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Chapter 2: chapter 1 Introduction and acquaintances with gift from long past

So... I was right it was PAINFUL, and so I passed out. when I wake, I feel no pain and that was great. but by passed some of time. I noted something was miss too, more specify my body. because something little glowing and transparent that make shape of person can't be body. so that were not so funny. look around, I understood my situation, more precise I ghostly silhouette hanging in grey void.

So , seems, I die or near to it. maybe like this people feel when they are on edge of life and dead.

and in front of my eyes appeared:

«system calibration»

everything start. In front of eyes unfamiliar text start flashing and body (or most likely the soul)

began feel weird, examining myself, I noticed, some parts shimmer with colorful light. that affect reach my head and in front of eyes is visible a kaleidoscope, and on top of that, text also goes on.

that It lasted quite a while, but now light show ended and after text start make sense.

«calibration Finished»

«Adaptive system of the soul grow "ArcAnima" welcomes you. Creator of the system was your past incarnation . more in message»

Hello, future me. My name Leon Astores and I am magister of East-europe's mage guild, what maybe no more exist, because when from planet ripped up of massive piece of continent and teleport it in void with an accompanying explosion, nearby territories you will not envy. and so I am last a life person on this continent which is middle of space, and ready to go to the only inhabited planet I found. and if you read this, that means i succeed in one way. but let's begin from start for understand situation

In 1908 by old estimate, meteorite fell on earth, specify on north of Iberian Peninsula, size of 7 kilometer. its fell caused big explosion, and woke up volcanoes in southern part of peninsula, and make all peninsula not good place to life. but other then death and destruction it bring something else, mostly it was made from mana crystals and when it fell most of it evaporated.

After 50 year, aftermath of meteorite was subsided and after two world war, starts appear act of mana on live beings. mutated some animals and plants, start born child with unexplainable abilities, weak psychics and fortune-tellers were no more swindlers. time was turbulent then - post-war, so... many people get on table, scientists did there best, so they found fallen meteorite provoked to awake weak magical shell to large number of people. Time past and change of two-three generation, magic impact accumulated, which couse more magic impact on material world. mostly elemental emissions by children, which have large reserves. scientists find also magical background radiation which was densest near the meteorite epicenter and it will continue grow. they decided with government of nations, if they can't stop it they must to lead it. boarding schools were established on the basic of research institute, where were the child taken with great gifts and magical energy reserves, they trained children and research magic. of course training and research were conducted with bias in military field. children were made living weapons for warfare, it last twenty year, until a group of mage not rebelled and staged a revolution. with killing all of those who against the freedom and independence of magicians. after small war magicians separated from the direct influence of the government and founded the first guild of mage, with headquarters in western Poland.

Time passed, the calendar count began from a meteorite fall (from M.F). magic became more familiar to people, magicians developed their mystical art, two more guilds were opened in China and America. it also became clear that electronic lives short in strong magicians hand or in place saturated with mana. so, very soon branch of magic as Artifactic were created, with it magicians replace there favourite and familiar electronic devices.

And so , in the eighty-eighth year from the fall of meteorite, I was born in family of an artifactor and healer. They named me in honor of grandfather, a native of italy - Leon. since the perent had professions that required relatively small amounts of mana, but good control, there son have average amount of mana and jewelry control. At first, studying at home with my parents, and later in the guild, by the age of forty I became a master of two areas of magic: Artifactic and Healing.

Since a holy place is never empty. In the world what recently developed magic, which one have no patrons and gods, in one hundred and thirty year from F.M., five gods come on earth: God of the knowledge — Zion, God of the wealth — Tiatjar, Goddess of love Fuzuhi, and two young God without certain areas of worship — Munlan and Mivor. they settled around the planet, occupying centain territories. so, Tiatjar inhabited mainly North America, Fuzuhi in Southwest Asia, Munlan in South America, Mivor in Africa, and in Europe settled Zion.

For trained magicians, practically nothing change, «well Gods, well they do miracles, so? strong mage do miracles too». but, for weak gifted, those who hardly different from normal people and average people, for them, they in did were Gods. They were worshipped, they were prayed, for them built temples, especially fanatical even made sacrifices.

The most active were the young gods who settled in territories with a very favorable population for them. When magicians were born in the settlements in these territories, they could become for the local population, with an equal chance, as respected shaman-leaders-local gods, and be burned at the stake like the devil's spawn. And when the young gods came, they did not waste time in vain, put things in order and began to build religions, led by themselves. God in our territory was the most useful, since he shared some knowledge, not for free, of course, but at an affordable price, in the form of mana.

