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Chapter 2097: MOM'S NEW MAID

Two scoops of whey protein. A single egg white. A dash of cocoa and a cup of whole milk. Harry gave the concoction a swirl with his spoon before capping the mason jar. He shook it vigorously, considering whether he should have gone with two egg whites instead of just one.

"I could have made you breakfast, you know."

He'd been too focused on his morning mix to hear his mother come down the stairs. Harry turned around, smiling and trying to keep his eyes from wandering. Julia wore a white cotton robe and nothing else. Her long, chestnut brown hair spilled over her shoulders, and she had a somewhat amused look in her jade green eyes.

"I don't like to have a full meal before working out," said Harry. "Besides, don't you have things to do this morning?"

Unlike him. He'd pretty much spent the first month of his gap year working out and reading.

His mother shrugged. She crossed her arms underneath her large, shapely breasts, inadvertently pushing them up against the fabric of the robe and showing off her cleavage. Harry was almost tempted to say something about it, but he was only wearing a t-shirt and boxers, and felt like it would be more than a little hypocritical.

"My interview with the nature blog isn't until later in the afternoon, and I could always skip morning yoga," she said. "Besides, I like doing things like this for you, sometimes."

She glanced away from him, a small flush spreading across her cheeks.

Doing 'things like this'. It was her way of mothering him. He alternated between enjoying it and enduring it. She liked to smother him with attention. He'd chafed at it when he was younger, and still did in many ways. But he was nineteen now, and it felt... different, in a way he couldn't quite place.

"Mom, please," said Harry. "I can feed myself. I appreciate you cooking when you can, but really... I don't want to be any more of a burden on you than I already am."

Julia smiled and stepped toward him, shaking her head.

"You silly boy." She reached out and ruffled his hair. "How often have we had this exact conversation before?"

Harry sighed.

"More often than we probably need to," he said. "Sorry. I just feel a little guilty about everything you do for me. I'm not exactly pulling my own weight at the moment."

Julia was a tall woman, but still an inch or two shorter than he was. She stepped in closer to him, pulling him into a soft hug. A shiver ran through every inch of Harry's body as his body made contact against his mother. He could feel her against him, her soft breasts and body. He could smell the remnants of her perfume from the night before.

Breathe, he thought to himself. Relax. Don't think about things like that.

"I already told you," said Julia. "I'm fine with you taking a year off before college, or whatever you decide to do next. It gives me more time with you before you run away and I never get to see you again."

Harry snorted. He shifted against her, trying to put some distance between his crotch and hers. She felt dangerously good, and he hated himself for being so aware of her attractiveness.

"Oh, please, Mom. I'd at least come back each week to do laundry." He rubbed his hand across her back. "Besides, I'll need a good photographer once I start making a name for myself. It's convenient having you so close."

His mother squeezed her arms, inadvertently grinding herself into him more tightly. Harry focused on his breathing. He could feel himself getting hard and did everything in his power to keep his thoughts in safe territory.

The problem with his mom being beautiful, intelligent, athletic, basically perfect, was that Harry couldn't keep himself from noticing her. All men noticed her. She was 39 and looked a decade younger, young enough to make her occasionally be mistaken for his sister by strangers.

The two of them had a strong, loving, and at least for him, emotionally murky relationship. He loved his mother, and she loved him, and in general, Harry was content to pretend it was that simple.

"You're so dead set on following the same path as your father," said Julia, with a sigh. The hug continued, and one of her hands began to play with his hair.

"And that's a bad thing?" Harry asked, quietly.

"Not a bad thing. You already look so much like him. It's kind of spooky, sometimes."

She giggled and gave him an affectionate smile. Her robe slid open a little more as she shifted forward. Harry's cock hardened the rest of the way, impressively hard, though his mom made no sign of feeling it.

"I never got to share in any of it," said Harry. "The mountains he climbed. The deserts he crossed. I just... need to do it. To go the full distance."

His mother looked at him. Harry felt the exact instant when the moment turned tense, almost pressurized. His erection was poking into her. He was still rubbing his hand on her back, and the two of them were breathing almost in rhythm.

Julia cleared her throat and stepped away from him, deftly closing her robe and glancing at the sink. She smiled and nodded to his protein shake.

"Well, then you should try to eat a full breakfast every morning," she said. "Your dad never trusted those shakes."

Harry rolled his eyes. Everybody compared him to his dad, and he often fell into the trap of doing it, too. For some reason, it always frustrated him to hear it come from her. His father had been dead for almost ten years, and yet he still cast such a long shadow.

"Of course he didn't," said Harry. "By the time he was nineteen, he'd already been up Mount Everest twice."

He couldn't stop an edge of resentment from entering his voice, but if his mother noticed, she didn't let it show. She walked over to the other side of the spacious kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and a fresh orange for herself. A light beam from the window illuminated her from the side, which combined with her clean, white robe made her look like borderline angelic.

"Harry, we're going to have a new maid moving in tonight. She'll be here in the evening, after I get home."

"Bethany isn't coming back to work?"

Their old maid, Bethany, had done a respectable job cleaning and maintaining their upscale and orderly house, even though it bordered on being a mansion. Bethany had been 67 and extremely passive aggressive toward Harry over the condition he usually left his room in.

"She's taking care of family," said Julia. "The new maid is... your cousin."

"My... cousin?" asked Harry. "Wait, I have a cousin?"

"My brother had a child with his high school girlfriend. The relationship was brief, and he was never involved in his daughter's life. I've never met her before, to tell you the truth, but I stayed in touch with her mother."

"This is kind of a lot to take in," he said.

"I know. Just do your best, honey. There's... something else you should know upfront."

She frowned. Harry could tell that his mother had more to say, and he stepped up behind her, almost a little too close. He couldn't help himself sometimes. There was something magnetic about her, and she never seemed to mind when he invaded her personal space.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Your cousin..." She hesitated, turning to face him and leaning back against the counter. "She's a teenager. Close to your age. And she has... issues."

Harry shrugged.

"Okay," he said. "You sound worried?"

Julia shook her head slightly.

"I am worried," she said. "She's going to be staying in the guest room while she's here, but honey, it's like I said. Her situation is complicated and she's a little wild. From what her mother told me, she's also manipulative, moody, and impulsive."

Harry waited, expecting her to say more.

"And you're worried about how I might react to her?" he asked.

He was almost tempted to ask outright if she was worried that he might hit on her, or vice versa.

"Just treat her like you treated Bethany," said Julia. "Your cousin will be staying with us, but this will also be a job for her. Her mother insisted on it. Don't do or say anything that she might interpret in the wrong way, and just... be prepared."

"Got it," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Good." Julia gave him a quick peck on the cheek, her lips hot where they made contact. "I'm going to take a shower, and then I'm heading straight out. Have a nice day, sweetie."

Harry groaned. He hated when she used her pet names for him. Well, some of the time.


Harry carried his breakfast shake with him as he headed downstairs, trying to decide whether he liked the taste as he sipped at it. His thoughts lingered on the conversation, and his own concerns related to it.

Though he still enjoyed living at home with his mom, he was nineteen. It was impossible for him to not occasionally consider the appeal of getting a job and moving out. The basement was one of the primary reasons why he hadn't.

Spanning several rooms, it was close to what someone might expect to find at a high-class fitness center. Harry walked into the gym area, scanning his eyes over the workout equipment, the heavy bags, and the treadmill.

The other half of the basement was composed of a small, locker room style area that included a massage table, a Jacuzzi, and a sauna chamber, though Harry and Julia rarely used any of them.

He set his shake down and started his morning workout routine. It was the only thing that had been a constant feature of his life for the past few months. After graduating high school, everyone had expected Harry to head off to college; his friends and his mother included.

Instead he'd stayed behind, taking a "gap year" to clear his head, or at least that's what he'd told everyone. His mother had been the first to guess the truth, noticing how much time he'd spent training his body, and doing research into different exotic locations on his computer. Harry was fully intent on following in his father's footsteps, as hard as they would be for him to fill.

He was glad that his mom had accepted it so easily. Harry had spent most of his life being compared to his dad. His mother's respect meant the world to him and knowing that she was behind him in his decision buoyed his confidence. Even if he was still a long way off from knowing how and where he was going to try to make his name in the world.

Harry's focus was on his workout. An hour or so went by, his body slowly warming up and getting sweaty, his workout playlist booming from the basement's overhead speaker. He was in the middle of throwing punch combinations at the heavy bag when he heard someone clear their throat.

"I take it that you're the man of the house?"

Harry was in mid-punch and ended up shifting his momentum in a way that threw him off balance, and then off his feet. He heard someone giggling as he pulled himself up, his eyes widening in surprise as he turned around.

Standing behind was a petite young woman around the same age as him. She wore jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pink apron. She was attractive, though not especially well endowed in either her chest or butt. Her eyes were a deep blue, and her hair was shoulder length, blonde with faint pink highlights.

