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4.16% inheritance
inheritance inheritance original


Author: xoas

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Day 1

Day 1 Curly

I awoke, a pressure forced me into the depths of the bed, something large was sitting on my chest. My lungs became increasingly desperate for air. My arms acted before I could think about the action. The weight lessened, much-appreciated air filled my lungs. One breath, two, and then a third. Now he could think. Who or what the fuck had caused him such panic. His arms weaken the strain was tiring him. He places his elbow under the weight. He stopped fighting the weight, twisted his forearms, clenched his fist, and braised his forearms against his chest.The pressure fell hard on him. Some air forced itself out of his mouth. But now he could minimize the energy required to lift the pressure and breath. It could crush his forearms, but not his chest. His eyes adjust to the dark. A silhouette still blurry appeared. He could make out a dress, the body type, and the hair shape. There's is only one person I know who looked like that. I say to the best of my ability, "Get the hell off me." The very large something refused to move. Even with my struggling. It just shifts its weight so as not to fall off. "Asshole!" My mother answers me by plopping up and down. "Who you talking to little bastard?" "To the heavy ass woman on top of me." I said slowly as to emphasize my displeasure. I was seeing stars when she finally got off me. Her figure stepped over my blankets, landing squarely on my leg. "Damn it, mom!" "What did you say?" She hit me with a pillow. "I said dang it women, you stepped on my leg!" For the first time, I got a look at her. My mother was wearing a summer dress and had on her favorite purple lipstick. She was in a playful mood because she was smiling like a child that was about to cause lots of mischiefs. My mother is not a very tall woman. I'm about five or six inches taller than her. " Get up and get dressed we're going to see your mema's". (She's my great-great-grandmother) My first reaction was surprise and disbelief, we all hated my (mean-ma), we couldn't stand her. Why the hell were we going to see her? After a rather quick wake up call my mom waltz out of the room. I got up and I walked out of my room still in nothing but my boxers. The only good side of having my room is, it has instant access to the kitchen. The downside there no door so no privacy. It was originally the dining room, but it never got used. So we closed up one of the doorways and turned it into my room. Though my stepdad never put in a door. Anyway, I got a pop tart and some milk. Then retreated back into my den as any animal would. I am in my clothes covered room, it's not that big. There a bar counter, trunk, bed, dresser, flat-screen, and couch. The bed and couch are against the wall, connected, in the left-hand corner. Directly in front is the dresser next to the TV stand. The dresser was stuffed with clothes to the brim, mine, and my older brothers. We need to get another one this had seen better days. There were missing handles and scars all over it. On the top of the TV stands glass top was my boy scouts equipment and school supplies. Along with the PS4 and games stacked to the side of it. On the bar counter was my backpack filled with my laptop and drawing material. The truck lay under the counter. Filled with misc. items and books. It was my version of a junk drawer or container. I lay on the couch chilling as usual. Maybe should've gotten dress as mom said. I had just finished an assassination mission. When hurricane mom came and unplug the entire thing. I didn't even get to save. :( "Why the hell isn't you getting ready." "Why would I mess up my perfect Saturday morning going to see her." "Cause she dying and I said so." "We'll send me an invitation to the funeral, cause I don't want to go see her while she alive." " Curly I know, you and your sibling have problems with your mema's, but maybe it's time you fix it." " Yeah and maybe it time to go and talk to my dad, but I'm not going to do that either, am I?!" I know I'd won when I said that, mom had learned her lesson about listening to me about my dad. If she had listened to me about my dad a lot of the scars I have inside and out, I wouldn't have. Most of which she can't stand to look at. " Sooner or later you'll have to stop avoiding stuff curly." My mom and sister went to my mean-ma's house, leaving me and my other siblings alone in the house. I got up to see what the rest of my family were up to. I walk out of my room past the kitchen, rounded a corner into the living room. My older brother, he was laying on the couch sideways, wear jeans and a t-shirt, while playing Call of Duty ghosts. He was so into the game he didn't even notice me until I walk right in front of the TV. To get to my younger brother's room I had to. Their door was closed, but not locked. They were both asleep. One in his spider-man pj's, and the other in his car PJs. There room much like the living room was a mess. Mom going to throw a bitch fit when she gets back, but not my problem. So with my curiosity satisfied I went and took a shower, the water was hot and relaxing just like I like it. I got dressed in my favorite Stewie shirt, it black and has Stewie on the front in a dark room covered in games and filth that any teenage boys room should be covered in. At the very bottom of the picture, it read "I play on expert". After I got dressed I realized that my house was way too quiet, so I went off in search of my missing family. I made a right out of the bathroom into the living room. There had been some effort to clean it but it was in no way up to mom's standards. Though my older brother had probably done it so what was to be expected. The other two had left as well. Their door was opened, the youngest had straightened up his side. But the other half was even worse. My search leads me to the park, which is right down the street from my house. My street is a dead-end street, that is connected to the park. Sylvester turner park to be exact. It's a really nice park, has four baseball fields, a nice mile track, a playground, and two parking lots one on each side of the park. As I walked through the park I notice they're a lot more people in the park then there usually is, there were hundreds of people. It was then that it hit me, today was a family fun day in the park. I had completely forgotten. Wasn't Damien supposed to meet me? I bet he's still sleeping. I called him several times and sent him several text messages. I found my brothers together at the rock climbing wall. It was a race older vs younger brother. Younger was winning I guess his side was easier. Saw the youngest in line, ready to go next. I walk past them to the soda booth. The line was short compared to the rest of the lines. It was when I got to the front of the line the smell of barbecue assaulted my nose. I quickly grabbed a drink and ran to that line. What I was smelling was the sausages on a stick and smoked hot dogs. The line was at least a million miles long and I was at the back of it. After years, I reached the front of the line. I got a hot dog and a sausage on a stick. I didn't even get to start eating before my brothers showed up. I mean come on this nigga, just showed up out of nowhere, scared the hell out of me. "Curly, come on we're going to get mom and sis." "Can I at least eat my food first?" " You can eat and walk." " Fine let's go, and come back already." While we were walking, I tried my best to eat. Eating slowed me down a lot. 😉 I was about a third of the way down our street. My brothers had just crossed over the intersection. My mom and older sisters were just leaving my me-ma's yard. They weren't paying attention to me at all, so I tried my luck. I turned around and started walking to the park. There was no reason for all of us to escort them in bodyguard fashion.

