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Chapter 3: A New Start

"Have you succeeded on subjugating the destined one?" Asked by a cold, unnerving voice.

"No, master, we underestimated them too much" Said by a hooded figure, a man's voice.

"With the boy is a servant of the gods and a mage that could cast by uttering a single word" Said by another hooded figure, a lady's voice.

After confessing their failure, the two hooded figures was tortured, or an illusion.

The two were strangled, or felt being strangled, by strange magic. Suffocating in this dark, damp room. A small room, with only a torch serving as the light of it. It was made in dark wood, a table and a bookshelf on the right side. The books were undecipherable by any known languange, and a knife, stained by blood at its tip, placed idly on the table.

After creating a circle and dripped a bit of blood, the hooded figures then established communication with their master. As they believe that scientifical objects can be easily hacked, easily destroyed, as to why they rely on magic more.

A couple of seconds past and the cold voice then released the grip on the hooded figures neck, the two both gasping for air like fish begging to breath. Both were sweaty and were given mere seconds to rest, then the hooded figures spoke again.

"We are very sorry, master" Said the hooded man figure in a ragged voice, prostating himself in front of the circle.

"We thank you for giving us our punishment for our failure, and we hope that you can forgive us, master" Said the hooded lady figure

The cold voice went silent, thinking if the two can still serve after their grave mistake of failing on killing the target.

"No" The hooded figures shrieked "That was only a medium of my anger and disappointment. The true punishment" The cold voice paused "Is being burned alive" Then, the cold voice went silent.

"we are sorry master, PLEASE, LET US SERVE YOU ONCE MORE" The hooded figures said as they prostated themselves more intensely, their sweat covering the faces that may be lost by an utter of a word.

"But" The cold voice spoke "I'll allow to let you serve me again".

"Yes, master!" They both said in unison, crying to save their faces for another day.

"Now, you have another task" The hooded figures went stopped celebrating and listened.

"Five years from now, tragedy will strike again, and with it, your chance to kill the boy"

"If you fail, don't ever expect you will be spared"

"UNDERSTOOD, MASTER" They stood straight after, stiff and thankful for they still draw breath.

"Remember this, maintain friendly relations with the boy. Use any resource at your disposal, as failure means death". Then, the cold voice went silent. The circle slowly lost its color, till it vanished on the floor, not leaving any trace that it was ever created.


"Strange, I don't remember giving my true Identity" Said Marco, transforming back to his true form. Orange hair, Orange eyes, but the clothes and tone still remained the same.

"Men are too easy to read, that's why" Clarisse said, still suspicious at the young man.

"Ah, I see, age really makes you wise?" He said sarcastically, as if teasing her.

"What do you mean?" asked Clarisse, clearly confused about the current situation now.

"Well, if I can see clearly, you are very old as we..." He flew.

"I ALREADY KNOW THAT!" She punched him really hard, only being stopped by a tree. The trees rumbled and the birds flew away from the source.

"But, I still hope what I feel is still in the air" He stood up, brushed away any dirt at his clothes, and slowly walked towards her. Then, he lifted her chin to look at his face. "As my heart still beats for you everyday".

"Idiot" She whispered. Her face slowly turning beet red, her eyes looking sideways, as she blushed at the sudden confession. She then pushed him away and looked at the boy, still unconscious because of fear.

"How goes the boy?" Marco asked, worried "Oh, sorry, I forgot". He walked a couple of inches away from her and faced Clarisse. He then bowed, putting his right arm towards his chest, then removed it afterwards and stood up to speak "My name is Marco, Servant of Lady Aka, Protector of the destined child, and your handsome, persistent suitor" He winked. He then reached for a handshake.

Clarisse mildly giggled, laughing at how stupid the introduction is, and composed herself again after realizing. She then accepted his handshake.

"I'm Clarisse, pleased to make your acquaintance". After that, she removed her hand and looked at the unconcious boy "If you ask about the boy" She then brushed his hair, his soft, white hair "no memory will ever reside at his mind, as I replaced it with a fake memory of him enjoying his birthday". She then looked at Marco again "How did you knew Ms. Aka?"

He suspiciously looked at her, a questioning look. She then continued "I mean, Aka never leaves her dimension until it is the utmost importance".

"Let's just say I was blessed by the heavens at the time she discovered me" He replied.

Afterwards, Clarisse lifted the boy at her back, readying for another trip towards home.


"Yes Marco?"

"I love you"


He laughed "Then let me say this at least" They then started to walked towards the cabin.

"I have a discreet message given to me by Lady Aka, and it was about time we actually talk about the upcoming events including the boy" He then stole the boy at Clarisse's back and put it at his, surprising her by his swift movements.

"Come, this is no place to talk, let us head to your house".


"I cannot actually believe you did that!" Said by an unknown voice.

