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Opening my eyes, I see I am in front of a door. This door reminded me of the door from God Of War except there is palm print on the door.

Placing my palm on the palm print, sounds of gears can be heard before a hologram appeared in front of me.

And this hologram is my own doppelganger with his scary suit.

"Please state the password to enter the amazing basement." The hologram said making me think what is the password.

Wait, I think I know the password after all if this Overhaul is me, only one password crosses my mind.

"Batman sucks," I said.

"Password accepted. " The hologram replied and the door opened.

What greeted me is the basement full of my doppelganger suits with many books, weapons, vehicles and a large computer.

A figure landed in front of me with me ready to watch it only to halt my attack as the figure in front of me look like that butler robot from the Transformer movie. The Last Knight if I remember.

The robot then scans me with his eyes and then bowed me.

"Welcome to your own doppelganger basement young Overhaul. My master, this universe Overhaul has programmed me to not harm you and made you comfortable with observing training with spending your time in this basement." The butler said.

"So what can I call you?" I ask the robot.

"Sebastian. But you can call me Sebas." Sebas replied.

"Okay. So can I know where is my doppelganger right now?" I ask Sebas.

"My master right now is on the planet of OA, currently helping the Green Lantern Corps battling Sinestro with his Yellow Lantern Corps," Sebas replied.

"Wait, is he a Green Lantern?" I ask Sebas.

"No, he is a Yellow Lantern Corps who acts independently," Sebas replied.

"Cool. Wonder if I can become Yellow Lantern too in my own universe."

"The probability of you becoming Yellow Lantern is high," Sebas informed me.

"Say Sebas, does your Master is good at magic?" I ask wanting to confirm the strength of my doppelganger with his magics.

"He is almost at the same level as Doctor Fate. If you wish to use magic like your doppelganger, " Sebas then urge me to follow him.

He snapped his hand before a chair appeared magically along with a table.

I then sit and then he picks up several notes and books, placing them on on the table.

"Before that, read these notes and books that your doppelganger created and collected during his hero career. I believe these will help you to cultivate magic and use magic spells rivalling those wizard heroes. Take your time captivating and learning magic. But before that, do you want to eat and drink first?" Sebas asked me.

"Yeah. I would love to eat first." I replied.

"What food do you wish to eat?" Sebas ask me.

"Omelette rice. 5 of them and a chocolate milkshake." I replied.

"As you wish Master," Sebas replied.

Spending my days learning magic, I come to a conclusion while learning about magic.

It seems both my doppelganger and me are Homo-Magi, a human that able to wield innate magical powers.

But this usually occurs to humans who is a descendant of the Homo Magi. Take Zatara and Zatanna. They both are Homo Magi.

My doppelganger also seems to be the student of Nicholas Nolan, the teacher of Constatine. So basically, I along with the cool Overhaul are both sorcerers and Homo-Magi.

Of course, my doppelganger seems to prefer using Logomancy that able to intimate supernatural effect. This magic is used by Zatara with his daughter, Zatanna.

So did I decided to walk the same path as my doppelganger. No, Logomancy has a weakness which is the user must speak the words so if the user is gagged, the user will be unable to use Logomancy. But my doppelganger able to use it with whispering the word and sometimes with a thought.

There are notes on how he is able to them in such methods but I decided to not copy his method as I have my own method to execute magic with my own Logomancy.

But first, I needed to train with lifestyle magic and Black Magic first as both magic are the first steps for me to execute magics.

"Clean," I muttered and my cloth got clean after the training routine in a gravity room.

"Here is your drink and your chicken sandwiches that you requested, sir. " Sebas said and I eat them hungrily.

"Sir, after you eat, I need you to go to Jump City," Sebas told me.

"Why?" I ask him and then he snaps his hand.

A screen appeared in front of me as I looked at the videos of a certain villain in that city battling against the Teen Titans.

These Teen Titans consist, Kid Flash(Wally West), Superboy(Conner Kent), Wonder Girl, Red Robin(Tim Drake), Nightwing, Robin(Damien Wayne), Blue Beetle, Zatanna, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and lastly Aqualad.

And the Williams they are fighting Black Adam, Mr Twister, Cheetah, Blackfire and Billy Numerous.