To be honest, I hate when I'm wrong.Out of nowhere the sky opens up some type of firestorm! Blinding light made it hard to see, but with all the heat coming from up there it had to be! I was thrown off my feet! The pain was deafening!! I closed my eyes but could still make out the light threw my eyelids. Sharp pain erupted in my back and head. The shock wave sent wind and dust everywhere. The aftershock hit. It felt like all the air was pushed away, then forcibly slammed together!! I stayed on the ground to scared to get up. Unable to hear anything. After a while, I stood up with difficulty. My vision was red and cloudy. Part of the street lifted up slamming into my chest. The impact staggers me. My shirt rips and tears in some areas. Exposing my bird chest. Bruising was not far off. The pain startles me. Fresh blood starts oozing from the tears and ripped flesh. Light bleeding occurs. The eerie silence the world had come to finally breaks. Loud noise assaults my ears. Covering them is my first instinct. The dullness that comes from covering one's ears does little, every loud sound is an assault on my will to stay conscious. I try to open my eyes but with all the dust it was like I was in a sand storm. I lift my shirt to cover my face. Only then do I realize I'm coughing. I squint my eyes and you my hand as a cover only then can I make out the area just barely. From the very corner of my eye. I see a blurry figure approaching with alarming speed. Trying my best to focus I make out the color brown and grab hold with all my might. The pain in my ears intensifies then back to silence. I'm get a solid grab with my right hand. Feeling the familiar feeling of wood. I relax a little, but only momentarily. What feels like a mop or broomstick crashes sideways into my chest. Catching me off guard, I stagger again. This time only a few steps back. Before a wrestle for the stick commences. I'm having a coughing fit the entire time. I start wheezing, but I just got this feeling I can't let go I've got to hold on to this damn stick. My hazy, red vision kept me from identifying what I was wrestling for the stick with. But the smell was horrible. Regardless, whatever it is it's very aggressive. The silence breaks again. I feel blood oozed down my neck. That and the loud noises, the human screams, and what sounded like monsters straight out of a nightmare. Sends me into a panic. I'm not sure I wanted to see. Whatever I was wrestling didn't have much form or understanding of how, to center oneself. I caused more problems for myself by reacting in a way, to combat a component wrestler. Or at least someone who really didn't want to let go. I had stumbled around with this person for about 15 seconds before I understand their incompetence. They had lost control of themselves and the stick before grabbing it. If I hadn't been blinded and injured they would have lost this battle long ago. But I was getting tired. Still coughing and sight hindered. So this had to end. I raised my knee while pulling with all my strength toward me. I kneed what I hoped was the groin area as hard as I can. Stomped the toe then ripped the stick out of there hand in the quickest motion I could muster. Barely able to make out what I think was the shoulder area. I then pushed. I missed went to high felt impact with what I assumed was the neck. Heard a gurgling noise. Got scared when they recovered quickly and did what I comprehend as a lung. Using the heaviest end of the broom. I swiped, a liquid spattered on my face. After whipping my face and rubbing my eyes. The redness retreated, the burliness also improved to clarity. Though I was still squinting I looked down to see a monster like humans. Lying dead on the pavement. In my hand, I held a halberd.

