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25.17% Dc Reinhardt

Chapter 35: Trust issues

Two weeks had passed since the incident; Geralt was sitting in his hideout's forge making a small knife out of depleted Promethium. When he finished the knife, he opened one of his books to check its quality; "Damn." He stood up and walked outside his hideout, once outside he raised his hand and fired off five balls of light towards New York.

When the balls left his house they started to reflect light and rapidly picked up speed, within a second they crashed into different criminals around the city. Geralt went back to his hideout and the victims looked around in awe. Back in his hideout he started melting down the metal to re-forge it, this time he forged it into a small armor plate and check it quality "…damn…well…Rome wasn't built in a day..."

He melted the tiny plate once more and set it away, and then he grabbed a bunch of 8th metal and took it to the forge. His eyes started to glow as the metal started to melt, "Rome wasn't built in a day, but with these eyes…and my power…I can!" as the hours went by his new one sided Viking sword started to take shape.

He took the red-hot blade and admired it 'when I used that shitty steal, I would have to fold the steel to get it how I wanted. But thanks to those books and 8th metal it's like I've entering a new if only I could figure out how to get Volatile Promethium to match 8th's quality.'

Geralt stepped back outside to deal with some more criminals before finishing the blade of his new sword. When he came back down to the forge, he grabbed a rusted engraving stencil and bathed it in gravity before carving the blades name on the back of the blade. "Angurvadal…" he stopped to look at the name, and then he continued "…The name means stream of anguish, it is said that the blade will blaze in times of war. But gleam with a dim light in times of peace. And this time--"

He stopped talking as a small candle flame appeared at the tip of the stencil, very quickly the flame heat rose as it hit 12,000 degree. Geralt started carving the enchantment and as he did he slowly changed over to thermonuclear flames. Once finished with the high-end enchantment, he layered it with a durability enchantment then put the stencil down.

He grabbed a smaller stencil and turned the blade over to its back, then started from there as he covered the blade in a seal. The heat that radiated from the blade faded along with the patterned enchantments, and a dim yellow light started to appear on the name of the blade. He used the small stencil to carve a protection seal on to the tang of the blade.

#an: the tang is long piece of metal that attached to the blade of a sword, and is used to attach, the hilt onto the blade… oh and the shoulders (the wide part on top of the hilt) of the hilt go up around the blade, the pommel is just a round metal ball. #

"There…now nobody can say this thing kills people unintentionally." Geralt held the blade as he exited his hideout. When he looked out the window he was shocked to see it was a new day, he grabbed each of the pieces of its hilt and attached them. He went back to the cave and grabbed the stencil before drawing what he called the tracker, follow and finally master-child seal. He returned to his house, and stood on the roof as he undid the seal on the blade to bask in its beauty. "Damn, I'm amazing--" as he raised the blade to the sky he stopped and sighed "it's only been two weeks and now we have an alien invasion…COME ON, WTF!!" Geralt turned around to grab one his suits and as he did, he kept complaining while he resealed the sword.


Above the northern Hemisphere a Giant plant sized Alien colony was being attacked by the U.S government. Groups of people watched from below and Media members all over the world recorded it, since the Alien Colony shrugged it off like the attacks weren't there.

The Justice league flew in to engage it, Simon had Batman and Aquaman in one bubble, and in another he had Victor and Flash. Before the league could engage a giant green beam was fired at them, Jessica made a shield to protect everyone.

But the beam hit it and sent them crashing into earth, when the beam faded a giant 12 miles deep pit was formed at the outskirts of Canada. As rubble started to fall on the downed team, Jessica stood up and used her ring to prevent it from killing the team.

Diana stood up and looked for Superman's heart beat; once she found it she slowly removed anhd pulled him out. Cyborg leaned back against the rubble and informed them all "It's a mining colony, they go from system to system breaking everything down… and I mean everything! It's how they live, hundreds of millions of them. There are cities and everything."

Superman sat on a rock as he leaned against the wall, he was visible tired and hurt. Batman looked around and asked "what did it hit us with? They took out Superman and flash like they weren't even trying. "

Cyborg responded "it's a sort of gravity drill it uses to break down a planet. Gravity that dense could make flash slower and Superman Heavier."

Batman nodded as he said "you said it eats stars…that means it powered by a Red sun too, I'd expect."


As the league started discussing what to do, Geralt flew high above the skies as he studied the mining colony. 'There are so many different kinds of energies in that… dome, planet…over sized top…' Geralt used his eyes to study how the machine blends them together. 'Amazing, I wonder if I can get Cyborg to translate the data on this machine for me.'

Geralt stopped and looked around 'where are Cyborg and the league anyways?' he rose higher into the air and spotted the Giant pit, Geralt turned back to the mining colony, as he did he saw multiple nukes hitting the surface of the colony but not making a dent.

Geralt flew over to the pit and heard the league talking. "Ohh, they're having a moment."

Cyborg said "When Hal, told us he was leaving and that he'd given his beat to you two, we didn't question it. We trusted that he knew what he was doing and ad chosen his replacements well, you think, you don't belong here? Boo-frikkin-hoo, grow up. You're not here because we said you could be, but that should be and that means something, don't screw it up."

Geralt applauded as he heard this "well done Cy… although how much did I miss and why are the lanterns acting like this?"

Superman smile then said "you didn't miss much, although… how are things going up there." The league looked at him in confusion, but before they could ask him anything. A message written in Yellow Solar radiation appeared in front of them. "I was going to help you guys…but it's pretty clear you guys have major issues… I'll just wait here."

They all read it as the message faded into Superman's body, everyone looked to him and Superman said "Geralt's not wrong, we don't trust each other and it's a problem."

Aquaman sat up as he said "well, right now we don't belong together, do we? It's not just the rookie lanterns that changed our team is it? There's this new Superman too…Batman only wanted you on the team so he could keep an eye on you. Figure out why you're here and what it has to do with the death of our Superman, he doesn't think it's a coincidence and neither do I."

Superman smiled as he remembered something he once heard "batman once told me the only way to find the truth was to question everything." Batman frowned as he said "I didn't tell you that. I told my Superman that."

Superman continued to reminisce as he said "really? Well, maybe it was my batman who told me that you are so like. We didn't like each other, you know, didn't trust each other, not at first, not for a long while. That came later, he kept luthor's kryptonite ring to use against me. He kept files on how to beat all of us."

Everyone looked towards Batman, and Aquaman asked "Do you?" but before he could force an answer, laughter appeared inside the pit as a wormhole opened up. And Geralt took a set inside the cramped pit, he stabbed the new Angurvadal into the ground beside him.

Diana looked at him and shook her head; Geralt smiled and stared down Batman. Diana turned back to him and asked "well do you?" Geralt smile grew wider as he waited for the answer.

Batman "yes." The rest of the league turned to him and yelled in anger "why would you even do that!?" flash said. Superman and Geralt said "Go on tell, them." Diana turned to Geralt and said "hold on, did you know about this?" Geralt sighed as he looked into her eyes and knew.

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