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76.73% BlackMoon / Chapter 155: The Secret Surfaces (II)

Chapter 155: The Secret Surfaces (II)

Gazing around, I saw everyone was shocked at what Julia had suddenly summoned from her hands and seemed to be just as lured in by its brilliance.

"The jewel of life." Julia's voice rang clear, catching everyone's attention. "Or should I say the stone of death?" She chuckled.

"How…?" Rei was flabbergasted at what he was seeing. He took a step forward. His hand shaking with excitement at what Julia had in her hand. "Where?"

Julia snorted as if it wasn't a big thing. She then rolled the crystal between her fingers as the jewel sparkled in her hand stronger than before.

"What's so great about that?" I whispered over towards Cathy, who was standing next to me with her hand that was injured. Her lower lips were bitten slightly as she held in her pain.

"The Jewel of Life," Julia answered again as if she heard my question, "is a crystal that brings back the dead." She gently brought the crystal in front of her for all to see a better glimpse of it. "I know that each and every one of you would like to have this item. For this does not only bring back your loved ones but also yourself."

A chill ran down my back. Seeing the hunger in people's eyes, I could tell that this was a valuable object that was considered almost legendary. Even reading the status of the item in her hands, I was dazed.

Jewel of Life

A jewel that could bring back the dead. If the holder dies an unexpected death, it will resurrect them once again. The crystal even extends one's life by thousands of years. Made from the sacrifice of thousands of human lives. Another name for this stone is called the Philosopher's Stone or the Resurrection Stone. A legendary artifact that only 11 known crystals are made throughout history. Some say, once dead and brought back to life, they understand the hardship of life and death, making them stronger.

Shuddering from reading the description, I was completely shocked at the ingredients needed to create the stone itself. It was something that I was not keen on wanting to use even if I could help it. The thought of using the lives of people to make the stone itself was something that made my stomach turn.

"This should be enough." Julia tossed the stone towards Rei as if it wasn't a big deal.

Rei reached outwards, fumbled, and stared at the stone in his hand. He then glanced down into his hand then back towards her, surprised.

"But-" stuttered Rei, flabbergasted to be given such a gift.

Before he could say anymore, Julia's lips curled up into a sinister smile. Her hands whipped forward, a black lightning-like energy shot out from her fingers, shooting towards him like a bullet. In an instant, the energy shot through his heart, puncturing a small hole that Rei didn't even notice as he stared at Julia blankly in confusion.

It took a complete of seconds before Rei started to waver. His knees gave way as he collapsed onto the ground with a shocked and confused expression on his face. We all froze, unsure of what had happened. Everything happened so fast that we were dumbfounded by what had happened, uncertain if what we saw as even real in the first place.

Rei fell backward and landed with a loud thump with his eyes curled back into his skull. The orcs with him took quite a bit of steps back as if what Julia would do would be done upon them. Fear rose in each and everyone's heart while my group was on high alert.

Julia sighed with pleasure as she gave off a sweet smile, "That should make him understand." The black magic slowly withdrew into her body, disappearing into thin air. "I dislike it when people don't listen to me when I repeat myself three times now." With an exaggerated sigh, she strengthened herself and stood up.

I knew death doesn't bother me as much, but seeing Julia slaughter a Titan of legend so quickly boggled my mind. How? I just didn't understand how that was even possible. So far, the only way I knew how a Legendary creature would die was from one of the legendary weapons….but so easily by Julia stunned me.

Julia turned her attention to me as she continued to smile as if nothing had happened. "Don't worry, sweetheart." She replied with an upbeat attitude. "He'll come back."

"He'll come back…..?" I stared, stunned. That wasn't the problem. It was how easily she killed him that bothered me immensely.

"Yes, though, to use a bit of my power to kill that weakling made me feel a little bit more at ease." She replied chirpily, making me super uncomfortable.

That was only a little? Even though I have trouble still controlling my magic, she used the least amount of strength to do it so well and ruthlessly.

