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57.14% Dragon Hunger

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Jackie's Apartment: Nashville, TN


The shrieking wail of her cell phone jolted Jacqueline awake. Upon reading her bedside clock and seeing that it was only four am, she begrudgingly turned the lamp on and scowled at the device preventing her sleep. Grasping the offending object from its resting place, she answered curtly. "Yeah, El?"

"Well good morning to you too, Sunshine." Came the trill of her long-time friend and cohort, Ellison Aiza.

"What the hell do you want that couldn't wait 'till daylight hours, El?"

A chuckle came through the receiver. "Kindly reign your teeth and claws there, cupcake." The woman sighed. "We have some information we thought you would care to have regarding your next case. Any chance you could come in?"

Jackie sighed. It was only a matter of time that she would have gotten another call for her job hunting down the paranormal ne'er-do-wells. She and a few other dragons had been rounding up remaining lycanvamps from Ta Doven Dos Paragas. The War of Species had occurred a few years prior when the vampire Mortimer Challen and his werewolf lackey Davis Tazowski forced their progeny, Sun Windchime, into creating the creatures.

Sun and his twin sister, Moon had been transformed by Mortimer and Davis when they were fifteen into hybrids of a vampire and a werewolf. When Mortimer recruited Robert McClelen, a notorious lycan huntsman and childhood friend of the twins, to kidnap Moon, Sun had reluctantly agreed to transform several unwitting humans into lycanvamps. Little is known to the true amount of the breed that were initially transformed, nor how many were transformed after.

Jackie still wasn't sure of the full story between Sun's sires and himself, but she was quick to help when John Myers, a member of the shifter race who policed the paranormal world and called themselves the "Paranormal Masters", because she had taken a liking to the quirky man. Jon and his wife, Racheal had both been invaluable assets against Mortimer and Davis' nefarious deeds. So it seems only fitting that when the Masters requested the dragons' aid in capturing the remaining lycanvamps, Jacqueline was more than ready to aid in their quest.

"You want me to come right now?" Jackie sighed heavily and began crawling out of bed and looking for a change of clothes.

"Yes now. How soon can you get here? This case seems a little more time sensitive than the others for some reason." Elison's voice held a note of unspoken worry and urgency.

"Give me about twenty minutes or so. Ten if i fly."

"Then fly."

The response from her best friend worried her. She wouldn't have suggested flying this close to dawn and risk discovery if it wasn't important. "Alright. I'm on my way, El." Jackie hung up the phone and shook her head sadly. There went the rest of her sleep. Restless though it may have been. After stuffing a change of clothes into a small pack, and running a brush through the tangled mass of hair, Jackie made her way to the roof of her apartment building.

After climbing the escape ladder to the roof of her building, she allowed her body to begin the stages of the Change from human to dragon. Her body grew in height and length, covering itself in the semi-sharp hide of her Draconian form. Large bat-like wings reached for the predawn sky even as muscles, bones, and claws thickened and filled out. Jackie's tail whipped back and forth as her transformation came to completion.

Dagger-like teeth formed a toothy grin when she stretched her wings to banish the cramped feeling in them; relishing in their power. She loved to fly, as all dragons do. But the joy of it had been sorely diminished since Daniel left.

Jackie let loose a huff of air and shook her snake-like head. Time to focus on more important matters. Crouching low, she gathered her strength and leapt for the sky. Her mighty wings swiftly catching the air to carry her high above the clouds and in the direction of downtown Nashville.


Daniel watched silently from his Harley as a dark form raced overhead towards Nashville before gunning the engine and tearing off after her. Doesn't she realize taking that wretched form and going for an early morning flight risks exposure? Even if I wasn't here to kill her, I'm certain somebody would spot and report that bitch winging toward downtown this morning. Daniel pondered curiously over her early morning flight as he gave the engine to his motorcycle a mighty roar and raced after her. Where could she possibly be going this early in the morning? And why the hurry?

He followed Jacqueline's dark form until she landed atop a rather large building across from an adult store. Confused, he chose a parking spot a few blocks away and watched as she floated down in a pair of dark blue jeans and a black tank top. Her long auburn hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail and the necklace he had given her all those years ago encircled around her delicate neck. When she touched down, her impressive wings disappeared into her back, forming a rather large and complex tattoo against her tanned skin. Part of him wanted to grab the female, throw her over his shoulder and steal her from whatever task she was dead set on. Then have his wicked way with her. His hunter side was simply curious to what this wo-DRAGON- was doing at the closed adult store. Even as the same voice demanded he skin her hide from her delectable body right then and there.

