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Chapter 19: HOTD part 6:future path.







The sun started going down announcing the end of the first day in this apocalypse.

A gentle breeze was blowing carrying leaves and smoke that was covered in a bloody smell.

The sky bathed with a red-orange color as it seems to resemble the blood spilled this day, by this massacre going around the globe.

The dark clouds covering the sky will always remind humanity of this day. The beginning of their end in this world.

People were crying for their friends or families and some were just enjoying this or broke down from the pressure.

Some survivors started to find safe places to spend the night and gather what they can from supplies while some of them stayed in their secured houses afraid of coming out.

The light shone on a certain building in the city.

This building was just like the rest next to it except for the giant hole in the side.

Inside the hole we can see a room covered in dust and debris that look like an explosion happened there.

A boy with red hair was lying on the ground sleeping with blood on his clothes and body.

The boy was sleeping peacefully even with those light injuries on his body. The picture was normal if you can ignore the stacked zombies corpses around him.

The zombies around the boy were stacked up for three layers with every one of them having their head crushed.

"Grrr" a sound appeared from the room door. A zombie appeared in the room walking slowly.

The zombie turned his head around looking at the boy because of his breathing sounds.

The zombie rushed towards the boy while stepping on the other zombies before he leaped toward the boy.

The zombie didn't even get close to the boy as a blue hand appeared and crushed his skull mid-air.

[Task progress (134/200)]

The zombie fell down and joined his friends around the boy while the upper body of a blue creature with giant horns appeared from the boy checking the surrounding before nodding and disappearing.

The boy seemed to hear the zombie or the electronic voice in his head as his eyes started to shack while moving his hands slowly.

The boy opened his eyes with difficulty before groaning from the pain he is feeling from his body at the moment.

"What the hell just happened" Akashi said as he looked at the zombie corpses around him.

"Ugh" Akashi didn't even check his surroundings as he felt a very painful headache every time he wanted to think.

Akashi moved his hand and took one health and energy potion from his space as he drank them in one go.

After drinking the two potions Akashi body surface wounds and headache healed quickly, but his body and head still hurt especially his body.

Akashi stood up slowly with his hurting body leaving the zombie pile and moving toward a wall as he leaned on it.

"Just why in the f**k did I do all of that" Akashi said his true feeling of all that happened in this period.

Even against an invisible sniper Akashi isn't all that helpless that he has to go on a rampage to kill him.

"It was like something inject me with some of the shonen protagonist syndrome" Akashi described his previous stat like some sort of disease.

"Was it the" Akashi shook his head because he knew even if the game played his few times it will never do something as affecting a player in his mission directly.

"I already merged with my other self so it can never be him or something from me" Akashi said as he noticed something and looked at his hand.

" The only thing that I don't understand about myself at this moment is you" Akashi said toward the arrow in his hand.

"..." The arrow was like always flashing with some sort of light but Akashi didn't fall for it.

"..." Akashi summoned the arrow and started to look at it seriously while the arrow glow seemed to flick a little bit.

"...Wanna talk about it" Akashi said as the arrow glowed and a light screen appeared in front of him.

Akashi turned his eyes from the arrow and stared at the light screen as his face became totally shocked by the change in the arrow stat screen.

What has been added is only one effect and two remark but only that was enough to shock Akashi.


Effect 3: wishes, hopes, dreams, beliefs, desires even power of the player will open a new path before him and his stand.

Remark 6: the path of desires, transcendence, and supremacy will build stairs towards the Heaven.

Remark 7: the path of dreams and ideals will light the path towards requiem.


Akashi stared at the screen for a while before he sighs.

"Why did I go from getting a stand to heaven and requiem in less than half a month" Akashi said as he felt his headache starting to hurt again.

The arrow glowed again while Akashi felt some information not just about it change but even his and D4C current condition.

"Heaven...Requiem" Akashi said as he understood all that happens to him and D4C.

All stands have a path they can take from learnin and increasing their abilities to need to make a choice to ascend heaven or light their path toward requiem.

Those two paths are very difficult as they not only need the stand user to push himself beyond his limit, but they also need conditions, requirements, and luck that Akashi happens to have those.

Akashi and D4C with their will and determination and the arrow help reached not only heaven at that moment, but even requiem.

It can't be called reaching at most it was just a single step forward, but just that single step was enough for them to reach a place they never dreamed of.

Requiem took Akashi wish at that moment to reach the sniper no matter where his location fulfilling it with the most absurd way and that is giving d4c new ability.

That ability is a variation of d4c original ability and it called a dimensional rift.

