that very lecherous look on his face. It also didn't help that the window he was looking out of put his gaze right where the Valkyries do their daily run in tight training attire (guess who made that design).

'…I want my other eye back.' Mimir sighed and rolled his head to the side. The severed head had to listen to his king's perverted giggles whenever the Valkyries did a lap. 'This is just a phase; He'll grow out of it…right?'

Poor Mimir had no idea.

Top of Olympus, Dining Room

"Where's Artemis!?" A beautiful woman slammed her hands down on the table Aphrodite was having dinner. The Goddess of Beauty looked up to see her fellow Goddess Demeter, who was very angry. Demeter was a tall woman with large green eyes, an oval face, soft white skin, and a very gorgeous figure. She also had platinum blonde hair. Key word being had as her hair was now a bright neon purple.

'That's actually a very nice color on her now that I get a closer look.' Aphrodite touched some of Demeter's hair before her hand was slapped away. "I don't know where she is."

"Bullshit!" Demeter didn't believe her. "You're always with Artemis whenever she does one of her goddamn pranks!" Aphrodite shrugged.

"I tag along sure, but I mainly watch. It's too much trouble actually helping. She runs off after doing whatever prank she wants." The Goddess of Agriculture stared Aphrodite down before cursing and walking out the dining hall. She was on a mission to hunt down Artemis and get her back for this.

When Demeter was around the corner and down the hall, Aphrodite looked to her left at empty air. "Seriously? Purple hair is the best you got?" The air distorted and Artemis appeared a second later, she did not look proud.

"I know." She sighed and her shoulders slumped. "It was the best I could do on short notice. I had to get her back quick; I mean who even makes undetectable itching powder and puts it in someone's underwear?! I was scratching and cleaning myself for days and I didn't even know why!"

"…You wear underwear?" Artemis glared at Aphrodite.

"That's real funny coming from you!" The Goddess of Beauty blinked then shrugged.

"Touché." She continued eating her lobster tail. "Still, if purple hair is all you got then-" Another slam was heard as they both looked and found Athena sitting on a chair next to them, her face flat on the table. Aphrodite and Artemis looked at each then back to Athena.

"Umm, Athena?" Aphrodite tested the waters.

"Hmmm?" A groan of acknowledgment was all she got.

"Are you okay?"


"Then what happened?"


"…Did someone find you're book again?"


Aphrodite shook her head in exhaustion. "Oh Athena." She patted the Goddess of War's back. "I told you time and time again." She gained a hard look of disappointment. "You need to stop taking that trash smut Amaterasu gives you and get the real good stuff! Show some class! I personally recommend-"

"It's not that!" Athena threw her arms up in exasperation and her fellow Goddesses' laughed at her reaction.

"So what's the problem then?" Aphrodite continued eating and slapped Artemis' hand away when she tried taking some. Athena sighed.

"It's nothing really it's just…I have a new student and he found it and now he probably thinks I'm some perverted Goddess who spends all day thinking about indecent things and probably only taught him to fight so I could get all grabby but it's not like that but he might think it is and now I have to find a way for it not to be weird but that might never happen and now I might need to-" Athena was swiftly hit on the head by Aphrodite. She rubbed the place that was hit and looked at her fellow Goddess. "W-why did you hit me?" Aphrodite shrugged.

"You were spiraling again." She went back to eating. "Don't over think it. If he asks about it, explain. If he doesn't, explain anyway. We don't live half as long as we do without a good sense of humor and an appreciation for the opposite or both sexes. There's nothing wrong about it." Athena nodded along, finding wisdom in her advice.

"I'll do that."

"Good. Who are you teaching anyway? You're Emissary?"

"Actually, it's a member of his group. His name is Pierce." Aphrodite stopped at that and looked up.


"Yes. Do you know him?"

"Average height, shaggy hair, brown eyes, a very nice body?" Athena deadpanned at the last one.

"Uh yeah, I guess. He's a Chi user and he's pretty good too. How do you know him?"

"Artemis wanted to prank him…

"I didn't do it though!" Artemis defended at the look Athena gave her

…and when Pierce started making Chi Constructs I helped him out. How long do you plan on training him?"

"Until my Emissary leaves to attack their next target. Speaking of, how did it go with your Emissary? Did they take out their General?"

"Urghhhhh…" Groans of frustration came from both Artemis and Aphrodite.

"Oh…sorry." Now Athena felt bad for asking. "Are they dead?"

"That's the beauty of it. We have no idea." That confused the Goddess of War

"How can you guys not know? If they are dead then they're blessings go away and you can feel that."

"We know that Athena." Artemis rubbed her forehead. "But no matter how hard we try to sense the blessings, we can't seem to reach them."

"Who was the General they were going after?"

After Artemis and Aphrodite told Athena the General's name, she gained a thoughtful expression.

"I guess I know which General my Emissary is going after next."

