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Chapter 3: Chapter 02 - An Encounter With Consequence

Of course I had to wait till morning to get out, curfew rules and all that. I left the common room at about 5.30 am. No one's awake at this time, best for me I say. Before I met with Granger I had to stock up on the old firewhiskey, so I planned to get to three broomsticks first, helps that today's a Sunday. A trip to Hogsmead isn't the best idea, given who I am, but, if I make it there and back before the crowd I should be fine.

I walked out of the common room in the same clothes I was wearing before, simply draping on my robe over it. Lighting another cigarette, I puffed on it as I walked lifelessly. I hadn't gotten too far before I heard a voice.

"Mr. Malfoy"

I had certainly heard that voice before, it's the kind of voice you don't just forget.

"Professor McGonagall, how are you today?" I answered, sarcasm dripping off my voice, as I turned towards her.

"I'm afraid it's Head Mistress now Mr. Malfoy, and, what do you think you are wearing? And what is that smell?" she seemed a bit cross.

"Oh these? These would be my robes. And that smell would be the cigarette, or maybe its the fire whiskey, I hardly know really" I said with a sneer.

"Mr. Malfoy, I have been getting reports that you have been skipping classes, and this behaviour is unacceptable" she said as she folded her arms as she does when she's mad.

"Of course it is Professor McGonagall, shouldn't you send me back home now then?" I replied, trying to get her mad, an I don't even know why, its been like this for a while, I keep making people mad, it's the only way for me to get out all that desire inside me caused by the curse for using the unforgivable curses.

She sighed as she looked at me with, pity?

"You know as well as I, that that is not an option after the last time Mr. Malfoy, now I know that it must be difficult to….. adjust, but I advise you find a way to do as such, and soon, you have a great future, I'd hate to see such potential go to waste. And also Mr. Malfoy, where is Ms. Lucy?" she gave me a kind look as she asked.

I froze. I don't know why, I just did. It's been a long time since I've seen someone look at me with those eyes. Kind and hopeful eyes. No one's looked at me in that way, almost ever, at the very least, no one but my mother.

"I'm here Head Mistress!" there was a shout as a blonde girl about 18-19 in a nurse uniform came running.

"And Ms. Lucy would yoh care to explain where you have been?" she asked with a tinkle in her eye.

"I'm sorry Head Mistress, I've been having a sleepover with a few friends, I just noticed his dissapearence a few minutes ago" the girl seemed distressed.

"Oh let it be Professor McGonagall, she's been working hard, she deserved a break" I said as I walked away.

"Ms. Lucy, please remember that your job is to keep watch of Mr. Malfoys health at all times, I shall not warn you again" I heard the professor lecture her before leaving.

"Why'd you help me there?" asked Lucy as she ran after me.

OK, so I guess introductions are in order, this is Lucy Hart, she's my….. say, nurse of sorts, her job is to stay with me and keep track of my health, but ask me, she's probably an auror, to keep me in check. But Ofcourse she's not around much, she'd rather spend her time with some other girls mostly.

Aaand, let's just say I don't want to answer that question, the only problem I've found with old Lucy is, well, she talks too much, especially so when you start replying to her. As such, I simply walked away silently.

She started walking next to me,

"Didn't see you at dinner last night, where were you?" she asked.

"Wasn't hungry" I replied as I sped up a bit.

"And where you going now?" OK, see? I told you, so damn nosy.

"Hogsmead" I replied in an angered tone, partially because I was angry, ugh, I'm going to need help with this anger problem.

Finally seeing that I didn't want to talk, she left me alone and went back to, whereever she spends her time in.

I keep walking, of course I could always apparate, but, you know, no wand, and I haven't really trained non wand magic, and so, this is it, walking. I get to the path, there are two ways to get to hogsmead, wait, no, more than two, but, basically and commonly known two, that's apparating, and a creepy walk through a forest (not the forbidden forest mind you). Obviously I chose the latter, with it being the less taken way.

I hear a laugh, definitely more than one person, then I start hearing voices, behind me. Someone on the way to hogsmead, like me. I pulled up the hood on my robe, experience had taught me that practice a certain amount of anomity is best when you're a former death-eater. The voices start getting clearer. And I can't exactly say that I'm not curious about who it was, after all, few people took this path, especially so this early in the morning.

"It's been a while since it's been just the three of us like this"

It was a female voice, and I recognized it easily enough, it didn't take me long to deduce who it was, and as soon as it settled in I pulled down the hood a bit more as I moved to the corner of the path, speeding up a bit, doing something, anything to not get noticed.

Their conversation kept going, talking about the war, and what they've been doing since it. Their laughter pierced my ears, reminding me of all that I had done to them over the years, especially during last year.

Suddenly one of them whispered something to the others, and I have no idea how but, it felt like the whole world stopped, because they knew, I knew they knew that it was me under the hood. I mean it was obvious, who else in hogwarts would hide their face from the golden trio?

I quickened my pace, but I didn't even get five steps before I heard the word;

"Scilencio! Petrificus Totalus! "

I felt my legs locking as I lost control of my entire body, as I fell face first into the rocky ground.

"Why'd you do that?" shouted a voice, I obviously identified as Granger .

"That's Malfoy! He's a bloody Death Eater!" ah, the voice I never will miss, Weasley.

"You don't even know if that's him for sure!" Granger shouted at him.

I was turned over by a scowling Weasley, I would've made a snark remark about the situation, but currently I was a bit, tongue-tied.

"See? I told you, it was Malfoy, why are you following us? What are you upto?" the Weasley started screaming at me, oh my god, does he think the world revolves around them? And that's exactly what I wanted to ask him, but, at the moment I was tongue tied, for lack of a better word.

"Oh just leave it Ron, he was just walking to Hogsmead, he doesn't even have a wand, what do you think he's gonna do?" asked Granger, wait, is Granger defending me? What the hell is going on?

"Wait, you're right" said Weasley, wow, he finally got it through that thick skull of his, "He doesn't have a wand!" that's what he got?? Oh for merlin's sake, someonebgive the redhead a brain cell.

He sneered as he pointed his wand at me, I glanced at the 'chosen one' but Potter was completely silent throughout the entire exchange, just looking on as if it had nothing to do with him.

"What are you doing? Ron! Harry help me here!" shouted Granger sounding, dare I say, desperate.

"I mean come in Hermione, that's Malfoy? Do you remember everything he's done?" screamed Potter, his face suddenly turning into one of disgust and anger.

Wait! I know I've done a lot of bad, but isn't the good guy supposed to be....i don't know... Good?

I guess not, cause the next thing I heard was;

"Volatilis Lutum!!"

I didn't even have enough time to identify what the spell was before I felt something suddenly moving in my nose, then I felt a scratch, another, and another, and it kept going, until they sbmtarted to fly out of my nose, as I realized the hex, the bat bogey hex.

I was helpless, there was nothing I could do, I didn't have a wand to cast a counter spell, even if I did, I don't think I would be able to find enough concentration to cast it, and even if I did find the wand and the concentration I was silenced, so I laid there, in agony, unable to scream, unable to move, and unable to distract me from the pain and the torture I was currently feeling.

I guess I kind of deserve this, no, let's be honest, this isn't even a percentage of what I deserve, after all I've done.

King_Of_Tragedy King_Of_Tragedy

Hey guys, yeah, it's been a week since the last two, it's just one chapter this time, sooo, yeah, once a week is the plan, mostly because I'm not so good, and I kinda need time to make sure all the stuff is good enough, you know quality assurance and the such. Sooo enjoy.

Peace out brothers and sisters ✌️ ✌️

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