Fourteen years have passed, during which I studied Soul Magic and Space Magic, and of a few other directions. And since everything in the world has the opposite side: the light has darkness, the fire has water and the gods have demons. At first, their arrival was imperceptible. The first came small demons and fiends. They created undead to help themselves and attacked remote villages.

But sometimes in our old cemeteries more undead spontaneously rise then demon sent. So, we easily finished invaders and we ignore them. But, as it turned out, it was only scouts, and the demons hide, began preparations for the invasion. The foundation which served for invasion was deserted of south Iberian peninsula, were time to time volcanoes erupted . Five months later, rumors reached us of the disappearance of entire villages, and a couple of days later, the demons opened a stable breakthrough in Inferno, through which a wave of evil sprang up. After three days, the demons were stopped, but at the cost of the majority cites of Southwest Europe, death of the civilian, military and also magicians.

But the demon invasion did not end there. The war with the demons lasted for more than eighteen years, during which the demons first built a stationary portal to Hell for a steady flow of reinforcements, and later began to seize more weakly protected territories such as Africa, Oceania and South America.The local population resisted, but quickly retreated, allowing the demons to build three more weaker portals. And from that moment, demons became a problem for the whole Earth, and not just Europe. Over time, the magicians prepared and with the support and help of the Gods, people began to fight back and afterwards even advance. the Asian Guild with the support of the goddess Fuzuhi destroyed the portal in Oceania. People perked up and attacked demons more intensive. thinking that the war could soon end. Even the gods descended to Earth, because showing there power they gain more followers.

Everything went smoothly until the time when, demon lords appeared in battle for South America,

comparable in strength with Gods. During assault on portal they kill Fusuhi. As resulted of battle: demons lost two demon lords and one escaped but he promised he will return. Portal closed. a lot of people and magicians were killed, including the archmage of our guild, one goddess fell and later we learned that Tiatjar left Earth, refusing to fight anymore.

Zion was the strongest god, and he calmly reacted to this, saying that he had not expected something else from the tradesman, and was surprised that he had not Run Away, even earlier, as soon as he smelled fried. Zion, applying his knowledge in magic, casted down spells that kill demons in droves. But he fell at the hands of the Demon Prince, with five horns in the form of a crown and a red crystal in his forehead. But before Zion fell he take down prince and other demon lord

This happend at the closure Of the portal in Africa, that portal was second is size.

And again we lost the archmage and god. Having become a senior in the guild, I was offered to take the place of an archmage, but I refused citing the fact that now is wartime, and I mostly own non-combat skills. So, they agreed that I will be an assistant and adviser to the new archmage, whom they made a young, distinguished and recently become a magister of battle magic. As an assistant to the archmage, I helped to analyze the consequences of the battle, and several things came to me. Namely: the upper half of the skull of the Demon-Prince with the remaining three horns and a red crystal in the middle; upper half of Zion's spear-staff with a blue crystal at the top; as well as a pyramid made of unknown metal, with purple veins, which was found at the site of the destructed portal. After the death of the Demon Prince, the demons fell silent for a year, which gave us time to prepare for the last battle and I had time to explore the founded objects. So, the red crystal turned out to be the third eye, there was a lot of demonic energy and which was slowly generated. Excesses were released. There was divine energy in the blue crystal and there was some kind of magical structure in it, in which I made out only that it is there. The most interesting was the pyramid. Its feature was the material - an alloy of various magical metals, as well as an unknown demonic additive that gives the alloy a useful property of energy transfer over vast distances. Here's how it works: when cooking an alloy, demons use magical metals that conduct energy, store it and also generate it. After that, some substance from the world of demons is added to it, and they begin to pour mana into the alloy. The substance synchronizes the energies in metals, and also creates a single subspace for storing energy. As a result of all this, if the molten metal is divided into one large part and several small ones, while most of it is put in a place saturated with mana, where mana is absorbed into the alloy, or if it is saturated manually, then energy can be pulled through the fragments at large distances. That's just this energy is too unstable and difficult to control. Although, surprisingly, it has a neutral color, in general, it is ideal for powering stationary portals.

