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Legacy of the Resourceful Hero Legacy of the Resourceful Hero original

Legacy of the Resourceful Hero

Author: UnformedStatue

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Debut of the Resourceful Hero

The land of Sabarum lied in ruin. The vast landscapes were lit up with raging fires, the villages and kingdoms were overwhelmed by monsters, and any glimmer of hope that was left.. had already disappeared.

Princess Myosis, leader of Sabarum's most powerful army, had failed at her task to keep the world safe. Sweat dripped down her chin as she witnessed the chaos and destruction firsthand. "It's.. all over.." she stated. "Everyone is being slaughtered.. and at my command."

From behind, a demonic looking rock monster raised its fist, and prepared to crush the devastated princess. She herself was too caught up in her own thoughts to realize it.

Seconds before Myosis would have been killed, an extremely large and muscular man used nothing but his own body to knock the rock monster away.

"S-Sen..dal..?" Filled with despair, Myosis's gaze met her large companion's. He was one in a million, that much she knew. But right now her thoughts couldn't escape that of her catastrophic failure.

Sendal lifted his burly hand, and smacked her across the face. He then tightly grabbed Princess Myosis by the shoulders. "I know.. things are looking bleak right now. Everyone is dying, and a comeback seems hopeless. But.. I don't care. That look is not one I'll allow you to display Princess. Do you hear me??"

She gulped. "Y-Yes.. yes of course!"

"Good. Now if you recall, sometime back, you informed me that you had an item.. an item that was given to you by a dragon slayer. One that you stated could be of use if a situation like this ever arised. Please.. tell me you still have it!"

Blankly staring into Sendal's eyes, Myosis said nothing.

He stared back, but his eyes contained much more of a flare. "Dammit Myosis I asked if you have the damn thing! You spoke quite highly of it, it has to be of some sort of use!"

Swiftly and suddenly, Myosis grabbed a glowing cube from her pocket. As she held it in front of her, her hand noticeably shook. "This cube.. has the ability to summon one hero. The strength of the hero is based on the situation they are summoned in. What we are facing now is nothing compared to what lies ahead. But, I seem to no longer have a choice. Unless I take action, Sabarum will be eradicated completely."

"So that's what it is, I see.." Looking at the device for a moment, Sendal continued. "I don't believe we should delay any further, Princess. We should activate the device as soon as possible."

"Yes I agree. Although.. I never exactly figured out how to make it work. The only details I managed to gather are what I've already stated."

Grabbing it from her hand, Sendal tossed the ominous cube into the air. "Well I apologize but with each passing second the death count increases, and I can't allow that to continue! If you truly have no clue how this thing operates, I'm sure a bit of smashing should get it working!" His fist slammed against the cube, shattering it to pieces.

Shockwaves blasted across the globe, and everyone turned their heads. About fifteen feet from where Myosis and Sendal were standing, a figure, seemingly male, knelt.

Seeing this, Myosis anxiously separated her lips, revealing her shining white teeth. "There he is, a hero with the abilities to bring down this entire threat. If what the dragon slayer said is true that is."

The hero stood up, revealing a completely nude body. He examined his surroundings, which consisted of many horrendous sights, and clenched his fists.

Myosis watched him. "No weapons.. and no armor of any sort. Could he be like Sendal, using only his pure might? Or.. no, maybe the cube only includes the hero and not the equipment. "Sendal!" She called. "Please, fetch the hero some gear and inform him of the situation."

"No.. that won't be needed." The hero claimed.

"I-It won't..?" Myosis seemed a little confused. "Okay.. maybe he is like Sendal after all. He doesn't really look large enough for it though."

"That is what I said, is it not? It won't." The hero stood firmly. "If I'm correct to assume I've been summoned here for combat, then I need nothing more than the glistening green blades of grass beneath my feet."

"Alright then, I trust your word hero. Just please.. if you can, help us. O-Our people are getting killed left and right. Our land is in ruins. A slew of powerful, monstrous beings are attacking us in every place imaginable. We've given as much effort as we can, and still managed to lose. You're our last hope, the only chance at victory left."

Shoving his hand into the grass, the hero smirked. "Your last hope, huh? You can consider yourselves a lucky bunch then, because you managed to summon one such as I. Just stand back and I will take care of your dilemma."

Both Princess Myosis and Sendal looked on in awe as the hero pulled a large clump of grass from the ground. He twisted and turned it between his hands, constructing something with it.

"Sendal.. what could the hero be doing?" The Princess asked, a little confused.

Sendal squinted his eyes, and responded. "I have not even the slightest idea, but I wouldn't question his actions until we've seen the results, Princess."

After a mere thirty seconds, the hero slowly stood back up. His entire body was covered with powerful looking armor made entirely... of the grass. An intricately designed helmet, along with detailed body armor complimented a long, sharp grassy blade.

"W-What the... hell..?" Myosis was stunned.

"How did he..?" Sendal was equally shocked.

"I call this... my dynamic meadow form!" The hero screamed.

Before departing, he glanced back once more.

"Ah, by the way. You may call me Cereo. Remember that name well, as it will be necessary for when you are gifting me my rewards."

And he was off. Cereo rocketed his way across the land, cutting down loads of monsters as he passed them. It only took one stroke of his blade, and a grouping would fall to the floor. After taking down hoards, saving villages, and defeating large individual beasts in a matter of minutes, the time came for Cereo to take on the leader of this army.

He stood across from a man who had long, sleek black hair. After twisting and turning his grassy blade, Cereo pointed it toward the supposed leader. "Finally, after a bit of searching I have found you. I recommend you stand down, or else you are in for an unpleasant and gruesome death."

The leader flipped his hair, and chuckled. "Hahah, a truly impressive performance. But the strength of my underlings is nothing compared to mine, underestimate me and you will regret it.. as I am the 4th commander of the demonic onslaught, Nelmin!"

"Nelmin you say?" Cereo raised an eyebrow. "Such a pitifully ridiculous name. While I'm not sure who your parents are, I am now certain that they held a secret disliking toward their child the instant he came out of the womb! There is simply no other explanation for why-.."

Without hesitation, Nelmin sped forward. He clashed both blades of his own against the one Cereo constructed out of grass. "The craftsmanship.. how did you manage to acquire such a well made weapon?"

A wide smile grew on Cereo's face, he stared into Nelmin's eyes and said. "I constructed it.. out of grass!"

The eyes of Nelmin grew wide, he seemed stunned by this revelation. Before he could respond however, Cereo spun himself around so that he was behind the 4th commander of the demonic onslaught, and sliced him in half.

Before Nelmin's torso hit the floor, Cereo cut it into tiny pieces with his overwhelming speed. The only body part left, was the head.

It began to rain, and Cereo looked up at the sky. He allowed the drops to hit him. "I am glad to have been able to return to this world, how long has it been? Hundreds? Thousands of years? Ah, no matter. Either way, what I trained myself to do inside of that cube has certainly paid off. As I have taught myself how to construct anything and everything out of the simplest of objects."

He picked up Nelmin's head, and prepared to return it to the princess.

"Some may call me, quite the resourceful hero. Ahaha!"

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