"You're... the maid?" asked Harry.

He felt stupid for asking. For some reason, he'd been expecting her to show up wearing a typical black and white, French maid outfit.

"What, were you expecting me to be wearing a French maid outfit?" she asked.

He glanced away, scratching his head.

"Uh, no, of course not," he said.

"You're apparently my cousin," she said, with an edge of challenge. "Your mother is my deadbeat dad's sister."

"Apparently," said Harry. "I didn't even know my mom had a brother, and it feels a little late to be finding out."

Neither of them said anything for a second or two.

"Harry." He reached out, shaking her hand.

"Vivian," she said, shaking his hand. "So, you're Aunt Julia's son. I suppose I see the resemblance, but I'm surprised that she's old enough to have a kid your age. She must have been horny as a teenager."

"Hey!" he snapped. "That's not funny."

"Jeez, I didn't realize it was a sensitive topic for you," said Vivian. "Anyway... what are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be in school, or something?"

Harry folded his arms.

"I could say the same about you," he said.

"Touché," said Vivian. She smiled at him. There was something lively about the look in her eyes, as though she was incredibly amused or stimulated by the situation. She just stood there, no more than a foot or two away, letting the tension slowly ratchet up to near unbearable levels.

"I'm in the middle of my workout," said Harry. "I should probably get back to it."

"So that's what you were doing?" asked Vivian. "Working out?"

Harry nodded. "I like to keep in shape."

"You were working that bag pretty seriously," she said. "Do you want to show me some of it?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you want to see?"

"Just come at me," she said. "I'm stronger than I look. Wrestle me. Use me as your training partner."

She said the last few words softly, holding eye contact as they left her lips. Harry felt as though the room was ten degrees hotter than it had been before she arrived. Vivian was toying with the strings of her apron, all of her attention on him.

He remembered what his mom had said and forced himself and take the advice seriously. She was his cousin, but he didn't know the first thing about her.

"No," said Harry. "Sorry, maybe some other time. I should let you get to cleaning, anyway."

"Are you sure?" asked Vivian. "I'm going to be staying here. The sooner we start getting to know each other, the better."

She stepped closer to Harry, pushing her chest out slightly and licking her lips.

"Uh..." Harry took a step back, and Vivian finally seemed to let it drop, looking back over to the stairs.

"Well, I'll be cleaning," she said. "Every day. I can't really go anywhere, so if you need me, just come get me. I'll help you out with anything I can."

She looked so incredibly pleased with herself that it actually made Harry a little angry, though he didn't really know why. She left the basement with slow, hip swaying steps, showing off the way her butt moved in her skintight jeans.

Harry was rock hard. And he still had another hour of his workout to get through.


Harry finished his workout a few minutes early and headed upstairs. He was excited at the prospect of talking to Vivian again, though still wary. His mom had sounded so concerned about the girl, and he was starting to get a sense of why.

Their house consisted of two main floors, along with the basement and a small, spacious attic the Harry knew she liked to use for yoga. His room was on the second floor, next to his mother's.

It was normal enough, a twin bed, a computer, a desk, a small wardrobe. He started picking out some clean clothes to change into, and then noticed that made him stop in his tracks.

He'd left some dirty socks on the floor from the night before. They were gone. In fact, several little messes that Harry had been meaning to take care of had been cleaned up. Harry frowned a little, knowing that it meant Vivian had picked his room as one of the first to start her cleaning.

"Did I do a good job?" Vivian appeared in the doorway, catching him by surprise. "Your room has... such a nice smell to it."

Harry frowned at her.

"Uh... thanks, I guess," he said. "But you should give me a heads-up next time. Let me know when you're going to clean in here before you actually do it."

Vivian flashed a smile that reached all the way to her jade green eyes. She ran a hand through her hair and then pursed her pouty lips, bringing a single finger to rest on them.

"Are you afraid that I might find something secret?" asked Vivian. "Because you should know, I already have."

It was only then that Harry noticed the folder in her hand. His heart lurched in his chest as he recognized it. It was a plain manila folder with nothing written on the outside. It was something that nobody was supposed to know about, let alone find.

"You..." Harry shook his head slowly. "You didn't open it, did you? Please tell me you didn't open it!"

Vivian winked at him and walked over to the bed. She set the folder down and flicked it open, spreading the photos inside out across his sheets. Harry swore under his breath, not wanting to look at the evidence of his illicit attraction.

He'd found the folder in a box of old things that had been stored upstairs. His mother had either not known or forgotten that they'd been there, as she'd tasked Harry with the job of cleaning out the attic back when she'd first converted it into her yoga space.

It was a folder filled with photos of his mom from her modeling days, spanning at least a decade. In a couple of them, she was fully dressed, but most had her in either underwear, or lingerie.

They were provocative photos, and though none of them were strictly nude, they were titillating, and far from the type of thing any red-blooded young man could justify having for artistic value.

Even now, Harry felt himself getting excited as he looked at them. His mother was amazing. She was beautiful, intelligent, athletic, everything a woman could aspire to be. He was ashamed to admit that the photos had intrigued him when he'd first found them.

He'd left them alone at first, stuffing them back into the box after moving it into the basement. The photos had occupied his thoughts to a disgusting degree. It had been like trying to resist the allure buried treasure, buried secrets, a buried history.

Lewd photos of her mother when she was barely older than he was now. Harry remembered how hard and excited he'd been when he'd finally broken down and brought them into his room.

"You look so funny right now!" laughed Vivian. "I get it, really, I do. Your hot mother is my hot aunt.

"What are you even saying?" he said, voice angry.

"Nothing I'm sure you haven't heard before. Oh jeez, this is too good. She's your mother, and you... you've probably been touching yourself to these, haven't you?"

Harry felt his face flush hot with embarrassment. He tried to reach for the folder. Vivian pulled it out of his reach.

"Shut up," he said. "I was just... keeping those safe. They aren't something we should have out."

Vivian raised an eyebrow at him.

"They aren't something that you should have at all," she said. "Imagine how Julia would react if she knew her sweet, loving son was interested in giving it to her. Giving it to her, hard."

"Shut the fuck up!" Harry scowled and tried to grab the folder again, to no avail. "God, this is so stupid. Why would you think it was okay to search my room?"

"Watch your tone," said Vivian. "I documented my finding of the photos. I have video evidence of the spot where you'd hidden them. It would be a real shame if I had to tell my wonderful, newly discovered aunt about her son perving on her on my first at her house."

"You..." Harry stared at her, his mouth agape. "You wouldn't..."

Would she? He didn't know a single thing about his cousin.

"As long as you're nice to me, I won't," said Vivian. "I'll even let you keep them."

She stepped in closer to him, coming within only a couple inches. She bit her lip, and Harry felt himself getting aroused. All his other emotions concerning the situation seemed to feed into his excitement, sending blood rushing straight down to his cock.

She was his cousin, but she was a total stranger. A wicked stranger.

"In case you were wondering, yes, this is blackmail," whispered Vivian. "You have to do what I say."

Harry wanted to grab her and throw her down on the bed. The situation practically called for it. But he didn't. He couldn't. Everything was a complete fucking mess.


"Because I want to get to know my cousin." Vivian pushed herself against him, running her hand over his crotch. She kissed his neck and let out a little moan. "Don't you want to get to know me, Harry?"

She was a psycho. She was totally out of her fucking mind. And she had him by the balls.

Harry took a step back, feeling suddenly claustrophobic. He stumbled out of the door of his room, and then into the bathroom at the end of the hall. He forced himself to breathe, considering the hard facts of the situation.

They all led to the same conclusion. He was at her mercy, unless he was willing to jeopardize his relationship with his mom. He swore under his breath and started the shower, stripping his clothes off, hoping the hot water would make it easier to think.


He was in the shower and starting to soap himself up when he heard the bathroom door open. It was almost too much for Harry to handle. Vivian was the most unpredictable person he'd ever met in his life, and it scared him a little.

"Harry..." She stepped through the shower curtain. Harry shook his head slowly, frowning as his cock began to get hard.

She wore only her bra and panties, a matching black set that contrasted against the paleness of her skin. Her breasts were bigger than they'd originally looked, but still on the small side, and no more than a good handful. Her figure was compact and lean, making the small curves that she did have seem that much more meaningful.

"You're crazy," said Harry, covering his crotch with his hands. His cock was hard, and it was a pointless gesture.

"I've been told that before," said Vivian. "I just figured you might need a little help..."

She stepped in closer. The shower wasn't that big, and Harry was already up against the wall. Vivian set her hand on his chest and slowly slid it downward, across his pecs, and then across his abs. He was in good shape, having made great strides toward developing his physique in the past few months.

"You look pretty big," whispered Vivian. She tried to get her hand around his guard and onto his cock. His mom's warning seemed like a massive understatement of the truth. His cousin was insane, or some type of nympho.

