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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 (Lets GO! More Chapters!)

[Is this the path that you would like to take?] [Night]

He asked me that same question, this time though I steeled myself. I looked directly at him and nodded my head. I couldn't bring myself to voice it, but he nodded his head regardless. Soon enough, he released the pressure and removed the wall blocking me. Before I could get to reading, he took the books one by one, and then disappeared into light before being replaced on the bookshelf. He placed four books in front of me from the small bookshelf. The four of them were titled: 'The basics of water magic', 'The basics of ice magic', 'Fundamentals of a mana core', 'Fundamentals of magic theory'. What is a mana core? I've never heard of that before. I'm sure he could help me if I had questions on the subject when reading though.

Mr. Morales put the four books in a small bag he pulled out of nowhere. Probably used space magic. Then he brought me along with him to what he calls the one of many training grounds. If this place is what he qualifies for a training ground, then any place in devil society pales in comparison. This place alone is as long as a field one would use to play sports. While that may not be very specific, at the time I didn't know what a football field was. There were various weapon racks that had a vast variety to choose from against one wall. There was an archery range, a field to run around in, and from what Mr. Morales told me there were water fountains. The rest of the place was empty, but that was probably because he was wondering how much he should invest in training me. What he has shown me already is plenty enough for me to take in. From what I can gather, he didn't want me to just train mentally, but physically as well. He motioned towards the weapons and told me to choose one.

This situation reminded me of what happened at the library. It didn't have the same feeling though. In this place, I was allowed to try out the weapons before I settled on one. That made things a lot easier on me. I decided to try out everything that was available and see which one stuck with me. There wasn't enough time in the day for me to try out each weapon though, so I just tried what I could first.

[Night Morales POV]

Around two weeks have passed since I showed Grayfia around the Orphanage. No other residents have cropped up as of yet, and I wrote a schedule out for Grayfia to follow each day. In the morning she would eat breakfast with me, I would teach her general education like math and science. There was no point in teaching her about any language when I just decided to teach her how to use magic to auto translate it instead. In the afternoon, we had lunch, drank tea, and she studied in the library. I would be with her most of the time since I could teleport around this small world of mine at will. Occasionally she would ask a question about something she doesn't understand, and I would answer her right away. She started to trust me more, now that she doesn't have to worry about much other than abiding by the small amount of rules I have set.

Lastly, in the evening she trained in weaponry. The weapon she decided on was surprisingly not a sword, but rather a scythe. I had to quickly use a skill book on it, in order to show her how to properly use it. We would also spar around this time, and she would attempt any magic she learned or scythe techniques on me. She never managed to land a hit on me though. She hasn't vastly increased in power, but she is making good progress for only being here for two weeks. I figured that once she reached around mid-class in power, I would grant her a sacred gear. Either that, or some sort of soul bound weapon. She did seem to have a high affinity for water magic, ice magic, and scythes. Another week passed before we got another visitor. We were having some tea outside when I noticed the door slowly open up.

[Nagisa Shiota has arrived at The Orphanage! A summary about his current would and his backstory will be imparted into the user's brain]

While the info was being sifted through my brain, I looked over at the door to see a small boy with long blue hair, a pale face, and wearing muddy pajamas. If I didn't see the system explicitly say that he is in fact a he, even with the memories I would think that he is a she. Grayfia looked over to the door as well and placed her book down at the table. She had a sympathetic look on her face, and after a few seconds, another chair was pulled up to the table. I looked over his status, and told Grayfia to bring him over while I did so.

[Name]: Nagisa Shiota

[Age]: 10

[Race]: Human (70% Concentration)

[Power Rating]: Very Low-Tier Human

[Talent Rating]: Low


[Stealth G] [Acting F]

When I finished looking through the memories imparted in me, Grayfia led Nagisa to the new chair and I gave him some tea to drink. Based on the Assassination Classroom world, Nagisa was originally supposed to grow up being treated like a girl by his parents and abused by them in this timeline, before running away and living off the streets. He found my door way before that happened when he ran away from his parents for the tenth time. In the main timeline, Nagisa was only made fun of for looking like a girl, and it was only a casual joke by his parents. Eventually he would be put through a class against a human that turned into an almost invincible tentacle monster to stop him from destroying the earth. His name was Koro-sensei, and he was supposed to be Nagisa's and several other students' teacher.

