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Chapter 3: Insanity comes for the sane

WARNING: This story maybe disturbing to some readers please read with caution!

Intro for episode 3

The Computer continues to work again as if nothing had happened Samuel is confused knowing something had messed up the system he starts to scan the computer with an anti virus Jackson asks

Jackson: So is the computer working?

Samuel hesitantly says 

Samuel: Ye- yeah nothing seems to be wrong with the computer. Probably just a glitch.

Jackson: most likely.

They start to look through the computer until something glass falls onto the ground Samuel quickly turns around and sees a glass test tube broken, on the ground.

Samuel: Shit. 

As Samuel goes to clean up the broken glass he sees a picture of Aaron, James, and Luna eating their breakfast. He notices something, something that looked familiar to him. 


   Luna is running down the hallway and hides within a room, she can hear her Friends calling out to her, But she knows that they aren't really them. She sees a girl walking past her with purple hair and a torn sweater. The girl seemed familiar to her but she ignores her thoughts since the girl doesn't seem to notice her. Luna looks around hoping that there would be an escape she spots the front door. And runs to make an escape but one of "them" jumps right in front she tries to escape pleading to let her go until something stabbed her.

    Luna wakes from the horrible nightmare and starts crying as everything felt way too real once she felt calm and relaxed she looked at her phone and read the time it was 7 AM, She gets up and starts pacing around and since she can't figure out why the girl from her dream look very familiar she decided to ignore what happened. She goes downstairs and makes breakfast she cooks the eggs first and then the bacon considering the pancakes take along to make she wipes her tears and yells

Luna: Guys I made breakfast!

Aaron walks in

Aaron: Yo Seriously? That's the first

Luna: Is that a problem?

Samuel walks from upstairs

Samuel: No. It's just… It's kinda out of the ordinary. Not gonna lie.

James Runs into the kitchen and hugs everyone

Luna: James are you alright You're up and early

Aaron: Don't hug me that's gay

Luna starts to drift away from the conversation and starts to go within her own thoughts

Luna: (Why am I just being fake around them? Aaron told me to be more honest with the group. I just can't seem to do it, I feel like If I am honest with them. They're just gonna judge me. I just know they will.)

Samuel: Anyways. What did you make Luna?

Luna: I made a basic breakfast of Pancakes, Eggs, and Bacon

Aaron: Nice!

James: Hey where's Jackson

Luna: (You know, I should just stay calm, cause I don't cause problems right now. especially this early in the morning)

Samuel: What's that?

Luna: (what's what?)

James: Nothing much... Just some carnival tickets.

Luna: Really? 

James: I mean that's what it is

Samuel: Alright when is the carnival?

Luna: (Damn it! I honestly don't wanna go anywhere. I'm too tired)

James: Yep! We can go. We'll go at 1 PM and return at 5 Ok guys

Luna: (Wait something am I about to have a panic attack? I can't be, I'm not hyperventilating or shaking. I don't know maybe my instincts are sensitive)

Aaron: Alright everyone in the car.

James: alright let's go.

Luna: I'm… Going.

Everyone enters the car and starts to Drive off to the carnival. Luna looks at her phone and sees her old friend group, having fun at a party that she wasn't invited to, she starts to frown realizing that her old friend group had left her. Forgotten.

Luna: (Why do THEY look like they're having fun! Why do I have to be the one to be miserable and sad? If only I didn't tell them what was going on with me then I would still be friends with them! Like what the fuck!)

Samuel: Hey Luna.

Luna: Hm?

Samuel: Were going to go to the gas station to buy some things. Do you want anything?

Luna: Didn't we already eat food?

Samuel: Yeah, but won't we need snacks for the road, when we're on our way to the carnival?

James: I mean, Is he wrong?

Luna stays silent for a moment

Samuel: Exactly.

