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Chapter 3: Chapter 2: I Found A Job!

*Tang* *Tang* Tang*

The sounds of hammering echoed throughout the entire forge, the fires of the smithy were bursting to life, sparks were flying everywhere with every strike and you could see the passion in all of their eyes when they hit the anvil. It was a spectacle to behold.

I originally wanted to find a guild so that I could hunt monsters and collect bounties of bandits, but I had unintentionally made a goal for myself when Mira hears my thought a of me making my own Imperial Arm which in turn gave me this:

[Host has set a {Goal} none dared to challenge due to the difficulty! I'm amazed the Host would strive for such a feet, but the heavens refuse the making of any more Imperial Arms. The host has received the titles: {One Who Dares to Defy Heaven's Will}😇]

[One Who Dares to Defy Heaven's Will- whomever owns this title will be brought with many difficulties on their path to complete their Goal. Heaven will try its best to stop all progress in completing the Goal to keep balance over the world. The one who posses this title will suffer and have to go through strife, but for every obstacle they complete their reward for their efforts will be doubled!

Effect: The amount of Exp will be doubled in order to level up and level up skills. When Host levels up it will go up by two instead of one!]

[A {Goal} has been set by the Host - Forge an Imperial Arm!😁]

The down side was that I would have to work twice as hard as others, but the pay off would along be doubled so it was a win win situation. I decided to come to a smithy to train my smithing skills. I had put away the sword time not look suspicious to anyone, but I think it made me even more suspicious than before. I found this small village which was near the capital so I could easily travel when the show started. Also I was currently wearing the ragged clothes instead of the adventurer set.

"Who the hell brought a kid here! This isn't a playground or fucking a kindergarten for your damn kids!" a man said. He was very muscular and looked about in his 50's, he had red hair that went with his bearded and mustache, green eyes and was about 6ft tall. He was wearing black pants, a plaid shirt, boots that looked similar to Timberlands, black gloves and a proper blacksmith leather apron.

"I'm no one's kid!" I yell to the man.

"Your an orphan then, in that base go back to the orphanage than brat!" he said to me sternly. I never thought I would ever be called a brat, but I understood his type since my dad was just like him so I knew how to handle his type.

"I came here because I wanted a job as a blacksmith!" I yell back.

"You want to be a blacksmith?" he asked me crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes!" I answer. After, there was only silence in the air, the banging of hammers and the sparks that flew with every swing were gone. They were replaced with a domineering pressure that the blacksmith emitted. He looked down at me with eyes that would make most kids my age wet their pants and cower away, this didn't apply to me though. There was only one way to deal with my dad when it came to these types of things, it was to show my resolve and look him into his eyes until he realized this wasn't a light hearted dream.

"Hmm-is that a fact. Your body is to weak to start hammering so you'll clean up around the smithy when its time to close. When your not cleaning up you'll go to the mine for materials and logs for wood." he said walking away as I followed him. He gave me a broom and a dust pan, he told me to clean up the excess material on the ground.

I've been sweeping for about an 2 and a half hours watching the men crack jokes with one other as they hammered. Once in awhile I would stare and watch them work to burn their movements into my head of how they hammer, sharpen, and pick out materials to begin smithing before they noticed me and told me to stop staring.

'Hey Mira, is there anything that can help my blacksmithing improve or just progress faster?'

[Host could purchase {Hephaestus's Blacksmith Technique}, but I don't recommend it since Host will must be following someone else's footsteps which would hinder the Host's progress.😤]

Mira was right in the end. If I bought a technique I would simply be copying someone else even if they are a god it means when they've reached their peak I've reached my peak as well. When that happens no matter what I would try I wouldn't be able to evolve any further than I will already have, ruining my potential forever.

I tried using my analysis skill I got from Leslie and an abundance of knowledge flooded my head. The more I looked around the more information filled my head with every strike of the hammer. I could feel like my understanding and comprehensive skills were much sharper than before, if someone told me I was high off my ass I totally would believe them.

[Blacksmith Skill +10XP]

[Blacksmith Skill +10XP]

[Blacksmith Skill(beginner): 20/200]

I can gain XP just by just analyzing them with my ability, while on the subject why do the abilities that Leslie gave me not showing up on my status.

'Mira I have a question.'

[Yes Host!]

'Why do the skills god gave me not show up on my status?'