I had killed this thing. To be honest I vomited uncontrollably. I averted my eyes. Before I could question life. A scream startled me. Looking around these monsters were attacking people. I can just make out the form of other people. People from the park were clearing out. They ran past fearing for their lives. I'm not sure as to what happened in the park but the monster on this side were paying for it. The stampede of people trampled anything in its way. Yes, one or two people fell but almost bumped into the monster still running in fright. Seeing them coming I do the sensible thing and run. Halve running halve limping. Then I spotted my family. My older brother in the front, behind him my two younger brother. The three of them were human shields for my mother and older sister who were trapped under a large part of the street. As I ran at my family, the invaders make their way towards them. I saw other men, women, even children were fighting back. The baseball team uses their bat, the police were firing upon them. People without weapons had stolen weapons from their corpses and were fighting back. One lady pull out a pistol from her breast and started firing at them. (metal note don't ever mess with a woman with huge breast) Nun of them heard the mass of people running at them I lost track of them as they were swallowed behind me. My older brother refuse to go down without a fight. He hit several in the face with his fist. I guess thoughts martial arts class from way back weren't a waste of money. He was a mad man, wild, uncaring for his own safety. He knocked them down them savagely, stomping them as the average nigga would. But a beast is always put down like one. My older brother was to busy stomping on one invader another pulled his hair exposing his neck. He was kicked down without ahead. It was a horrifying scene. My two younger brothers in raged jumped, his murder. They took his legs out from under him. Then stab him repeatedly with his own weapons. His black blood covered them. It was too graphic them screaming and repeatedly stabbing the poor bastard. Him choking on his own blood. Squirming desperately trying to save himself. They got off of him after about a dozen stabs each. Buddy tried crawling away, I don't know why but Tgray didn't think that was enough. He took the knife to the back of its neck and lifted a flaming head.They in unison they look to my mother and sister but all they found where there lifeless bodies which the invader was about to devour. I had been screaming at them the whole time. They had come up from the back while my bros had defended the side. That was the last straw, they ran fast and angry. They cut down the invader who were obviously not ready for their attack. They drop my mom and sister's lifeless body now exposed for the waist up. It was then that I reach them. Charging over straight into a monster that was trying to sit up. The halberd embedded squarely into is chest. Ditching the bent weapon and grabbing their arms, we ran. They tried to resist but with my momentum I got them running a few feet before the crowd of people caught up with us. We were almost separated but I held us together. Running at top speed in front of a hysterical crowd was very tasking so we dipped. We rounded the corner. The crowd of people was split into halves, halve going right the other half left. We abandon the crowd at the next street . The people and monster kept running. We had lost them with this quick cartoon move. I smiled at them. They smiled back, the three of us were resting on the porch of my mean-ma old house. My mean-ma owned two lots side by side. There was no fence seating the two so it was all one big lot with two houses. This one was due to be torn down. Lucky they hadn't done so yet. Then a growl interrupted our moment of reliving. The happiness was quickly masked as we stood back to back. We were cornered in, they crawled out from under the porch. But we had heard them. So there we were ready for an attack. At first, there were only three but then many more came out of the woodworks. From both sides of the house simultaneously. The fear was without having to be said. Right, smack on our faces now. The invaders had stopped savagely running around and were forced on us now. We were alone, while I was worrying. My brother attacked first since they had the weaponry. They chose to hop the rail on the left-hand side. Surprising the monsters there with quick swipes. They fell to the ground dead or dying. At one point I stole a weapon and started helping. Following close, killing anything they didn't. I'm not gonna say we're experts sword fighter but compared to them. I'm mean it's like they just got these things. Some were holding the bladed end. Using the brush and the side of the house they boxed us in. But they had to funnel themselves. Coming two at a time from either side. Plus they weren't friendly with each other so this was to our advantage. They bump into one another and fought amongst themselves. After about 20 mins of killing there was about 15 left. But we were so tired of it, have you tried killing like a mad man it so much works. At some point we were separated. While I was jabbing off three of them. The youngest of my brothers was impaled from the back and then one bit into his neck. My last brother, went crazy he started on a rampage. He slaughtered all in his way to our fallen brothers body and proceed to kill everything in the area. I was on my way to his aid when he fell over a fallen body. The invader reacted quickly they were about to impale him when I stab one in the back and tacked the other. I used the dagger on his belt and slashed what I think was it throat. No way to tell there face and neck area look like flames. But weirdly it bleeds and it wasn't hot. I guess they didn't want to be recognized. There were about 5 or 6 of them left. We together dispatch them. After we killed the last one. We both fell to our knees with exhaustion. Everything was silent, there were no human, animal, wind, fire, or invaders around that was still making noise. Kneeling on a pile of bodies. Everything was silent. That was the scariest thing. My home area, Acres Homes was always full of noise and life. Now it was a wasteland. House were now ruble, streets themselves were broken. I turn to my last remaining brother he just looked at me. It seems that the realization. That we were alive and were able to survive the impossible seem to be impossible. Well, I guess we're too smart for our own good. As we stood up, another firestorm opened it was green. To use the green color flame it looks, to us, only like death.