"Come on, let me touch it," said Vivian. "Let me feel how big it is... and how hard."

One of her fingers made it through Harry's defenses, and he gave up on any pretense of trying to stop her. His cock was still slick with soap suds, and as Vivian closed her hand around it, insane pleasure shot through the rest of his body.

"You're not used to this, are you?" asked Vivian. "Oh, don't tell me you're a..."

She trailed off. Harry was, in fact, a virgin. He'd fooled around with a couple of girls in high school, but it had never progressed beyond make outs and heavy petting. He was just self-aware enough to know that his mom, and his unwanted attraction to her, probably had something to do with it.

He did his best to avoid Vivian's smug gaze as she began to stroke him off. It felt amazing, but he didn't want her to know that. No doubt she would use whatever leverage he gave her to work with to manipulate him, given how she'd acted so far.

"Oh, you are pretty big," she whispered. "And really hard."

She positioned herself so that she was standing close to him, stroking his cock up and down with her hand and almost pinning it between their bodies. She licked her lips slowly, her eyes fluttering as though she was taking her own pleasure from giving it to him.

"Why are you acting like this, Vivian?" asked Harry. "This isn't normal. You're my fucking cousin!"

She gave his cock a squeeze, half pleasure and half punishment.

"Is it normal to keep underwear photos of your mother under your bed?" asked Vivian. "Is it normal to touch yourself to them? To think about doing dirty, disgusting things to her?"

She stroked a little faster, and Harry couldn't stop himself from moaning. He'd reached his arms around Vivian, his hands finding her butt, massaging it through the wet panty fabric.

"That's... not what I did," he lied. It was barely something he could admit to himself. He'd always feel so guilty afterward, unable to look Julia in the eye. But it always felt so incredible, like a drug. So right and so wrong at the same time.

"Would it help if you imagined me as her?" asked Vivian. "Maybe she came in to check on you in the shower? Maybe she decided to help you wash up?"

"Stop it!"

Vivian giggled. Her hair was in wet tangles, and with her free hand, she straightened it with her fingers.

"Just pretend I am who I am, then," said Vivian. "Your cousin and your new maid."

She spiraled her hand as she stroked, sending waves of electric pleasure coursing through him.

"I'll be hanging around the house, each and every day," said Vivian. "Maybe you see me bending over, cleaning something. You're a horny, young man. We're cousins, it's not like you're my brother. You could just come right up behind me, press yourself into me."

"You're still family," said Harry, forcing himself to remember what Julia had said before. "That wouldn't be..."

"It would be bad," said Vivian. "But it would be so much fun."

She used both hands, pulling and squeezing his cock, making soft, erotic noises. She leaned forward and kissed his neck, pressing her bra clad breasts against his chest.

"You could just take me," said Vivian. "I'm not sure if I'd even stop you. You could use whichever hole you wanted. My mouth... my pussy... my ass. It's up to you."

"Vivian..." Harry's hips were moving now, meeting each of her strokes. Her hand made a little slapping noise each time it bottomed out against his crotch.

"That's it," said Vivian. "Go ahead, Harry. This is just the beginning."

She ran her thumb over the tip of his cock, and Harry lost it. He let out a small grunt as pleasure erupted in his body, spreading up from his crotch, through the rest of him. It felt better than any orgasm he'd ever given himself. It felt as though a door had been thrown wide open, and on the other side of it was a world of erotic power and sensation.

His cum splashed out onto the shower floor. Vivian watched his cock as it tensed and released, still holding it gently in her hand. She looked satisfied in the same way a criminal might appear as they watched the first stage of their master plan come to fruition.

"You dirty bastard," whispered Vivian. "Why don't you finish showering? We'll talk again later, but I bet that you could use some space to think."

Harry met her eye, feeling more naked in front of her than when she'd first come into the shower.

"This isn't over," he said. "I'm not just going to be your plaything, or whatever."

Vivian laughed.

"You have it backward," she said. "I'm probably going to end up being your plaything. Your dirty, slutty, blackmailing plaything."

She stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and exited the bathroom without looking back.


Harry spent most of the rest of the day avoiding Vivian. True to her word, she gave him space. He kept to the basement, venturing outside for a walk into town for lunch, and managed to avoid talking or interacting with her.

His mother got home earlier than he'd been expecting. Harry recognized her knock on the basement door and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey," he said. "How was your day?"

Julia looked amazing. Her outfit was just a step above casual, a light grey pencil skirt with a matching low-cut blouse, which she wore a long green sweater shawl over. She'd put on lipstick and makeup that morning, and the effect was enough to make Harry do a double take. He watched as she smiled perfectly red lips, her long brown hair shiny and loose across her shoulders.

"It was weird," she said. "I'll tell you more about it after. How was yours?"

Harry shrugged, following his mom up into the living room. He couldn't remember the last time he'd lied to her. It made him feel sneaky and dirty, especially given what the lie was meant to cover up.

He didn't have to lie, he decided. He just needed to rephrase the truth.

"Not too bad," he said. "I met my cousin."

His mom frowned at him, looking surprised.

"She's here? Already?"

Harry nodded. Julia glanced around as they walked over toward the couch, her high heels clacking against the smooth wood floor. Vivian was making her way downstairs, dressed back in her jeans and apron. She smiled at Julia, bending down into an approximation of a curtsey as she entered the room.

"Hi, Aunt Julia," said Vivian. "My mom dropped me off early. Sorry, I probably should have called your cell as soon as I arrived."

Julia looked incredibly skeptical of the girl. She folded her arms and took a deep breath. Harry made his way over to the couch, not wanting to involve himself in the encounter, if he could help it.

"You should have," said Julia. "I would have liked to go over the ground rules for your stay here, before you got started."

"Well, it's better late than never, right?" asked Vivian. Her voice had a hint of cattiness to it, and it made Harry cringe. If the two of them got into a heated enough argument, there was no telling what Vivian might say or reveal.

"Uh, it doesn't sound like a bad idea," said Harry. "We can all have a chat about how things are going to work."

He glanced back and forth between his mom and Vivian, not entirely understanding where the tension between them came from. His mother had said that she'd stayed in touch with Vivian's mom, and Harry could only assume that she knew more about his cousin than he did.

"Right," said Julia. "You're right, Harry. Have a seat on the couch, Vivian."

Vivian walked over and sat down next to Harry, her thigh brushing up against his. Julia walked around and stood in front of them, giving Vivian a disapproving look until she slid over and put a little more room between them.

"Vivian, I'm sure you already understand that the only reason I accepted your mom's proposal is because I trust her and her reasoning. But I run a strict household. Assume that anything she wouldn't approve of, I wouldn't either."

"Of course, Julia," said Vivian. "I'm not looking for drama."

Her smile was sickly sweet. It made Harry uncomfortable to see how easily lying came to her, and from the look on his mom's face, she felt the same way.

"My other concern, and this is a little awkward for me to bring up..." Julia fidgeted, her face reddening slightly. "The two of you are very close in age. You're eighteen, right, Vivian?"

Vivian nodded slowly.

"I am," she said. "Totally, officially legal."

She gave a teasing smile and batted her eyelashes.

"And Harry is nineteen," Julia said, through gritted teeth. "The two of you will be around the house together often, I'm sure. Sometimes alone, without me here."

Julia looked over Harry. It was hard for him to keep his composure under her stern gaze.

"It's okay, Mom," said Harry. "You don't have to say anything more. I get it."

"Oh, we both get it." Vivian set her hand on Harry's thigh and made a soft, purring noise. "And trust me, I can't wait to get even more."

Julia stomped her foot. She looked furious. Harry had never seen his mother like this before. Vivian brought her hand back after a moment, looking chastened, but still mildly insubordinate.

"Don't play games with me, Vivian Chalmers," said Julia. "I will not put up with nonsense. If I suspect anything untoward is happening behind my back, I will throw you out of this house. I'm sure you know what will happen then."

Vivian looked a little unsettled. She didn't meet Julia's gaze, instead glancing over at the side of the couch.

"I understand," she said, in a quiet voice.

Julia nodded slowly.

"Good." She smiled at Harry. "I'm sorry to put my foot down like that."

"Both figuratively and literally," said Harry.

His mother's smile broadened.

"Now that we're all on the same page, we can relax around each other," she said. "And again, I apologize, Vivian. It's just, well... I'm sure you understand why I had to be straightforward, given your history."

Her history? Harry felt his curiosity growing to a borderline annoying level.

"I understand, Aunt Julia," said Vivian. "Honestly, you don't have to worry about me."

"Alright then," said Julia. "I'm going to get started on dinner."


Harry followed his mom into the kitchen, taking a seat on a bench against the counter island. He didn't want to be alone with Vivian, if he could help it. Especially not with his mom home. He thought back to how she'd surprised him in the shower and felt a small shiver of excitement run down to his crotch.