"It must be done, for our son" Replied by the other person

"How come a massacre of tens and thousands of people is the answer?" Shouted by the unknown voice

"Trust me"

"What? Gambling the lives of everyone just for the sake of a single breakthrough? Haven't you thought the risk of everything failing? Their lives lost for nothing?"

"Just trust me on this" replied by the unknown voice.

The scene suddenly changed, a pure white space.

"It seems that the trust everyone put on you was all for nothing" A cute voice said, someone wearing a red dress

"I thought it would succeed. I have checked every possible outcome. But how come, how it didn't..." The person said, forcefully trying to rip out his hair out of pure frustration, but it was all for nothing.

"It would, but someone betrayed you, within your own circle"


"Your soon-to-be-wife"


"Hey, wake up!" Someone shouted. The dream slowly fading away by the upcoming darkness.

"I SAID! WAKE UP!" The voice shouted again, the darkness starting to shake as if there was an earthquake.

"EVAN, WAKE. UP!" Then, he slowly opened his eyes.

His big sis has been shaking him so hard for the past couple of minutes, sweating, anxious, and worried for some reason.

"Hey, big sis" Evan said, rubbing his eyes so that he can more clearer than before, regaining conciousness and thinking of what happened and what made her big sis worry.

Clarisse then hugged Evan so hard he thought he was going to die of suffocation "Thank goodness you're okay"

"What happened sis?" Evan asked

"You were repeatedly screaming and thrashing the whole place around while you were asleep, if it wasn't for Dirk, I would have a hard time waking you up from that nightmare" She said

"Yo" Dirk greeted, holding both his side of his waists to hold him down.

They were back at the cabin, wearing the same old clothes they wore yesterday at the inn, except for Evan, which was wearing a white nightcloth. After thinking about what happened, he then suddenly got a headache. He both put his hands at his head

"Are you okay?" Asked Clarisse, worried at the sudden pain Evan was experiencing "Dirk, can you please get me a cup of water?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Dirk replied and hurriedly went out of the room, towards the kitchen.

The room was quite big. Two bedrooms, one at the left and one at the right, a nightstand at the side of both beds, an oil lamp for light, and the door at the farther left side of the room. The window next to Evan, shoning light at the early morning, hearing the chirps of the bird and the cuckoo of the chicken, signify the start of a new day.

Clarisse then helped Evan on a sitting position onto the bed, as Dirk came into the room and passed the cup of water to her. Evan then grabbed the cup and slowly drinked till it was empty, she then collect the cup and placed onto the nightstand.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked

"I'm feeling quite okay now big sis, thank you!" Evan replied, then smiled at his big sis. "You too, Mr. Dirk, thank you!"

"No problem kid"

Evan then tried to stand up but suddenly felt a pain down his stomach.

"No" Clarisse then gently forced Evan to lie down onto the bed "You must rest first"

"Okay big sis" She fixed the blanket covering the boy and slowly slid it to cover most of his body "By the way..."

"Yes Evan?"

"Why don't you just marry Mr. Dirk?"

"Wha-WHAT!?" She blushed super hard, her face almost like a ripe tomato "You shouldn't be speaking of that in front of Mr. Dirk, as it is quite rude.."

"I don't mind" Dirk interrupted. He got pinched by the waist. "Ouch!"

"Don't help him!" She said

"But, I mean, he was always helping us, so, why do you always reject him"

"Yeah" Said by Dirk "My poor heart, always getting rejected by Ms. Clarisse"

"Childish innocence" angrily whispered by Clarisse "Now, now, let Evan rest for now" She lightly pushed Dirk away towards the door, slowly exiting outside.

"Now, if you ever need anything of us, just call!" Clarisse said.

"Yes, big sis!" Replied by Evan as Clarisse closed the door.

He slept again and no nightmare ever bother him during his slumber.


One week past by like it was nothing.

Dirk always visits more often at the cabin, helping Clarisse doing various chores like cleaning the dishes, gathering ingredients, and many more. It also made them much more closer during the past couple of days.

Then, shool time started.

"Now, would you look at that!" Clarisse said "My little boy all grown up now! Going to school and all!" She cried, tears of joy sliding down to her right cheek, as she wiped her face continuously.

Evan then modeled his brand new uniform, a simple dark blue tunic and black slacks, which suited his starry blue eyes and white hair. His snow-like skin radiating more than ever.

"Now, now, don't cry" She reassured herself by thinking that Evan might cry by leaving her "No, no, no"

Evan silently left.

"No, I won't allow this! Come back Evan, big sis Clarisse is gonna spoil you rotten"

"Oh no, motherly instincts" Dirk then grabbed Clarisse by the waist and hold her off "Go on little brat, I'll hold her off"

"No, don't go!" Clarisse shouted " I'll serve your favorite food everyday if you come back!"

