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Chapter 16: Chapter 16: The Matrix.

Time: Midmorning

Location: Khemi Province, Stygia.


Ramun awoke abruptly to the scorching sun already high up, emanating ferocious heatwaves through the canopy of tree leaves unto the small clearing that he laid in.

He looked around blurrily only to find himself lying next to the dying embers of the previous night bonfire with the old man nowhere in sight.

Sitting up from the floor gently, he didn't bother calling out for the old man. If he was who he thought he was, then no matter how long he searched he would never find him.

All he could do was keep this favor in his heart and find a chance later in the future to repay this debt, and he had read enough novels to know not to be too entangled by Karma.

"H...ughhh," sighing lightly he stood up while dusting his torn silk robes that had turned into nothing but rags.

Looking at his attire, a silent bout of melancholy suddenly filled him.

Since he had arrived in this world he hadn't had time to think through his current circumstances, one thing after another blinded him from the fact that he had left a world behind.

A world where he had family, friends, a 'Life', a boring one, but a Life nonetheless.

Now all that was gone and he was in a world, not of his choosing, and this was not a world to be taken lightly.

The customs here were vastly different from what he was used to and he didn't know if he could adapt, survive or even live long enough to witness the birth of the heroes associated with this world.

"The avengers,"

"The Amazing Spiderman,"

"The incredible hulk,"

"The Insane Deadpool,"

"The Fantastic four," and last but not the least "The X-men".

All these thoughts whirled through Ramun's mind as he stood in the scorching sun morosely.

He stood there moping silently for close ten minutes before he snapped out of it.

Ramun looked up silently, a glint of determination flashed in his eyes as he thought to himself,

"I wouldn't say I would become super OP and find my way back to earth as that would be delusional, but, all I would say is,"

"See you, when I see you, Mom, Dad, Mike, Sarah" Ramun clenched his fist tightly as hot tears streamed down his face.

All those asshole protags never mention how painful it was to lose something that precious, a Family, just so they could have fun in a whole new world.

If he could give this chance up he would do it in a heartbeat.

They had no idea, that 'Boring' was good.

Still unsettled, Ramun moved into the hut to take shelter away from the blasted unforgiving sunlight.

Taking a sit on the worn rattan matt, he looked towards the future with a renewed mindset to survive this shithole, if not for his sake, he would do it for the family he had left behind.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his raging emotions, he kept taking deep steady breaths until he felt himself feeling light-headed.

Feeling much more settled and grounded, he set out to plan his modus operandi. The one thing he knew was that he had to be ready for any eventualities that crop up.


Ramun knew from the conversation that he had with Zahur yesterday, that this world presently had a diverse supernatural community.

Paranormal beings such as Dragons[giant lizards], ghouls, mummies, otherworldly aliens, Gods, eldritch creatures, wizards, sorcerers, demons, were-creatures, Giants, giant oversized animals, as well as other indescribable creatures populated the world.

Thinking back to the modern-day world in the movies, the only supernatural activities that occurred were questionable orgies and killings by vampires, and unstable science experiments either by galactic empires, Space Gods[Celestials], or products from the hubris of man.

The authorities he could think of associated with the paranormal were [The Hand], [The Ten rings],[Masters of the Mystic Arts], all other supernatural entities were either hidden or wiped out as time passed.

That reminds him, he had told the [System] to create a memo to look through all materials pertaining to this universe, and he might as well handle them now.

"System!"Ramun thought mentally.

[Yes, host.]

"Please pull all the relevant materials that concern this universe, and also take whatever resources you need and upgrade to the highest level, "Ramun ordered.


[Host please be advised, as the system is not fully updated you may use the Augmented reality function to access the system's database if you would like a more analog approach]

[System Update Initiated]

[Update will begin in 10..9...8..7...2...1]

[Time elapsed 15:00:00....]

As Ramun looked at the red blinking countdown at the peripheral of his vision, he wondered why he bothered thinking through things sometimes if the system will just upstage him every time.

