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Chapter 3: The choice for my future

Noir steps down onto the road which was not as busy as it was usually. He looks around and sees only a couple people on the sidewalks and practically no cars on the road. Even though this was the out skirts of the city, where mainly farmers lived, it usually had a certain buzz of urgency that was currently absent. Noir starts to jog down the hill towards his school which he could see was only half a mile away. He had looked at his watch, it was already nine o two.

"crap," He sigh as starting to go from a jog to a half heartedly run. The school was a half mile away which wouldn't be a problem except the main road took a major curve too the left which extended the path by another half mile. While starting to run he sees a stack of five boxes pushed up against a building. "If I get caught I may be in trouble," he thought to himself for a second " then I guess I just won't get caught." While crossing the road he looks ahead of the building planning the best course too the school. He has been doing parkour since he was about eleven. When you live in a city packed with people running away from the outside world it was easy to feel suffocated. Noir hated that feeling of being forced to do something or go somewhere just because there ways no where else to go. So he started to do parkour to run too the places no one else could get to.

"I can make that," He murmured while looking at a jump he would have to make in a minute. After crossing the street he starts to slow down a bit to draw away suscpission from the few others on the road. Then while approaching the wooden crates that went about two and a half feet up. speeding up quickly within a couple of seconds he is a foot a way from the boxes. he hops up one box then the next. Quickening the last two steps he would be able to make on the couple of boxes underfoot, jumping up the wall of the building getting his elbows on the roof. While pulling up with his elbow he grabs a circular chimney inches from the side of the roof. He had gotten up and quickly started running again knowing a second waisted is the second you get caught. He ran ten feet forward looking at the far off school. Quickly hopping from this roof too the next without thought. He had run like this for about five minutes not even breaking a sweat and was within a couple of houses from the school. While hopping the last house he then mentally prepares for the fall he was about to make. looking over the edge of the house it was about a fifteen foot fall onto concrete because there was no grass inside of the city in case it attacked.

Running full speed ahead he leaps head first into the air. Quickly extending his hands they hit the ground quickly and within a couple of seconds Noir rolled into a standing position in one flawlessly performed motion. Casually starting to walk around the schools corner to get to the main gate. Looking at his watch he lets out a whistle of satisfaction seeing it was nine o eight, which was a record for him by a minute.

"Noir," he heard being called from behind. Turning his head he sees that it is Shan his best friend.

"Wassup man you excited." he calls while jogging to catch up.

"Of course today we get are own arks." Noir exclaims some what nonchalantly. No matter how hard he tried whatever he said always was interpreted as if he didn't really care.

"Today is the day that I will finally become the best," Shan exclaimed with pride.

"You wish," Noir replied. The two have been in fierce competitions with each other since they were five. Shan has always been bigger then Noir, but Noir was always faster. The two had fought in every event they were in, such as math, combat, parkour, reading, alchemy, and any other subject they could think of. The bi product of there constant fighting lead both of them to push each other to extrodenary heights. They were both the schools pride, and honestly didn't care at all, they really just wanted to beat each other.

" Let's go talk in home room." Noir exclaimed as the two walked into the schools doors excited about how their lives were about to change for the best.

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