We gather as many weapons as we could. I gather two combat knives, one short sword, the belt holster thing to hold it all and something that looks like a pendant. It was covered in blood, both human and abomination. I like the way it looked so I dropped it over my head. As I did my younger brother walked up beside me. Armed with a mace and two short swords at his hip, dozen throwing knives sash and two pistols. He gave them both to me. We ran looking back at our brother's body I shed some tears. We ran until we came across our mother and sister bodies.

My last remaining brother name is Taquan, his nickname is T-gray. He doesn't have the same last name as the rest of us. He gets it from his father. He a smart mouth, funny, annoying little guy. But he my little brother and I love him. As I look at him , memories of my life and family fill my eyes. He is covered in black blood. He was banged up we didn't spend the last couple of hours running and killing unscratched. He is wearing a blue shirt made for soccer player, his favorite sport. It had tears and bloodstains mixed with dirt.He has jeans and gray jordans on, as well as his favorite wristband. They to were dirtied and worn after the rough day we'd endured. I know he is tired and wants to rest, he refuses to show it. Instead he puts on this tough face, I seen so many times. He puts it on when he's being defiant. My older brother use to bully us and t-gray always fought back even when no one was there to help him. Oh and my older brother whose body lays twenty feet from us. I always said I hated him, but seeing him dead makes me so sad. His name was Christian ironic cause he rarely acted that way. He was annoying, a bully, and just a jerk. But still, he's staring at his corpse's sadden me. The death of his twin, my older sister enrages me. Her name was Christialyn. She was beautiful in both ways. She was full of life, and happiness. To the point of being very annoying. She help those she could and cried for those she couldn't. She was evil and pure at the same time. She was my only sister and I love her without equal. I look at t-gray once again his eyes were somewhere else. He was looking back at where our youngest brother had fallen. He was the baby who hated being the baby. Though he was the baby of the family he was taller than t-gray. It was the reason they didn't get along. They were a year apart so they. Shared just about everything, rooms, clothes, shoes and game systems. They spent much time together they shared friends and even rivals. They fought a lot but would always make up without actually making up. His name was Caleb and he was my favorite brother. He was a goofy, nerd, geek, and angry little guy. T-gray starred in that direction and began to cry. I reach out to grab hold of him to hug him and help him grieve. It was then that the Green bolt of fire slammed in front of us and the monstrosity that it held, stood over us.

Alright let's be honest, this thing scared the shit out of me. I mean from the trajectory there was no way it should have fallen anywhere near us. It looked nothing like all the other monstrosities. While from the neck down was human-looking, there heads and neck were flames. To make things weirder if you cut the flame or shot it they'd bleed. This guy had red skin and dark purple cat eyes. But also had bird-like claws. The things would have been cool if it weren't trying to kill me. Oh and did I mention it was about 9 feet tall. What do they feed the guy? He was armored if I had to describe the style it's like the animated Hercules younger version. You know the one in the toga robe with sandals. Weird flex I know, but who am I to judge. Really though he'd didn't give your boy time to question the attire cause he slammed into the ground and sent us flying. Which wasn't as cool as everyone thinks. I hit a few tree branches before slamming into the ground like a stone. T-gray was much luckier he hit a tree a few feet away and was mostly okay. Though he claimed his back