He couldn't help but applaud the brilliant idea the system had provided concerning the Windows interface he had brought up the previous day. this way he wouldn't have to look like an asylum ward every time he made use of it.

He could just act like he was asleep or resting and none would be the wiser.

Ramun already in a better mood than he started the day with, lay back on the matt, and thought of how to activate the [Augmented reality] Function when suddenly his surroundings suddenly changed completely.


Ramun blinked, one moment he was in a shitty hut filled with various bugs and critters, with barely liveable conditions and no comfort whatsoever, and in the next, he was in completely different surroundings.

He stood up and looked around, all he could see was white, white, and more white.

He looked at his feet and saw that the was still standing on, "O..oh what do you know, White," it was like there was no ground just an empty void-like white space.

Puzzled, he looked around with a feeling of deja vu, it seemed like he had seen such a scene before.

Ramun stood in the void, trying to recall where he had seen or heard of such, when it came to him, [The Matrix].

"Daaayumn is that what this is, "Ramun exclaimed, as he looked around in apparent interest while trying to locate Morpheus or the protagonist of that legendary movie [The chosen one: Neyo].

Not finding anyone or a manual on how to use this space, he then decided to do it the old fashioned way, ' Mental fuckery'.

Ramun proceeded to mentally imagine his old apartment with his equipment and everything associated with it.

Suddenly and quite abruptly, the scene in which Neyo and Morpheus had conjured up people, buildings, and a city from apparently nothing, transpired.

First, his apartment complex sprung out of the ground like a spring, then roads, streets, buses, cars, skyscrapers, people appeared one after the other.

Looking around at his surroundings, and hearing the din and noise of a bustling city Ramun felt strong emotions suddenly fill him again at seeing such a familiar setting, he then took a moment to appreciate the normalcy of this environment, taking it all in, only to fall out of it dejected.

The reason being, that all this was all just a computer simulation.

He didn't let that bring him down though, as he could think of a great many uses for this function.

Taking advantage of this virtual space, he went about doing the mundane activities he would have normally performed back on earth.

He first took a bath and then cooked a very scrumptious delicious English breakfast filled with lots of unhealthy meat and juices.

When he was done he settled on the couch to watch the morning news with a cup of steaming 'Joe' in his hand while sighing blissfully.

"Well, all good things must come to an end, "Ramun thought wistfully as he got up from his couch.

"Nooooot," heading straight to his computer in his bedroom, he booted up the system and went straight for the hidden folder behind lots of firewalls and redundant protections.

For the next two hours, suspicious noises filled with impressionable and unforgettable sounds with heavy intermittent grunts like the growling of a beast came out of his room.

Only when he was done with his morning rituals, did Ramun finally remember why he actually came here in the first place.

Ramun sat in front of his computer looking at the folder Labeled [Marvel Works] while thinking of the hefty workout that he had carried out earlier.

He was amazed at the surprising tactile sensation and general realism of the whole activity.

"Bless its bloody soul, that retard [System Prima] actually did something right for once."Ramun thought in amusement.

Ramun settled down and went through the material the system had compiled, as he went through them his brows furrowed, and as the time passed his frown got deeper and more pronounced.

It took him 72 hours of nonstop work to get through all the material that the system had compiled, comics, movies, fanfics, forums, fan-arts e.t.c

When he was done, Ramun leaned back in his gaming chair heavily, while pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Sighing heavily, something he had doing much of lately, Ramun mentally reviewed the content the system had compiled and he could confidently say that he now had an intimate understanding of the Marvel univer... no, The Marvel cosmos quite well, and honestly he wasn't pleased.

This Cosmos in all its iterations frankly had too many heavy hitters, cosmic or otherwise which honestly means nothing in general.

But it felt like someone held him by his balls, and he couldn't be as rampant in his actions as he had wanted.

He had wanted to fuck things up in this world considering that humans on a cosmic scale were weak little bugs.

