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37.5% The alphas

Chapter 3: Visiting Isabella

Zeus woke up in a solitary confinement room. He was handcuffed and chained to the bed. Zeus looked around the room and saw the white walls and all of his drawings this was his room he lived in for the first year after the accident to Isabella.


"Yes, okay I'm on my way right now goodbye" Isabella said,"Hey Zoo get dressed we gotta go pick up our brothers come on" Zeus came walking down the steps and saw his sister with her bag and keys and asked,"Hey can I ride in the front Isa" Isabella looked at her younger brother and said,"Yeah just this once okay" Zeus bounced out of the house and to the truck and climbed in the front seat and buckled up. Isabella came walking out of the house with the keys and climbed into the Excursion and started the truck. Isabella turned on the song they both loved it was Next contestant. After three runs of the cd they pulled in front of the house where there was flashing lights and everyone outside. Isabella shut the truck off and said,"You stay right here I'm going to get our brothers okay" Zeus nodded and watched Isabella wall up to the house. Zeus looked down at the radio and started playing with it changing the station when he looked over and saw a man on top of Isabella. Zeus jumped from the truck and something flipped he wanted to be bigger and stronger and then the next thing that happened was he was biting into the arm of Isabellas attacker Zeus tasted the metallic taste of blood and he was knocked off of Isabellas attacker when he kicked him and Isabella.

End of flashback

Zeus looked at all of his drawings crying. He looked at the picture he had of her and he broke down more he punched the wall again and again and again until he couldn't move his arms he let out a wail in anger and sadness when he heard the door open he looked over and saw his mother and she hugged him as tight as she could and cried with him and he asked to no one in particular,"Why couldn't it have been me why her" his mother just held him and didn't say anything as she didn't know what to say she just held him until Zeus calmed down and she looked at him and said,"I think it is time we go see her again" Zeus nodded and his mother said,"I'll get you out of here let me get somebody". She left and after a few minutes she came back with the keys and she unlocked his shackles and said,"When we get back you have to stay in here for a few days" Zeus nodded his head and he Thor up and got changed into clothes his mother brought for him which was shorts jeans boots a tshirt and a hoodie he got dressed and the two walked out and they got into the car and they drove what felt like days but was only two hours back to their home they pulled into the drive and Zeus got out of the car and said,"If it is okay can I go on my own" his mother nodded as she knew he needed to be alone. Zeus walked the trail to the small shed in the woods and he kept walking past it to the clearing where him and Isabella found when they were out walking. Zeus entered the forest leading to clearing it slowly began to get darker and darker until he pushed through the under growth and he saw what they first saw when they came here a beam of light hitting perfectly in the center of the clearing but instead of being empty there was a grave stone it read here lies a sister, Daughter and part time mother Isabella Beth Lykos Zeus sat down behind her headstone and leaned against it and said,"Isa I miss you it's been six years since you have been gone I need your guidance Isa. I know I never told mom but she knows I counted you as my mother you were always there for me even through the impossible when I would fight in school and would get in trouble with dad and mom you would always bring me candy to cheer me up and we would watch movies together and you would help me with everything and now I'm just numb Isa I'm lost without you if I would have been stronger I could have helped you but I wasn't and now your gone. I love you Isa" Zeus got up and walked to the tree he started marking every day he came to visit this spot he opened his knife and cut a rectangular one out of the tree and he walked back over to the grave stone and said,"I wish you were here Isa but I know your no longer hurting and your free I love you Isa" Zeus stood and started the trek back to the house which seemed like it took forever. Zeus walked into the house and up to the third floor and he walked past Isabellas room and he kneeled down against the door and started crying again he sat there thinking all night long about how he could get revenge for his sister. Zeus got up and walked downstairs as the light just started to show through the windows he walked to his mothers office and found her on the phone. He entered the room and shut the door and sat down on one of the old brown leather chairs. He looked around the office and saw all the photos of him his two brothers and his sister. He heard the phone hang up and his mother said,"Are you already ready to go" Zeus looked at her and said,"I need access to the private accounts?" His mother looked shocked because that money was for the dark side of what they do and she asked,"For what" Zeus looked at his mom and said,"It's better you don't know why mom because if you do you'll get emotionally involved and I can't lose you to" she gave her son a look and asked,"Is it about her" Zeus looked at his mother and nodded she looked at her son for a time and said,"Okay let's go get you a card to the account and I'll take you back" Zeus got up and his mother followed suit and they walked out of the house and to the Black Tahoe and left their home. Zeus looked at his mother and said,"I won't be going after anyone until at least end of year" Zeus's mother said,"Okay that's good to know" during the ride Zeus's mother's phone went off and she answered it and started sounding important because she got serious and then she said,"Okay, okay fine it'll be I'll come in as soon as I can okay bye" his mother said,"I'll have to drop you off at your school and I'll bring your card to the school later today" Zeus nodded and dozed off for the rest of the ride.