hurt. This asshole did give us any time to recover. He attacks us. Holding a wicket huge battleax, the thing was massive, same size as a thin tree about 20 years old. With his big ass weapon, he charges at t-gray. Axe high above his head. Slamming it straight down at the spot where t-gray laid. To bad for him t-gray was gone before it hit it mark. He had scrambled over the corpse to his right, rolled between its legs, and was giving him a reason to wish he wasn't so huge. Slamming his mace against his ankles. From the look he made that must have hurt. He dropped like a fly, piss the fuck off. Using his hand he sweeps it right at t-gray who hopped out of the way as fast as he could but got hit anyway. T-gray was sent flying again and this time he hit a tree didn't get up. This seems to make him happy because he gladly limped straight for the kill. After pulling on his ax getting it out of the pile of corpses and concrete. He stumbled a lot, guess it not his lucky day cause I drew my pistols and fired into his spine and neck. That got his attention but only seemed to piss him off. This guy must be made of steel cause nothing was breaking the skin. I mean I'm loading this guy with a clip and he acted like it's annoying. (most of a clip) I was just about to give up on shooting him. When I got a lucky shot, he looked at me in annoyance, I hit him directly in the eye because of it. He screams in pain and dropped his ax. With that knowledge, I made it my mission to shoot that eye. As soon as he stops hopping and screaming like a two-year-old. He made it his mission not to let me. He charges at me face turned away from me. It was the funny cause of his hurt ankle and closed eye he missed. But he tripped on something landing straight on his back. I would have been quashed but I sidestepped a little and waited for an opportunity to fire at his eyes again. I gave up, he wasn't falling for that twice. So I holstered the pistol and charged his dazed ass. Stabbing the short sword as far as I could into his next. It barely scratched the dude. Deflecting off his collarbone. The blade bent slightly because of my attempt. He got pissed and started throwing bodies of his fallen and poor unfortunate soul that died because of them. I took off trying to get as far away as I could. So now we're playing this projectile game. I got hit in the small of my back with a group of poor souls. He had scooped several bodies together before throwing. Sensing his chance he shakily stood up. T-gray I guess felt left out cause he decided to take another mace at his ankles while he wasn't looking. The opposite one, buddy was not ready. I scrambled up off the ground. The concrete had scraped the flesh off my face and that wound on my chest felt even worse. Not to mention the pain of people landing on top of you. After escaping the pile. I drew both my combat knife cause I was running out of ammo. Had only half a clip left in one. T-gray he had lost his mace, it shattered on, big and ugly ankles though he had dropped like a fly and couldn't put weight on ether ankles it. So he would have to attack him with his short swords, while he was down, then I would. We played this game so well that we ended up cutting in the same places. Across his legs and arms. He caught on so we had to change the tempo and completely reverse it a few times. But we slowly worked our way through his hard ass skin and muscle. Finally t-gray cut and he fell and wasn't able to get back up. We had forced him to kneel. He could put weight on his ankle or his calf on the other side. Now I and t-gray ran at him full speed we had the same plan to cut his throat up. Him being so close to the ground we were sure we could. He swatted at both of us. I ducked under his hand while t-gray tried jumping over, got hit in the leg, and fell. Within the time it to raise his hand to deliver the final blow on t-gray, I once again fuck his day up. I shot him right in the last working eye he had. It was the biggest mistake I ever made.

