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Chapter 4: New Lives

One Month Later

After travelling through nothing but forests, plains, and mountains, the family of five finally reach the top of a large hill, seeing a massive city laying at the foot of the hill. The city is massive, spanning almost as far as they can see, a large building with a dome-room lies in the center of the city.

"We're finally here," Derral says as they all stand there looking down at the city with eyes-wide and smiles stretched across their face, "Dusho,". They quickly make their way down the hill and down a wide-street leading into the town. It's made of smooth stone, and spans twice as wide as any of the streets back at their old home. They all look up at the buildings around them, all two stories with windows open to let in the fresh evening air. Clothesline are draped over the street, colorful clothes hanging down from them, flowing flags in the wind. Everyone greets the strangers with warm smiles and open arms.

A young girl with vibrant pink hair catches their attention as she runs towards them. She looks to be around ten or so.

"Hello there!" She says, jumping up and waving her arms in the air to catch their attention. She's wearing a light blue skirt that opens up like flower petals at the bottom, tipped with white. A white sleeveless shirt, with light blue trim ends around her midsection. White bracelets sit on her wrist and light blue anklets on her ankles "Welcome tooooo," She spins around in a circle, "Dusho!" She jumps in the air again, holding her arms up. The five of them all applaud her.

"How was that grandma?" The girl asks excitedly as she looks over her shoulder. An elderly woman with dark brown hair in a white and light blue dress walks up to the young girl.

"I think it speaks for itself," The elderly woman replies with an encouraging smile as she gestures towards the family, "Welcome to Dusho. My name is Saltatora, and this is my grand baby Synthia," She rubs the top of Synthia's head.

"Nice to meet you!" She says with a bright smile.

"My name's Derral," He replies, "This is my wife, Anette, and these are our kids, Stacy, Helena, and Leon,"

"Oh my, therians," Saltatora says with excitement as she walks up to them, "I hope you guys weren't given too much trouble over them," She says, looking up at Derral and Anette with concern.

"Oh, no, we weren't," Anette replies with a giggle, "But I must ask, how on earth did you know?"

"It's a, gift, of sorts. I've always been connected to animals, and therians are no exception. My husband is a tiger therian after all," She chuckles a bit, "Come, come, let us give you the tour," She gestures for them to follow. They all look at each other before following her and her granddaughter. The townsfolk all greet them happily.

"Good evening, Saltatora!"

"Morning miss Salta!"

"Hey look, visitors! They must be here for the Full Moon Festival!"

"I can't wait for the festival tonight!"

"See you at the festival miss Saltatora!"

"What's this, festival everyone's talking about?" Derral asks as they enter a large square, several stands set up selling various things like fruit and jewelry.

"The Full Moon Festival is, as the name implies, a festival we hold every night of the full moon. We hold one every month in remembrance of Hope, the ray of light in a world of darkness,"

"Hope? I, think I remember hearing about them...yeah, my father would tell me all about them. The four warriors of Hope, who brought peace to the world and created the Three Kingdoms. That's just some fairy tale though,"

"It's no fairy tale," Saltatora says, waving a finger.

"My Great Great Grandmother, was the leader of Hope!" Synthia says excitedly, "I was named after her,"

"This town was built where here home village used to be," Saltatora continues, "Where she met the young men who would grow up to be the first kings of the kingdoms,"

"Are you guys affiliated with any of the kingdoms?" Anette asks.

"Oh, heavens no. We would never partake in such needless bloodshed," She says with a pained expression, "Did you come seeking shelter from the war? What kingdom were you from?"

"We've been living peacefully in the south…" Derral replies, "But, then a huge group of ruffians attacked our village, burning everything to the ground. We barely escaped with our lives, thanks to a young man who sacrificed himself,"

"Oh dear," Tears form in her eyes as she feels their pain, "I'm, so sorry to hear that…" She says with genuine sympathy, "You're more than welcome to stay here,"

"So, what animals can you guys turn into?" Synthia asks Leon, Helena, and Stacy as the adults continue to talk, "My dad's a grizzly bear,"

"Hm. Oh, uh, I'm, not a therian," Stacy replies nervously, "They are though,"

"I'm a lion!" Leon replies pridefully.

