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28.57% Dragon Hunger

Chapter 1: Dragon Hunger


Nashville, TN 2008

Signature Flight Support BNA, Private airport


She stepped from the plane into a barrage of sunlight. The woman smiled as she tilted her face skyward and inhaled deeply, savoring the feel of the warm sun warming her skin. She loved the way it made life seem as though there were no problems. As if everything were always sunny and bright.

Alas, she sighed reluctantly, it wasn't and never truly would be. She lowered her head and began to make her way to the building in the distance. "Jacqueline! Jacqueline!" She looked up to see a young man with shockingly bright red hair and slight build sprinting in her direction.

She felt a grin blossom at recognizing him. "Hullo, Danny!" She waved in greeting.

"Good afternoon." He smiled in return, dragging her into a tight hug. "How was your trip?"

"As good as expected. You know I do detest flying in those metal contraptions. I much prefer my own...transportation." Jackie replied and Danny smiled knowingly. "Are we still on for lunch with our two favorite people"

Daniel shook his head sadly. "No, David and Matthew cancelled yet again, I'm afraid. Something about wanting to visit family."

Jackie chuckled wryly. "But we're practically family. What did you tell 'em?"

He grinned wryly, "All I said was you were gonna scorch their hides if they keep cancelling on us." He paused awkwardly. "Speaking of lunch. You look a little pale. Care to join me?" Daniel's grin turned sheepish as he extended a hand in offering to walk her to the hangar.

Jackie smiled. "Of course, darling. What's on the menu?" She reached out to grasp his offered hand and leaned in for a kiss, but was overwhelmed with a wave of dizziness and stumbled slightly.

"Jackie?!" She heard him crying out with alarm, even as her vision darkened and her throat closed up, suffocating her.


Daniel Malone O'Shae watched in escalating horror as his friend, lover, and mentor fell to her knees, grasping at her throat. Fumbling for his phone, he quickly dialed the emergency number for paranormal beings. Daniel rattled off the information to the dispatcher and remained on the line until they arrived as instructed. He knew she always got a little pale when she didn't eat but he had never known Jackie to fall unconscious before. The thought alarmed him. Glancing around nervously, he knelt beside his lover. Danny may be her Avatar for this century, but he had no idea what ailed her, nor did he have a clue on how to help. Problem was, Jacqueline was a dragon. Very few forces on earth could put this woman down, let alone, render her unconscious.

"Hello?...Mr. O'Shae? Is she still breathing?" Came a soothing voice at his ear.

"Barely." He replied in a tight voice.

"Remain calm, sir. The ambulance is en route and should be arriving any moment now."

As the dispatcher relayed the words, a large sprinter van came peeling onto the tarmac. "They're here." He breathed a sigh of relief. Daniel watched in edgy anticipation as two large males exited the vehicle and approached him.

"You Daniel?" One of them questioned briskly. His eyes flashed with suspicion, as if Daniel were the culprit of Jackie's current predicament.

"I am."

"What species is the woman?" Asked the other, already kneeling to examine Jacqueline.

"Dragon. She hasn't eaten in a while; however, just before she collapsed, she clutched at her throat as if she were choking."

"No wonder." Said the male beside him, obviously finding something Daniel had missed.

"Excuse me?" He moved to inspect the paramedic's findings.

"Looks as though she'd been strangled. But these marks appear to be quite old. Do you…"

"Absolutely not. She'd just gotten back from a trip to Maryland. Any chance that whatever got to her is magical?"

"Very possible. However, we'll have to get her to the hospital to run some tests."

He glowered at the two men. "Then what the hell are we waiting for? Let's go." Daniel insisted.

The men moved to gather the stretcher. After gently lifting her limp body to the device, the paramedics loaded her into the back of the sprinter van. Daniel gathered what few belongings Jackie brought with her and climbed into the back, setting on the narrow bench seat along the side.

Forty-Five Minutes Later

Hospital for the Paranormal


A barrage of bright white invaded Jackie's vision so quickly her head swam when she snapped her eyes shut again to block it out, emitting a soft groan in the process. "Gods." She groaned again, "What the fuck happened to me?"

"You...erm...passed out." Danny said quietly, sounding as if he were sitting at her right.

"From what?" She questioned weakly.

"A combination of not eating properly and not breathing."

Jackie forced herself into a sitting position, and pried her eyes open. She smiled in short-lived triumph as another wave of dizziness crashed over her. "What are you talking about?"

"There was apparently some sort of spell placed on you at the airport yesterday. I think the doctors called it a 'Respiratory Seizing Spell' One that could have killed you if they arrived any later.

Jackie absently lifted a hand to rub some of the tension in her shoulders; but when her hand brushed her still tender throat, she winced.

Danny's head instantly shot up and his gaze fell to the bruises on her exposed throat. A protective fierceness clouding his eyes. "Want to tell me what happened?"