The first thing I needed to do was clean him up and give him a haircut. Cutting hair was apparently under the cleaning skill, so I didn't have to worry about knowing how to do it. I brought his chair near mine after he calmed down a bit, and proceeded to cut his hair like he was in a barber shop. He was somewhat surprised by what I was doing, but didn't stop me from doing so. Based on his situation, I don't know what path he will take to be honest. I know in the original timeline of his world, he had tremendous talent for being an assassin. This iteration of him though, is a wild card. Grayfia gave him a sad look, before going back to reading her book. She still occasionally glanced at him though with a look of worry.

[Nagisa POV]

I've had it with my parents treating me like a little girl just because of my looks. Also the constant abuse didn't help either. This time I ran away when my parents were going to do something to my body that would have made me want to kill them. I managed to reach an abandoned home and spotted a weird door inside that had the design of an old man teaching kids, and a dragon sleeping in the background. The door made me feel like I could leave behind all of my burdens if I opened it, so I quickly ran inside and closed the door behind me. I saw a large building in the center of grasslands when I first stepped in the door. When I looked to the left, I saw a girl around my age with silver hair drinking tea with an old man. I don't know why, but I instinctively felt like he was the own of World? The girl brought me over to the table and had me sit down.


I styled Nagisa's hair in the same way as it is in the anime initially. Once I finished, I quickly cleaned up the hair on the ground, and led the two inside so I could cook for them. This time I cooked some burgers and fries. Nagisa had an excited look on his face when he saw the food. It was quickly gone after that point, and I made enough for four servings for the two of them. I also discovered over time that I didn't need to eat either strangely enough.

Since Nagisa is fully human, It would take more effort from him to get stronger depending on the path he chooses. I have a feeling though, that Nagisa is going to still walk down a similar path as the original. If he does, I'll be sure to add magic into the mix, maybe a sacred gear too. I brought him to the library and Grayfia followed behind since she was curious as to what path Nagisa would choose.

[I want to learn how to wield a sword!] [Nagisa]

As books started to line up the entire library, I was surprised by that declaration honestly. I was thinking that maybe he wanted to learn knives, or guns, but nope. He wants to be the opposite of an assassin, an up and front fighter. I'll just have to adapt to it though, I sat him at a table and Grayfia sat a seat away from him as she got to reading her own books that she pulled from a spacial pouch I gave her. There were thousands of books on swords and I absorbed the information from the hundred that appeared on a shelf near the table. Just one book flew in front of Nagisa for now, and it was an introduction to the variety of swords and styles he could use with them. I put every book that the library allocated to Nagisa in a spacial pouch and handed it to him. I also spent some time introducing Nagisa to magic and everything associated with it as we walked to the training grounds. He took the knowledge of the supernatural side of things pretty well, although it may have to do with this whole situation honestly.

There were a large variety of swords to choose from, but Nagisa was pretty attached to katanas, and yes I said katanas plural, because he wanted to use two instead of one. Eh, if he wants to take him on, I won't stop him. One thing I was thankful for, was that I didn't have to clarify with Grayfia that Nagisa was a boy since she figured that out with magic. Grayfia was fighting with one of the specialized training dummies I bought in a training grounds upgrade. They would mirror their opponent and always be slightly stronger than anyone training with them. Currently Grayfia is trying to use magic at the same time that she is utilizing her scythe to attack. She is failing at it, but it will come with practice. I had Nagisa spend a few hours reading up on his books, before I sent him to train with his katanas.

Along with the normal education of mathematics and science, I also added on etiquette, so that they don't make fools of themselves when they get older. Although I would probably have to teach Nagisa more in that regard than Grayfia, because she has some experience regarding it.

{1 year timeskip}

Around a year has passed by and nobody new has appeared at the orphanage yet. During this time, Both Grayfia and Nagisa reached Mid-Class Devil in power, with Grayfia being on the higher end and Nagisa on the lower end. That didn't stop the two of them from regularly sparring with each other though. For each of their birthdays, I made their weapons soulbound, and they would grow like a sacred gear would. Nagisa is currently wearing a dark blue jacket, white shirt, and black pants. He also had two sheathes holstered on the left and right side of his belt to hold his katanas. He was currently moving at moderate speeds as he avoided Grayfia's magic attacks.

Grayfia was wearing a silver kimono, and had a blue snowflake hairpin in her hair as she was flying and spamming spells at Nagisa. She learned a small amount of space magic so she could store her scythe in a spacial storage. Eventually the two of them decided to fight at close range and were even with each other in power and skill. By the time they were done, I brought them some snacks to eat as they took a break. It was at that moment that I felt someone approaching my door. I quickly grabbed both Grayfia and Nagisa, before I teleported to the table near the door outside. When they noticed where they were now sitting, they realized what was happening and looked at the door in anticipation.

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