An evil smile bloomed as the thought came to him, he had a solution that could adhere to at least two of those conundrums: Wait and see what Jackie Luanne was going to do. And when she was about to leave…

Kill her.

Simple, yet effective. Efficient.

His heart lurched at the thought of killing her. He'd deal with his traitorous cock later. Exhaling, Daniel shook his head to clear the only slightly disturbing images that formed in his mind. Jackie was currently walking around the building towards the back entrance.


She felt as though she were being watched. As Jackie reached the door, she casually looked over her shoulder and froze upon seeing him.

Daniel was standing at the mouth of the alley with his arms crossed and leaning against the side of the building. Her blood ran hot and cold all at once and she began to tremble. Jackie's heart thrummed and her breath came in quick, shallow pants. "What are you doing here"

"I've promised several people I was going to kill you, Jacqueline." He snarled quietly.

Her gaze remained on the doorknob. "What's stopping you?" She questioned vehemently; though for the life of her, she couldn't quite keep the tendrils of fear from her voice. "Why didn't you do so at my apartment last night?"

His warm body was suddenly behind her once more. "Because," Daniel whispered in her ear, "apparently there is something terribly wrong with me." One of his hands snaked up her side to palm her breast through the thin cotton of Jackie's tank-top. "And I have full intentions to figure out what that is is exactly." Daniel's mouth came down to nibble gently on her throat.

Jacqueline's breath hitched and her body arched to his touch; causing her ass to press against his hardening member. "Daniel…" She moaned softly, moving her hand up to loosely grip the back of his head and pulled him closer.

Danny's free hand caught hers, and somehow pinned both of them in one swift motion above her head and against the cool metal door. Jacqueline could hear his heart beating wildly at her back and through his shirt. His breath was heavy against the soft flesh of her throat. "I want you." He growled simply. The hand at her breast continued to knead and caress. Fingers pinched and squeezed in a dazzling display of dexterity even as he ground his firmly against her ass and nuzzled the sweet spot at her throat. "Don't you want me anymore, sweetheart?" Jackie nodded deftly as she shuddered at the feel of him pressed against her. She was too afraid to speak and just as terrified he would pull away again. "Tell me, darling. Is there anyone who is warming your bed?" He continued fondling her, inhaling deeply as she moaned her answer.


"Good." Her Avatar cooed before continuing to nibble at her neck and tapered ear.

"You know Aragashen only mate for life. And as Telen Aragashen I only take one lover per century. You are my Avatar, Drashikni. Beloved." Jacqueline gave a delicate gasp of pleasure when the gemstone embedded in her left wrist began to glow and flooded her veins with an intense warmth at Daniel's touch. Well that's new. She thought briefly before Daniel's hand moved from her breast to cup her chin and gently urge her head to turn towards him. Jackie's eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted as he leaned forward to brush a kiss against her lips.

But just before their lips met, Daniel stopped. Jackie's heart lurched painfully and she could have screeched in frustration, but wisely kept her mouth shut.


What in the seven suns am I doing? Daniel thought inwardly, pulling away from the wretched beast immediately. He spat a Draconian curse at allowing himself yet another distraction. Clearly it had been too long since he had a woman.

"Daniel?" Came the soft query of the bitch before him. In the blink of an eye, Daniel spun her around to face him. His blade Reklaw-Nus pressed firmly beneath her chin once again; simultaneously pushing her back against the door. This time she struggled. Her luscious body taking on the grotesque features of her secondary form. In the span of a heartbeat, The hunter found himself thrown across the alleway. A deafening roar wrought the air, nearly bursting his eardrums with its proximity and pitch. Danny briefly stared in awe at the magnificent creature before him.

Crouched in the small alley was a behemoth of a lizard. Hues of crimson bled into green and darkened to near black in places. Smoke leaked from its massive nostrils and dagger-like talons pierced the dark asphalt. Wings were partially unfurled in the tight space and her long thick tail whipped back and forth in a show of agitation. The dragon's deep green gaze towered over him, fixated on his hand as Daniel slowly reached for his pistol while keeping his dagger up and at the ready.

Grinning at the thought of a fight; Daniel crouched into a defensive stance and clicked the safety off his gun, swinging it up to aim at the overgrown lizard before him. "C'mon, lover." He teased, letting loose a short bark of laughter. "Care to dance?"

Another tumultuous roar erupted from the monster's gaping maw as she took a step forward and swung her reptilian tail around; nearly connecting with Daniel's side. He narrowly dodged the attack by leaping on top of a nearby dumpster. The hunter balanced on the balls of his feet and managed to lash out with his golden Asrac, connecting with the dragon's forearm when she swiped at him with her talons.