Jackie sighed and allowed her hands to fall into her lap. "Do you remember my high school friend? The one i told you about when we first got together?"

"Sun Windchime?" Danny asked. Clearly confused at Jackie's inquiry. "The one you had a crush on? Sure I remember you mentioning him, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Jacqueline looked down at her fidgeting hands. She wasn't sure where to begin. "I found him in Maryland. Alive."

"That's surprising. He must be what," Daniel paused, seeming to do the math in his head. "Seventy-something by now right?"

"That's right." She replied quietly. "He and his twin just turned 73 last month."

"Again," Daniel pressed. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Jackie sighed. "Nothing in particular other than he and Moon are now both Lycanvamps. Oh, and he tried to kill me before he realized who i was."

"Talk about a shitty high school reunion." Daniel scoffed, before truly understanding what she said. "Wait...what?"

"It was only a misunderstanding."

"What do you mean 'misunderstanding'?"

She could hear the anger in his voice.The fear in his tone apparent. "Selah, Danny."

"Relax?" He scoffed angrily. "How the hell can you tell me to relax when they attacked you, Jackie? Krekna!" He cursed in Draconian, running a frustrated hand through his already disheveled hair. "I'm your Avatar, Jackie! The reincarnation of your Soul Mate. Am I not the keeper of your Spark? The one to keep you safe? How in the seven hells am i supposed to do that when you don't tell me what's going on?" Daniel's voice rose. "I knew I should have gone with you." His voice rose in crescendo as his rant continued. "How-Why did I even let you talk me out of it?!"

"Because it was only meant to be a standard meet and greet with the Paranormal Masters." She interjected. "You know they don't allow outsiders into formal meetings. Besides you and I both know you had other obligations."

"Outsider? Really Jackie? That's all I am to you aren't I?" He raged. "All this time I thought I meant something to you. That being your Avatar was something important. But now I realize… all I am to you is a fucking slave."

"Daniel you know that isn't true. I have never treated you like a slave and you know it." Smoke leaked from her nostrils as her temper flared. "What the hell is wrong with you? When have I ever given you reason to think that way?" Hurt blossomed through her even as her anger rose.

"No. I don't want to hear any more of your shit Jacqueline. I'm through with being at your beck and call." He growled with disgust.

"Danny I never said-"

He held a hand up to stop her. "I'm fucking done." He spat, turning on his heel and walking out the door of her room. Leaving her in tears of denial, anger and confusion.

One Hour Later

O'Shae Lair-Headquarters of the Dragon Hunter Council


Daniel stormed through the great wooden doors of his family home, still fuming over what that dragon bitch had said. Her words were still ringing in his ears when he spotted his great-grandfather, Thomas O'Shea, descending the grand marble staircase. "We did warn ye about this boyo." The man said on a sympathetic growl.

"I know you did, Sir. Please forgive my arrogance and not listening to you and the rest of the council on the matter in the first place. Could you please tell me if my Mother and Father are among us?" Daniel bowed even as Thomas shook his head.

"Nay. Duncan and Ariana went to clean out the Stralunsky clan."

"Would you happen to know when they will be returning, sir?"

"They've been away on the mission for several days now. Yer parents should be back within a few more. Why do ye ask?" The man questioned with a curious tilt of his head.

Daniel squared his shoulders and released a trembling breath. "I would like to inquire about appealing to the Council for my Transanya Vaniel, Great-grandfather."

Thomas' eyes glittered with a sardonic smile. "Are ye certain ye are ready to enact yer training so late in yer life? Ye do ken the process should typically begin at the age of five.

Daniel nodded solemnly, "Yes sir, I am very well aware of this."

"How old are ye now, boyo?" Thomas questioned gently.

"19, sir."

"Ah." His great-grandfather chuckled, shaking his head. "That would indeed explain yer rude pig-headedness on the matter. However…" He paused, waving a single hand through the air. "Me-self and the rest of the council have fergiven yer foolishness. It is no longer an issue."

Daniel's head snapped up at the claim, taking in the twenty-five-year-old features of his great-grandfather. "It's not?!" He queried in disbelief.

The man merely shook his head once more and looked down upon Daniel with an amused glint in his too blue eyes. "Nay, in fact. Ye ken it did help us out significantly."

"How do you mean sir?"

"Insight on the dragon's lifestyle, boyo. A wicked smile curved the devilishly handsome man's mouth as he uttered his reply. "Ye have seen her habits. Ye ken how the dragon acts and communicates. Only ye can help us catch the uncatchable dragon.

End Prologue.

Jessica_J_White Jessica_J_White

Just a heads up:

I'll be switching POV often between Daniel and Jackie. Sometimes that isn't for a while, other times it seems between paragraphs. If you get a bit disoriented between the two, I'm sorry.

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