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Chapter 9: Nine

Lulaena POV

'(I can't do anything)'

Everywhere, corpses of my comrades or at least remnants of its. We only need to hold 15 minutes for them yet there nothing we can do except throwing our life to block the magic even when that thing already chained and suppressed by Hera-sama's sacrifice.

It's golden eye filled by hate looking at us and its stomach start swelling

"Prepare for Dragon's Breath!"

we know we don't have any able tanker that can stop it. the last able shieldman, Sam already burned to death. So the only way is to must endure it ourselves with the elixir because if we run then the breath will disturb the ceremony.

"Fall back! Let me handle it!"

'(Arash? How a level 6 archer can handle dragon breath?)'

But we know he serious so we retreated behind him.

He draws his bow while his body start tearing and on fire while chanting

<< O' My Good Willed Sacred Master."

"O' Lord of Brightness who bestows all of his power, sanctity, and wisdom to me."

"See clearly my heart, my thoughts, and my skill."

"Now, O' being who created the moon and stars..."

"Behold my deeds, my death, my spenta armaiti which I must carry out."

"────Stella! >>

He shot an arrow of fire-no it is a meteor to the dragon's breath. when they meet in the middle, the meteor divides the fire and land in it's left horn, cutting it off.

"fuck! I missed it!"

Arash's fall and his body start breaking apart. I hurried to come to mend his wound before give him the elixir.

'(let's start from the worst, his chest then his hand.)'

"don't move. I will fix your body."

"Lulaena? No! Forget me. It will aim me after that stunt. Go back!"

"no! I will not let you die in front of me!"

"just go! We can't lose you now!"



The Black Dragon angrier after realizing its horn has fallen. It looking around to find the culprit before finding Arash's body that still being healed by me. It uses his dark magic to paralyze us in our place before preparing for another breath.

We can't escape, we only can wait for our death. I close my eyes.

'(I am sorry Finn. I cant fulfill my promises.)'

"what are you doing, brat!"


When I open my eyes she in front of me. Did she follow me saving Arash? Tifa a Level 6 Amazon Blade Dancer. She reaches her hand to my clothes and lifts me. Did she want to blame me for their death? it's my fault after all.

"This is not the time for you to die"


"Elasha! Catch!"

After that, she throws me back with all her might before I get caught by Elasha. Quickly I look at where Arash and Tifa.


They shout while raising their right fist before their figure gets engulfed by the fire of Dragon's Breath.

'(Again! I can't save them. They die because of me)'


"All Retreat! I will finish this. Thanks for buying us time"

Finally, Captain commands us to retreat. A giant magic circle appears under Captain and the black dragon. Natural energy starts gathering in a tremendous amount as Lyrei finished her chant.

«-Shall thou become one through nature."

"-World's Seal »

"Blackie, let's continue our fight in another time."


The black dragon stopped talking because its body already becomes stone. Captain's half body also already become stone. He raises his right fist.


His body becomes a statue while raising his right fist.

'(Again! I can't do anything.)'


Elasha panic and start to run after seeing Lyrei fall. Her body continues to absorb natural energy without stopping and slowly starts to break her from inside.

'(I will save her! Just wait a bit Ly-chan. I will make a cure for you.)'


"its okay, Lulaena. This is not your fault"

After 8 years finally, natural energy breaks her heart and makes her release her last breath. Little Lefiya and Ais crying while in the embrace of Riveria that also crying. Bakrok and Peter see from the corner while clenching their fist.

Zeus-sama sighing while stroking Lyrei's head. Behind him, Ouranos-sama and Fels standing silently.

Elasha, this is the first time I see her crying after that battle. She also clenching her fist so hard that it starts bleeding.

'(Again! I failed!)'

I crying while holding the bottle of half-finished cure.


"you!... Okay, we will keep each other life. I will become your shield while you become my life. I promise we will always together until our last breath."

"yes. We will always together from now."

We do pinky promise before Finn kisses me.


The Black Dragon looking at me with a sneer before pulling its claw from Finn that stands in front of me to protect me. The claw breaks his spears and punctures his body.



Finn POV

I wake up after feeling Lulaena grip tightened. Her body burning up and sweating. She muttered about some of her friend's names and 'again' or 'fail' a few times.