Aaron: We're going to buy some chips, drinks, and some chocolate we'll be right back come on James

James: please don't buy chocolate

Aaron, and James go inside the gas station, Luna stays in the car, and Samuel starts to fill the gas tank. Luna starts to look around the area and notices a woman passing by with a hoodie, followed by another person behind her, they walk in and Luna hears in distinct yelling followed by a gunshot. James is seen in the window getting on the ground. Luna starts to fear the worse, Luna starts to slam her hands on the window to get Samuel's attention

Samuel: Luna! What wrong!

Luna: There's a robbery!

Samuel: What are you talking about?

Luna: Look!

Luna looks back and sees that the robbers are gone and James was at the cash register paying for their snacks

Luna: I swear I saw people walk in the ga station with guns! You have to believe me!

Samuel: Luna are you ok?

Luna sees Aaron and James walking back to the car with two bags one filled with chips and the other filled with drinks

Luna: Please don't tell them what I said they'll think I'm insane

Samuel: You're fine, I won't tell them. but you have to tell them because if you don't, I'll tell them myself

James: What are you guys talking about?

Samuel: Nothing much. What did you guys get anyways?

Aaron: We got Doritos, Lays, Sprite, Pepsi, Brisks, Uh Oh some Hersheys for Luna so she can get a sugar high with energy

James: I tried to convince him not to cause it last time.

Aaron: What happened last time?

James: I don't know! What DID happen last time!

Luna: Oh yeah, Sorry I easily get sugar high.

James: Yeah, I can tell.

Samuel: Alright the gas is filled.

Aaron: Oh yeah. Speaking of gas, how far is the carnival? 

James: Uhh about an hour from where we are.

Samuel: Is that why we bought snacks?

James: Yes sir 

Luna: But what about the breakfast that I made this morning?

James: Oh Yeah! It was very good! But we may make some stops on the way cause since we're out here might as well just look inside some random stores so we're not in the car the whole day.

Luna: Alright

Samuel: James!

James: Yeah!

Samuel: Your driving

James: Alright.

Aaron: No!

Samuel: Why not?

Aaron: We all know that this man can't drive remember, he crashed into a tree,

James: Damn it Aaron, you know that was a while ago.

Aaron: Of course I do. And I already told you I'm gonna make sure you don't forget about that.

James: Anyways, we should get going. Where do you want to go before we go to the carnival?

Luna: We should go to the Mall, since there new stuff almost everyday

James: Alright, Who doesn't want to go to the mall?

Everyone stays silent not answering James' question.

James: If no one answers then we're going to the mall… Alright we're going to the mall.

Aaron: Wait! I don't wanna go. 

James: should have answered my question

Aaron: God damn it!

James turns the key of the car, the car revs up but it doesn't start. James looks confused and tries again with no luck. James pulls the hood lever and get out of the car he pops the hood open and sees nothing wrong, he looks around for a few minutes to make sure there wasn't a problem with the car James slams the hood down and gets in the car and turns the key it starts

James: What the hell, why didn't it start the first time?

Samuel: I don't know.

Luna gets side tracked and goes back into her thoughts.

Luna: (Well might as well enjoy this. Because this seems like it's gonna be a good day for me.)

Luna puts her head down and starts to hear a voice that sounded like it was trying to say something about her but it was too difficult to understand. 

Luna: What's that noise?

James: What was what noise?

Luna: I heard- Nevermind I heard nothing.

Aaron: You sure?

Luna: Yeah.

James starts to drive the car and drives to the mall once they get to the mall they exit the car and enter the store and start walking around.

Aaron: Alright. Which store should we go to?

James: I say we should go to Target. seems like they have some cool stuff.

Samuel: Nah. That's for old people, we should go to… JCPenney where all the clothes are.

James: Alright. We can have fun there too, see what kind of clothes we could combine. 

Luna: Sure you do. All you do there is just look at Jackets like, don't you have enough?

James: What's your problem with me and my jackets! I love them!

Luna: God damn it James why are you like this

Aaron: he probably has a thing for fucking jackets.

James: I heard that!