"Are you sure?" Aphrodite furrowed her brows. "Not trying to undermine them or anything, but are you sure they're rea-"

"Artemis!" They turned and saw a very pissed off Demeter. The Goddess of Hunting jumped out her seat and ran out the dining hall with Demeter chasing after her with a vengeance. Aphrodite and Athena watched them run away with their godly speed.

"Anyway." Aphrodite turned back to Athena. "Just make sure they don't do anything overly reckless. My Emissary is lost to me because of that now."

"I'll be sure to tell them."

Athena got up, said goodbye to Aphrodite, and walked to her Emissaries lodging. Knocking on his door, Adrian came out and was a little shocked before bowing.

"Lady Athena." She gave a wry smile to his formality

"I told you that you can just call me Athena, Adrian." He shook his head saying how it is disrespectful since her status is far above "us humans" (if you didn't know Adrian you would think he said that in spite but that was really how he felt). 'Then what do you call Pierce?' Athena snorted and walked into Adrian's room. It was Spartan and basic, everything in the room had a purpose to help Adrian relax. Athena had hoped that Adrian would add some semblance of personality to the room but it was the same as last time. Adrian pulled up a chair and Athena sat down on it, thanking him.

"It's nothing. What do you need of me?"

"I have an idea of who you can go after next. Of course, if you didn't already have a plan."

"No Lady Athena, I was actually looking through information on who my team and I can go after." Athena nodded and an information rune appeared in her hand.

"That's good then, here." Adrian took the rune and looked through it. He raised a brow at the end of it. "An Emissary already tried to go after this General? Did they fail?"

"No one knows. That's why you can go after this General or choose another; I won't force you to do anything." Adrian gained a thoughtful expression before nodding.

"We'll take it. I'll update the rest of my team and we'll be on our way."

"Be careful Adrian." Athena warned. "We really don't know what happened to the last Emissary and I don't want you to be in deep trouble because you were over confident. Maybe you can wait till we send a couple of scouts?" Adrian shook his head.

"And if we lose contact with the scouts? We'll be back at square one. It's better to go from the start and I knew the risks a long time ago, so did my team. We'll be careful." Athena stared before smiling.

"Well good luck then. I believe you'll succeed." Adrian couldn't help himself.

"It's not like you can say "you'll probably going to fail"." There was a silence as both Adrian's and Athena's eyes widened. "I-I'm so s-sorr-" Adrian tried to apologize but the Greek Goddess just snorted and laughed out loud. Adrian watched her laugh for a minute before stopping.

"No, no you're right that would be pretty bad." Athena stood up and made for the door. "I'm surprised you had that in you. Well done." Then she left the room.

Adrian stared at the door for 10 seconds before falling back into his bed. One thought came to his mind.

'I've been spending too much time with Pierce.'

1 Day Later, Top of Olympus

"…Do you think if I spit from this height, it'll leave a crater when it lands?" Melissa gained a thoughtful expression at my stupid question.

"Depends. Is it regular spit or are you enhancing it with Chi?" My eyes widened.

"That's a thing? You can do that?"

"Chi can be applied to anything as long as it comes from you." Melissa then said in a suggestive tone. "Anything."

My throat became a bit dry when she gave me a sultry look. I tried to play it cool. "R-r-really?" God damn it. Melissa wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a deep kiss. Melissa got more aggressive as she stuck her tongue in my mouth and I naturally responded. We tongue wrestled for a little and I had the upper hand until I felt her move Chi through her mouth to me. Boy was that interesting. It was like my mouths sensitivity sky rocketed and I could actually feel my life force synchronize with her own. By the time we separated we both were blazing red.

"W-wow…" Melissa had no more words.

"Holy shit…" I didn't die a virgin in my last life but man did that kiss top any sex I ever had. "W-what was that?"

"Bouchujutsu, Bedroom Method. It's where you share you're life-force with your partner to either heal them or just for the heck of it. But that was my first time doing that and…" She looked down as she contemplated.

"And?" Melissa looked up back at me.

"Can we do it again?"

"…I'm going to pretend you didn't ask that." I motioned to kiss again but we were interrupted by Maven walking in. She quirked a brow at our position.

"Am 'I interrupting something?" I deadpanned at the question.


"Well too bad, let's go. Adrian has our next target." Melissa ran ahead to the meeting location as a blushed covered her face. My shoulders slumped before following.

"Thanks for that…" I tried to sound as sarcastic as possible while walking with Maven. She was oddly silent as we made our way.

"…So you and Melissa huh?" I furrowed my brows.

"Yeah, what about it?" She shrugged.

"Nothing, just want to remind you that she is a Shadow Leopard."

"…Oh Maven, I thought you were better than that." She tilted her head, not following. "I thought you were friends but to discriminate just because she's a Yokai? I got to say I'm not impress-" I didn't get to finish my joke as I was bonked over the head with Maven's staff. Her face was a mix between rage and embarrassment.

"That's not what I meant asshole!" Maven took a deep breath before speaking. "Shadow Leopards are renowned for being traditional and are very protective of their own."