'(she has a nightmare)'

Must I wake her up? No. A while ago Airmid says that it is a bad idea to wake up Riveria even if she has a nightmare. Isn't lefiya use relaxation candle and compress with warm water when she treating Riveria?

'(Let's call someone to bring me warm water and towel also relaxation candle.)'

I hurried to come out to find someone before finding an elf with a maid uniform in the hallway.

'(Isn't it Elasha? Why she still awake? Whatever. Let's ask her.)'



"Please bring me warm water, a towel, and a relaxation candle to my room."

"Affirmative. Did Lulaena have a nightmare again?"

"yes. Please be faster."


Before I say anything else she already vanishes. I come back to my room and start to wipe sweat from Lulaena's face.

'(what I must do)'

Less than a minute after finish wiping Lulaena's face, Elasha come in bringing all item that I need even some medicine which she says it for in case Lulaena wake up. She left after I thank her because she has another important matter so she cant treat Lulaena.

I lit the relaxation candle and start compressing her head with a warm towel but she did not calm down.

Isn't her nightmare get worse. Must I wake her up?

'(I didn't learn anything about this.)'


Suddenly Lulaena wakes up and starts looking around. she sighing in relief after see me before dive to hug me.

"thank god. It's only a nightmare. I thought I also lose you."

"Its okay Lulaena. don't cry. I will always with you."

I reassure her while stroking her back and let her cry in my chest. There a few minutes of silence before she calms down and asks me.

"why you didn't wake me up?"

"I don't know how to treat someone who has a nightmare. I only know how Lefiya treat Riveria so I can only do my best."

"hehe, what a silly man. Riveria must not be wake up because she is overloading her mind while I only have a normal nightmare so you can wake me up."

"eh! Is that so? I am sorry"

I'm embarrassed, she finds my other shortcomings. But at least it helps her calm down. I pick her up and place her on the bed before taking medicine and a glass of water for her.

"didn't you say you didn't know how to treat me. How did you have this medicine?"

"about that. Elasha prepares it after give me what I ask."

"Elasha? did she not tell you to wake me up?"


"that woman! She still holds a grudge from yesterday's discussion."

Now that I think about it. Even if there is an important matter, there no way someone will leave their comrade to suffer without concern like her. But at least she left this medicine and give me things that I ask.

"it's okay. at least she willing to help me and prepare the medicine. Let's sleep again. This is still too early to wake up."

Even if she still pouted because of that, she spread her hands. Knowing what she wants, with a wry smile I get on the bed and hug her before we sleep together.


We wake up after a few hours of sleep and get bath together because she didn't want to return to her room and forcefully join me when I still bathing. It makes me flustered because I don't know where to look when she uses every opportunity to tease me.

when we eating breakfast in dining hall she also feeds me a few times which make other male cursing me and the female start to gossiping with 'Kyaa!'. because of our situation, there almost no one went to the dungeon which will make the gossip known by all members in no time.

I tried to ignore Tione that subdued by Tiona to prevent her come here after breaking a table in front of her while shouting profanity.

I also find Lefiya ordering food like she wants to cry before taking the food back to Ais's room.

'(haaah. can I get breakfast peacefully?)'

I quickly finish my breakfast and retreat to my office with Lulaena.

we talking about what happens these years while checking documents before Loki-sama disturbs our peace.

"Good Morning!"

"Good morning, Loki-sama."

"Good morning."

"I hear it you know. there was a couple that shows off in the canteen this morning that makes other members get jealous."

"haaah. Please don't talk about it."


"says Lulaena. Did Finn do it gently last night?"


I accidentally break my feather pen and looking up from the document to them. There I find dangerous glint in their eye that makes me feel a shiver in my spine.

'(not anymore, please.)'

"no, Loki sama. He did not."

"what! Finn, I don't expect that you're so cruel."

"stop. Please hear me-"

"I will not hear your excuse! Poor Lulaena. It must be hurt right?"

"yes, Loki-sama. I suffer and crying yet, Finn-"

"there there. it's okay. Finn is a bad boy."

I am speechless looking at their acting. They are very synchronous as they have practiced for days. I can only accept my fate to be played by them.