Aaron: Oh Fuck! Luna run! 

Aaron and Luna start to run away from James. James and Samuel look at each other confused and start to look around. Aaron and Luna hide near the sweaters making sure James doesn't find them.

Aaron: We're fine here I know for a fact James can't run for shit.

They both laugh aloud and they try to calm down

Luna: Ooooo! Look at this Sweater looks pretty

Aaron: And you probably have a sweater addiction

Luna: You know how about you shut the fuck up

James pops from behind them trying to scare Luna and Aaron they don't react

Aaron: Dude James you're not scary. Now take off that mask, it's past halloween.

Luna Laughs aloud again as James starts to smile 

James: At least I'm not loud as fuck 

Luna Laughs and Aaron slaps James across the face

James: What the hell dude.

Aaron: At least I'm can handle pain

Samuel walks behind James and scares James

Aaron: And I can tell when someone's behind me.

James: You know just. Shut the fuck up.

Samuel: Well, what can you do? Aaron is just being Aaron.

James: You're not wrong at least we can appreciate how he is being himself

Aaron: Exactly.

James: Anyways, where do all of y'all wanna go to?

Samuel: Dude weren't we gonna go to the carnival? Wait, what time is it anyway?

James: it's noon we have an hour

Samuel: How far is the place

James along with the other stay quiet waiting for his response

James: uh 30 minutes left till we get there

Luna: Might as well go now because traffic is a thing here.

James: True.

Samuel: Also-

James: Dude look at this jacket! Looks Dope man!

James stares at a Dark-Brown Leather Jacket

Aaron: James I swear to god don't buy it

Luna: Let's go before he buys it.

Luna leaves the store so does the others but they realize too soon. James was still inside; they waited for James outside. Once James was outside we the Dark-Brown Leather Jacket worn

Samuel: Why did we choose to go to JCPenney?

Aaron: I didn't think they would sell jackets

Luna: You're an idiot! Aaron. JCPenney is a clothing store! They're supposed to sell jackets

James: Dude this Jacket is so comfortable.

Samuel: Shut the fuck up about the jacket and start driving to the carnival

James: Damn, Alright!

Everyone starts to walk down the road to their car. Luna sees something in the corner of her eye, something that looked like a shadow. It had a quick green glow and it seemed to have disappeared. Luna shrugged it off and went into the car. James turns the key and they start to drive off, after a few minutes Luna looks outside the  car window and start to think to herself

Luna: ( Everything so silent *sighs* Anyways, I wonder what time it is?)

Luna grabs her phone and checks the time it was 12;43 PM

Luna: (Still some time left to get there, at least they're here to make my life a little light hearted-)

Luna hears ties screech and her head slams onto the headrest of James' car seat.

James: Watch where you're fucking going!

Aaron: What The fuck dude you didn't have to stomp on the damn brake.

James: Do you want me to crash this damn car!

Luna: Could've at least warned us!

Samuel: Dude just be careful alright

James: Anyways! we're almost there so you can finally have fun.

Aaron: Again, That better be worth it.

James: It will be

Luna: Alright. (Where was I? Oh yeah! Even though we all fight sometimes they do make my life a little light-hearted, so that's fun. I still can't get over the fact that my other friend's group just left me, forgotten. We're the memories we made nothing to them?)

Luna starts to hear a strange voice singing to her. It sounds familiar. She knows she heard the song somewhere, but couldn't put her finger on it. She tries to think deeply on where she could've heard that song. She said aloud

Luna: Do you guys hear that?

Samuel: Hear what?

Luna: A singing voice.

James: Probably trying to remember a song you've heard before. I don't know

Samuel: Yeah Probably. What does it sound like?

Luna: Nevermind it was nothing I know what it was

James: Alright. Anyways, we're almost at the carnival, Just around 12 minutes till we get there.

Aaron: You don't know when we're gonna get there do you?

James: How about you drive then!

Aaron: No thank you, I'm too lazy to do that.