And it seems this hero is having difficulty fighting these villains seeing Black Adam easily handled the heroes strong fighter with Billy Numerous kept pressuring them with his clones, Mr Twister kept creating many tornadoes to separate the team and made them stuck in one place with Cheetah kept sneaking attacking the heroes when they got pressured by the villains or got stuck in the tornado.

"Sir, I recommend you wear this suit. It is one of the suits that my Master wear when he is a teenager." Sebas told me while pointing his finger to a suit that looks like Ronin suit from Marvel.

"I remember my Master wear this suit to scare off the villains in the night and it is even when he wears this suit during the day as this suit is more intimidating than the Batman suit, that is what my Master said to me," Sebas told me.

"Say Sebas, the probability of me again victory over those villains and heroes," I ask Sebas.

"Sir, I believe I did not have to answer that question as victory is certain will be achieved by you," Sebas replied making me smile.

I then stand on a platform with him typing the location which is Jump City on the computer.

"Wish me luck Sebas," I said with modulated voice.

Wearing the Ronin suit made my moves faster and this suit can withstand several hits.


The Titans are now on the ground groaning in pain with the villains are standing proudly as they are certain of their victory of these young heroes.

"Hmm. It seems we need to kill these young heroes for the Justice League to arrive here saving their sidekicks." Black Adam said arrogantly making Superboy grit his teeth and lung forward to Black Adam but then a tornado hit him sending him to the air with Black Adam flew after him and delivered a devastating punch on his face making him crash to the ground leaving a crack on the ground.

Zatanna meanwhile is about to speak something but Cheetah kicks her stomach making her spit out some saliva from her mouth.

Blue Beetle meanwhile is currently repairing himself after Black Adam beat him badly breaking his ribs and his arm bent in weird ways with his Blue Scarab is trying it's hard to heal it's host.

Kid Flash meanwhile has been knockout first by Black Adam by tasered him with his lightning and uppercut him strongly making the sidekick of The Flash unconscious.

Nightwing with Red Robin and Robin are busy fighting with Billy Numerous who kept fighting Batman proteges with his clones.

"Let's kill this one first," Blackfire said while pointing her hand to Raven before a black mist appeared in front of her.

"Wha--?" Blackfire unable to finish her word due to a blue fire blasted on her face making her scream before a hand grabbed her face and smashed her face to the ground very hard making the ground shook a bit.

Seeing the figure, villains and heroes widened their heroes seeing who is in front of them.

"Overhaul? No. You looked younger." Black Adam said but Overhaul glared at him before a huge column of blue fire envelop him.

"Let me go!" Black Adam said before he suddenly got frozen and fell to the ground.

Black Adam freed himself from the ice but Overhaul approached him and punched him sending him to crash too many buildings.

Mr Twister sends many tornadoes to Overhaul who then opened his warp gate behind Mr Twister Head.

Grabbing the robot head, he burns his robot head alive and unleashes a fire stream through the robot head making the robot fell to the ground.

Cheetah then engages hand to hand combat with Cheetah who clearly got overpowered by Overhaul who is using Strength Force, making him superior in brute force.

Cheetah who's sees this try to claw his eyes but the mask protected Overhaul's eyes.

"I suggest you give up Cheetah before you regret your action." Overhaul suddenly told her.

"And what can poor little Overhaul will do to me?" Cheetah asked sarcastically.

"Oh. Mocking me huh? Fine. You asked for this." Overhaul said and take out his right glove.

Cheetah then tried to claws his chest towards him but then Overhaul swept his right hand toward her claws.

Only blood can be seen as both of her class disappeared or rather got disassembled.

Cheetah screamed in pain after feeling her hands disappeared.

Some of the heroes who see almost vomit seeing this grotesque incident which made the nearby cities puked their meals.

Cheetah looked at Overhaul who looked at her with his cold gaze.

"Do not worry, you will get your hands back after this. If I am kind enough to give them back to you." Overhaul said and then touch the ground making many spikes come out from the ground to stab Cheetah.

The sound of screaming in pain from Cheetah can be heard through the whole Jump City making the citizens quickly take out their phone to record and take pictures of the actions of Overhaul which they seem to like to see about it as they scorned the villains.

"Now, who is next?" Overhaul said but then Black Adam freed from ice and blast lightning towards him but then a black mist appeared in front of him with another one appeared behind him making him got attack by his own lightning.