A fizzle and pop could be heard around him just on cue as a loud hissing sound was followed right after. Black and red smoke erupted out from the crystal that he had in his hand. The crystal melted, slithering down his hand and curling around his wrist. It twisted and wrapped its way up towards his shoulder, making its way quickly towards his heart. On his wounded area as it quickly closed up the wound that Julia had created. Followed after, a groan erupted out of Rei's mouth. His body spasmed a bit and eventually settled down.

It was as if everyone was holding their breath, watching Rei come back to life. His unmoving chest started to move up and down with long breaths. We all couldn't believe our eyes to see the legendary artifact actually work in front of us. To know that it was genuine and for Julia to kill Rei as if it was nothing and use it as either a random thing on Rei or it was used to make an example out of him.

I honestly put my bet on making him an example to everyone present. All the orcs automatically saw Julia as their leader and someone not to disrespect. While I knew instantly, we needed to get out of here fast.

With a loud cough, Rei opened his eyes as he groaned in pain. "What?" He pushed himself up, confused. "Happened?"

Nobody made a sudden move. They only watched him come back to life. None of them wanted to make the first step for the fear that it would break the illusion.

Rei scanned around, confused at everyone's expression. Then not even a second later, he snapped towards his hand and searched for the crystal.

"Where is the Jewel of Life?" He asked, unsure of what had happened. Looking around, he searched for it but couldn't find it.

One of Rei's most loyal followers spoke up. He was a gruff orc who looked angrier than the others, making his face contort into a stern frown as his thick black eyebrows wiggled as he was in partial deep thought.

"Sir," The Orc coughed, "have you forgotten?"

Rei stopped, looked up as he crossed his arm in front of him. "I don't understand what you are implying here." He spoke with an angry tone. "Have you seen it?"

"Well….that's the thing…." The Orc replied. He was embarrassed at how strong of an aura the king was giving off compared to before. It completely boggled their minds wondering how he felt so strong when he just resurrected as they shuddered in fear.

Rei was getting annoyed at his delayed answer. His first started to clench in annoyance. "What is it? I don't have all day!"

The Orc shuddered, bowed, and spoke with his head down. "The crystal resurrected you, sir!"

Silence followed after. Unsure what to do and where to look for fear of getting squashed by Rei's rising energy. The others felt it as well, but when Rei heard what he said, the pressure around him disappeared instantly.

"I died?" Rei asked, baffled at what he was hearing. "Me? The great Titan?" His voice cracked, while his right hand slowly raised up unconsciously towards the area that he got hit.

Julia sighed, rolling her eyes as if it is no big deal. She waved her hand in front of her and said, "It's barely a scratch."

The word nothing made Rei twitch. Even I was speechless and uncomfortable with the whole thing. To see such an event play out as if it was not a big deal was unsettling.

"How. Is. This. Nothing?!" Rei asked with a strained voice, realizing in that instant what Julia had done. "You…!"

Julia shrugged as if it wasn't such a big deal and folded her arms. She then turned away from him, ignoring him completely, and instead turned towards me.

"Sweetheart." Julia cooed at me with a sincere smile as if nothing was wrong. "Let's go home. You and I."

Home. That was something I wanted to be at this moment. There were just too many things that happened in the past hour that my mind started to feel a bit stressed. Getting out of here was becoming a priority, and my mind was already figuring out a way to escape.

"Home?!" Rei yelled angrily. He took a step towards her shaking his hand in front of him. "You killed me!"

Julia didn't even give him an ounce of attention. "Come now, Berry." She reached out towards me with her hands upwards for me to take her hand.

"You!" Rei was furious. He didn't like how she ignored him completely as he stormed towards her in a fit of rage. Power accumulated around his body. His muscle tensed and thickened as he was quickly starting to get bigger and bigger.

All the orcs around him scattered backward. They didn't want to get trampled or even injured by the fit of rage that Rei was giving off.

"Berry," Julia said again, this time a bit more forceful with a bit of impatience.

"Julia!" Shouted Rei. "Don't ignore me!"

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