To gain my Strength I fought Death was Reborn and Drowned in Anger, Grief, Happiness, and Pain. I'm insane and I'm the same and people will never understand my pain.


Let's recap on my day. Woken up by playful mom,ok, awesome shower, a celebration in the park, great, dirt nap, not so great. Then fight off the apocalypse, going smoothly. Or so I thought. This it's the worst day ever and sorry to say it got worse.

Ok where was I on the recap, oh that right. I shot it in the eye. He roared with pain and flailed around missing me and t-gray by the hair on my leg( one to two centimeter long). Yeah, things seem to be getting better. But as expected in during the apocalypse nothing gets better only worse. You see that roar big and ugly let out wasn't a cry of pain. Ok maybe it was, but because of that cry invaders started to reform. Yeah the apocalypse for you. Reformation of all body parts. It was gross, there was this bubbly stuff coming off of him. That stuff turned into arms and other stuff they need. That pile of corpses got up all of them. So yeah we were fucked. I mean we're tired and weapons gone. Except for a dozen knives and two pistols. The swords are useless now they had dulled down and chipped several times during our assault on his thigh. So here we are back where we started surrounded by abomination again.

Shit well I guess me and t-gray had the same idea. Cause together we ran forward anything to close got cut. He throwing knives like a madman. For a 13-year-old boy he had pretty good aim. I made a mental note to take all knives away from him when this over. Nah scratch that he can keep them. That large group of them was rushing over. Ahh hell no. We tried to get out of the encirclement but got surrounded anyway. There was nowhere to run. So we do this the hard way. We were fighting back to back when t-gray went flying. He went up and down. On the way down he was impaled by an iron fence. I looked for his attacker to my surprise it was big and ugly. He had one of his own in his mouth. His eye had healed. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing straight up. Well, I want to say I ran at it with anger to avenge my family death and my neighborhood but I ran. The crowed of things had parted out of fear. I used that to escape. I ran long and hard. There was so much fear in my eyes and heart I know it is seen, it when it looked at me, it saw it!! I hated myself I was weak I always ran, everyone was always stronger and bigger than me. My whole life people always got the better of me and I always had to use my mind and stealth to get revenge. As I ran from it I wish I could meet my enemies on the open battlefield and win. I've always been outnumbered and outmatched. But I never back down, one way or another I came out on top. But for once I want to be like them strong, arrogant, and cocky. But I'm not. I'm not, I'm too smart for my own good. I run hating myself with everything I got. If I was strong my family would be alive. If I was strong my brothers would respect me, the bullies at my school would too.

xoas xoas

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