Activating his Strength Force, Overhaul slammed down Black Adam to the ground with Black Adam gritting his teeth to move but unable to as his body kept pressures by the gravity made by Overhaul.

"Let's see if you can withstand this. Triple Black Panther!" Overhaul shoot 3 giant of black panther purely of black lightning with the attacks strike Black Adam making him grit his teeth.

Seeing his attack did not hurt Black Adam badly, he uses his water magic to envelop Black Adam head in an orb of water.

Then he continuously threw out Black Panther to Black Adam head.

"This Black Panther is made of purely lightning which is a million volts, and with each volt of this Black Panther, it will soon turn into Billions." Overhaul thought in his head after sending 30 more of Black Panther to Black Adam who now has to stand up before roar loudly making the water gone from his face.

Smacking away many Black Panther, he sped to Overhaul but then a dome of Black Wind protected Overhaul but then disappeared after being punched by Black Adam.

Overhaul throw out his right palm when Black Adam throws a punch towards him.

His right arm got disassembled with Overhaul cloth has to blood on it.

Black Adam is surprised seeing this and fear seeing Overhaul moved his right hand towards his body.

He then flew up but then Overhaul use Still Force making his movement become slower.

"Time to use this movement from Naruto. " A ball of wind appeared with blades can be seen around the ball.

"Dark Wind Rasengan!" Overhaul then shoved his attack towards Black Adam face breaking his nose and damaging his jaw.

The Still Force ended making Black Adam to fell to the ground with his nose and mouth are bleeding courtesy of Overhaul's attack.

Billy Numerous is the last one to stand and he ordered his clones to shoot at Overhaul who just conjures up a black tornado making all the clones got flown away.

Overhaul who already detected the original Billy then use his Water Magic to trap him in a water prison and shot black lighting towards the water prison which contain Billy Numerous.

The clones disappear as Billy Numerous fell unconscious after being hit by the Black Lightning.

"I win villains." Overhaul said while using his black mist to grab the villains and placed them in front of him.

He then looks at a cheetah and assembled back her hands. The same goes for Black Adam missing arm.

"Black Crystal." He said and dark crystal envelope the villains.

Overhaul then wear his right glove back and look at the Titans.

"Weaklings." He muttered making the Titans glared at him.

He scoffed seeing this and open his black mist but then a Batarang hit his chest which did not hurt him for a bit.

Seeing Robin who did this, Overhaul smirk and appeared in front of Robin, a right hand moved toward his face making Nightwing quickly used his baton to smack his hand but Overhaul blasted him with Red Robin away with a wind spell.

Robin meanwhile got kick by Overhaul making him crash into a store.

"Guess the Batman did not teach you brats enough to withstand against the great me." Overhaul said in an arrogant tone with a big shadow appeared behind him.

Overhaul did not spare a glance towards a green coloured T-Rex behind him as he just freezes it completely."Dinosaurs like you should be frozen to extinct."

Starfire then blasts many green energy attacks toward Overhaul but all of them got into the black mist with another black mist around Starfire making her got bombarded by her own attacks.

"Starfire!" Aqualad then rushes to Overhaul with his solid water twin blades and avoid many ice spikes that headed to him.

He leaps to the air avoiding many ground spikes but a big blue fireball headed to him. He slashed it apart only to see Overhaul has disappeared from his sight.

Not noticing Overhaul appeared behind him, Overhaul delivered an axe kick toward his head that made his head fell first to the ground.

Superboy who sees this start to rush at Overhaul madly while delivering many punches wildly.

"You are fighting like a berserker boy." Overhaul avoided his right hook and uppercut him to the air.

Followed by many fireballs that made him goes higher to the air.

Then he made Superboy froze on the air with Still Force.

Flying to the frozen Superboy, he grabs his face and tasered him with the amount of million volts.

Ordinary lightning will not hurt him but lightning magic hurt Kryptonian.

"Lightning Stream!" He announced with Superboy cannot do anything other than receiving his brain got tasered.

Many punches got the sense to his face with his body has been freed from frozen.

Superboy land on the ground with him fell unconscious with his broken nose.

"Lightning Elbow." Using his gravity power, he made his body heavier, 40 times heavier and his lighting clad elbow landed directly landed on Superboy stomach that break his rib and made the clone of Superman puked out blood from his mouth.