Using dimensional rift d4c now able to instantly teleport Akashi or anything else as long they are not moving too much toward a location Akashi already saw or can locate even if that place is another dimension or parallel world. d4c can even create portals and gates between dimensions than just sending single things.

Imagine suddenly a portal appear in the sky as the earth clashed into another copy of it turning into cubes before becoming dust in space this is how terrifying this ability.

However, to use this ability Akashi still need to use two different objects because he didn't actually reach requiem and because d4c didn't choose this path.

Akashi wasn't able to control this ability the first time he used it, so he hurt himself so much during the fight.

What heaven did for D4C wasn't something very complicated like requiem, but that thing turned D4C into something completely terrifying because this is the path he chose.

Heaven removed the limit of D4C at that moment making his ability completely free to use without any object, and the range of movement became meaningless even the game limitation of stage... D4C just passed through it.

D4C is now able to use his ability and the requiem one without touching anything just by a glance from Akashi he can teleport things from any space like Akashi portable space or parallel dimensions.

the explosion and the shards for the bombs during the fight were instantly teleported by D4C into dimensional gap without hurting Akashi.

However, even if d4c still have these two abilities. They are completely unviable be it Akashi body isn't able to support them or the energy required for activation. If the arrow didn't help Akashi back then, he would have most likely died from the backlash.

"So I did all of that to get abilities I can't use at the moment...great" Akashi said as he turned towards the arrow again.

"Enough with heaven and still didn't answer my question" Akashi said as the arrow glowed like it seems to be confused.

"...Are you the one that made me act like a cliche shonen protagonist" Akashi said with anger as the arrow glow went dim for a second.

"So it was you" Akashi said as he smiled his usual smile looking at the arrow.

"Now tell me... why did you make me run directly at the enemy without any plan with an imperfect ability and almost getting myself killed just for what?" Akashi said as he tightened his grip on the arrow.

Akashi finally understand what this arrow did. It actually messed up his two personalities balance.

Akashi personalities just merged for a few weeks making them fragile and weak. They still need time to become perfect. The arrow used that weakness and messed up Akashi emotion letting him act like that.

The arrow glowed while Akashi understood what it meant as he slammed it into the ground.

"Do I look like a test subject for you," Akashi said as he slammed the arrow again even if his body was hurting.

The arrow actually wanted to see Akashi determination and path he will choose, but it didn't expect he will actually choose both heaven and requiem in one go.

"You know what. I don't really care what you do, but if you ever dare to pay with my mind like that again..." Akashi said as the arrow glowed like saying we are already merged and cannot hurt each other.

"Of course, we can't hurt each other but let me tell you something" Akashi smiled again as the arrow didn't like that smile because it started to flicker.

"First, do you see these zombies around...imagine them with all the plague world monsters in my mind" Akashi said as the arrow light started to dim.

"Then you imagine me fighting with them...and using you as a weapon" Akashi said as the arrow glow completely gone dim even the arrow seemed to turn gray.

"I don't mind using an instakill weapon...and don't think about running we are already merged aren't we"Akashi said with a grin as the arrow started shacking.

"I think my message is clear...if you ever do that again. I swear I will stick you inside every zombie brain I can you understand" Akashi said as the arrow flashed and disappeared into the tattoo.

"...*sigh*... why these things always happen to least I teleported that woman" Akashi said as he looked at the sunset from the hole.

"I don't know what happens to those guys and the you know what. I don't care anymore" Akashi said as he stood from the ground slowly.

"The fire already started between the two teams. They will destroy each other even if I stop them" Akashi said looking at his bloody clothes.

"The protagonist team... I think they need a little spark because the fuel already there" Akashi smiled at the sunset.

"I need to find a place to rest" feeling all his body hurting Akashi said before looking at the corpses on the ground.

"Hey, D4C...thank you" Akashi said as he understands without D4C he will never be able to defeat the sniper in his condition even when he was unconscious D4C protect him.

Akashi saw a blue aura flickered on his body as he understood D4C meaning that he shouldn't worry about it.

"... "Akashi didn't talk just a small smile was on his face as he moved towards the door.

"Now I think about it...D4C isn't just enough for you now" Akashi said as he moved.

"Because you chose heaven how about..." Akashi said as he looked at the sky through the hole behind him.

"D4C Glimpse Of Heaven...because this is the heaven that only exists just for a moment...for both of us" Akashi said as d4c shadow appeared on his body.

"After we rest are interested in doing some filthy acts" Akashi said as the shadows covered him.

"And of a reasonable price" Akashi grinned as he disappeared into the shadows.



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