[The system itself was created to help the Host obtain skills on his journey, but the system can't show innate abilities that the Host had since birth because they go against the systems purpose and understanding.😅]

'Makes sense I guess.'

Time goes by fast as I spent most of my time analysing the blacksmith as they worked, some asked why I wanted to become a blacksmith and I answered saying "I want to make my own Imperial Arm!" which after words they laughed. Nighttime arrived as I finished cleaning the smithy. The man that originally gave me the job told me to follow him. He started to ride a carriage to his I house he said.

"Hey kid, what's your name anyway?" he asked. I was hesitant at first to reply not knowing I'd I could trust him entirely.

"My name is Rook, Rook Frontier." I said and decided to ask a question in return. "Now that you know my name, what's yours?"

"My name is Onyx, Onyx Braun." he said smiling at the end of his sentence. This felt nostalgic in a way, my dad and me used to walk around the town for fun, we would take in the scenery and eat lots of food from the food stalls. I miss him dearly, but I knew he would say something like: 'I didn't raise a pussy, hold your head high and walk the path you take!'. He would then ruffle my hair when he petted me.

We stopped at a house near a cliff. It was a modest house which suited the land it was built on; It was mostly made of brick and wood, it was brown with a chimney poking out of it, there was a grassy field all around it. Peering over the cliff you could see the entire village as the sun set.

"What are you gawking at for. Quit your lowly gagging, don't forget you've got a job to do!" he yelled going inside as I followed him. The inside was simple as well, there was a fireplace, a wooden table with wooden chairs as well. There were many things in the house that gave off an isekai being which I relished in. He guided me time where I would be sleeping as well as telling me when he serve food, where the bathroom is, how to get to the mines and even where I can cut down the trees. My room was on the second floor next to his.

When all was settled he told me to get some rest because he'll be waking me up at 5:30 in the morning to get an early. I waited for when he fell asleep to start moving around again, I waited for about 2hrs after I hears him stop moving. I sat up in the bed he generously gave me.


[How can I help you Host?😊]

'What's your take on Onyx?'

[He seems to be a kind man, maybe a little rough around the edges, but I think he means well Host. Why do ask Host?🤨]

'This is Akame Ga Kill, this world has plenty of that are insane. I don't want to end up like Tatsumi's scene.'

When I finished my sentence I opened the window. I jumped out the window and started running to find an open area that was a good distance from the house to try my other innate abilities god gave me. I finally found it after running for awhile and you can bet your ass I was tired with only 20 endurance. I decided to try the Still force and Sage force first because I wanted to make sure that I could control them. The still force power is to stop motion; I can take the kinetic energy of others and give to myself, stop my aging, drain life force and even create physical constructs of power. Sage force enhanced my brain giving me all of the kineses powers and I'm as smart as someone taking NZT(Watch the show LIMITLESS on Netflix to understand the reference)

I first tried using the still force. I closed my eyes picturing everything slowing down around me, I opened my eyes to see what had happened, I was inside a green dome that was about 100 meters long with me as its center. Next was sage force which perform as I thought it would and not at the same time. The world felt brighter almost like I wasn't tainted by the world, I could recall everything even when I was in my mom's womb twice, I started to remember things from the original user of this body.

They were an orphan ironically to what Onyx said about me. His life was miserable since the day he met that blond girl who in this case also tricked Tastumi 's friend, but I can't remember their names or what the girl herself name was.

"Lets try some neutral magic." I said turning off sage force.

[I'm sorry to inform the Host that he only has enough magic to cast enchantment magic and Ki.😅]

"That's fine with me. I originally wanted to use enchantment magic, but having Ki is even better." I say. "Mira, please show me my status."

[Name: Rook Frontier | level: 1 | Age: 13

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 20

Endurance: 20

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 20

Magic: 20

Soul Strength: Tier 2

Luck: 100


{Swordsmanship(beginner): 0/200}

{Blacksmithing(beginner): 120/200}


One Tested by God, One who Dares to Defy Heaven's Will]

"Starting tomorrow I work at my new job." I said running to Onyx house. When I got to the house I fell asleep almost immediately.


The Next Day-

"Wake you lazy ass!" he yelled pulling the covers off me. I followed him down stairs where I saw a table full of food to eat. *Gurr* "Someone's hungry." he said laughing slightly while leaving the room. I sat down at the table and started eating; where was bacon, pancakes, fruit and milk which I ate in 10 min, when Onyx returned he was holding clothes.