Jackie let loose an animalistic grunt of pain and staggered sideways into the building, causing it to shudder slightly under her weight. Daniel took the opportunity to fire a shot, catching her in the side. Damn. Missed the heart. He thought grimly as he positioned himself for another attack. Snarling, Jackie lunged. Her teeth snapped dangerously close to his leg, but was hindered by the width of the alley and unable to quite reach the awkward angle he was positioned in. "Ignorant feind." Daniel chuckled low and brought the gun up once more.

A crash came from the mouth of the alley as Daniel fired. The shot went wild, catching the flaming bitch in the shoulder instead of her head where he had originally aimed. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Daniel bellowed. A long string of curse flew from his lips as he swung around to see where the crash had come from. Jacqueline's rar of pain reverberated in the sudden silence.

"Hey cuz!" Came Peter's obnoxious voice. "Looks like y'all could use a hand."


Jackie took the opportunity to escape. Knowing she couldn't take the pair on her own in her current very cramped and wounded state. No telling how many more hunters were present. Even if it had just been Daniel and his teammate, there was no doubt her roars alerted any other hunters in the area.

Spreading her wings, she took flight. The agony of the wounds steadily grew with each downward swoop. Mind racing with questions. What is with my Avatar? One minute he's coming onto me like a bitch in heat and the next he's trying to scorching kill me! Jacqueline contemplated the anger she had seen cross his face when Danny had turned towards his partner. I wonder what he was more furious about. Was he upset with me? She snorted. Likely. The fact that he missed not one but two shots intended to do some serious damage. Or was it aimed at the cousin. She heaved a labored sigh of relief as her rooftop finally came into view. Either way, it's time to get the hell out of Nashville. I need to warn the others.

Jacqueline's transformation was much slower from the poisonous gold from the bullets coursing through her veins; however, she finished just in time to make a crash landing into her terrace door. She lay amongst the broken glass on the living room floor panting and groaning in pain for what seemed like an eternity.

When she finally managed the strength to sit up, Jackie could feel the weight of the gold in her system. A cold sweat was beginning to coat her body and she knew removing them was going to have to take priority. Already Jackie could feel the symptoms of the poisoning upon her. Blessed Nialis this is going to fucking hurt. Bracing herself , Jackie decided to try for the one in her side first before she went for the shoulder. If she could reach that one at all. Her movements were becoming more and more sluggish with each heavy thud of her heartbeat. Jacqueline winced in pain as her fingers delved for the bullet. The deeper she dug, the harder it was to hold back the cry of agony mounting in her chest.

Finally, she could feel the flaming thing at her fingertips as she gingerly extracted the bullet from just below her ribcage. Jackie's sight was beginning to darken and her stomach rolled in protest as she fought to stay conscious. Not much longer. Jacqueline knew she had to figure a way to extract the other slug from her shoulder before she passed out. She was grateful her transformation seemed to have pushed the bullet from her side closer to the surface. She could only hope the same was true for the one in her shoulder.

She heaved a labored breath and staggered to her feet when the worst of the dizziness had passed. Gripping her side with one hand to staunch the free flowing blood, she slowly made her way to the bathroom. Clumsily opening the medicine cabinet, she knocked most of its contents on the countertop in search of the medical supplies she would need. Her head continued to swim as she set to inspect the wound in her shoulder. Jackie to watch herself in the mirror. Twisting around in an awkward position that would put a contortionist to shame, Jackie finally managed to get a good angle to extract the stubborn object from her flesh. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jackie placed her bloodied hands on the edge of the sink, panting with exertion. The blood that ran down her side and back eventually slowed as she allowed the wounds to push out the worst of the gold poisoning. Her legs quaked and threatened to give out on her when she moved to turn the shower on and climbed in.

Jackie simply stood in the shower; arms braced on the wall and allowed the warm water to run over her tired body, soothing her aching spirit. Her body beginning to regain a degree of its strength. After a moment, she gingerly washed away the grime and blood of the battle and eased out of the tub. With agonizing determination, Jacqueline gently toweled off and bandaged her wounds. When she had dressed, Jackie decided it was time to pack what little she owned and move on. Quickly.

There was no sense in staying in Nashville now that the Hunter's Council knew where her apartment was. Jackie exhaled sadly. She was officially out of options. Finished with her packing, Jacqueline wandered into the bedroom to grab her phone. Dialing Sun's number, she began looking for her keys, sluggish as she was.

End Chapter 2

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