James: Exactly cause I usually do most of the work around here.

Aaron: Sure.

James: What the fuck did you say?!

Samuel:Come on guys! Calm down. Aaron, you're just going to ruin the mood when we get there, and James, you're acting like a child. Stop listening to Aaron if he annoys you that much!

James: Fine.

James starts driving to the carnival a few minutes go by and they arrive at the parking lot, they get out of the car and start walking toward the entrance. There are many bright colors on the ferris wheel and many fun games for everyone to play.

James: See it looks special.

Aaron: Too many bright colors not gonna lie but it looks worth it

Luna starts to hear the strange voice again and sounds like it's coming from the carnival. She sees a bright red flash from a far distance until she hears Aaron's phone start to ring.

Aaron: Shit! Guys, I'll be right back I need to answer this real quick

Aaron answers the phones. Until his face expression changed, he looked very upset, he hung up the phone and went back to the car.

James: Aaron?..... Aaron!

Aaron walks away and James starts to catch up to him and see what was wrong they have a very distinct chat 

Samuel: Imma go check on Aaron you go get the tickets 

Luna: But don't we have them already?

Samuel: Yeah but we need to give them this ticket so we have the authorization to be in the place ok I'll be right back 

Samuel walks away to catch up with Aaron and James Luna goes to "check-in" the carnival

Luna: Hey is it ok if I can go inside even though my friends are out here these are their tickets their names are James, Aaron, and Samuel

CE: Yeah no problem you just need to make sure they are here and tell their names to me so I can give them the tickets

Luna: Ok, Thank you

CE: No problem, you have fun!

Luna sends the message on her phone "Tell the Carnival employee in front, your guy's names and she'll give you the tickets I'll go play around" and then puts her phone in her pocket

Luna: This looks fun

She looks around trying to find something to do until she hears the same singing voice, a little louder than before.

Luna: There it is again where is it coming from?

Luna goes to follow the voice it seemed as though it started to get farther. Luna starts to speed up until she sees Aaron and goes up to him

Luna: Hey Aaron how did you get here? Never mind that. I want to know what happened earlier. You looked upset.

Aaron: Leave me alone.

Luna: Why?

Aaron: Just leave me alone!

All of a sudden everything around Luna went quiet even the mysterious song

Luna: Why are you so upset I thought we were here to have-

Aaron: You wanna know why I'm upset!? Huh! It's because people like you who keep hiding shit from your friends! Is that what you wanted to hear?! A friend of yours yelling at another friend cause they are too secretive about their shit

Luna: It's not like that-

Aaron: Then how is it then? Huh! Explain that to me. How is it not like you trying to hide shit from us?

Luna: It's just that-

Aaron cuts Luna off by pushing her back

Luna: Hey! You didn't have to do that

Aaron: Well you didn't have to hide things from us

Luna: Aaron? (Why is he this pissed off? I know he told me to be more honest but I never thought he would be this upset.)

Aaron: Luna! Just leave me the fuck alone.

Luna: I want to explain-

Aaron: Explain what? That you can't trust me as your friend?! Is that what you want to say?!

Luna: No that's not what I-

Aaron: You know when James and Samuel get here, tell them I'm moving out!

Luna: All because I'm not honest with you? That so fucking low.

Aaron: You wanna talk about low! Coming from the person who lies all the damn time!

Luna: Coming from the person who makes fun of others! We don't say shit when you make fun of us James doesn't even say shit when you-

Aaron: That's 'cause I'm joking around that's SO different than having a friend not trust you.

James: What's going on!

Samuel: Yeah you guys were arguing loudly

Aaron: Tell this bitch that she needs to stop hiding shit from us.

James: Is that true?

Luna: Well yeah but-

Samuel: Luna you know we told you many times especially Aaron that you should be more honest with us, we'll try to help you the best way we can.

Luna starts to feel overwhelmed with emotions not knowing what to feel. So she does what they ask and she becomes honest.