"Lucky! What about you?" Synthia asks Helena.

"Um, I'm a, raven,"

"That's so cool! I wish I was a therian,"

Later That Night

The family all sit down in one of the balconies on the left side of the theater with Saltatora and Synthia. The place is packed full of people all chattering among themselves, eager with anticipation. Everyone grows quiet as a large buff man walks to the center of the stage, a side-ways line of other dancers following behind him. Barefoot, the man wears a skirt similar to the one Synthia had on, but it's light brown instead of blue. Instead of a shirt, he has on an open vest in inverted colors to his skirt, white bracelets and light brown anklets on.

"That's my dad!" Synthia exclaims as she points to him.

"Welcome everyone, to the Full Moon Festival!"

The audience starts to applaud as the torches suddenly all go out, and the roof of the theater opens up, the moonlight pouring down onto the stage. The orchestra starts to play music, the man joining the line of other dances as they all start to take formation on the stage.

In the far south of the Southern Region

In a valley surrounded by mountains, sits a large castle. Purple flags with the groups symbol, a V-shape with two arches jutting out away from the bottom of the V, adorned on them, wave in the cold breeze. Inside one of the room, Himitsu lays in a bed, his whole body aching from an entire day of non-stop aching. It takes all his strength to sit up, and push his legs over the side of the bed onto the ground. As he catches his breath he looks down the top of his shirt at the purple medallion on his chest.

"You think he's worthy of being the first one to test the Seal, Hex?" A large man in heavy armor asks as he sits upon a black throne.

"Oh, I know so Getron," The man with the cape replies. Getron gets up from the throne, walking up to Hex and Himitsu. He glares down at the young boy, who glares back up at him. A smirk emerges on Getron's face and he looks back up at Hex.

"Bring it here," Getron orders. Hex snaps his finger, and a small purple medallion appears in his hand, then he hands it to Getron, "Remove your shirt," He commands. Himitsu takes off his shirt, the cold air of the room biting at his skin.

"This is most likely going to hurt," Hex comments, as he walks around to Getron's side, "Please, feel free to scream in agony all you like," He says with a devilish smile. Getron places a firm hand on Himitsu's shoulder before he starts speaking some other language.

"Anima Mea, Signasti Servus, Improbus Ille," The medallion starts to glow bright, and Getron slowly moves it towards Himitsu's chest, "Magister, tu eorum, Fove," He places the medallion onto Himitsu's chest, a burning cold filling his chest. Getron and Hex step away as Himitsu falls to his knees from the pain.

The seal is suppose to make him obey Getron's will, and it certainly does. There hasn't been an order he's been given that he hasn't followed. It's also suppose to make him devoid of emotion, but that's not much different than normal, now he just doesn't get angry at things even when he knows he should be. Himitsu stumbles to the door, opening it up and letting in the cold, fresh air of the night. His room is connected to an open hall that surrounds one of the many castle courtyards, this one being used as a training grounds during the day. He walks up to the short wall acting as a barrier between the hall and courtyard, looking up at the full moon in the sky.

Despite being completely empty on the inside, he can still feel it. The insatiable hunger he feels every full moon, the blood lust that he has to resist giving into almost every other night. Since the medallion had been put on, that went away too, until now, when they always reached their peaks. Luckily, the hunger isn't as strong as normal, the seal is able to weaken it at least. He stands there for who knows how long, pondering why he has such, monstrous urges deep inside him. Meanwhile, in the shadows, Hex observes him, feeling an unknown force emanating from within Himitsu. He had felt something similar back at the village before he healed him. What on earth could it be?

TIWHimitsu TIWHimitsu

The same moon shines over everyone, each onlooker being affected in a different way. Some see it as a beacon of light in the dark, while others look upon it with dread.

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