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94.24% Dc Reinhardt

Chapter 131: Roy

Watchtower, evening four days later

Geralt stood in front of the watchtower supercomputer, replaying every relevant piece of footage Bruce gathered from Lokee's raid on Arkham. His eyes radiated a look of curiosity mixed with extreme irritation. His body radiated waves distorted sound, gravity, and various energies.

The more Geralt watched the angrier he got. He couldn't memorize Lokee's heartbeat, he couldn't memorize Lokee's magical signature…He couldn't memorize anything related to Lokee, everything was too unstable. And to top it off he had just wasted a few hours watching Lokee.

Geralt: "Ok so, what now? What now…If Lokee uses his gateway accordingly, he'll be gone before I can find him. And then there's the fact *Sigh* he could've spread his gateway's throughout the planet…using, rope, building blocks, money...fuckin anything really. *Sigh*

So that leaves. How's he getting his information? From what I've seen on video, Lokee doesn't know shit about the Arkham inmates. If he did, Hugo Strange would've been kidnapped…AND BRUCE KILLED ON SIGHT!! At the very least he should have had Bane drugged then sent after Bruce or Selina!

…This fucker has an information network, although it's a really shitty one. But how does Ivy fit in, and what does he have planned for--."

Diana: "Please continue, detective Reinhart. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Geralt: "…Hey how close are you with swap thing?"

Diana: "He's a friend why?"

Geralt: "I heard he's connected to earth's green. Do you think he could find Ivy the next time she shows up?"

Diana: "Wow mister I can find anyone. Is asking somebody else to find somebody? Let me guess, it's going to take days if not weeks and you don't wanna stay up to do it."

Geralt silently glanced at Diana leaning against the desk with a bright smug smile and a slightly raised eyebrow. She watched him turned his back away, while she mouthed. "You could always split a portion of yourself off, but then again…fine."

Geralt mumbled: "And hearing a few billion people cry over nonsense gets really old."

Diana: "yeah, there's—Soo what about his network?"

Geralt: "Wow look at you trying to change the subject. Fine, and as for his network…I'm taking you to meet, Samuel."

Diana: "Who?"

Geralt: "Just come, you'll love it."

Oklahoma Ranch

Geralt stepped out a wormhole dressed in slippers, a white tank top, and loose black sweatpants. Diana leaned against his right arm, she dawned slim blue jeans and a loose red top.

She looked upon a grassy field surrounded by an assortment of animals that were sectioned of by colored fencing. Straight ahead was a cobblestone and wood mansion, to its far-right was a fairly thick forest.

The two made their way towards the mansion and as they did, Diana noticed that the front door was forced open. She pulled away from Geralt and reached toward the door. But as she did, a muffled gunshot could be heard, followed by multiple grunting noises.

Diana rushed into the living room along with Geralt, who strolled in with a relaxed look on his face. When they entered the living room, they came upon a fairly tally muscular black male-killing off intergang thugs with extreme brutality.

Diana raised an eyebrow at Geralt, who gave a nervous shrug as he watched Samuel stomped the last man's head in, Geralt mouthed 'He fights with grace.'

Diana rolled her eyes thinking 'I shouldn't be surprised, knowing his past.'

Then the glanced towards the front door, where she saw a middle aged blond southern woman staring Geralt down with anger filed eyes. Along with her starry-eyed 15-year-old white sons.

Woman: "You could've helped him, yah lazy fuck."

Geralt: "And miss the show, naw. But if you must know…"

Samuel: "It was Turks doing, I know. His men talk…A lot."

Woman: "You know…this is the first time. You've introduced any woman to this part of your life."

Samuel smiling: "That's…actually true. Well then, hi I'm Samuel."

Diana: "Diana."

#An: Samuel's 30, wife 34 her son 15. This information's only relevant to this part of the story. #

- New York, A few hours ahead.

Back in Brooklyn, Roy was looking down at a fairly old warehouse surrounded by twelve well-armed men, which carried the latest in assault rifles and open market combat suits. Like the warehouse, Roy's building along with everything in the area looked old and worn-out.

He notched his bow with a recording arrow then took aim at an open window, before firing it off. Roy turned to the exit as his arrow flew into one of the many cracks on the wall. His finger was reached down to a button on his bow; however, he paused when his communicator rang, "Message from Donna."

Rang the league's A.I. "Send it thru" said Roy with a small grin on his.

#An: He's not really a member of the league; he has a communicator so he can stay in touch with others. #

Down inside the warehouse, the intergang soldiers were notifying a green-clad assassin about Roy's intrusion. They then lead her towards the arrow, where she promptly took a gun and shot a bullet at the arrow.

The men watched as the woman smiled while telling them, "adjust your helmets range, watch the buildings and be ready to spring a trap. But try not to kill him, Arsenal (Roy) has information on the operation and we need to find out what."


Dirty Ally, a few blocks away

Roy leaned against a gratify stained wall as Donna said, "It's good to hear your voice, Roy. I've been worried about you going after Intergang solo."

Roy: "…."

Donna: "Roy?"

Roy: "I'm fine, Donna. I know if you could, you'd be here helping me. But you're not and I'm fine. So just focus on where you are, in case--"

Donna: "Say it!"

Roy: "…"

Donna: "In case I turn into Troia!? They're worried about all of us going off the rails, Harper. That���s why they benched us! And now you are going after Intergang alone. You won't even accept help from Katherine."

Roy: "I'm fine, DONNA."

Donna sighs: "Sorry. I feel so useless here."

Roy: "…Listen Donna…I'll talk to you later, my investigation's bearing fruit." *Click, Click.*

Roy's thoughts: 'I miss her, but am starting to wonder…Are my calls are making things worse? Maybe I am. I mean, how great could her life be without me? She has, Wonder woman, Katherine, and even Geralt … Let's just focus on the investigation for now. They destroyed my arrow, so I must be getting close.'

Some time had passed, and Roy made his way on top of a building that over the Intergang warehouse. In the shadows of this building was the green-clad assassin, ready for the trap to spring.

"Are they shipping a new product?" Roy thought out loud.

He watched as some cartel men move to unload unmarked crates, while six of the 12 soldiers snuck away. What the fuck is going on?' Thought Roy, while he notched his bow with an arrow.

To his surprise, the soldiers below trained their guns at his rooftop, and then quickly released a hail of bullets. Roy dodged to the side as the missing six soldiers stormed his rooftop from the stairwell.

He jumped off the building as the soldiers fired their guns around. The green-clad assassin scaled down the other side of it, while the rooftop soldiers sprinted down the building as fast as they could.

Roy thought of Donna's warnings, as multiple grenades were thrown in his direction. Their explosion sent him skidding across the pavement.

But to his delight, the green-clad assassin had made quick work of the soldiers, before revealing herself to be. Cheshire, his former lover and a high ranking member of the League of Assassins!

The remaining six men, having made their way to the firefight were a bit surprised by her actions. However, Roy fired arrows into their joints as Cheshire disabled them in a fast and effective manner. He although skeptical of her arrival said nothing as he got lost in her hazel eyes.

…Sadly for Roy, the soldiers were just skilled enough, to stall for their getaway driver. And now he'd have new problems to worry about.

#An: if you don't know who she is, google her. Some of you have probably watched, young justice and if you have. Then you've seen a younger version of her character since she was on the show…Roy got her pregnant, but she gave the child away.

I...if I remember it correctly, I know she got rid of one of her kids. #

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

I was going to extend Roy and Donna's dialogue. However, at this point, it should be fairly clear Roy's life is a bit of a mess and that he lacks confidence.

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