And while studying, I noticed the influence of objects on each other. The demonic crystal pulled energy from the pyramid and began to grow little by little. The divine crystal also absorbed energy, and it went on feeding the magical structure, the effect of which I did not at first notice, until I put all three objects together. The energized blue crystal began to evaporate the demonic red, and an aura of strange energy arose. Later, checking the effect of this aura on captured demons showed that this aura neutralizes the magic of demons, and the demons themselves are very uncomfortable in this aura. It even killed some weak demons. In general, I made an anti-demonic amulet from them, connecting all the parts so that they worked to develop this aura

the time has come for the last battle. On the side of the people are two gods, almost all the magicians of the Earth, many ordinary people. And on the side of the demons there are three Demons-Lords, one of whom has already escaped death three times, fleeing and also a bunch of demons of different kind and shape. The army of people was divided into two parts: one part was to tie in battle and destroy the demons, and the second to close the portal. The gods were supposed to destroy the Demon Lords, if possible

I was in the second group, but the battle went on with varying success: at first the people pressed the demons, then the Demon Lords entered the battle and drove the people back, and then the gods took up the Lords, and the initiative again passed to the people. I broke through with the second group to the portal.

I teleported for short distances while dodging, using my most destructive artifacts on demons, healing myself and magicians when injured. The aura of the amulet protected me from demonic spells, dispelling them.

We were already near to the portal, when behind, in the direction of the first group led by the archmage, there was a huge explosion directed towards the demons, which immediately destroyed a quarter of the demons. This is good on the one hand, but on the other, it was the last chance spell developed by one of the past archmage And only acting archmage know it. It inweave in the aura of a magician, and was fed by a lot of mana, prana and emotions. All this turned into a directed explosion, based on the Element of Destruction. Anything that hits the center of the explosion breaks up into atoms. But the price of this spell is the inability to conjure, from a couple of years to a complete loss of the gift, as well as shortening the life span, which can, in principle, be restored, plus after that the ability to feel emotions for an indefinite period is lost

many people understood what this means, because against simple demons, such spells is overkill. Most likely, the archmage saw that the gods were beginning to lose, and decided to help the most powerful ones that he had. Therefore, we hurried, and broke into the building with a portal. Inside the building, on the ceiling, there was a huge rhombus with violet veins, around which there were four luminous blue crystals, with their points pointing down, directly to the arch with an active portal

As soon as we wanted to begin to destroy the portal, the Demon Lord flew into the hall, beginning to break through to it. Mages began to get in his way, but even when he was wounded, he scattered them very quickly. And only I remained on his way. The demon uses the same spell as he cleared his way from other magicians, and it does not work because of the amulet. Without losing time, I set up the spatial barrier as quickly as possible and began to feed it as much as possible, starting to draw energy even from the pyramid. While the demon was breaking through the barrier, I recognized him - it was the same Demon Lord who participated in each battle for the portals, and always survived, escaping, while the other lords fought to the last. And so, when I thought that the demon would break the barrier, there appeared those from whom he had fled, namely the two gods Munlan and Mivur. Both of them were battered, one has no left arm, and the other has a huge wound that crosses the right eye. But despite this, both of these gods are just burning with the desire to kill the demon.

The demon lord, having failed to break through the barrier, understood his position and shouted, "I will take you all with myself!" first threw some kind of spell on the ceiling and then attacked the gods. after a couple of seconds there was an explosion.

I don't know how long I was out, but waking up at night, on the street, under clear skies, the first thing I felt was wild pain. Especially in the chest, as well there was a feeling of strength. Having coped with the pain and healed, I began to look around. Around there was a devastation, I was on a hill in the center of a small circle, four meters in diameter, which the explosion did not touch. Having examined myself, I noticed the reason for the strange sensations in the chest, namely the purple luminous circle fused into the flesh. Touching him, I realized that I feel him as my integral part of the body

After my awakening, several days passed, and this time was enough for me to find out what exactly happened during the explosion.

The Demon Lord cast a spell that destabilized the rhombus-capacitor, causing the destruction of the metal and the subsequent explosion, which killed both the demon and the gods. Particles of this metal kept connection for some time, and managed to absorb the energy of two gods and a demon, but did not manage to convert it into neutral energy, so a large amount of energy of gods, a demon energy and neutral energy stored in capacitor, set off through an energy connection to the only surviving piece of this metal, namely in my amulet. before the explosion I held the barrier to not let's the demon passed and I kept it with last breath. Mana was ending, and I pulled energy from wherever I could and energy also came into me from the amulet. So, during the explosion, I held the barrier, and the energy in the amulet began to arrive quickly. so I sent it to maintain and strengthen the barrier. Later, I began to feel pain, because a continuous stream of huge energy passed through me. The pain grew, especially when the energy of gods and demons poured into me. Unable to bear the pain, I began to heal myself in the hope of alleviating it, while maintaining the barrier. I kept the barrier, healing myself, but the pain kept growing, but I continued, because if I let go of the barrier, I would most likely die. When the flow of energy dried up, I was insane, as if in a trance, I held the barrier and healed myself until I fainted.