"So what? Is she in an arranged marriage or something?" I really hope not, I don't mind a good cliché (obviously) but not arranged marriages. 'I'll still kick ass, take names, and steal the dame if it comes down to it but I really want to avoid pulling an Issei.' Maven shook her head.

"They're traditional in the way where they don't decide who you marry but the elders still heavily influence you're final choice. They also don't like those weak or weak of mind." I snorted at that.

"Well good thing I have strength in spades!" Yes, I know how douchey that sounded. "And hey who knows? I may just win them over with my vibrant personality!" Maven stared at me for a second before placing a hand on my shoulder and nodding.

"Train hard."


We both chuckled at that and reached the meeting hall. Maven stopped me before heading in.

"Look, the reason I told you that is so you can be ready." Maven paused before blushing. "I-I don't want to see you g-get hurt." We stood in silence as mock tears started flowing.

"Ah Maven, I knew you cared! Come here and bring it in!" I dodged her staff this time and opened the door to the meeting hall. Everyone was here. Maven and I took a seat next to Melissa while Adrian stood up.

"Since everyone's finally here, we can start." He put a rune on the table and an image of the next general appeared like a hologram (Froid's was the same). The General who appeared was a very beautiful Japanese woman. She had black hair done in a hime-style, black eyes, a high nose, and was wearing an expensive royal purple kimono. The woman's image was only from the waist up and she looked just like a Japanese princess.

"This is Lady Shiruku, a Great Yokai and the Jorogumo." We all blinked at that as I raised my hand. "…Pierce, you don't need to raise your hand to speak."

"Oh right, sorry. When you mean the Jorogumo do you mean the first legendary trickster spider that lures in men to feed on them?" After spending so much time with Melissa I've learned a thing or two about Yokai. One of those things is that all Yokai are part of a larger clan and with the ridiculous life spans in DxD, many progenitors are still around. They all have "the" in their title since they are the first but some aren't involved with their clan and are doing completely different things.

"Yes, the original Jorogumo." He pressed on the rune and a whole body view was showed. We saw a massive, hairy spider attached to the bottom of Lady Shiruku's torso.

'…That is no lady.' I tapped Aindrea on the shoulder. "That's all you buddy." I tilted my head to dodge the spear thrust (it wasn't the blunt side either).

"Lady Shiruku has made her base in Hakone Japan and has been there for number of years. She'll have a better lay of the land and she's widely known for her supernatural seduction powers."

"Are the Shinto Gods going to be okay with us going into their territories?"

"Lady Shiruku hasn't attacked anyone under the Shinto pantheon and as long as we don't overstep our boundaries they won't bother us." Aindrea answered Vargas' question.

"Anything we should watch out for beside the man eating she witch?" I asked and Adrian pressed the rune again. The same katana wielding woman I saw back in the assembly appeared.

"This is the Emissary of Aphrodite, Artemis, and Ares. She went after Lady Shiruku but hasn't been heard from since. No one knows if she's dead or captured, it's not the priority but if you see her try to make contact." I frowned at that.

"Well isn't it obvious what happened then?"

"What do you mean?" I pointed back to Lady Shiruku

"Well if she's known for seducing people and putting them under her (figuratively and literally), then the Emissary is probably brain washed by now." Adrian shook his head.

"That would make sense but Aphrodite's blessing makes it's near impossible to put her Emissary under illusions or mind control."

"Then what can we do to protect ourselves from that?" Adrian smiled and pointed towards me.


"…Come again?"

"Well, you and Melissa. Lady Shiruku's seduction techniques are Chi and Senjutsu based, both of you can sense when she's trying to seduce anyone of us and stop it."

"Hm. Hm. Fascinating." I nodded my sagely. "Though is one small problem…I don't know any Senjutsu!" Contrary to very, very popular belief Chi and Senjutsu are NOT the same thing. Chi is using your own body's reserves and doing a multitude of superhuman techniques. Senjutsu on the other hand is when you take in the world's nature-chi and use it for even crazier arts. It's like fighting with your fist at first then you pick up a hard stick lying around (shitty analogy I know, but you get what I mean). Melissa shook her head at me outburst.

"You'll still be able to sense her invading influence and expel it. You don't need to know any Senjutsu." I blinked at her explanation and nodded.

"Well alright than." I stood up and looked around. "Let's go squash a spider shall we?" The smiles on their faces when I said that probably should have made me question my comrade's sanitys.

'Is there a sane person left in DxD?'

Same Time, Under the Waters of Asgard

"Hmmm?" A large green dragon raised its head and looked out in a random direction. 'Is someone talking about me?' The dragon pondered before falling back to sleep, thinking nothing of it.

Back to Pierce

'…Why am 'I suddenly worried about the answer?' I sweated as I walked with the rest of the team to the teleportation portal. The strange feeling didn't go away until much later.

Omit_Everything Omit_Everything

And done. Pierce got a trainer and the second General is picked. I never liked how in DxD, Senjutsu and Chi were considered the same thing. Even on paper there is a very clear difference but I fixed that in my story. Rambling aside, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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