"Here put these on, you need to put on some proper clothes to not scare off the customers." The clothes were very nice in my opinion; shorts made of leather, a white shirt made of wool and he also gave me wooden sandals which I did put on.

We rode the carriage to the village when Onyx dropped me off near the mountains. He left me at the mines with a pickaxe, an axe, and a wheelbarrow to carry all the materials in. And with all of that get left me saying 'When you get back I'll teach you how to blacksmith!'

'Mira purchase the mining and wood cutting skill.'

[Eye captain!😆]

[Host has purchased the skill {Mining}]

[Host has purchased the skill {Wood Cutting}]

[Mining(beginner): 0/200]

[Wood Cutting(beginner): 0/200]

I started mining while analysing to make sure I didn't bring back ordinary rock; at first my hands stung due to the recoil when I hit the rock, but I continued to swing the pickaxe mainly for XP and also I saw that every 10 swings I got one point in strength and endurance. The pain subsided as I continued to mine for ore. When I was done mining I went to the forest to cut down trees for even more materials.

I took out the axe from the wheelbarrow to start cutting down trees which again hurt because of the recoil. I'm happy that I gain stats from this and don't have to level up, but this is a pain in the ass! Wait I have an idea to make this go by faster.

'Mira activate both of my XP boosters!'


[XP booster activated]

[XP booster activated]

Now with those activated my XP which would've been already doubled will be doubled again. I start chopin wood again this time with more tenacity, when I was done I collected about 47 pieces of wood and 33 ore. Then I started to pull the wheelbarrow full of materials to the smithy, when I got there Onyx was sitting on a wooden rocking chair smoking on a pipe on the porch.

"Hey." he said in a smug voice. I left the wheelbarrow at the step of the porch and kept walking towards him before I collapsed to the ground."Hahahahahaha! I know that feeling!" he said.

"My body is extremely sore." I yell with aching muscles. I managed to sit up with the bare minimum of pain, when looked at the sky I saw Onyx towering over me with his smug face, he then looked over at the wheelbarrow full materials.

"You filled that wheelbarrow full of ore and wood yourself kid?" he said suspiciously. He walked down to the wheelbarrow and inspected the ore as well as the wood seriously.

"This ore was mined very nice, you've must have done this as a side-job for money." he said rolling the wheelbarrow away. I decided to relax until its time to start cleaning again when I started thinking of the manga I read had martial artists that could destroy mountains with their fists, cut space and time with swords, and even summon monsters. That's when it hit me.

'Mira does the store the store have any cultivating skills that temper the body.'


'What's the best cultivation skill I can buy with my SP currently that can increase my power and physical prowess.'

[Searching...I've found 3 skills that the Host match to the Host description!😋]

[Vitality Tempering Body]

[ Dragon's 9 Stages of Change]

[Evolving Weapon's Physic]

'Tell me each of their descriptions and how much that cost.'

[Vitality Tempering Body- whomever cultivates this skill will go become unmovable. The body will go under a drastic change as the bodies muscles, bones and even organs are pushed to their limits. This technique has 10 stages each of which will further increase the vitality, strength, endurance, agility, dexterity and the skills the user uses as well. Fair warning before practicing this skill the count of pain the cultivator has to go through will be immense and it will increase for every stage.


[Dragon's 9 Stages of Change- the creator s of this skill were the descendants of the dragons in hopes of making more of their brothers and sisters. Each change will amplify the cultivators power until the 9th change which might change the cultivators body giving them either dragon eyes, dragon wings, scales on their arms and legs, a dragon tail, or any other dragon trait or ability. Warning those who don't wish this path on themselves; those who choose to walk this path will face their inner demons for each stage of change.

Cost: 100,000]

[Evolving Weapon's Physic- The person who cultivates this skill will make their body a literal weapon. This skill can infinitely evolve due to the fact the cultivators body becomes a weapon so if they eat materials or are hit they can temper themselves until they reached the next level.

Cost: 100, 500]

'They all seem good, but I'll cho-'

"Hey!" my train of thought was interrupted by Onyx who was calling me over. "You can start smithing today!" with the end of those words I took off forgetting about the three skills.


Hey guys, sorry if I was late. Well what's important now is that I'm back with a new chapter and I've got a major question for you guys/girls! What path do you think Rook should take?


One person(If chosen then who?)

Stay Single

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