Zeus woke up to his mother shaking him and saying,"Zeus get up we are here...If you don't get up I'm going to show every girl here you naked in the bath" Zeus jumped up and said,"I'm awake and I'll see ya later" Zeus got out of the Tahoe and walked into the school's doors and pushed the intercom button and and the door buzzed and he opened the door and walked to the directors office and said,"Alright let's get this solitary confinement finished" the director looked up and said,"Well you are going to be put through your first training tests so before I take you back you have to be ranked" Zeus just shook his head and said,"Okay let's go I'll need my key passes back" the Director handed Zeus the key passed and he walked to the secondary elevators with the director and the director said,"Now all of your gear as been set out and the trainers have all decided that the new gifted students need to see what they will be going through" Zeus nodded his head and the director said,"We will be going to training floor 7" Zeus pushed the button and pulled his hoodie and shirt over his head and the director said,"What are you doing" Zeus looked at the director and said,"I am getting prepared I cannot shoot the bow or properly use the sword and shield with normal clothes on. The director who was only 29 was flustered as she had never really seen a shifter shirtless before and Zeus had his scars and tattoos all on display he had Isabella tattooed down his side and a cube of roses on his arm he had Si vis pacem para bellum on his other arm. He was covered in scars from past fights and some looked bad and some looked like they were self inflicted and Zeus looked over at the director and said,"My scars are my past don't ask about them you would get lost on the very dark path" the director nodded and the elevator doors opened and the two walked out of the elevator to the center of the room to where his gear was placed his gear consisted of a headband that wrapped around the back of his head with a screen over his left eye that could be magnified to zoom on anything he was looking and also could give thermal readings and it worked as a screen to talk to someone, he then grabbed a arm guard and a pda style tech that gave windage range elevation and if necessary earth curvature, he put on a shooting glove and he grabbed his bow and quiver and strapped the quiver onto his side and he walked to the line on the ground he calibrated everything and he nodded to the trainer and the exercise started. Zeus shot an arrow into a moving body target and then one into a foam pigeon and then one at 95 yards and hit within a fine of center cross. Zeus put the bow back on the table and he walked to the line and he grabbed the sword and shied from the air and he stood at the ready and the trainer started the exercise and Zeus walked across the line two arrows were fired and Zeus blocked both arrows which shattered on impact, another trainer charged and Zeus countered his attack as the trainer slashed down Zeus blocked the slash and swiped at the trainers leg barely catching it and the trainer fell and Zeus held the sword to the mans throat and two arrows were fired from different angles and Zeus stood and blocked on arrow with the shield and the other with the sword and once both arrows were seen as no longer threatening the exercise stopped. Zeus let the sword and shield disappear and he walked back to the table and took off his gear and grabbed to fingerless gloves and walked back to the center of the area and he nodded to the trainer and and he started the exercise and two men walked out and both charged from different sides Zeus rolled forward and he stood to the ready and one charged Zeus drops forward and took the man down with a double leg and the man went to get up and Zeus punched the man in the center of the chest and that is considered dead in this exercise when on the ground. Zeus stood again and the last man charged forward and when Zeus tried to dodge left the man turned and hit Zeus on his making it back to his feet the two men tumbled to the ground and the man put Dj into an arm bar and Zeus rolled back making the man lose his grip Zeus punched twice into the mans stomach knocking the wind out of him and he placed him into a rear naked choke and after a about thirty seconds the man tapped as he couldn't see anyway to get out as he didn't want to pass out Dj walked to the table and took the gloves off and grabbed the cold water and towel that was left for him he wiped his face and took a pull from the water bottle and he walked to the trainer and he looked at his scoring of all three exercises and he asked,"What rank am I in the school" the trainer said,"Number two" Zeus nodded and he went to the director and said,"Before we go back to solitary I need to shower" the director nodded and the two left.

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