He'd enjoyed it, which worried him. He couldn't let her sink her claws in, as crazy as she was.

"Did you have a good workout this morning?" asked his mom. She was already pulling pots and pans from cabinets and taking ingredients from the fridge.

"Yeah, I did," said Harry. "I've been making progress. I think in a couple weeks, I'm going to be ready to start planning an adventure. Climb a mountain, explore a desert. Something like that."

Julia glanced over her shoulder at him, her lips turning up into a knowing smile. It was encouraging, rather than condescending, but Harry couldn't help but feel like she was holding something back.

"What is it?" he asked.

His mother shrugged.

"You're just so much like your father, sometimes," she said. "The way he used to talk about his adventures always made me feel..."

She looked distant for a moment, and then blushed and cleared her throat.

"Never mind," she said. "I'm just so proud of you. That's what I meant."

Harry held her gaze for a couple seconds, feeling a stirring of tension between them.

"What about your interview?" he asked, changing the subject. "You mentioned something was weird about it?"

"Right..." Julia's smile turned into a frown. "I got into an argument with the interviewer."

Harry blinked. He leaned forward over the counter, surprised. Vivian took a seat in the bench next to him, which annoyed him slightly. She had a devious look in her eyes, and Harry wasn't sure what she was planning.

"An argument?" asked Harry. "About what?"

His mom sighed.

"He brought up some unnecessary things," said Julia. "I thought it was going to be focused on my work, the photos from my last trip to the Himalayas. Instead he treated it as though the only thing that mattered was... Oh, I don't even know how to say this."

"I'm listening," said Harry. "Go ahead."

He shifted on his stool slightly. Vivian's hand came to rest on his thigh, and Harry almost jumped in surprise. He shot a glare at her, trying to keep his focus on his mother.

"He had this weird idea in his head that a lot of my male fans are interested in me," she said.

"Why wouldn't they be?" asked Harry. He tensed up as Vivian started rubbing her hand back and forth, closing in on his crotch. What the hell was she doing?

"Not my work, but in me," said Julia. "He also kept asking dumb questions."

"Like what?" asked Harry. Vivian's hand slid over his crotch.

"For example, he asked what my bra size was." Julia glanced over her shoulder at him, ignoring Vivian, thankfully. "Can you believe that?"

Harry tried not to think about his mom's breasts as Vivian began massaging his cock through his jeans. He was getting hard. An erection was the last thing he needed, at the moment. Her touch felt good, in the worst possible way.

"That's... strange," Harry managed.

"And then, he started asking about whether or not I'd ever dated, or... been involved, with any of my fans," she said. "I think he wanted me to admit to being super promiscuous, or something. He wouldn't believe me when I told him that I haven't dated anyone in years."

"Oh..." said Harry. "I mean, I guess I can see why."

His mom looked at him, blushing slightly from the compliment.

"Thank you, honey," she said. "So yeah. And it just kept going, on and on. It was torture."

Vivian was unzipping Harry's jeans. He scooted his stool back, the sound screeching against the kitchen tile floor. Julia raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, if this is boring for you, I understand," she said.

"No!" Harry froze, trying to keep his face neutral as he felt Vivian's hand closing around his hard cock. It was impossible for Julia to see what was going on, from where she stood. But the situation was still horrifying, and Harry searched for a reasonable excuse to get himself out of there, lust clouding his thinking process.

"He even tried to get me to admit that most of my fans have had sex fantasies about me," said Julia. "About me! Can you believe that? I'm a photographer, and I'm pushing forty. I don't even dress to impress, anymore."

"Oh... I agree," said Harry.

Vivian was stroking him off, and it felt insanely good. Harry leaned forward against the kitchen counter, trying not to enjoy the sensation. It was impossible.

"You agree?" asked his mom. "Wait, with who? Me, or the interviewer?"

Harry hesitated, trying to think of a tactful answer.

"You are pretty sexy," he said, mentally kicking himself as soon as the words had left his mouth. "No, I mean, you're beautiful. Probably a lot of your fans... Damn it, I mean..."

"No, I understand, sweetie," she said. "Thank you. It's flattering coming from you, but some of the men who follow my work take it too far."

"Ooh," said Vivian, as she pumped her hand. "Now I'm intrigued.

"It's embarrassing," said Julia, shaking her head. "It's really hard for me to bring this up."

"Hard?" asked Harry.

"So hard," said Julia. "And I know how weird this probably is going to be for you to hear."

Vivian squeezed his cock. She was pretending to be looking at her phone with her free hand, but all her attention was on stroking and pumping Harry, torturing him with pleasure just out of Julia's view.

"Tell me," said Harry. "Even if it's hard."

"He mentioned that... my name was trending," said Julia. "Apparently, there's a porn star who actually looks quite a bit like me... with the same name."

"Julia... Harding?" asked Harry. He had to bite his lip as Vivian accelerated her pace. She was making noise with her hand now, and Harry tried to mentally will her to slow down.

His mom's face was deep crimson, and she could barely meet Harry's gaze. She nodded slowly.

"That's when I went off on him," she said. "It's so embarrassing, and sexist, and disrespectful. I'm just glad that decent, upstanding men don't bother with that sort of thing."

Harry nodded. He had never wanted to look up a porn star more badly in his life. What the fuck was wrong with him?

"Vivian?" asked Julia. "What are you doing?"

Harry felt all the blood drain from his face. He stared up, unable to keep the guilt from his expression. Julia was staring at Vivian, who'd picked up a knife with her left hand and was tapping her finger against it.

"Sorry!" She let go of Harry's cock and pushed the knife away with both hands. "Just wanted to see if it was sharp."

"It's very sharp," said Julia. "Obviously."

Vivian shrugged and stood up. She put a hand on Harry's shoulder as she passed by, eyes darting toward the hallway.


Harry reluctantly followed Vivian, annoyed by how little control he felt like he had over the situation. He was still rock hard, and cousin or not, part of him just wanted Vivian to hurry up and make him cum. At least then he could get his self-control back.

She was leaning against one of the walls, out of Julia's sight, smiling slightly, arms crossed over the pink apron that she still wore. She gestured for Harry to lean in close, whispering softly in his ear.

"You want to touch me," she said. "Don't you?"

Harry flinched back. He stared at her, his mouth hanging open. What the hell was he supposed to say to that?

"...No!" he said, a little lamely. "Of course not!"

"Oh my god, this is so weird," whispered Vivian. "I can't imagine what things must have been like before I got here."

"Things were fine before you got here!" snapped Harry. "Better, even."

Vivian flashed a conspiratorial smile at him, and then licked her lips.

"I'm going to help you, Harry," she whispered. "I think... you should start being more affectionate. With me. With your mother."

Again, Harry found himself struggling to find words.

"Excuse me?"

"We can start with her, if you're more comfortable with it," said Vivian.

He had no words. He stared at her, expression blank.

"I want you to go up behind her and give her a hug," said Vivian. "Give her a nice, long, tight hug from behind, while she's still making dinner. For at least a minute. In fact, I'll signal you when you can let go."

"Are you out of your mind?" asked Harry. "We don't do things like that. I mean, we love each other... in the normal way. She'd freak out. I never hug her like that. Who hugs their mom like that?"

"Well, you're about to," said Vivian. "Or, I can tell her about the photos, and spark a discussion with her about what you've been doing with them. Your choice."

Harry scowled. He was so annoyed with himself for leaving them where they'd been so easily found. Their old maid, Bethany, had never run across them. Or at least, if she had, she'd had the sense not to say anything.

"Fine," said Harry, glaring at her. "But after this, you leave me alone."

Vivian let out a quick, amused laugh. She shook her head, reaching her hand out to pat Harry on the cheek.

"Sure, sure," she said.

The two of them walked back into the kitchen together. His mother shot a questioning look at them, but it faded into a smile. They hadn't really been gone that long.

Harry leaned against the counter, unwilling to go for it, now that he was right there. He felt nervous, which was weird for him. And to make it even worse, he still had an erection.

Vivian elbowed him at the ribs, giving him a serious look. Harry took a deep breath, calming himself down as much as he could. He focused on safe, unsexy things. Working out. Doing chores. The taste of his protein shake when he got the mixture wrong.

Slowly, his lower half began to relax.

"So, I'm just going to do stir fry tonight," said Julia. "It's quick, and I know you must be too hungry to wait long after your workout, right Harry?"

Harry walked up behind her, hesitating at the last step. It was going to be so weird. He pictured her elbowing him way, or even slapping him. The look of disgust and confusion she'd inevitably give him.

"That's fine," he said.

He spoke the words and stepped up behind his mother in the same movement, letting his arms slide around her waist. She was facing the kitchen counter, and she was currently getting string beans ready for the stir fry, snapping off the long stems. She tensed slightly at his touch, but she didn't immediately do any of the things Harry expected.