Luna: The thing is-... I can't-... I feel like I'm gonna lose you guys-.... and I don't want to because-... Because you make my life more light-hearted and fun-.... you guys, really do make me smile-... I don't want to-... Make you guys worry about me-.. when I-... When I talk about my problems.

Luna opens her eyes and through her tears she sees everyone is gone, and she is in an abandoned carnival. she starts to hear a child crying, the child sounded familiar and follows the sound. she sees her younger self in a ball pit crying, she then hears a familiar voice she walks through a bush and sees a magenta blaze that starts to move around and recreate a memory from her past. She sees Nora but when she was younger.

Young Nora: Hey! What's wrong?

Young Luna: No one wants to play with me

Young Nora: I'll play with you!

Young Luna: Really?

Young Nora: Yeah!

Young Luna: Ok!

They both start to play and run into Forest and Luna follows them and when they run through the bushes. Luna follows but sees herself in her teenage years with Nora climbing the trees with other people 

Person 1: Hey you want to go eat somewhere?

Teen Nora: Sure! Later luna I'll see you on Saturday

Teen Luna: Oh ok Bye

Luna sees Nora walk away with her friends and vanishes Luna goes into what looked like a school and sees herself in highschool she remember what was going to happen she was walking alone in the hallways struggling to hold her books due to the cuts on her arm and sits next to her locker and starts to scribble on her paper and puts it in her folder she stands up but was almost immediately pushed

Bully: Where do you think you're going?

HS Luna: Leave me alone

Bully: Oh No no no, you're not going anywhere.

The bully slams Luna's stuff on the floor 

Bully: Ohh what did you write here?

HS Luna: No don't!

Bully: It says here "I'll go to the arcade to play games before I go" The hell? You better end it early than ever cause no one is gonna miss you.

HS Luna: What?

Bully: What I said

HS Luna: You know Fuck you!

Bully: What did you say, you suicidal bitch?

HS Luna: Fuck You!

Bully: Ooh You're standing up for yourself?

HS Luna: Yes I am

Bully: I'll make you regret doing that 

The bully punches Luna and continues to

The bully stops after a few kicks and punches

Bully: Fucking bitch

Highschool Luna sit's next to her locker and starts to bawl. She then gets up and starts to walk. Luna tears up and follows her highschool self, trying to comfort her. but her highschool self sits with her head down, and they are now at the Arcade Luna hears a familiar voice

HS James: Hey! you alright you seem alone.

Teen Luna stays quiet

HSJames: Not much of a talker are ya?..... Guess not.

HS Aaron: Hey! James Stop trying to pick up women we all know that you can't pick up shit

HS James: Shut the fuck up Mate

Luna and her highschool self secretly grin

HS Aaron: I'm so sorry Ma'am. Sorry for my annoying bird disturbing you 

HS James: Shut Up!

HS James Notices her arm

HS James: Hey you down to like be friends?

HS Luna: Hm?

HS James: Like I'm down to be your friends if you're down

HS Luna: I don't know. I don't know you guys

HS Aaron: Ah A hesitant one. Welp James, you can't be friends with this one

HS Luna: Oh No he can it's just that I have been dealing with things

HS James: Can I ask what things?

HS Luna: Uh It's personal

HS James: Well I think I have an idea I'm a future detective after all and it seems to me that you have quite a few deep marks on your arm

Luna sees her highschool self put her arms deeper in her sleeves and remembered what happened on that day

HS Luna: Yeah guess you do.

HS Aaron: Yeah. You may think that life is bad but trust me it'll get better. I had a few people leave me and it hurt. A lot. Not gonna lie. But I met James and he promised to be there for me If you want to. You can join our friend group!

HS Luna: No I don't want to bother you

HS James: No you won't be a bother trust me you'll fit right in with us

HS Luna: You sure?

HS James: Yeah definitely I'm pretty sure you'll fit in better than Aaron

HS Aaron: What you just say?