Evan continued to walk away towards school.

"Never have I thought that the brat is actually super strong" Dirk thought to himself.

The boy then looked back.

"Wait" He looked at the boy, tears falling down his cheeks, he's crying. Dirk then looked down "Take back what I said. I now have two idiots crying for each other even though they will see again later tonight"

The crying never ceased while Evan was waving back towards him. The boy still looked back until he could not see the figure of Dirk and Clarisse, then looked away and at the front, braving out the odds and facing his fear and anxiety.

He walked and walked until he was close to school. The school was 128 ft high, and was wide enough to house over five hundred students. The walls were colored in gray, while the roof was colord in brown. A huge sign attached at the top front of the building "SCHOOL"

As he was nearing the school doors, he saw three boys bullying a little girl. Her cold blue eyes signifying the season of winter. Her light blue hair flowing straightly down her back, touching the ground, sitting as she get perpetually get kicked around by the three bullies. Her hands on her head to avoid any concussion, her cold gaze as she looks down the ground. Crying but keeping that deathful stare. Wanting to scream, but no voice came out. She sat there, idly on the side, as she was beaten up by kicking her and calling her "Ice queen", "Rocky" and many more awful names.

"Hey, stop that" Evan said

The three boys then stopped and looked to where the voice came from, only to see a boy with white hair.

"And what you gonna do, oldy, call your parents?" The boy mocked

"Oh wait, your probably too old to have one!" They laughed.

"Let's see about that" He clenched his fist, trying to ignore the pain to stop himself on punching the three bullies. They seen him clenching his fist.

"Oh, look, oldy gonna fight back!"

"Wanna get you to the hospital while you still can, you might drop dead due to old age" They laughed again.

"poor parents, trying to look at a child who will die off anyway, they might be useless fools, especially your sister" shouted the other one

Then, Evan's sight darkened. He clenched his fist hard enough for blood to drip. A moment later, a knife was summoned through his hand, and an uncolored armband revealed itself near his hand, the middle still dark and no numbers ticking by.

"Wait?" They looked "What is that?"

Just they were thinking about the sudden object on his hand, Evan charged. The dagger on his hand, mere moments before the tip hit its target, someone stopped him.

"Good thing I followed you here, for who knows might happen if you suddenly commit murder" A voice sounded behind him. His big sis.

After that, the bullies momentarily lost the strength on their knees and hurriedly ran towards the school, but was knocked out anyway by a young man. Evan was also knocked out by a hit in the back, only the bullied girl remained, shaking in fear and amazed by what happened.

"May I know who you are little miss?" asked the young woman. The girl, lost for words, never talked.

"I handled the three boys running for the school" Said by the young man. "It will be trouble for us if someone knew the existence of the armbands and the power it wields"

The girl looked at the young man and instantly recognized him.

"Mr Dirk" Said by the girl in a cold voice, gazing him coldly.

"Dirk, you knew the girl?" the young woman asked.

"Yes Clarisse" He then sat on the ground, placing the three bullies at the side. "She was the daughter of the strangers you met a week ago" He then looked at the girl and smiled "Nice to meet you to Alicia".

"How did you know her name?" Asked by Clarisse, confused on the sudden information Dirk knew.

"Well, after I came back to the inn, the strangers introduced themselves and formally greeted and all" Dirk replied

"Ah, I see" She scratch her head after relieving herself of the confusion. "Then, shall we erase their memories then. They must never knew what happened here, as if the villagers have known of this, their lives will be in danger".

"Agreed" They then started to erase their memories, staring with the bullies and Evan.

The girl, scared of losing her memory, then thought of something to remember the incident, as to never forget the boy's kindness of saving her. She panicked as she was going to be next, but after hearing her own heartbeat, she relaxed and accepted her fate.

"Until we meet again, Ms. Alicia"


"And so as you know, Math and Science is used to answer some this world's principles. But magic is also used too...."

"Hey, Alicia" Someone whispered

"What Evan?" Alicia asked

"Well, I thought you might want some candy. Just bought some during breaktime just in case of a boring class like this".

"Ah, sure" She agreed.

After accepting the candy, her heart always beats so fast whenever they touch, whenever she saw his face. The night sky reflecting the boy's eyes. His hair as white as snow. His soft touch.

She might remember that she was bullied. But she would never forget the one who saved her, even if she didn't knew why and how.

As something much more powerful than memory made her remember.

A feeling that could even defy the world's logical explanations.

"I think" She thought to herself "I fell in love with a boy that I can never reach"

SynRem SynRem

And with that, the #Alivan ship has sailed.

Any advice and criticism is available, as I hope that I can further improve my writing skills more for the ones reading this.

Thank you


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.(Fast phrases are really handy you know?)

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