Now I have discovered that there are changes in the energetic, aura swelled, my energetic became like if I were a quarter demon, a quarter god and half a man. In my former amulet and now molten circle in my chest I discovered ba-hion - the energy that makes being a God. And after all I am not god and I don't have nine layer of soul, where it can be stored, so, energy accumulated on physical capacitor – I mean, molted demonic crystal with blue Zion crystal.

After a couple of months, recovered to normal and examined the territory, I understood the reason why the sun does not rise. because there is no sun here. I was in the void of space, on a small island about three thousand kilometers in size. Exploring this island, I did not find intelligent creatures, except for some mutated animals famous for their survivability.

In general, I began to think How I get here and how to get out. Fully explore place near the portal. I discovered underground emptiness from magical mineral-capacitor, which were side by side with leftover vein of the magical mineral, capable of generating mana. I also found a huge cave, in which most likely was a huge fragment of a meteorite, consisting of crystallized mana.

During a recent explosion, four blue crystals in which energy was stored, for stable work of dimensional portal, and minerals released enough Spatial energy from feedback for transform neutral energy what was stored in vein, to spatial movements, this island did not move far, just fell into some of the parallel realities. So, maybe possible to return to earth. The problem was the distance, because after finding out a few days later that although there is Earth, I'm in the distant past. So far in past that the Milky Way galaxy has not yet flew by. And I learned from echo in the Infosphere and astral that all the nearly parallel realities that I can reach have same time frame. So after all it teleport me far away, both in time and space. Good is that I stayed alive. Because most time teleportation without specifying any parameters, indeed can be said to be uncontrolled, most often lead to dispersal of the displaced object throughout the Space-Time Continuum.

need to work with what is. And had learned from the echoes in the infosphere and the astral, the approximate direction of the movement of the galaxy, I decided to get there myself. But just so far, I can't open the portals so far. So, I had to use other methods.

Perked up, I decided to make a plan, or rather a few. And later, arranging them so that if one plan failed, then another entered into action. So, firstly, I began to notice that the amount of ba-hion is gradually decreasing. Therefore, I decided to spend it, and make myself a superstructure of the soul, similar to what the gods gave to some of their apostles and priests. Since I was a magister in artifacts, healing, soul magic and spatial magic, well, I also understood a little in the directions adjacent to them. Then I sited in meditation to make an add-on for the soul, finished only seven years later, having spent all the ba-hion and creating a whole system of spiritual artifacts. The basis of which, sewn into the Soul Core.

System that have limitless potential in grow. By Spending enough time is possible to easily defeat opponents in same level of Zion or demon-prince. But, in time I am short. Unknown how long will last weak spatial barrier which hold the atmosphere of life on the island. I more than seven and half year not feel hunger, but I understand how hungry I was, when I catch mutate animal and fried it, so I began genocide of mutated animals, fulfil my hunger. What nice it will be if fulfil other hunger…

Another three years, I built capsule-ship for travel in dark space and Hyperspace. Did all to reach the goal safely: I collect all metal from island, part of I use as materials for built ship and part of with heavy metals such as plutonium or uranium used for fuel in matter breakdown engine. With magic I create defensive system for ship and life sustain system for me. My system of soul superstructures I named Arc Anima, cause, it must help me reach goal and possibly save my memory, if my body die, And even if this many years passed (I put year counter here for curious: One hundred ten thousand six hundred and fourteen years.) and protection don't help and my soul began collapse, I built in shell of soul core the basic System. So, future me don't need to start from zero every time he dead.

After three weeks, the spatial barrier fell, and the atmosphere on the island began to disappear. I boarded the ship, took off low and activated a ritual that began to turn the matter of the island into energy and powered the ritual of opening the Hyperspace Gate, which, however, could only slightly reduce the distance to the galaxy, because in the Dark Cosmos there is practically no Hyperspace.

When it received enough energy hole formed in space. Flew into it, ship with help of navigation system found earth and headed towards it And I before lie down in stasis, just in case leave this message. Hope future me will read it with nostalgically or future me will remember nothing and by this message he learned history of system and history of his past incarnation.

≪End of the message≫

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