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Becoming omnipotent Becoming omnipotent original

Becoming omnipotent

Author: Anonymous67

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The end and the beginning

Dylan had a normal life, at least thats what he thought, he was average when it came academics, while he was only slightly more athletic when it came to physical ability than the average male his age. (which was 16) His looks were above average, he had messy brown hair, with deep blue eyes. His white skin was smooth, almost silky , he was lucky enough to not suffer from any acne like some kids his age.

But none of this mattered as he found himself floating in a endlessly dark void that seemed to have no end to it. 'I didn't think that when I die I would be stuck floating around by myself in darkness' Dylan thought to himself while looking around to re-confirm that he truly is alone by himself in the void.

Dylan thought back on how he ended up in this empty void, he had attempted to stop the mugging of an elderly old man and his wife. He had recklessly tried to subdue the mugger but failed to realise that the criminal had a concealed weapon on him and ended up being stabbed with a knife in the chest.

Even though helping the elderly couple had resulted in his untimely death he did not regret his actions as his last moments on Earth were filled with him receiving gratitude from the elderly couple, just before Dylan's conscience faded away the old man had said to him him. "Thank you for saving me and my wife young man, my heart is filled with joy knowing that there are still young people as kind as you living on this planet" Those words and the fact that the couples eyes were filled with tears of gratitude for Dylan made him feel even more so that the decision he made was indeed the right one.

After a while of thinking back on his last moments on Earth Dylan had realised that he was still floating around in the eternal darkness, he didn't know what to do so he just called out into the dark nothingness by yelling, "Hey is anyone there?" unsurprisingly there was no response from the void, well at least that's what he thought, in the distance he could see a faint light move closer and closer to him at an alarming speed. But the closer the light got, the faster Dylan realised that it wasn't light, but bolts of lightning coming towards him, Dylan panicked for a second because he didn't know what was going on, all he knew is that he might finally be able to leave that void.

The bolts of lightning arrived in front of Dylan but instead of striking him, the bolts combined together to make the shape of a man, Dylan was more confused than anything now, he just saw lightning come together to make a man, so to try and answer his own curiosity and confusion he asked, "What are you?", the lightning which had now fully taken the shape of a man didn't bother to answer his question but instead answered with his own question. "Why did you save them?" The mans voice was rough and wasn't very clear but Dylan understood his words, Dylan replied with , "you're talking about the old couple aren't you?" the man made from lightning just simply nodded and asked again. "Why did you save them?,You didn't know them and you had no reason to help so why did you?", Dylan looked at the man made from lightning, the man had no facial features apart from a mouth but even then Dylan knew that even if he did have facial features, his face would be emotionless just like his words.

Truthfully Dylan didn't know why he put himself in danger to save that couple either, but he simply thought that it was the right thing to do, so without further thought Dylan merely said "Because it's the right thing to do", even without facial features Dylan could tell his response shocked the man made from lightning a little bit. The man made from lightning responded with, "That's surprising since humans are usually selfish creature but you are different from them it seems", That answer took Dylan by surprise since he had always thought himself to be average and just like everyone else.

Suddenly the man made from lightning said "I believe that you are a suitable to inherit my power, do you accept?", Dylan was surprised since he had no idea what the man was talking about, "What do you mean inherit your power?" Dylan asked, the man responded with "It is just as I said, you can inherit my power and I will allow you to be reborn into a new world and give you a fresh start, I will become you and you will become me, or you could choose to stay drifting around in this void for eternity" Dylan had a million thoughts going through this head, first he could be reborn and he could also be given power, but what did he mean by him becoming me and me becoming him, even though there was much Dylan didn't understand he chose to accept the deal and inherit the power rather than stay where he is.

"Okay I will inherit you power", Dylan didn't have much choice but to accept the mans proposal,the man smiled and with that the man made out of lightning started to change, Dylan didn't even know what to say anymore as he watched the man change shape until he looked like Dylan. It was like looking at a perfect reflection of himself, the man who now looked exactly like Dylan said "Give me your hand", Dylan followed his instructions and gave him his hand then suddenly the man started to bond to Dylan's body and the two became one.

Dylan lost consciousness as the man started the bond himself to Dylan, he felt a warm feeling spread through your his body as it happened.

Dylan started to slowly regain consciousness, he looked around and found that his vision was blurred he couldn't see anything clearly but he was no longer in the dark void and also that mysterious man was no where to be seen. 'Was it all just a dream?' Dylan thought to himself, but Dylan was surprised and caught off guard that the question he asked himself in his mind was answered, 'No it was not just a dream' Dylan heard that in his head and immediately responded with 'Who are you and why are you in my head', the response he got was 'well I am you so why wouldn't I be in your head', Dylan than realised who the voice in his head may be and asked 'are you that man who was made out of lightning in the void?' He immediately got a response which was 'Yes I used to be him but now I am you, don't you remember how I said I would become you and you would become me?' Dylan was shocked, he had so many questions to ask about the situation that he was in but suddenly he could feel himself being lifted up. 'What's happening?' Dylan asked himself, 'well I think that our mum has come to feed us since it's breakfast time' his other self responded, 'wait what do you mean our mum has come to feed us' Dylan still not entirely sure of the situation that he found himself in asked his other half in a panicked tone.

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