"Oh," said his mother. "You... don't usually hug me like this."

She shifted, wiggling her butt, which was making a dangerous amount of contact with Harry's crotch. He could already feel the blood rushing to his cock, summoned by the sensation of Julia's warm and soft body.

"I just, uh, really missed you today," he said, feeling his face heat up. "And I figured I could help you with these."

He picked up a string bean and twisted it in his fingers. His mouth came closer to her neck, and he felt Julia shiver as he breathed on the sensitive skin there.

"I could use all the help I can get," she said. "It's tough here, sometimes, doing everything on my own."

Harry put the string bean in the pile, and for a moment, his hands were idle and determined to wander. He wrapped them around her again, pushing his cock against her butt. It was half hard, and there was no way she didn't feel it now.

"You know what I really need help with?" She tapped her hand on top of his. "The upper cabinet has been stuck for almost a week now."

"What?" Harry could barely focus on her words. Either he was grinding into her, or she was grinding into him. He could barely tell. His cock reached its full dimensions and maximum hardness, and he couldn't stop himself from rubbing it against her butt, searching for the perfect place to bury it.

"Here," said his mom. She took his hand and lifted it up to the cabinet, pushing her butt out even more. "Go ahead. Try it."

Harry pulled, the motion causing him to thrust his hips forward. His mother made a tiny, almost inaudible noise. The cabinet didn't open.

"It's stuck," he said.

"It's really hard, Harry," she said. "To get open. I could use your help."

No fucking way. Was he hearing her right? He couldn't be. In fact, he was sure he wasn't.

His mother reached both her hands up and grabbed the cabinet's handle.

"I'll pull on the cabinet," she said. "You pull on me."

"Sure." Harry spoke the word into shoulder, letting his breath tickle her neck again.

He took hold of his mom by the waist. She had to lean forward slightly to get the angle on the cabinet just right. She was bent over for him, against the counter, and he had his hard cock pressed against her butt, only separated by his pants and her skirt.

How could she not notice it?

"Good," she said, in a soft voice. "Pull as hard as you can, okay? On three."

Harry shifted, prodding her with his cock under the guise of repositioning himself.


Harry's hands tightened a little on her waist, and he felt a shiver go through her.


His mom squeezed her buttocks together, giving his cock a soft burst of unexpected pleasure."


Harry pulled her backward as hard as he could with his arms. His hips, on the other hand, thrust forward. His cock was desperate to burn a hole through their clothing and do what it was supposed to do, regardless of who would be on the receiving end.

The cupboard was stubborn, and Julia lost her grip on it. Her momentum carried her back into Harry, who held her tight against him, one of his hands sliding up and almost cupping one of her big breasts.

"Oops." His mom let out a tiny giggle. "I told you, it's really stuck."

"Let's try again," said Harry. "This time, let's just see if we can, uh, shake it loose."

"Well, we have to get it open eventually," she said. "So... I think we should try again."

She leaned forward, assuming the position. The situation was getting dangerous. Harry's cock was pulsing with pleasure, and each of her movements sent pure bliss flooding through his body. Her butt felt way too fucking good.

His mom was gorgeous. He felt dirty letting himself think like that. He wished he'd gotten rid of the stupid photos back when he'd first found them.

"Sweetie?" she asked. "Was your idea something like... this?"

She rocked back, immediately pushing forward again, trying to get the cupboard loose. The motion caused her to grind against him, back and forth.

"That's it," said Harry. "Just like that."

He took hold of his mother's hips and started pushing and pulling, his hips jerking back and forth against her. He couldn't believe that she still didn't feel what he was doing, the disgusting liberties he was taking. His hands were sliding across her stomach, one of them down against her thigh. And his cock was prodding into her butt, stopped only by the clothing in between.

"Almost," said his mom. "I... can feel it. Pull harder!"

Harry didn't need her to ask. He grabbed her by the waist upped the intensity of his motions, making no attempt to hide that he was dry fucking her. His mom was barely even keeping her hold on the cabinet now. He had her bent over the counter, pinned there by his body, while his cock tried to break out and invade her.

He was out of control and out of his mind. He was about blow a load in his pants... over his own mother.

"There!" she announced, triumphantly. The cabinet swung open. It took Harry a second or three to realize what she meant, and to force himself to stop grinding into her.

"Oh," he said. "Right."

She spun around to face him. She pushed herself up so that she was sitting on the counter, her legs dangling off the ground. They were open, rather than crossed, and it was as though she was daring him to try to keep going.

Her hair was a little messy, and her cheeks were flushed. She looked embarrassed, but also a little pleased, and after a couple of seconds, she cleared her throat.

"I should finish up with dinner," she said. "Thanks for the help, honey."

He nodded slowly.

"Uh, no problem," he said. "That cabinet was really stuck."

Her eyes seemed to cut right through him.

"Yes," she said. "But we got it open. Now we can move on."


Harry didn't know how to feel. He was ashamed of himself, but there was clearly more to it than just that. There'd been something unexpected about his mother's reaction. Mainly that it hadn't just been a reaction. It had been... a response.

Julia seemed to regain her composure more easily, finishing up with dinner, humming to herself as she moved through the kitchen with grace. Harry retired to the dining room, followed by Vivian, who took a seat next to him at the dinner table.

"So?" she asked, grinning like a succubus. "Was that fun for you?"

"Was that fun for me?" Harry repeated, in disbelief. "That was..."

He hesitated, not knowing how to answer the question. Fun wasn't the right word for it, but at the same time, the minute or so he'd spent pressed up against his mom in the kitchen had been one of the most intense experiences in his young life. His mind was already whirling with possibilities, namely, the possibility of it accidentally happening again.

"I'm surprised," said Vivian. "I thought she'd shut you down right away, but she was definitely into it."

"If you thought she'd shut me down, then why did you...?"

Harry trailed off as his mother made her way into the dining room, carrying a bowl of rice and a pan of stir fry. The food smelled phenomenal, and it reminded Harry of how hungry he was. All he'd had that morning was a protein shake.

"Here we are," said Julia. "I hope you enjoy. I think the spices I used will end up working well together."

"It smells delicious, Mom," said Harry.

"Yes, you're quite the cook, aren't you?" mused Vivian. "I'm curious... Is there anyone special in your life, Aunt Julia?"

Julia had only just sat down. She looked surprised by the question, and perhaps a little embarrassed.

"No," she said, softly. "Not since Harry's father died. My life is simple right now. I'm only interested in my photography and running this household."

"Your household meaning... you and Harry?" asked Vivian. "Isn't he at that age where most young men are looking to leave the nest?"

This question made both Harry and Julia fidget. Harry shot Vivian an annoyed look from across the table.

"Well, you'd have to ask him," said Julia, briskly.

"I like living here," said Harry. He smiled at his mom. "Obviously. It's convenient for what I want to be doing in life."

"You want to be a mountain climber, or something, right?" asked Vivian. "And that's what your dad was, too? Big shoes to fill, I take it?"

Harry felt his cheeks redden, but before he could defend himself, Vivian had already moved on to another question.

"And Julia, you're an adventure photographer?" asked Vivian. "That seems like a match made in heaven. Why don't you follow Harry out on his first expedition, snap photos, share a tent, that kind of thing?"

Julia blushed.

"That's not usually how I work, at least not anymore," said Julia. "The only adventuring partner I ever had was Henry, Harry's father. And Harry's not, I mean... It just wouldn't work."

The words clearly hadn't been intended hurt him, but they still did. He felt his heart sink, and his face burn. All of the intensity and excitement from the close contact he'd had with his mother only served to make the emotions sharper, reminding him of how deep in his father's shadow he would always be.

"Harry?" asked his mom. "Are you okay? Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'm... fine," he muttered.

The rest of the night went by relatively uneventfully. Vivian made small talk about her old high school, chatting a lot but saying very little of actual substance. Julia queried them about how they were enjoying the food.

Once dinner was over, Harry retired to his room early. He was, in fact, tired from his workout that morning. He also felt like he needed some space.

It took all the willpower he had to resist pulling out the photos of his mother and thumbing through them. He'd originally found them erotic, but they were more than just that to him, now. He thought about his dad, who he'd barely known at the time of his death, and the life the man had lived.

It was ridiculous. Harry couldn't just step in and follow in the footsteps of his dad's career. It was nonsensical, and perhaps even disrespectful to the man's memory. As his mom had put it at dinner, it just wouldn't work.

There was a knock at Harry's door. He didn't get up from bed, instead just shouting a muffled "come in" before sitting up. Julia walked through the doorway, wearing a thin white evening gown that was small and tight on her, and hard for Harry to keep his eyes off.

"Hey," she said. "I wanted to touch base before we both went to sleep."

Harry sighed and shook his head.

"There isn't really anything to touch base on," he said. "Is there?"