When Gareth comes, he asks us the reason why Lulaena crying in Loki-sama's arm which answered by Loki-sama. I sent him code to help me when he looking at me for confirmation, yet

"Finn, I am disappointed in you. you must learn how to treat a Lady gently."

"Gareth, you!"

"How can you do that. She always loves you, yet you.. haaah."

I swear I can see that he smirking at me.

'(Damn you, Gareth. I will take my revenge even if it takes forever.)'

They kept teasing me which make me cant do my work until someone knocked on the door.


"Loki-sama, I am here to report."

"here she is. Come in!"

From the door come, Anakitty Autumn, a level 4 cat people with black hair and eyes also, of course, a tail.

"so how is it?"

"it has been confirmed that Ganesha-sama already comes back to I AM GANESHA last night."

No matter how many times I hear that I still can get used to it. No one sane person will name and design their house like him.

Leaving that aside. Did Loki-sama order Anakitty to confirm it? because scouts usually check them out in the afternoon.

"good job! Thanks for your hard work! You can go now."

"yes. Loki-sama, Captain, Gareth Excuse me."

"did you scheming again Loki-sama?"

"How cruel you are to accuse me, Gareth."

"then why you ordering Anakitty to confirm Ganesha-sama's return?"

"to get his agreement about the duel of course."

"Okay, you right. And?"

"more information."

"as I thought."

"yep! Let's go, Finn!"

"I will go too! I also want to see Ganesha-sama"

"alright. Then, Gareth please take the command while we went."



Third POV


Loki, Finn, and Lulaena sit-in guest room waiting for Ganesha to appear. At first, the receptionist denied, say that Ganesha still not back and suggests they try another day. But, after some 'talk' the receptionist quickly led them to the guest room with cold sweat in her back and serve them tea before going out.

After a while, a half-naked man with tan skin and black hair also wearing an elephant mask and an azure haired and eyes woman come in. They are the god of this familia, Ganesha, and his captain Shakti Varma.


"Good Morning, Loki-sama."

"Good Morning!"

"so what Loki-sama want from our God?"

"you can ask me anything! Because! I AM GANESHA!"

"first. Stop your act, Ganesha."

"there nothing to stop! Because of I-"

"Myth's Return"

The room instantly becomes silent. Loki drinks her tea while watching Ganesha and Shakti that become serious and tense.


"hmm? What do you mean?"

"how do you know their return?"

"well, its because.."

"it's me! Long time no see Ganesha-sama, Sha-chan!"

After Loki gives her glance, Lulaena opens her mask and greet them much to their surprise. Loki and Lulaena start laughing like a child that success pranking while Finn sighing.

"I am sorry for their behavior. You don't have to be suspicious. We already agree to join your group."

"you all almost gave us a heart attack. while I know Elasha and Lulaena already arrived, I don't know where they hiding. they did not report to Guild before they go. I truly didn't expect they will come to you. no, if we considering Elasha's personality then it is a normal thing. leaving that aside, Did you agree after knowing the situation?"

"yes, Elasha already tell us."

"Wonderful! Here we thought that we must deal with 3 giant familia. With you joining here, Loki. we can carry out the plan smoothly. Hahaha! But why you decide to join?"

"haaah. After all, if I did not. Then I will be lost my captain and vice-captain."

"what? why 'Braver' and 'Nine Hell'-ah, of course. We also have a couple like that here so I know what do you mean Loki. Right, Shakti?"

"you're wrong. Peter and I are not like that."

"is that so? did you mean that what you say that night is only a lie?"

From the door, a handsome bearded middle-aged man with orange hair and eyes come in. Shakti's face stiffened and tries to think an excuse.

"...I mean-"

"there-there. you don't need to explain. I am just kidding. Yo! Finn, Lulaena and Loki-sama"

"so you already here 'Flash Spearman'"

"yep. After Elasha tells us, we quickly organize our stuff in the village and go there while running. We meet Ganesha-sama's party in the middle of the road that wants to pick us up so come back together. Also, please tell Elasha, that she must tell us if there a change in the plan. Fortunately, we got informed by Ganesha-sama or we will still in battle-ready now. "

"I already tell her that. but she likes that you know."