HS James: What? It's just a joke

HS Aaron: I don't take that shit as a joke!

HS James: Calm down. Like do you hear yourself damn

HS Aaron: Have you ever been severely bullied in your fucking life!

HS James: Oh shit I wasn't thinking I'm so sorry

HS Aaron: You know, fuck off.

HS James: Dude! I'm really sorry!

Luna starts to cry as she remembers everything that happened on that day, the whole argument and her friendship with James and Aaron beginning . Luna hears an evil laughter that sounded just like her but more low and a bit demonic. She turns around and sees herself but different, this one had purple hair, purple eyes and a black sweater on it was a purple heart with stitches on it.

Luna: *sniff* Hm? Who- Who the h- hell are y- you.

CL: I applaud your performance.

Luna: That- does- doesn't answer my-

CL: You do NOT talk when I'm talking! 

Luna: No! I demand answers from you right now!

CL: *sighs* You're getting on my nerves! You're so Feisty, you think you're strong. but, are you? Luna, I've been watching you the whole day but I only saw a few things from you. Why do you think you keep hearing the song? I've seen that you had hidden the fact that you're jealous because your so-called "another friend group" had a better day than you. Is that true

Luna: Yeah but-

CL: Exactly So why bother not telling James and the others that they don't seem to be better than another friend group

Luna: Because now I know that they care for me. And forever will because-... Because they knew I had problems and wanted to help me but I was way to blind to see that.

CL: What are you talking about

Luna: James went up to me intending to talk to me but he noticed the cuts on my arm and knew that I needed friends that can stay by my side, so did Aaron but they ended in an argument because of a mistake James made

CL: James always will make really messed up mistakes plus, Luna just some advice. You can never tell if they care about you!

Luna: You fucking bitch!

CL: Do you understand what I'm trying to show you? I'm trying to show you that people will leave you and hate you that's why you were bullied! That's why you were left alone! And that if people were to try to help you, You always ruin a friendship during that time.

Luna ,during her corrupted self's speech, finds a sharp blade to her right but keeps it unknown until her corrupted self turns around

CL: Now *sighs* all I want to say before I take over your soul as my own, is that. You are nothing anymore, your friends will leave you, and you're gonna feel every. Single. P-

Luna's Corrupted self was stabbed in the chest by her. They start to fight on the ground but Luna's corrupted self was able to push Luna off and knock her out. The last thing Luna saw was the door bursting open. Luna woke up and was inside the back of a police car the officer noticed her.

Officer: Hey, what were you doing in this place? You're lucky that the person who owns this place doesn't want any trouble so you are going off on a warning.

Luna: Where did she go?

Officer: Who are you talking about?

Luna; There was someone here with me. Wasn't there?

Officer: No there wasn't once I got you into the car I investigated the whole area there was no one here. Do you have anyone that I can contact to pick you up?

Luna: But- Yeah you can contact James. His number is 815-193-XXXX

The officer writes the number on a post it note and takes out his phone; he calls the number and tells James where Luna was. After a few minutes go by and James along with Aaron and Samuel are with him in the car. James leaves the car and goes to the cop car. 

James: Thanks Officer, I really got worried I didn't think she would be out here.

Police: No worries, just don't do it again because next time, she;s going behind bars ok.

James: Understood.

James takes Luna into the car and start to drive off.

Aaron: How did you get here?

Luna: Hm?

Samuel: Yeah How did you get here?

Luna: You guys drove me here.

Aaron: Did we?

Luna: Yeah

Samuel: No we didn't

Luna: Yes you did

James: Luna I don't remember us driving anywhere near there

Luna: But you said that we were going to the carnival

James: I never said that-

Samuel's thought was cut off when lightning struck, He realizes that the picture was broken and turns around and sees Jackson with a Slingshot. 

Samuel: Jackson! Careful! You broke the damn picture!

Jackson: Sorry I was just checking things out seeing if the Slingshot still works

Samuel: Not now. We are onto something here.

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