He hoped with all of his heart that she wouldn't bring up what had happened with opening the cupboard. It would have been like pouring salt on an open wound. His mom smiled softly at him, and sat down on the bed next to him, placing her hand on his knee.

"About Vivian," she said. "Your cousin... asked a lot of questions about you, once you were out of the room."

Harry rolled his eyes. He didn't care about Vivian. At least, as long as she kept his secret.

"I'm not sure that the two of us are going to get along so well," said Harry. "Have you thought about talking to her mom about sending her back?"

Julia frowned.

"It's not an option," she said. "Look, there are... reasons why Vivian is staying with us."

"Such as...?"

"It's not for me to say," she said. "But Harry... I know you're young and energetic... but you need to be careful."

She blushed and chewed on her lower lip. Harry shook his head.

"Where are you going with this, Mom?" he asked.

"She's prettier than I expected," she said. "And given that the two of you are around the same age and spend so much time in the house together... the temptation is there."

Harry stared at her.

"Are you... jealous?" he asked.

The words left his mouth before he could stop them. He expected his mother to laugh, to make the situation awkward for him at the ridiculousness of his suggestion. Instead, she flinched backward slightly, cheeks reddening.

"Of course not!" she said quickly. "She's your cousin, Harry! It would be absolutely horrible if, well... if something happened between the two of you. Don't look at me like that! Hormones make people do strange things."

"So, you're worried that I'm going to bang my cousin?" Harry asked, dryly. "But you also won't send her home?"

"I know that you wouldn't," said his mother, rubbing his knee. "Right?"

"I can't make any promises, Mom." Harry shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "It's like you said. I'm young, full of hormones, and the temptation is there."

"Sweetie..." Her hand slid further up his leg, but only by an inch or so. "I know you're not being serious. Besides, there must be some other way that you could... well, you know. Satisfy yourself?"

She spoke the last two words in a soft whisper. Neither of them said anything else for a couple of seconds. They weren't looking at each other, but the tension was thick enough on the air to cut through with a butter knife.

"It's hard sometimes, Mom," he finally said.

"Promise me that you'll do your best?" she asked.

Harry sighed.

"I promise."

His mother smiled at him and pulled him into a gentle hug. Her breasts pressed into Harry's chest, and the smell of her shampoo was clean and compelling. He wanted to kiss her neck. He wanted to push her down on the bed underneath him.

Maybe he was just a horny, out of control teenager. Maybe it was just a phase. It would explain why he kept thinking of his mom and cousin in such disgusting ways, wouldn't it? He hoped so.

"I need to head to bed," she said. "Goodnight, honey."

"Goodnight, Mom."

She kissed him on the forehead and left the room.


Harry was dreaming. He knew he had to be. His mom was back in the room, underneath the sheets next to him. Her hands were slowly sliding his boxers down his legs, letting his already hard cock snap into the open.

"Relax," she whispered. "I'll take care of you."

Harry felt her hand, her soft palm and hot fingers, running down the length of his shaft. Then he felt warm wetness pressing to the tip, her lips. Mom's beautiful lips. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a pleasured moan as she brought an inch or so of his length into her wet, hot mouth.

His mother made a little noise, swirling her tongue and sending waves of electric pleasure through the rest of his body. He didn't want the dream to ever end, but he could already tell that he was starting to wake up. He tried to focus on the sensation, and magically, it stayed with him, even as he felt his mind shift back into consciousness.

Harry moaned again as his mom brought her mouth further down his shaft. He blinked in surprise, glancing under his sheets. He recognized her white evening gown immediately. She was moving her mouth up and down, polishing his tool with her mouth, and he couldn't believe it.


Harry pulled the sheets back and saw blonde hair in the place of brown. It wasn't Julia, but it was someone. Vivian was kissing his cock, her mouth turned to the side as she slid her pouty lips along his shaft. She pulled back slightly, flashing a devious smile and winking.

"I found her gown in the bathroom clothes hamper this morning," said Vivian. "I thought maybe... you might like me more if I wore it."

"You're wearing my mother's gown?" asked Harry, feeling anger and embarrassment hitting him in tandem. "And you're giving me a blowjob? In Mom's gown?"

It wasn't okay. She was his fucking cousin. His mother would be furious if she knew even half of what was currently happening. That was her clothing, and what Vivian was doing was so insane and dirty and... disgustingly wonderful.

She pressed her lips to the tip of his cock, planting three small, wet kisses there in quick succession. Harry gasped and leaned his head back. When he glanced back down, Vivian was rubbing her modest breasts against his member, letting his precum smear into the chest of his mother's white nightgown. He glared at her.

"Stop it," said Harry.

"Maybe she'll wear it again before washing it?" suggested Vivian. "Does that turn you on? The thought of your mom's big, soft tits, pressing right up against where you rubbed your sticky cock?"

Harry didn't answer her, and he knew he wouldn't have been able to if he'd tried. Vivian immediately returned to sucking, going a bit deeper this time, bobbing her head faster. She knew how to suck a cock, and it was the first blowjob Harry had ever experienced. She had him at her mercy, and though he hated her a little for it, he definitely didn't want her to stop.

This was exactly what his mother had been trying to warn him about. She was his cousin, for Christ's sake.

Vivian flicked her eyes up at him, and then as if to prove a point, pushed her mouth and lips down further. The head of Harry's cock tapped against something, and then Vivian made a gagging noise and brought some of his erection into her throat.

She only held there for a second before pulling back, disengaging for a moment and coughing. There were the beginnings of tears in the corners of her eyes, and she took a deep, slow breath.

"That one is tricky for me," she said. "You might have to let me keep practicing it on you."

"Keep practicing it?" Harry repeated. "Vivian... Oh fuck!"

She was already sucking again, and it felt unbelievably good. Harry couldn't keep himself from running his hand through her hair, urging her onward. Vivian sucked and slurped, making lewd noises with her mouth and occasionally cute little whimpers.

She kept looking up at him, her eyes full of pride and sexual challenge. Whatever it was she was getting from him in reaction seemed to satisfy her. Harry started thrusting his hips up to meet each of her dirty mouth's movements, pleasure pulsing through him as she sucked and sucked.

"Oh..." He cupped her cheek for a moment with more affection than he'd intended. "Oh, God. Vivian!"

She didn't stop sucking. Harry groaned as he passed over the line, spraying his hot, sticky load deep into her mouth. She kept sucking. The pleasure of the orgasm, so early in the morning, was overwhelming. Harry melted into his bed. And still, Vivian kept sucking.

She was so good at it that it was almost scary.

Vivian didn't stop until he'd gone completely soft. She didn't move to join him in the bed, instead standing up next to it. Harry had a full-length mirror against one of the walls, and Vivian admired herself in it, doing a slow twirl around to make the gown flair out.

"Do you think any of your mom's other clothes would look good on me?" she asked. "She has bigger boobs, and a bigger butt than me, so a lot of stuff is ruled out. Some of her dresses might work, though."

"Vivian..." Harry rubbed his forehead, fighting off the beginning of a headache. "You need to take that off."

"I do?" Vivian smiled at him, walking over to the bed slowly. "Really? You seemed to really like me in it, just a few minutes ago."


"What if instead of taking it off right now... I take it off after?"

"After what?"

Vivian climbed onto her bed, straddling him. Even though he'd just unloaded in her mouth, Harry felt his loins stirring.

"After you bend me over and fuck me senseless," said Vivian. "It will be so easy for you to pretend that it's her. I can put my hair up. I can call you sweetie."

"You're insane."

Vivian laughed and threw one of his pillows at him. She hopped off his bed and skipped over to the door.

"Anyways," she said, in a musical tone. "I need you to do a favor for me. Get dressed. I'll explain it to you as soon as you come downstairs."

She blew him a kiss, and then disappeared down the hallway. The headache Harry had been expecting arrived in full force.


Harry dressed and made his way downstairs. Vivian had also changed into different clothing, a loose blue spring dress, which she wore her pink apron over, as she had the day before. Harry didn't see the white nightgown anywhere, which worried him a little.

She might be able to use it to blackmail him along with her evidence of the pictures. He'd gotten enough of his come on it during the blowjob she'd given him to easily make his mother suspicious if it was pointed out to her.

"Why do you look so mad at me?" asked Vivian. "Most men would be grinning after waking up to a blowjob in bed..."

"Even if it's from their cousin?" he asked.

"Yeah, assuming it's a hot female cousin. I know a lot of men, Harry. Not that controversial."

"I guess I'm not most men," said Harry. "And it's not exactly like I could enjoy it as much as I wanted to, given how... weird you were about it."

"Oh..." purred Vivian. "We both know you liked it. I could see it in your eyes. It's nothing to be ashamed of, Oedipus."

Harry scowled at her and starting walking into the kitchen.