His plan had been to arm the human race with as much power to shoot themselves in the foot and then some, as they were a very destructive race, to begin with, with only a few that actually knew of compassion and love.

Now the wise thing to do is to be as low key as possible, which honestly is almost impossible as there is this one 'Big sister' watching over this bloody world.

Mother Gaea!!

This particular Elder God seems to have a nasty habit of bedding powerful beings and producing powerful races, some well known and renowned while others not so much.

She also has an unhealthy obsessive curiosity with nature and the human race, and from all indications, any actions he takes that are above the supernatural bottom line is bound to draw the attention of this extremely powerful ancient bint, and that had him vexed, very much so.

"U...ggh" Ramun sighed once again.

"There isn't much that can be done to affect the situation in his favor at the moment," Ramun thought resignedly.

"As far he is concerned, what he should be focusing on right now, was how 'not' to be bullied by anyone especially Gaea, as it would far too humiliating".

Slipping out of his thoughts, Ramun checked the time on his Pc and was surprised at how much time had actually passed. Surprisingly he didn't feel physically tired or hungry only his mind felt exhausted.

Well, it seemed like only his mind present in the virtual space and not his physical body, hence the mental fatigue.

He couldn't do much about that but rest, as he hadn't actually started any formal training in any of the well-known systems of power, Magic, martial arts, witchcraft, sorcery, or even the fictional immortal cultivation.

At least he knew this particular function would be great for mental and spiritual training.

"Damn, he should have asked the system to also compile all the knowledge on training before it started its update, "Ramun thought aloud.

[Would you like that now or later sir], the sudden electronic sound of the system sounded out.

"F********ck," startled, Ramun screamed out.

"What the hell man, was that really necessary"Ramun ground out in annoyance, falling out of his chair.

Looking up he found himself back in the real world with the sun still shining brightly in the sky.

"System how long was I in the [Augmented reality] space? "Ramun asked as he looked at the brightly lit sky in suspicion.

[Approximately 3 hours, host]

"Woah, damn that's trippy" Ramun exclaimed, he knew for a fact he had spent 3 whole days in the virtual space.

"Hmmmn, so a ratio of 1:1 for the hours to days, only is that time dilation fixed?"Ramun wondered aloud.

[Host, that is the default setting of the function, and if it is increased that would cut into system resources and would risk shut down of the system, host]

"Hmmn, anyways why was I kicked out of the [Matrix], "Ramun asked, accepting that answer.


"The [Augmented reality] is a mouthful, change its designation to the [Matrix]."

[Aknwoledged host]

"Why was I kicked out?"

[It was your wish to do so host]

[You have total control of that space as if you were its God]

[So with a slight change of your thoughts you can exit and enter at will]

"Hmmnn, my mentality is probably unstable if it reacted that quickly to my thoughts."

"Well alright, "Ramun accepted without much fuss.

Standing up he found out that he was actually still hungry, thinking to himself how fake virtual food was no matter how filling it was, Ramun prepared himself and went to the stream to find himself breakfast.


Status: ????[Plebian]

Name: Tuthra-Utet-Ankh-Khotan-Ramun

Race: Homo Sapien

Class: -Novice cannon fodder(You are everyone's bitch boss, get a life!)

Title: "The Entitled young master" (Don't be lazy, get a job young man!!)

SP: 1000

Health: 6/20

Energy: 0/30


Charm: 2

Cultivation Type: Nil

Fame: 2

Infamy: 1

Inventory: [19 dimensional energy fragments], [Fiend blood essence ], [The Purification of the Heart-Mind Spirit Sutra], [Form & Will fist Manual], [Flash of the Heavenly Soaring Dragon Manual], [Basic weapon arts compendium], [Medical compendium: Eastern and western arts of healing],[Basic devouring technique: Art of swallowing],[Tai Chi Quan], [Chaos Dragon blood essence ], [memory fragment x1] [Cosmic Lightning source].

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