"'re right, it's useless to tell her. but, you too Lulaena, don't just go, leaving your stuff. Luckily we also bring your stuff this time. Take them from the storage after this but next time, bring your stuff with you. "

"my bad. But I want to quickly see Finn. So its Finn's fault!"


Finn that calmly drinking tea while watching them get shocked and choked after hearing Lulaena's ridiculous reason. He stared blankly at Lulaena who stuck out her tongue at him. the other start laughing looking at them.

"well, let's move to the more important matter. Who are our allies?"

"for now except you and I. There are Ouranos, Hermes, Astarea, Myth of course. And Xenos. we will also discuss with Hephaestus and Goiibniu to join us."

"Xenos, those talking monsters? Are they still alive after what happened with the dungeon?"

"well, some of them dead. But the other who successfully escape life in sewer now."

"how about that minotaur?"

"minotaur? did you mean Asterius? the one that fights with your party?"

"so his name is Asterius. did he still alive?"

"yes, he is. He helping us killing monsters that enter Knossos, the man-made dungeon.

"Please tell him. we want to rematch."

"heh, okay. he will happily accept your challenge I think."

"thanks. so, how much that already gathered?"

"nearly all from Elysian already come here. Astarea and some members still stayed to wait for force from Elf Forest. Hermes and his member spread to pick up the other."

"so we still need to stay low right? How many days you think they need to gather?"

"hmm. maybe, one week?"

"haaah. Okay. Also, I need to borrow your colosseum in three days."

"okay. But, for what?"

Loki starts to explain Riveria's plan to Ganesha while others listen to it.

"so, little Bell wanted to save a princess! Hahaha! Zeus! He really becomes a hero for a girl like your teaching."

While Peter laughing loudly the other only can look at him until he calms down. their expressions are also different. Loki and Finn confused while Lulaena and Ganesha laughing like him. Shakti sighing while tugging the corner of Peter's shirt hoping his sanity comes back.

After a while.

"haha-haaah. I am sorry but it can't be helped. After all, that kid always shouting he will become a hero."

"Peter, are you know Bell Cranel?"

"eh. I thought you already know his identity. Are Elasha or Lulaena did not tell you, Finn?"

"no. They did not. Lulaena?"

"I forgot. *Tehe*"

"haaah. It looks like I was hoping too much from those two-" hey!" but well, I will tell you a bit. Bell Cranel is Zeus's Grandson and the one who Zeus nurture to become a hero like Captain. Even if their disposition bit different."

" Grandson!? Is he a demigod?"

"no, Loki-sama. He is not a demigod. He is special but I am sorry we can't tell you more than this. It's not my place to tell his origin."

"secret again. Actually how many secrets you guys hide. Ganesha, did you know it?"

"no, I did not. While I know Bell Cranel is Zeus, grandson, I did not know his origin, after all, I only join because I think The Black Dragon is dangerous to people of this world not for their secret. But maybe Hermes did know. Did you really can't tell us?"

"I am sorry I can't. Also, I did not know the full story because of my state at that time and they did not tell us before that. so it's better to wait for Captain to explain. "

"me too! I running around to treat the other until I pass out after the battle so I don't know."

"All I know is when he comes out from a white egg. even when we ask, Zeus-sama always evades the question claiming he is his grandson. finally, we give up and accept it."

"white egg? isn't he a human?"

"We don't know."

"fine! We will wait. It's not too important anyway. So how is it Ganesha? about the colosseum."

"I will give you my full cooperation. You can use my colosseum as much as you like. As for the news, we will also try to make and spread it as fast as possible. Are you can Shakti?"

"yes. Ganesha-sama. We will finish it today and spread it tomorrow."

"you have my thanks Ganesha. Because if this continues, my familia will be ended."

"it's okay. Because. I AM GANESHA!"

After those important matters finished they have a feast and joking around.

They chatting until noon before they parted.

Choir Choir

chapter of the week... Yay!

for the rest of the week, I will fix the previous chapter

now I know that adding more character is a bad idea. it's hard to make different personalities.

but well, let's try it.

just make one Familia of muscle brained is not hard I think.

if you think how weak Hera's sacrifice compare than Zeus's. he is the king of god you know.

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