"Anyway," continued Vivian. "All I need you to do is meet up with a friend of mine and bring me back a few things they've been holding onto."

Harry frowned and shook his head.

"Why, exactly, can't you pick this stuff up yourself?" he asked.

Vivian furrowed her brow. She clasped her hands together, using her arms to frame her breasts on either side. Her breasts weren't huge, but she still had a decent amount of cleavage showing through the chest of her low-cut dress.

"Aunt Julia will flip out if she catches wind of me leaving the house during the day, while I'm supposed to be working," said Vivian. "And given that you have to do what I say, this seems like a fairly reasonable request."

"I don't have to do what you say," said Harry. Even as he spoke the words, they felt like a lame protest, rather than the truth.

"Of course you don't," said Vivian. "But you're choosing to because you're smart. You're smart, Harry, and sexy in your own way, and... Adrian will meet you in the parking lot of the hardware store."

Harry's frown deepened.

"Adrian?" he asked.

"Yup," said Vivian. "I'm texting over a description of what you're wearing. Just stand around somewhere visible. Piece of cake."

Harry sighed.

"Fine," he said.

"Don't look so mad," said Vivian. "When you get back... I'll have a surprise in store for you."

She ran her hand up his arm, letting her breath tickle Harry's neck. She was his cousin. He tried to remember his mother's warning. It felt like he was standing on a powder keg of drama and dancing around with lit matches in his hands.

He left the house, walking across the lawn and through the front gate. For a moment, Harry got a strange sense of someone watching him. He shook it off.

Their house was located deep in the suburbs. Though his mom owned two cars, Harry usually didn't drive. He didn't like borrowing from her, and often it was possible for him to work commuting on foot into his workout schedule.

He headed north, enjoying the crisp autumn air on his face. He cut across a small park, feeling the dew soaking its way into his sneakers. The sun was rising slowly in the distance, and the birds chirped incessantly.

Harry made it to the hardware store and tried not to look as awkward as he felt as he stood outside the entranceway. He let his eyes jump from person to person, scanning faces as casually as he could, waiting for one of them to recognize what he was wearing.

"Hey," said a voice. "Are you Harry?"

He turned around. A girl of medium height, with short black hair, and a lip piercing had made her way over to him. She wore a tight red t-shirt with strange symbols on it, along with one of the shortest skirts Harry had ever seen. He gaped at her openly.

"You're... Adrian?" he asked.

The girl laughed.

"Guilty as charged," she said. "And you're Vivian's new plaything, apparently."

"What? No. I'm her..."

Cousin was the word he was looking for, and immediately decided against once he'd found it. If Adrian though that he was fucking Vivian already, admitting that he was her cousin would be a braindead mistake.

He wouldn't say it out loud, but Harry also wasn't sure he'd be able to make a decent attempt at denying it. He cursed Vivian, resenting her for the amount of leverage she was gaining over him.

"Just give me whatever it is I'm here to pick up," said Harry, in an annoyed voice.

"Relax," said Adrian. "I would have thought you'd be in a better mood, given how much fun Viv can be."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, she's real fun," he said.

"She is, though," said Adrian. "Oh... that tongue of hers. And the way she teases. If you only had any idea how many people, boys, girls, men, women, she's had wrapped around her finger before."

Adrian let out a soft, nostalgic moan, pulling her hands against her chest and closing her eyes. Harry tapped his foot impatiently, but for some reason, he started to get a little hard. Vivian wasn't anything special. He felt as though he was trying to convince himself as he considered her kinky side, the way she'd used her mouth and her perky tits.

"Here." Adrian pushed a small tote bag into his hands and nodded. "This is the stuff she asked for. The two of you are going to have an interesting night."

Harry frowned at her, but Adrian was already walking past him, toward her car. He looked down into the tote bag and sighed.


There were three varieties of things inside, and only one of them made any sense to Harry. Within the tote bag, he found a dozen squeeze activated packet hand warmers, a pair of pliers, and a small, unlabeled bottle of pills.

Vivian had him running drugs for her. He felt far less surprised than he probably should have. He also felt justifiably paranoid.

He tried to walk as naturally as he could as he made his way back down the street toward the house. Strangely, it wasn't the pills that he thought about, but the other items. Why in the world would Vivian need hand warmers and pliers?

He was happy to see that his mom's commuting car was still outside of the garage when he made it back home. Harry headed inside, kicking off his shoes and savoring the relative silence of the foyer for an empty moment.

"Vivian!" he eventually shouted. "You need to explain this to me, right now!"

From where he stood, Harry could see the edge of the door leading to Julia's room. It opened, and Vivian walked out of it, wearing another of Julia's gowns. This one was clearly intended for seducing, rather than sleeping in, a tiny black and red garment that barely covered any of Vivian's breasts and butt.

"Would you like to come upstairs and ask me about it, Harry?" called Vivian. "Or would you like to do it down there?"

Harry gaped at her, feeling his cock hardening in his jeans. He silently cursed himself and started walking up to her. Vivian licked her lips, following close behind him into his room.

"You... need to take that off!" he snapped. "I have no idea when Julia is going to be home!"

Vivian smiled devilishly at him and reached down to the bottom hem of the tiny garment. She pulled it up a few inches, revealing her shaved crotch. She looked incredibly cute down there, and Harry felt his heart pounding in his chest as ideas forced their way into his mind.

"I know you're probably mad at me, Harry," she said. "And I'm sorry. I really should have explained it to you."

She stepped in closer to him, letting the gown fall back into place. Harry stared at her, or more accurately, stared into her cleavage. If there was one thing Adrian had been right about, it was Vivian's sexual presence. He could barely think. It took all his willpower to stay on his point.

"The pills, Vivian?" he asked. "Those are illegal!"

"How would you know?" she asked. "You don't know what they are."

Harry bit off his next remark, conceding the point.

"So... what are they, then?" he asked.

Vivian pushed herself against him, her modest sized breast squishing into his chest. She let out a soft, slow moan.

"Nothing that bad," she said. "Trust me."

"I don't trust you, though, Vivian," said Harry. "And I..."

He trailed off as one of her hands found its way down to his crotch and began massaging expertly.

"How about this?" whispered Vivian. "Try one with me."

"Are you out of your mind?"

"We'll split it in half," she said. "You'll only get baseline effects."

She was staring at him, her eyes managing to be seductive and sincere. Harry frowned deeply.

"Will you at least tell me what they are?" he asked.

"They're a mixture of a few different things," said Vivian. "Adrian calls them 'cupid's pills'. There's nothing dangerous in them, they just give you a bit of euphoria, and make your body hyper-sensitive."

Vivian was already taking one of them out of the bottle. She split it in half with her fingernails, popped part of it into her mouth and pressed the other to Harry's lips with one finger. He let it slide into his mouth, and then swallowed.

He had more questions, but Vivian was already kissing him, already pushing him back toward his bed. Harry's heart pounded, and even through the fog of eroticism of the situation, he could recognize how badly she'd just played him. Her hand started massaging his cock again, and he groaned.

It wasn't fair. She'd done this before, and he hadn't.

The fact that it was going to be Harry's first time having real sex added another layer of complexity to the encounter. She was attractive and open to his advances, but did he really want her to take his virginity? She was his cousin!

In truth, he did, and he didn't. She was so crazy and unpredictable. He desperately wanted sex but knew a bad idea when he saw it.

He felt his mind already switching gears as his horny justifications began to win out. Maybe he could just fuck her once. The sex might not even be good, and he could be angry or disgusted with her later. Possibly even during the encounter.

"Mmm, Harry," whispered Vivian. "I'm so glad I met you."

She unzipped his jeans and began pulling them off with business like movements. Harry's cock had already slipped out through the hole of his boxers, and it stood straight up like a monument to his arousal as he sat down on the bed.

Vivian kissed him again as she pulled back in close. She pushed him back and straddled him for a moment. Harry felt his cock sliding across the hot folds of her pussy. She was wet, just as excited as he was. He pushed his hips upward and felt a fraction of his length slide into her entrance

"Ooh, hold on," said Vivian. "I forgot the condom!"

She stood up and hurried out of the room. Harry frowned. He was a little worried that he might lose his erection in the time she was gone, but thoughts of Vivian swirled in his head. He wanted to strip the gown, his mother's gown, off her. He wanted to see her naked and do all sorts of things to her.

His chest felt warm, and the sensation spread outward into his limbs — a gentle, pleasant buzzing. It was also present in his crotch, pulsating down the length of his shaft, suddenly making him feel almost painfully hard.

The cupid's pill. Viagra, mixed with ecstasy, maybe? He wondered exactly what it was that Vivian had given him.

He cared, but not as much as he felt like he should have. Harry's problems all seemed like they could be solved by taking Vivian and pushing her down on the bed underneath him. Vivian, his mom's new maid. Vivian, his cousin. Vivian, the seductress.

