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33.33% Arcana Marie

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Questions

His hand is cold.

Why is it that this man, fine-built, beautiful and with warm smile, have this very cold hands?

"Igna...?" I said, as he was guiding me along the way.

"Yes, Maria?"

"Where is this place?" I asked.

He looks down on me, confusion on his face. He's probably a foot and a half taller. How unusual.

"Vertigo Forest, the south-eastern forest of our proud Australlano, the land of the bountiful Cups Kingdom," he said proudly. Obviously, he's quite fond of this kingdom.

But kingdom? Really? How rare. Lots of governments these days are republics. This must be in... Europe?

"But Igna, I have never heard of Cups Kingdom before. Is it anywhere near Europe or Asia?" I followed up.

The walk seems long. A conversation will make it seem short.

And even though he's a priest, and his smile is lethal, let's not forget that he's a stranger.

Igna stopped walking.

"I'm sorry, Maria. I'm quite confused. Are you from Laurasia?"

I bumped on his back. He suddenly stopped walking and I was just blindly following ahead.

My whole front brushed forcibly on his back, still wet from his bathing... or ablution, as he called it.

"O-oh, apologies. Apologies, Maria," he said panickly.

From the little light that we have, I seem to saw him blush?

Nah, no way. Men don't blush.

"It's okay, Igna," I flashed him an 'I'm alright' smile.

Igna, who was looking down on me, leaned closer.

What the?

"H-hey!" I pushed him. Touching his shoulders as I pulled away.

"Forgive me! Forgive me, Marie...." he blushed further.

Whelp. He really is blushing!

"Marie, my child. Forgive me, I have never seen a deep shade of brown eyes before," he said.

I was looking away, quite awkwardly. When he said that, I met his eyes.

"My eyes?" I dumbly asked.

Of course, it's mine. There's nobody else here! I wanna roll my eyes to self. That was super dumb.

"Yes, " he shyly said.

"But my eye color ain't even rare?" I stupidly followed-up. Really stupid. He just said he'd never seen brown but why do I keep following-up obviously dumb questions.

Calm down, Marie. You are not that shallow. You are strong. These things do not get into you.

I took a deep breath.

"Yes, they are, indeed rare. There's blue, green, and amber... but brown aren't usual. In fact, you are the first one I've seen with it," he answered.

He coughed lightly then turned his back on me.

"Shall we resume our walk?"

He, again, offered his hand. This time, I took it willingly.


I'm seeing a huge speck of light infront of us. This must be the exit.

I'm glad Igna is not a creepy scam afterall.

Guess I was too suspicious of him.

When we got off the forest, I hadn't expected to see this.

A view I thought I'll only see on movies.

"Hogwarts...?!" I said. My eyes still huge from the awe.

Truly magnificent, huge, symbolic and proud. No wayyyyy!

"What's a Hogwarts?" I glanced on my back, Igna who was still holding my hand, said. Curiosity on his perfect face again.

Oh my God! I'm still holding his hand?

I hurriedly snatched my hand. Embarrassment written all over my face.

Why didn't I noticed that?!

Igna's eyes widened when I let go of his hand. I loooed in front to hide my further embarrassment.

This isn't happening, Marie!

I secretly took a glance back. I saw Igna looking quite uncomfortably on his palm... the palm that I was holding awhile ago.

"U-uhm... Hogwarts is... you know, a school. For wizards," I said. Totally pretending that I did not just have one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

When I didn't hear his reply, I looked back.

"Pfft..." I saw Igna... laughing! Or more like forcing not to!

"Pfttt.... Hahahahahha!"

Oh My God, his laughter is so sexy! I shouldn't be thinking about this to a priest. God, I am sinful. But yes, alas, I'm not a deaf and can hear this laugh.

"Wizard? Hahahhaha! My dear Maria, pfft - please. Hahahhaha"

He's laughing too much. -_-

"What? Don't tell me you haven't seen Harry Potter!" I winced. I really feel like I'm the biggest idiot today, and an hour hasn't even passed yet!

He finally stopped laughing after a few seconds. His gray eyes showed how amused he is. I mean what's to laugh about Harry Potter?! -_-

"You okay now?" I sarcastically asked.

"Ehem," he cleared his throat.

"Above all, Maria. Please do not misunderstand. I am not mocking you in whichever way. It's just that wizards... such term... they do not exist. I am not so sure if they do in Laurasia... But here in Gondwanaland, wizards are myths. Much less a school for them," his tone still sounds as if he's still not done laughing.

I pouted. As childish as it sounds, its a mannerism I couldn't stop.

Laurasia... Gondwanaland.... Why do these words sound familiar?

Laurasia... Laurasia... Asia....


Laurasia and Gondwanaland? As in Pangaea? As in Continental Drift?

Wait... What the heck is happening??!

----- End of Chapter 2 ----

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