Blue Beetle is the next one as Overhaul use Earth Magic to create many Earth Wall around him.

"Fire plus wind mean my victory." A whirlwind combined with his blue fire becoming a blue coloured whirlwind but Blue Beetle flew and tried to crash to Overhaul.

Overhaul who predict this quickly made a lightning blade and extend it stabbing Blue Beetle's shoulder.

Blue Beetle's movement halt and that is all Overhaul needed to grab his face, with burning his face alive with a great amount of blue fire that made his face mask destroyed in half.

Then he elbows his face very hard making Blue Beetle nose broke and bled. Not giving them time for Blue Beetle to recover, he smacks his head from above to the ground.

He then threw Blue Beetle away like trash while looking at Raven, who seems to be chanting something.

Firing a large amount of his blue fire towards Raven who conjured up a black wall around her, Overhaul decided to use brute force.

"Blue Iron Fist." Applying Strength Force and Blue fire on his fist, making his punch stronger, his punch managed to break through the dark wall.

He then shot an ice blast that Raven fend off with her darkness by making a wall but then black lighting struck her from above as his right hand has black lightning shooting a stream of lighting to her.

"Dark Lightning Claws!" Both of his hand then turn into lightning claws.

His body then got envelop in lightning. Raven then sees Overhaul disappear and aim his hand behind her.

Overhaul then avoided got attack by her and start to move around her creating afterimages confusing Raven.

Raven then got stunned by behind, then on her right arm, left leg and lastly got clawed on her back.

Gritting her teeth, Raven unleashes her darkness that then changes into a huge dark raven.

But sadly before she unless her attack, she got elbowed on her backhead making her unconscious and fell to the ground.

"You! How dare you knock out my friends?" Kid Flash then run towards Overhaul who already froze the floor making it slippery.

Kid Flash slipped because of the frozen floor and Overhaul delivered his attack to Kid Flash.

"Lariat!" Overhaul shouted with extending his arm and move it forward to attack his neck that made Kid Flash lose his breath for a second with blood now has dropped out from his mouth and nose.

Overhaul then glance at Zatanna who just has woken up and quickly moved towards her and chop her neck before she managed to utter a word.

Wonder Girl is the only one who left but Overhaul turn around and open his black mist.

"Train yourselves to become stronger Wonder Girl and said this to your team"They are pathetic and weak."

Overhaul then walk through the mist and disappear from that portal.

Then several blurs arrived.

"Wondergirl?Are you alright?"Supergirl asked her friend who nodded her friend.

" Yeah, I am alright but I am not sure about them." Wonder Girl replied.

"Geez. Who the heck knock your team and those villains?" Powergirl asks Wonder Girl.

"Overhaul." Wonder Girl replied making both Kryptonian heroines widen their eyes.

"Is he still here?" Supergirl asked while Powergirl uses her vision to see if Overhaul is around. Anyone can sense the fear coming from both Kryptonian heroines.

"No. He has gone. " Wonder Girl replied and then a portal opened.

Batman, Cyborg, Flash, Zatara, Aquaman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter walked out from the portal.

"It seems we are late once again," Martian said while looking at the knocked out heroes and villains.

Batman looked at his unconscious adopted sons.

"This Overhaul. He is dangerous." Batman commented gaining attention from the League members.

"Despite being young as the Titans, he managed to beat them with the villains," Superman commented while looking at Superboy, his clone with a pitying gaze.

Wonder Woman approaches Wonder Girl.

"Did he hurt you?" She asks his younger sister who shakes his head.

"No. He only shakes his head and said this team is weak and pathetic." Wonder Girl said making the heroes cringe hearing the comment.

"Even his comment is the same as the Overhaul we knew," Flash said while carrying his protege, Kid Flash.

Zatara meanwhile is closing his eyes while rubbing his forehead.

"It seems this young Overhaul learn Black Magic," Zatara commented making the League members frown hearing that.

"Okay, that is totally bad news for us." Green Arrow commented.

"From now on, if any of us meet Overhaul, contact the League as soon as possible. Even you Wonder Woman." Batman said and glared at Wonder Woman who ignored his glare.

Martian Manhunter then coughs gaining their attention.

"Let's send the teens back to the Watchtower to get treatment." Martian Manhunter said with all the League mentors carry their sidekicks to the Watchtower.

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