He was stroking his shaft as he thought of her, eager for her to get back. A minute went by, and Harry felt as though he was in danger getting himself off if he kept at it. He sat up, and only then noticed something he should have spotted right away.

Vivian had taken the tote bag out of the room with her.


Harry pulled on a pair of sweatpants, knowing immediately that he had somehow been duped. He hurried downstairs, his bulge looking and feeling ridiculous against his pants. It only took him a second to spot the evidence of what had happened and piece things together.

Sitting in the middle of the living room floor was a thick, black bracelet. It was of an awkwardly large shape and size, and it had a blinking green LED light on the front. The hand warmer was tied carefully to the inside of it, and the pliers were also on the floor. It was an ankle monitor, Harry realized, the type used by the court system to keep track of criminals.

Several things clicked into place at once, and Harry felt like a complete idiot. That was why Vivian had been so unwilling to leave the house to meet up with Adrian. It was also why his cousin had come to work as a "maid" in their house, away from whatever bad influences might have existed in her past residence.

How had he missed the ankle bracelet when she'd been in the shower with him? Had she been standing in a way that concealed it, or had he just been too horny to notice? It didn't fucking matter. It wasn't the only thing about her that he'd clearly missed.

All of his mother's warnings about how he needed to be careful around her echoed in his head, all of those warnings he'd completely ignored.

He gritted his teeth. He wanted to go after her, but he knew it was useless. She'd planned out her escape carefully and hiding from him was probably also part of it. He took a slow breath, considering his options.

He could call the police, but Vivian wasn't exactly a danger to him, and he doubted she was a danger to herself. He could also call his mother, though he wasn't sure how he'd explain his role in her escape.

He was still considering the latter option when the front door opened. Harry turned around, expecting to find a shame faced Vivian, having abandoned her plan. Instead, Julia walked inside, frowning as she read his face, and then scowling when she saw the pliers and bracelet.

"Harry..." His mother shook her head slowly. "What the hell happened?"

"Mom, I'm sorry." He fidgeted, shifting his pants. He still had an erection, and whatever Vivian had given him before was still affecting him, making him feel tingly all over.

"You're sorry?" Julia looked as though she wanted to scream at him, but she held back, taking a breath and sliding her hands across her skirt. "Never mind. Look, we'll deal with that after. Something scary happened to me today."

She closed the door behind her and hurried toward the stairs. Harry followed her, cringing internally as he realized that her red and black gown was probably left out somewhere. How the hell was he going to explain that to her without it sounding weird and gross?

Julia glanced over her shoulder at him as they reached the second floor. She looked worried, borderline terrified, and the sight of her like that made Harry immediately realize that something was wrong.

Someone pounded on the front door. He jumped slightly. The sound was intense compared to the way people usually knocked. His mom swore under her breath and grabbed him by the wrist.

"Quick!" she said. "We have to hide!"

"Mom, what the hell is going on?"

"Remember the stupid porn star thing I mentioned yesterday?" she asked. "There's a creep who has gotten some weird ideas into his head about me and her being... Jesus, I don't even want to say it out loud."

Harry furrowed his brow, feeling a flush come through his body as he considered what she was saying. His mother, moonlighting as a porn star. It was ridiculous, of course, but his imagination didn't seem to care.

"Hurry!" she snapped.

"Mom," he said, as she grabbed his wrist. "What are you doing?"

"He sent me a tweet that was just our address and today's date!" she whispered. "His account is just photos of guns and fake rape porn videos. I tried to talk to the police, but they didn't take it seriously and—"

The pounding came a second time. Julia pulled Harry into her room, closing the door behind them. She ran a hand through her chestnut brown hair, pacing back and forth. Harry struggled to think through the euphoric fog of the pill Vivian had given him.

"We should call the police," said Harry. "We have to..."

His mother was about to answer him when a crashing noise came from the first floor of the house. It was the sound of a door being kicked in.

"Julia Harding," slurred a deep, male voice. "I told you I was going to come by and pay you a visit."

"No..." whispered Julia. She glanced over at Harry, her face panicked. "I left my phone at work."

Harry felt his pocket. He'd set his own phone on his bed stand when he'd been fooling around with Vivian. He scowled, feeling a sudden spike of panic pierce through his drug induced haze.

"Harry! We can hide under the bed!" His mother was already bending over.

She had on a white sleeveless blouse and a black pencil skirt. As squeezed under the bed feet first, the skirt slid up her legs. Harry watched, listening to the footsteps downstairs and feeling the danger of the situation.

"Get underneath!" whispered his mom.

He didn't need her to ask twice. Harry dropped to his knees, carefully sliding himself underneath the bed next to her. There was enough room between the floor and the bed's baseboard for him to fit easily, but that also posed another problem for them.

"If he comes in here, he'll see us," said Harry. "We're too exposed, side by side."

"Here," whispered his mom. "There's room for me to get on top of you. As long as I'm not too heavy?"

The question carried a hint of self-consciousness in it, and Harry almost laughed, despite their situation.

"Of course not," he said. "You're light as a feather. I'll help you. Just slide in closer."

He wriggled underneath the bed, feeling his sweatpants catch on a crack in the wood floor and slide down a couple of inches. His mom was already moving herself onto him before he could do anything to fix it.

She straddled him, one leg on either side, both of them pressed in tight by the bed overhead. Her skirt was still up around her waist, and Harry could feel his cock pressing against her crotch through his boxers.

They were in close contact in all the right and wrong ways. He felt his heart pounding as his body responded to the situation.

"He won't see us if we stay here, and don't make much noise," whispered his mom. "We'll be okay."

She wriggled slightly, sending a burst of pleasure through Harry's crotch, amplified by the drugs coursing through his system. He felt anything but okay and cursed himself for all the stupid choices he'd made that day as his cock slowly began hardening against his mother.

The two of them were pressed together in a manner that would have been undeniably sexual, if not for their circumstances. They were in the position of two people caught in the middle of sexual foreplay, squeezed together tightly by the bottom of the bed. Harry's cock was between Julia's legs, nestled against her panty covered mound, curving up toward her buttocks.

"Harry?" whispered his mom. "Are you okay?"

She shifted again, and Harry set his hands on her waist, intending to steady her. It only made things worse, as his hands seemed to have a mind of their own. They pulled Julia down slightly, gently grinding her panties across his cock. Harry's sweatpants were down far enough for his boxers to be the only thing keeping his erection in check, and in his experience, they were pretty bad at doing that.

"I'm... alright," he whispered. "This is just... a tough position to be in."

"It's fine," whispered his mom. "We'll be okay. Just try not to think about it."

She nestled her head against his shoulder, squeezing her thighs together and sending a burst of illicit pleasure up Harry's rod. He groaned, unable to do anything about his arousal other than endure it. He felt Julia tense up slightly as it reached the point where she could feel it, too.

"Sweetie," she whispered. "Is that your...?"

She didn't say the word. She didn't have to. Harry was mortified. He wriggled slightly, debating whether his pride was worth sliding out from the bed and risking an encounter with a potentially armed lunatic. His mom put her hands on his chest, squeezing her legs again in an attempt to keep him where he was. She let a small moan as she did.

"Sorry," his whispered. "This is a really weird position for us."

"I know," she whispered. "It's okay. Let's both just... try to relax."

The only sound they could hear was that of the madman downstairs, who seemed to be taking his time going from room to room. Harry's heart pounded in his chest, and his erection ached from unfulfilled arousal. It was hot under the bed, and his mother was even hotter on top of him. They were both getting a little sweaty, and there was absolutely nothing either of them could do about it.

"Maybe if I... shift down a little?" she whispered. "The position might be making it hard. The situation, I mean?"

"Careful," whispered Harry. He reached his hand out to squeeze her waist and took hold of her butt instead. Julia shivered and placed her hand over his.

She tried to slide down a bit, which would hopefully put Harry's erection in contact with her stomach, instead of her crotch. There wasn't enough room, and her panties seemed to catch on Harry's hard cock.

"Whoops..." His mom shifted forward again, and by accident, Harry's cock found the hole in his boxers. He closed his eyes, feeling more ashamed than he ever had in his entire life. He also felt the soft cotton of his mother's panties, now pressed tight against his hard, naked rod.

"Just... stop moving," whispered Harry.

"Okay." His mother stopped moving, returning to how they'd been before.

The sensations were fifty times more intense, at least. Harry couldn't stop thinking about sex, about how close he and his mom were to it. She seemed to be shivering slightly on top of him, clearly affected by having such a young, hard shaft tight against her pussy.

"We can't stay like this for long," whispered Harry. "Mom... this is bad."

"It's okay, sweetie," she said, rubbing her hand against his cheek. "We'll be okay. Don't be scared. This will all be over soon, and we'll be able to forget about it."

That wasn't at all what Harry had meant. His fear was currently in the backseat, and his cock was behind the wheel.

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