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Chapter 3: The First Stage

When Zack arrived at the Tower the first thing he noticed was the lack of applicants. Considering even children could use magic it was surprising no one wanted to be a mage. As far as magic goes getting the basics down is so easy most kids can use their first element at age seven or younger. What sets mages apart from the common people was not only the number of elements they could use but their control over those elements, and that mages can use spells that combine more than one element to make a new form of element or magic.

As far as combining elements goes no one could do it without a grimoire. Grimoires are magic books that contain magic unique to its user. The magic in a grimoire will reflect its users' soul and is said to guide its users' destiny. Zack couldn't wait to get his grimoire, he could only imagine the spells he would come up with.

The applicants seemed to wait forever before someone came to greet them. They'd all been moved to a large room that could easily hold over a hundred people. There were about twenty people, including Zack, in the room and all of them seemed to be one edge. Zack understood why no one's ever seen the exam but the mages who pass. Those who don't pass have their memory erased, so the exam stays secret.

It was well over an hour after Zacks arrival and no more people came in. Zack was beginning to think that he overshot the exams start time when a loud voice sounded over the hall. "Welcome applicants to the mages qualification exam, we do apologize for your extended wait but rest assured we'll be starting real soon. In the meantime why don't you all start warming up with some practice matches."

Zack shrugged. "Guess since there's some delay i wouldn't mind some light sparring" and with that, he went to find a sparring partner. This didn't take him long, his first opponent was a girl named Lin. She was barely half Zacks hight and less than third his weight. As far as women go she was kinda cute, she had nice curves (which Zack tried not to stare at out of respect), and light brown eyes with long lashes to complement them, she had a nice tan color and silk black hair that reached her mid-back.

Zack hadn't wanted to fight Lin but she insisted on testing her strength. Unable to find a way out of fighting her he relented. At first, they thought they were supposed to fight where they were, but not too long after most of the applicants found partners did a person come to take them to the sparring arenas.

Sparring arenas stages weren't particularly big but they had enough space to move and use magic, which was what mattered most in a fight against mages. The staff at the tower provided practice weapons so no one would get seriously hurt. Taking further precautions by having everyone wear helmets to avoid head injuries.

Zack didn't see the point of all the protection but figured they had their reasons and so didn't argue. "Okay shall we find a stage," Zack said to Lin once they'd put on all the protective gear. She nodded and started walking, Zack trailing behind.

They got on the fist empty stage they could find taking up positions on either side. Zack immediately started assessing Lin. She carried a training dagger with a foot-long blade, she took a defensive position meaning she was waiting to see if he'd make the first move. Given her weapon choice, she prioritized speed rather than strength.

Zack followed her example and took up a defensive position, raising his broad practice sword in front of him he arched his back and bent his knees, then he began to study he trying to find any openings in her stance. The two stayed like this for several minutes, reading each other watching for any openings.

Zack saw many openings come and go in her stance but zack knew she was opening herself up on purpose, and choose not to take her bait. Zack to open several spots in his own defense hoping she would go for them, but she did not.

After ten minutes of standing like this Zack decided he'd make the first move. He started by circling Lin, even if he was making the first move he would play it safe. His eyes still searching for openings in Lins defense he charged.

He brought his practice sword in from the right side since her dagger was in her left hand. She tossed her dagger to her right hand just barely blocking the sword immediately following up with a kick from her left leg. Zack dodged right drawing back his sword, he caught his balance on his left foot then thrust forward. She dodged right, throwing her weight into her right arm aiming for Zack's neck she spun on her heels brought up her arm and slashed at him. Zack ducked, then sweeping her legs he knocked her off balance and slashed downward. She caught herself mid-fall on her free hand and blocked Zacks attack with her dagger, she kicked with her right leg then jumped back. Zack dodged her kick and jumped back as well. they both retook their defensive positions.

"You're good," Zack said huffing. He'd never fought someone like her, she was both powerful and fast, he could hardly keep up. "I'd really love to train with you some more in the future."

Smiling she said. "Sure this is fun" and with that she attacked.

She opened with a flurry of attacks that Zack could only barely dodge, switching the dagger from hand to hand with unreal speed. Some attacks came so close to Zack's face he could feel a slight breeze.

Zack grabbed the hand that held the dagger before she could switch again then threw his palm into her stomach. He could see the air leave her. He immediately followed the attack by pulling her forward and kicking her behind the knee. Then freeing the dagger from her grasp he held it to her throat.

His attack took thirty-seven seconds. Zack took four seconds to catch his breath then said. "Do you concede"

Lin stared in shock, then after gathering herself, she said. "I concede" In all, it took only one-minute fo their second exchange to end.

Zack had won, but only barely. He removed the practice dagger from Lin's neck and helped her up. "It was a good fight," he said extending his hand. Lin stared at it for a second then accepted it.

"Good fight but I'll win next time, just watch." and with that, she was leaving. Zack's eyes followed her as she left, and it was then that he noticed the crowd they had drawn. There were at least half the applicants surrounding them as well as two people he figured were admins from the mages exam.

Zack was confused about why admins were watching the applicants fight, then as he thought about it he figured it wasn't as improbable as he'd thought. In fact, it'd be weirder if there weren't any at all. With a bunch of new recruits fighting the factions can find out who has the most skill and who would fare better in a real battle or tournament.

Zack's thoughts were interrupted by the loud voice from earlier giving another announcement. "Congrats applicants you all pass the first test, mock battle. Had any of you refused to participate you would have failed the first test, now on to the next test, an actual test to see what you know of magic and its applications. Good luck recruits."

Zack stood in silence for a few minutes then began to make his way to the exit. He saw Lin and several others follow him and not too soon after they were all in a room filled with desk.

Zack sat down at one and Lin sat in the chair next to his. Once everyone had sat a man entered the room. "alright everyone," he said studying the applicant. "The second test has now begun I will explain the rules."

BloodyGhoul BloodyGhoul

plz if you find any typos or spelling errors let me know so I can fix them I check but I may have missed some.

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